More Weekend Plans

Half Angel, Half Demon

“… and just remember, rainbows are God’s promise in which He shall not prevail,” Minho smiled warmly to the customer.

You stopped what you were doing and turned to Minho, giving him a weird look. The customer on the other hand, who’d look like she just awoke from the dark shadows, smiled back and literally, you could see a light go through her.

“Yes… thank you,” she whispered. Minho gave her the bag of sweets she order and waved goodbye.

As soon as she left, you made your way over to Minho.

“Okay, when Mrs. Kim told me to come help you guys because of the rush this morning, I wasn’t expecting you to be giving a sermon as well,” you said, still giving him a weird look.

Surprised, Minho stared back at you. “Oh, uh, you heard our conversation?”

“Obviously; you studying to be a preacher or something?”

“Um, something like that,” Minho scratched his head. He shrugged. “Look, she was just having a bad day and I wanted to help her feel better.”

*More like she was falling into the devil’s hands,* Minho couldn’t help thinking.

“Anyways, she seemed happier, and that’s what matters, right?” Minho said. Though he was smiling, something about Minho’s slightly nervous look told you there was information being kept from you.

“Hey!” a voice suddenly interrupted the two of you. “What are you two doing?”

You turned at the voice, finding Key smiling mischievously at you. As soon as you turned around, Minho immediately walked up to another customer to avoid you.

“We were just talking…” your voice trailed off as you noticed Minho already gone.

“So, _____, are you going to the party this weekend?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Good; I told BoA noona that if she couldn’t get you to go, I’d have to go ape-crazy on you to make you come,” Key grinned.

“Well, thank goodness I agreed,” you chuckled. You’ve seen a few of Key’s temper tantrums, and you swear, sometimes, it was like Yoogeun switched bodies with him.

“Anyways, Mrs. Kim also wanted me to let you know you can get back to the kitchen now that it’s been slowing down,” Key said, referring to the all the customers.

“Okay, thanks,” you replied. But you quickly added, “But just so you know, I heard you went dress shopping with unnie. If any of those dresses are super ugly or make me look like a clown, I’m gonna make sure your new clothes get a special trip to my fridge.”

“Hah! I know you better than that; you wouldn’t waste food on a silly prank,” Key smiled in triumph.

“True, but do you know how much expired food is in my fridge right now?” you innocently smiled to Key before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Yah!! You better not!!” you heard Key shout behind you.

Chuckling, you noticed Taemin sighing as he stopped mopping for a moment.

“Exhausted?” you asked.

“Well, gee, I just cleaned this entire kitchen by myself, cleaned all the pots and pans, ran errands for the bakers, washed down the ovens and stoves, and am now mopping; what do you think?”

“Aw, little Taemin’s moody,” you made a baby face at him, which he scowled at.

You laughed. “Seriously though, if you want to take a break, go ahead.”

“And let you take all the credit for my work? No way,” Taemin replied, returning back to mopping.

“Ah, he’s beginning to develop a brain,” you teased.

“I know evil when I see it,” Taemin couldn’t help grinning.

“Oh, really? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?”

“Why bother when the greatest evil of all is standing before me,” Taemin said, lifting his eyes to meet yours. As soon as your eyes met though, both of your smiles faded.

It was like, every time he looked into your eyes, a strange connection was strung between you two. Something inside you told you that you knew those eyes. Again. This thought had reoccurred every time your eyes met his; every time, those chocolate eyes looked like they could devour you and lift you to the skies all at once; every time, they looked like they could see right through you to your soul.

A throat cleared loudly, making the both of you jump from your trance.

“Mrs. Kim wanted me to remind you two that the new washing cloths are in the other kitchen,” Jonghyun said, a knowing grin spread across his face.

“Right,” you nodded, trying to appear normal. “I’ll go get them.”

As you quickly walked out the other door, Taemin glanced back at Jonghyun, who was still wearing that goofy face.

“Don’t start,” Taemin growled.

“Maknae, you’re blushing,” Jonghyun smiled in amusement. Taemin only sent him a glare in response, making Jonghyun laugh.




