

You were a tomboy. The boyish girl of your school, a real one. Not one of those girls slightly less girly who calls themselves boyish. No, you are boyish to the core and it makes you the scariest girl around. No make-up for you, no dresses, no high heels and no troubles. It took you fifteen mintues to be ready to go the morning, and to be honest, that was the way you liked it. You would always have that little smirk on your face whenever some girl would say it took her two hours to be ready, and would complain about it. You weren't the meanest person around, but you weren't the kind to smile to everyone and ask them randomly how they were.


You also looked very boyish. It was a cold spring day, so to be confortable, you had your two boy vests, coming stray from the boy section in a shop near you, a loose t-shirt, your favorite jeans and some old sneakers you never really wanted to get rid of. You had your headphones on your ears, listening to your favorite band, walking to school. On your way, you saw him, the kingta of the school, that big headed, good for nothing, extremely popular guy you wanted to slap.


You hid your face with your hoddie, putting it over your head so no one could see how much you were smiling. Of course you had a crush on him, how stereotypical can you get. You even considered one day putting on makeup just to see if you would get just a little bit of his attention. That was how much you were in love with him.


Lee Hyukjae.


You hated the swarm of bees around him, though, that's why you never talked to him. You didn't fall for him because of his looks, though he was y as hell and candy for the eyes, you fell for him because of his personnality. It's not an excuse you made for yourself, really, you did.


You knew he was working part time in a pet shop, taking care of the animals with such a caring touch, it made your icy heart melt. You never knew he could be this kind, considering those annoying girls always around him. The kind of girls who would laugh at you because you liked music they didn't and wore clothes that wasn't in fashion. He was petting a little puppy, maybe fifteen weeks old, and was giving it little treats. You, you were looking at him with a smile, hoodie on your head since it was a rainy day, holding on to the food you were buying for your own dog. You left with this image in your head.


And it stayed. It started from respect and ended up making you blush everytime he was near. You might be boyish, you were still a girl. You had only one class in common with him, and though he still had some of his fangirls with him, at least you got to see while listening to th boring teacher. You were good though, he never caught you staring, since you were very careful to look in his way only when there was a reason. You would stare from the corner of your eyes, actually staring in front of you like if you were lost in your own world. That was when you were lucky enough to be sitting behind him, which wasn't the case that day.


Your headphones were in your locker, sadly, and your eye candy was sitting in the back. None of your friends were in your class either...seemed like you would really stare in front of you and be lost in your daydream. Something like, what would you say to that crush of yours you only talked about to your best friend. Or what could you buy to your dog just to see him be so caring and sweet looking again. Or...


-You'll be in teams that I will make. No complaining!


They complained anyway. You rolled your eyes. People, seriously, it's not like you could do something about it, even if you around...You had a little smirk. Of course they would complain, the girls wanted to be in team with Hyukjae. Obviously.


The teacher looked at you, said you name, then told you with who you were in team.


Guess who.


Of course.


-Ehm, hi.

-Hi, you simply answered.


Hyukjae was so handsome, even more up close. You looked at him without any expression on your face, staring blankly. You heard some girls complain behind you, saying mean things about you in a whisper, thinking you couldn't hear them. Like you even cared. You barely knew what you had to do right now, so you read the sheet of paper quickly before asking him if they should start now. It was easy, you knew that stuff already, and that was why you were never listening. It was also why the teacher wasn't bothering because you weren't listening. You were good in school. Not the smartest in the whole school, but good enough to be able not listening and have good grades.


You quickly learned something else about that cute face.


He was really bad. You could make it easy and finish it all yourself, but seeing him try so hard to understand why you did what you just did was so cute, it made you smile.


-I'm...sorry, he said shyly.

-It's okay. Here, I'll explain it to you.


And you did, and it looked like you were some kind of magical worker because he tried it himself and did it on his first try.


-See? Not that hard, you said with a smirk.

-I did it! Thank you!


In the end, that simple exercice took until the bell rang, helping him out. When he left, almost dragged out by his squealing fangirls, you noticed the smile on your teacher's face. Seemed like he knew what he was doing when he put the two of you in the same team. You went your way and caught up with your friends.


It was the week-end and you were in that pet shop where he was working trying to pick a new collar for your dog. That little idiot had eaten it's last one. You were crouching, looking their designs in search of something that would be adorable on your favourite furry friend. You had taken off your headphones since you were inside, and you were kind of in the middle of the way. You had two collars in your hand, not sure which one would fit better.


-I should have brought you alone, fluffy one, you muttered to yourself.

-Do you need help?


You froze a moment, knowing that voice. Did he recognised you? Did he even remember who you were? You looked up, still holding the two collars.


-Hey, he said with a bigger smile.


Yup, he recognised you.



-Do you need help?

-No, I'm...I'm just wondering which one I should get for my dog.

-What kind of dog is it?


He crouched next to you, talking casually to you. To you. You. Yes, you. You were talking about your dog to your crush. To chose a freaking collar. Could your day get better?


