Chapter 5

A Place No One has Ever Heard of

Seunghyun’s POV

I ran into Alex in the cafeteria while getting lunch. He must have been able to read my thoughts because soon after seeing me he said “Sorry to crush your hopes, dude, but she’s not with me; she’ in class.”

“I tried to play it cool. “Who said I was hoping that Gabby was with you?”

Alex snorted, not buying it. “I doubt the light in your eyes is cause you were glad to see me or,” he prodded at the food on his plate, “this extremely subpar food.”         

I looked down at my own plate and tapped the rock hard breadstick against the plate. “Careful there,” Alex warned. “You might chip the plate.”

“How have you managed to live off of this food for three years?”

Alex shrugged. “My diet is supplemented by the food we make in lab. And the food Gabby brings back on weekends.”

“Brings back from where?”

“Gabby always goes off campus on the weekends. This guy always comes and picks her up Friday afternoons and she stays at with him until he brings her back Sunday afternoons,” he explained. “I had lunch with him once since Gabby was late getting out of class and she asked me to stall him. He’s a very cool guy. Has a lot of col stories to tell.”

“Oh.” I had wanted to see if Gabby wanted to do something this weekend. Show me around the city, take her out to eat or something. I was relieved when I found out she wasn’t dating Alex but now I find out she’s actually with someone else. It made sense. Gabby has been nothing but kindness personified since I met her and she has a sort of understated beauty to her. She couldn’t be considered traditionally attractive but after spending as much time as I have around models and such the traditional ideal of beauty had gotten boring and the extraordinary looks just looked plain. I have had yet to see her hair down so I didn’t know exactly how long her hair actually was. She always had her hair tied up in a bun or some similar style, usually with a bow tied in ribbon. Actually, Gabby’s outfits always featured at least one bow somewhere, if not in her hair then a small silver bow on a chain around her neck or a watch with bows framing the face. She always wore knee length skirts or dresses except when she came back from one of her culinary labs and was in her chef’s uniform. She wore enough make up to accentuate her features but not so much that her face looked painted on. Some men might have found the height difference uncomfortable but I loved how she looked when she was looking up at me as she called me oppa or asked me a question.

“She always comes back super excited with some new piece of clothing or jewelry or something that she can’t wait to show me,” Alex continued, breaking me out of my usual Gabby related thoughts and making me wonder how excited she would be over something I gave her. “One time it was a geography text book from 1852. I couldn’t believe how worked up she got about that book. She sent it to her father for safe keeping cause she was so worried something might happen to it here.”

“And she spends every weekend with him?” Not surprising. If she was mine I would want to spend every moment I could with her too.

Alex nodded. “Kinda surprised she hasn’t talked to you about it. She gets excited every Friday about it. Guess you haven’t run into her yet today. I tend to send her off at her dorm around three if you want to come join in.”

“And he isn’t bothered that you’re always there with Gabby?” I asked, incredulously.

“Paul? Nah, I mean I don’t think he approves of me all that much but he doesn’t disapprove of me, you know? He thinks I’m a bad influence on Gabby but he knows she would throw a fit if he told her to stop being friends with me.” Alex placed his tray of food on the table

“How are you bad influence?” I asked, sitting down across the table from him, slipping my book bag off of my shoulder.

Alex shrugged. “I do typical college student stuff like drink and party sometimes. He’s pretty religious and strict. Gabby takes after him. You can when she’s really upset about something ‘cause she’ll actually curse. The first time I heard her say ‘’ I thought the world was ending or something. I don’t know who was more shocked at it coming out of , her or me.”

“She doesn’t drink?” I asked, shocked. “Never?”

He nodded. “She’s never had a drop pass her lips. Instead when she feels like what she calls ‘risky behavior’ she eats a cookie. She gets ditzy from the allergic reaction without ‘damaging her liver even more’ and she says she doesn’t need to try it to know that cake tastes better than vodka.” He shrugged, “means more alcohol for me.”

“No alcohol?” I asked again. Wine is one of the many joys of life.