“… and remember, the darkest days are just around the corner,” Sehun smiled a little too happily at the customer.

You paused, setting down the cleaned clothes on the counter for the next customer. Looking at the customer, he was clearly surprised at Sehun’s choice of words.

“Uh, thank you,” he cringed, as if Sehun’s words only worsened his day.

“Um, forgive my co-worker. He likes to joke around,” you interrupted, pushing Sehun aside with your hip. “Please, have a nice day. I assure you, brighter days will be ahead of you.”

The customer sent you a kind smile and strolled out. As soon as he was gone, you turned and gave Sehun a glare.

“What?” Sehun asked innocently.

“’What’? You tell a customer that their darkest days are just around the corner and you ask me ‘what’? Are you kidding? Sehun, do you not understand customer service? Are you trying to make Mr. and Mrs. Lee run out of business?” you asked, clearly angry.

Sehun opened his mouth, about to answer one of the questions when you cut him off by holding up a hand.

“Forget it. You obviously don’t know what rhetorical questions are either,” you mumbled as you walked back.

Scratching his head as he looked after you, Sehun just shrugged and waited for the next customer to come in.

“Oh, _____,” Mrs. Lee called as you walked past them. You stopped.

“Yes, Mrs. Lee?”

“I forgot to ask you; are you going to the Annual Business Reception this weekend?”

“Unfortunately,” you smiled tightly back at her.

She laughed. “BoA finally wore you off, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” you nodded. “You and Mr. Lee going as usual?”

“Yes, of course; it’s the only time I can get him to go out besides for work,” Mrs. Lee sighed disapprovingly, which made you chuckle as Mr. Lee sent her a frown.

“What about the boys? Do you know if they’re going?” Mrs. Lee asked.

You shook your head. “Haven’t asked. I actually have been kind of avoiding the whole thought of the party; BoA’s already set out dresses for me to try on,” you explained.

“Well, at least she’s excited,” Mr. Lee laughed. “We’ll ask the boys later about it though. Maybe you all could go together.”

“I was actually gonna go with some employees from the bakery. But the more, the merrier,” you thought for a moment. “Actually, it’d be nice if they all met. They’re all so alike.”

“That’s good; the boys need more friends since they’re still so new to this town,” Mrs. Lee nodded. “Now, go on and help Kai before the boy starts coming to look for you.”

“Yes, Mrs. Lee,” you chuckled.

Entering the washing room, you spotted Kai hanging up clothes on the rack.

“Ah, here finally comes the princess,” Kai said. “You done checking yourself in the mirror now?”

“Haha,” you said back sarcastically. “You and I both know that out of the two of us, you spend more time in front of the mirror.”

“Only because I actually have something nice to look at,” Kai shot back and you threw a shirt at him.

Laughing, he caught the shirt before flinging it into a drying machine.

“You might wanna get your ego checked out,” you stuck your tongue out at him. “It’s a little too big for this world.”

“Hey, if you can handle me, I’m pretty sure the rest of the world can,” Kai grinned. “Then again, I’m pretty sure you can handle pretty much anything.”

You paused for a moment, your mood falling. The way Kai said it, he made you sound like Super Woman…

*I’m actually far from it though,* you immediately thought. You weren’t able to handle much in actuality; heck, the repressing flashes of memory of the night your parents died still haunted your dreams. You weren’t strong at all; you just were getting by.

“… _____?” Kai asked softly. You felt him approach you. For a moment, you had forgotten about him.

Turning to him, you noticed his face expression concerned and cautious.

You forced a smile. “Sorry, blanked out.”

Kai watched you carefully though.

“Come on, we’d better hurry up,” you said, immediately taking a pile of clothes to a washer to distance yourself from him.

Kai felt himself sigh. You were shutting down from him. Something was clearly bothering you, but he didn’t want to push it; he would wait. For now, all he would do is just stay by your side.


“Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Lee,” you waved to them.

“Goodbye, sweetie. Send your brother our love,” Mrs. Lee said as Mr. Lee waved goodbye to you.

“I will. Good night,” you gave one final wave and left through the door. All the while, Kai’s eyes followed you. Curious and concerned, he watched you until you disappeared from his sight.