-Want to see the puppies?


You nodded. You had to collar he casually told you would be the best and walked to the puppies right in front of you. He used his employee's key to open one of the cages and took out the puppy carefully, petting it's head. It was looking at you with those big brown eyes. Hyukjae handed it to you, smiling gummily. Seriously...Those two were adorable. At least you go to hold the puppy. You were smiling, talking to the puppy with a sweet voice. You actually forgot for a moment that your crush was looking at you still. You kissed the top of the head and handed it back to Hyukjae, acting all serious to forget the fact that you were beginning to blush.


-I should go, I got things to do.



You left with the collar in a little plastic bag, listening to your music. Once back home, you gave the collar to your dog, find a leash and went outside for a walk. You needed some time alone, to think, and bringing the dog would look less suspicious than just walking without reason in your neighbourhood, at least to your parents.


So, you had a crush, that was normal. Anyone could have one! He was the popular guy, with lots of friends and fangirls, while you were that boyish looking girl with no motivation at all to look like what society said was a girl. Not such a good start, but you already knew that. Now, you had luck to talk to him without all those annoying bugs around him, and he was as sweet as you remembered him to be with those animals. You also talked to him while he was at work and got to pet one of the puppies. He didn't look annoyed to see you, he looked...happy.


That was what was making your head spin. Why wasn't he the jerk you though he was the first time you ever saw him? That would not give you such high hopes. It would not make you think that he might end up being someone you could talk to inside and outside school.


Yeah, because your hopes had a limit, the best you could hope for was being his friend, and that was it. Thinking of him as a potential boyfriend was too much to ask, and your sanity would not accept being rejected.


You dog pulled on the leash, making you look up.


-What's going on, you big idiot?


You pulled back, making it stop, then crouched in front of your furry friend. You smiled and pet it, shaking your head.


-Are you running after leaves again?


You scratched your friend behind the ears before resuming your walk.


The next time you saw your crush was in class, and it wasn't for long since you were, again, sitting in front of him. Those seats, really...they were ruining the only pleasure you had in this class. He was early, though, and he wasn't surrounded too. There was only you and three other students already there, and they were too busy talking between them to even realise you and Hyukjae were there. Not that you would usually care.


-Hey, how are you?


Wait what?


You looked up and saw Hyukjae there, smiling, talking to you. You waved hello, since you weren't sure if you were still able to talk to this point. Maybe you would squeal, but that was pretty much it. What seemed like a few minutes of stupid staring from your part was only a few seconds before you finally answered.


-Yeah, you?

-I'm not bad, though I'm not really good in this class...Or any, for that matter.

-You can't be that bad.



He grabbed the chair next to you and sat down, talking about how much troubles he had. You were listening closely, not because it was so interesting, but because you liked his voice. The way he was talking, the little waves in his intonation, it was pure pleasure for your ears. Actually, your attention must have been divided because it took you a few moments before realising you had said something to him.


-I can help you, if you want, you said.

-You would? Seriously? I would owe you so much!

-Yeah, I don't mind it.

-Thank you!


He grabbed your hands and squeazed them, smiling so widely, he had some little wrinkles next to his eyes. You know, those little lines created when someone smiled too much. You stared, looking like you didn't mind it at all, not a single reaction on your face, but that was because your brain had shut down, both because of how cute he was and because of what just happened. He left your hands alone and grabbed your pen to write his number inside your notebook, scribbling it quickly before getting up to take his palce, since people were starting to come in.


-It's my cellphone, just text me, okay?


-Thank you again!


If he knew that his charms were making your legs go Jell-O, if that bastard was using this beautiful smile to get you to do some tutoring to him...You couldn't be happier. You lay on your desk, hiding your face in your arms, ignoring the people yelling and joking around you. Even when the teacher came in and ask for everyone to be silent, you didn't move. You didn't want everyone to see the big smile on your face.


You were so hesitant about texting him, you did it only at the end of the day, only saying hi and that it was you. You were so scared that it was a joke, you hid your cellphone in your pocket and forgot about it until you were back home. I was only when you plugged it to be recharged that you noticed you had a new message. It was him, asking you to tell him when it wouldn't bother you to help him out. He insisted on the 'not bothering you' part. This idiot...Was he oblivious of your feelings or was he acting like this to not make you feel bad? Or was he really that sweet? You told him about when you were free, and before you could leave your cellphone alone to do your stuff, you heard it vibrate on your desk. You grabbed it back and started at it. No...He...


In a matter of minutes, you had agreed on seeing him at his place next friday, since it was better than always being bothered by people in the library, and because it was a day off. You didn't say that, he did. He invited you over, to his place.


-It's not a date, idiot, you muttered to yourself.