Alex’s eyes narrowed at my repeated question. “You’re not going to try to get her to drink, are you? You can’t go ruining Gabby’s innocence. It’s highly appreciated by many people that won’t take kindly to someone not respecting her choices.”

I raised my hands in supplicating gesture. “Please don’t misunderstand. I plan nothing of the kind.” Her innocence and naivety is one of Gabby’s many charms. When encountered with a crude joke or reference her nose would scrunch up slightly as her eyes grew as wide as possible and she blushed slightly before she played it off with a small snort and a roll of her eyes. Other times the jokes would just fly over her head leaving a slightly confused look until the subject was changed or she whispered to Alex what it meant and he whispered the meaning back. Even more often whenever one of her friends was about to talk of something along those lines they would cover Gabby’s ears which would lead to her pouting and reminded the group that she was actually the oldest among all of them and therefore should be allowed to hear these things. Though, with her spending every weekend over at Paul’s house it’s surprising that she never got the nature of these jokes.

He nodded, apparently satisfied. “Keep it that way.”  He sipped his drink through a straw, slurping noisily. “So should I tell Gabby to expect you at the sendoff? Paul likes to meet all of Gabby’s friends so you might as well do it sooner rather than later.”

I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see Gabby and see what kind of man she was with. I nodded. “I’ll be there.”





I know, short chapter. I'm in the middle of moving across the country and we finally got the house on the market which means we have to evacuate it about 3 times a day so people can come check it out.
And yes, I also know that changing perspectives like this is usually considered bad writing but since it's my story I figure I can do what I want. I thought it might be fun to see what Seunghyun's thinking and feeling.

I'm working on the next bit as much as possible. I'm so sorry y darling readers that I can take a while between updates >.< but I figure as long as I keep updating I'm still in the game.
I always love comments even though I don't know how to respond to them so I just kinda stare at them and smile until my face hurts so tell me what you think about this update, what you want/don't want in future updates or anything else you want to talk about.

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Thank you!
I didn't have enough written for a new chapter but I added some on to the end of Chapter 4 so be sure to read over that!


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MyDarlingLove #1
Chapter 7: Go Seunghyun!!!! Way to speak the truth!!! I cant wait for the next update!!!

Congrats on your engagement and getting into a new college!!!!!
Chapter 7: to make her mine, i can't wait for it ^^

anyway, congrats for a good wife in future :D
sunset812 #3
Chapter 6: such a fun chapter. I hope Seunghyun gets invited to her place
rachel0134556 #4
This is the best Top fanfic I've read and I encourage you to write the next chapter now you need to post it now.
finally..I had been waiting for years lol
MyDarlingLove #6
Chapter 6: I love the dynamics of all the characters. The outline that you have gives so much room for you to fill it out and its fun as a reader to see how you do that. Thank you for the update!!!! Cant wait for more!!!!!
Chapter 6: I am now officially in love with this fanfic!
Really loved this update! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it {^_^}

Waiting for the next chapter!
loyal4ygfamily5ever #8
Chapter 5: ok so, having just finished chapter five... I NEED MORE!! >_< and I'm actually really glad Gabby doesn't drink or swear :) and I love "I always love comments even though I don't know how to respond to them so I just kinda stare at them and smile until my face hurts" you sound like me :D :D mwahahahaha. and yes I liked Seunghyun's point of view, and how she's trying to learn Korean and.... she better end up with Seunghyun, although Paul is... ok I guess. anyway, looking forward to reading more :D
loyal4ygfamily5ever #9
Chapter 4: I just found this fanfic and um... yeah it's really hard to die of enthusiastic feels when your mother is sitting across the room from you. I love this so much and it just hurts so much to read cause... gahh my imagination and.... yeah, great story. I shall take the rest of it to bed with me tonight and continue dying in peace >_< thank you for writing an awesome story :D
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhh my goodnessssss this story is so good and dare I say REALISTIC!

Everything about it is amazing.
I even really love how close she is with Alex....that's what makes it feel more real.
"Yeah this isn't all about her and top...she has a life" lol

It's so good. And Alex is a fun character! It's not like I'm constantly thinking about what TOP scene is going to come next while reading about Alex.

It reads like a real novel.

I can't wait for an update! <3