“Good night, boys,” Mr. Lee said, interrupting Kai’s thoughts.

“Good night,” they all chorused together as they started heading towards the door.

“Oh, wait!” Mrs. Lee suddenly shouted. “I forgot to ask you boys; will you be going to the event this weekend?”

“Event?” Suho asked, wearing a matching confused face with the rest of the boys.

“I guess you boys didn’t get the memo, but there’s an event this weekend for all the businesses around town,” Mrs. Lee explained. “It’s nothing much; just a nice get-together. Of course, you all would have to dress up though.”

“Erm… we don’t have nice clothes though,” Baekhyun sheepishly said.

“You don’t?” Mrs. Lee asked, surprised. All six boys shook their heads.

“Well, that’s alright. Just pick any one of these suits,” Mr. Lee said, gesturing to the clothes on the racks.

“Uh, are you sure, sir? Wouldn’t your customers get angry?” D.O. asked.

“What’s a laundrymat if you can’t even borrow a few clothes? Besides, we’ll wash the clothes twice; once before you boys wear them and another time after the event,” Mrs. Lee said. The six boys still looked unsurely at the couple though.

“Oh, all right, if you boys are that worried, we’ll even include a coupon for a discount the next time the customer comes,” Mrs. Lee waved off.

“Now, come, let’s get your measurements. There are many nice suits here, so there must be at least one that can fit each you boys,” Mr. Lee said, gesturing for them to come look at the clothes.

The boys took one last glance at one another before finally joining Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee in their search for the perfect suits.

With an amused smile, Kai went to Mrs. Lee who was recording their measurements.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Mrs. Lee?”

“Yes, dear?” Mrs. Lee asked, focused on the measurements.

“Do you know... if _____’s going?” Kai asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it.

“Ah, yes, it seems that girl will finally be going to that event this year,” Mrs. Lee smiled, as if remembering. “It’ll be nice to see her actually dress up for once. She is a beautiful girl, but I’d love for her to enjoy being a girl at times.”

She paused. “Is there a reason why you asked though, dear?”

“No,” Kai shook his head. “Just wondering.”

As she continued concentrating on his measurements though, a smile slid onto his face. Yeah, he definitely couldn’t wait to go to this event now.

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Chapter 43: I literally read this thing the whole day since I discovered it just this morning. It's amazingly written. God, I want to hug you for all of the roller coaster of emotions this fic brought me in one sitting as I read through it. Thanks for that. *sniffs* All the best! :)
Kurosawa_Shizuka #2
Chapter 43: Omg I. This fanfic. Omg I literally cried when I read the last 2-3 chapters ;-; The feels were real. This fanfic was written so well, and I can't stop wanting to read more but it's over ;-; The happy ending was nice, though I wish we could get a one-shot sequel where they get to meet SHINee and EXO hyungs again. Amazing fanfic <3 Can't wait to read your other work :) Hwaiting~~~
abcd20 #3
Chapter 43: Ohh it's over.. I do really like it ... It was cute and funny ...well written
Chapter 43: Hello :) I barely log in to this site anymore, so when I saw that you had updated it, I got really excited! The story was really beautiful and I love how they both, in a way, ended up with her! It was great! This was a good story! ^^
Chapter 43: Awwwww this story was so good!! Thank you for finishing it!!!
Chapter 43: wow such a beautiful story \^o^/ thanks for the update! and tagging me >.< love youu
Chapter 43: Awwww was beautiful story!!!!!! Congrats author-nin
Chapter 43: HELLO! I am glad that you updated now because I would never be able to have read this story otherwise! I really like it and enjoyed it tremendously! I loved how the story flows and how they became more human rather than angels or devils when they were on earth. The angels were not as kind hearted (they still scared the little boys who bullied Yoogeun and Jonghyun being erted ) and the devils start to care about each other and other people as well.
Yumi1995 #9
Chapter 40: Whoooa,thank you for the wonderful update author-nim.Fighting!!!!!!
Chapter 39: omgggggg nooooooooo!!!!! over in best!!!!! update soonnnnnnnnn >< i not cai wait!!!