That friday came so slowly and so quickly at the same time. You wanted to see him, because du'h, you have a crush on him, but at the same time, you were so scared because you didn't want him to know that. You woke up three hours early, too stressed out. You let yourself roll out of bed and made your way to the kitchen. You made yourself breakfast, walked back into your room, opened your computer and played until you decided it was time to get ready, so about half an hour before you had to go. You two had agreed on meating quite early, since it wasn't like you two were best buddies. You knew you would leave in the afternoon, and it didn't bother you that much.


You were wearing something special that day.


New snickers.


Yeah, like you would change your style for someone else. You were helping him out with his homework, not going out on a date. Even if it was a date, that was you, and if he wasn't happy about it, then he just didn't have to ask you in particular to come.


When he opened the door, he was looking a little tired, but in a good mood.


-Hi, he said.

-Hey. May I come in?

-Sure! Sorry for the mess.

-It's not that bad.


Sure it wasn't, it was better than your room.


-What do you want to start with, you asked.


So you two got started, and though he had a hard time with most of it, he did become better. That made his mood so much better, you never would have guessed he could be that happy, and still always be happier.


-Does doing homework always makes you that happy, you asked with a smirk.


He looked a little schocked, staring right in your eyes. For a moment, you thought you said something wrong. Those big brown orbs were showing how surprised he was by your comment.


-Just... forget what I just said, you added quickly, feeling a little bad.


You grabbed your pen, anything to avoid looking at him at the moment. You had to open your mouth. Of course you had to, you forgot that he wasn't your friend, that your own feelings weren't shared. You forgot and acted natural, saying what went through your head. Idiot... He stayed silent, probably still processing your idiotic comment.


His fingers appeared in your vision and grabbed your wrist gently, getting your attention.


-Can...can I ask you something, he asked shyly.


No, you were not blushing. You almost told him he couldn't, but you were not that mean, and the look on his face was serious.




You and your lack of emotion...


-Do you...hate me?


The blank look on your face made him start a monologue, telling you he thought you hated him because you were always kind of cold, and before the day you were forced to be in team, you would always look away or go the other way whenever he was around. You were confused. First, you never knew he could talk that quickly and look so nervous. Second, you never knew he even noticed you before. Third, even if he did notice you, why did he even care? Bastard...was he giving you false hope again?


-Want the thruth, you said.


He looked scared.


-I hate you. I never liked you, actually. It's so annoying to see you come around with you constant crowd, acting like you're the center of the world when you can't even get things as simple as this.


He let go of your wrist, almost about to cry. You groaned. Saying the oposite was so much simpler than being honest. You looked down, then sighed. You face was getting red by the second.


-What do you think, idiot? Like I would get up that early just for anybody...


You felt uneasy, shy and overly conscious about what you just had said. You also regretted every word you just had said. You didn't know if he would get the confession you just did, even you couldn't get over the fact you just insulted him so bluntly, without even looking bothered by your own words. That until you actually contradicted your mean words.


You just wanted to get up and run away.


That until his hand touched your face, sliding from your cheek to being your head, pulling you towards him. Your lips touched his.


His lips.


On yours.


You wanted to pinch yourself, but you were too shocked to do anything other than taste those lips. You didn't push him back, obviously, but it did took you a little while before answering the kiss. Seeing you weren't doing anything against it, his hand went through your hair, softly. His lips pressed a little more roughtly against yours before breaking it, lowering his head. You were confused, again, but in a good way. Your head was still spinning a little and you couldn't get over it. He had kiss you. Voluntarily. You were dreaming, right? Your crush couldn't possibly...


-I like you, he said softly. A lot. I always thought you were cute.


You were about to ask what was cute about you, but you had no voice.


-I wasn't happy about understanding my homework, I was happy you were here. So, I understand if you don't want to go out with...


You kissed him back, making him shut up before he could finish his sentence. Seriously, he was blind. It was his turn to be surprised, though, and that made you smile.


-You know you're stuck with me now, right, you said with a smirk.



You two kissed again.


The girls weren't happy to see their dream boy being snatched away, especially when the girl was still going at school with her plain clothes. You were still boyish as ever, taking fifteen to be ready in the morning and going to school with your headphones on. The only changes was that instead of wearing your boy vests, you were wearing your boyfriend's ones, and you were always greeted by this gummy smile.


Plus, you would still help him with his homework every weekend.


Well...most of the time~






I think she came out boyish enough.


Anyway, I hope you liked it, I'm going to study because I have a exam tomorrow and I didn't even check what the heck I had to study XD

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Gosh, why didn't I find this a year ago? This was an awesome story and I feel the same way about the "boyish girl" character authors usually use that aren't at all boyish. It gets really annoying when you're searching for the tomboyish girl stories. You're awesome!
Chapter 1: Awwwww so fluffy
Chapter 1: I love this to be honest it came out beautiful im starting to cry alittle
Chapter 1: Hell yeah, fudge 'em girly girls xD
Im like that too -_- and those stories were the girls always change irritates me why cant the guy change for once. Anyways im dying to read so please hurry in a good not pushy way. :)