
You Only Have One Chance

Saturday is approaching and you still have not asked your parents yet. Gathering up your courage, you walk into the living room where both your parents were.
"Umma, Appa. May I go to a concert with Jiyoon?" You shut your eyes tight, anticipating their answer.
"I guess so," your mom replies without looking up.
"Just don't come home too late," your dad adds.
"MWO?!? Kamsahamnida Appa! Umma!" You run over to their side and land a kiss on each of their cheeks. Your parents chuckle at your childish actions as you run back to your room. You call Jiyoon on your phone and wait for her to pick up.
"What are you talking about Soojin?! Of course we're going. We can't miss this chance. You only have one chance ya know?"
"I mean I didn't ask my parents before but I just asked and they said yes! Yes!" You jump up and down on your bed in excitement. You are literally the happiest girl alive right now. B.A.P?! Breathing the same air as them and being less than a mile away, what more could you ask for?


Saturday came quickly. You are at Jiyoon's house. The two of you were huddled over her computer screen in her ginormous seafoam green room with walls covered with posters of B.A.P, Teen Top, Infinite and Beast.
The tickets are to be released at 12PM on the dot. The clock strikes 12 and Jiyoon furiously clicks 'Buy' on every tab that she set up. The screen turns blank and later presents a screen that reads "All tickets are sold out. Check again later,". On. Every. Tab. Jiyoon screams in frustration while pulling and twisting at her hair and you sit there in shock. You were so sure you were going to get tickets. There can't be THAT many Babies in New York, right?
Who am I kidding, you thought. It's NEW YORK CITY. People from all over the country are probably buying tickets to see B.A.P. You curse yourself for living in the most popular city in the East coast.
"YAH! HAN SOOJIN! Eoddeokke?! Our chances of seeing B.A.P oppose…."
Jiyoon's knees buckle under her and she falls to the floor, face down under her computer desk. You nudge her arm with your foot. You couldn't help but giggle despite the situation because Jiyoon can be so dramatic at times.
"Yah, get off the floor. There's always the meet and greet. We can try to win a high-touch session with them."
"I know but…" Jiyoon rolls over onto her side and faces the wall.
You walk into her bathroom and grab a cup, fill it with water, and return to Jiyoon.
"Jiyoon-ah," you coo.
"Neh?" Jiyoon turns around and you greet her face with a downpour of water.
"Pay back for spitting at me,"
Jiyoon flicks your forehead. A pain pulses through your body.
"Aish!" You respond, rubbing your forehead. A smile creeps across your face.
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, yeah."
Jiyoon gets up and goes to the bathroom to dry off. You sigh and sit in front of the computer. The truth is, you are really disappointed. The one time your favorite group comes to the city you're in, you're not able to go. A few moments later, an idea pops into your head.
"Jiyoon," you call. "I think I have a way to get ourselves into the concert…"



Thanks for supporting me! I'm on a roll with the chapters right now so new chapters will be appearing really soon. Do you have any suggestions on what should happen next? I'm planning on a change of setting... Please look forward to it!

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Chapter 5: Update soon!
Update soon I love it so far!!!!!!! :33
happyteddybear #3
Chapter 2: It's really good so far! Ahaha~ this was me, except...I didn't go to the concert lol
Oh, by the way, I think it would be helpful if you change the font color, since the light pink on a white background kind of hurts my eyes...otherwise great job!