
Letters from a Weakling

"Your depths made a pressure that punctured my works and all your
fluids couldn't tolerate the force of my thirst
I love the place where we shared our tiny grace
But because it's real doesn't mean it's gonna work"


It’s funny how you think you can just leave me

It doesn’t work like that Lu

Where are you going to go?

You don’t have a job

And you barely have any money

Aren’t you forgetting that you owe me?

I let you move in with me

I gave you a place to stay when no one else would

You’re so selfish

Where did this little confidence boost of yours even come from?

Because I know normally you wouldn’t dare speak to me this way

Who have you been talking to?

Whatever, it doesn’t even matter

So the little man thinks he’s strong, huh?

Well let me tell you something baby,

I’m stronger

And you already know that

You really want to know what those bruises

On your body represent?

They represent my dominance over you

You’re mine Luhan

And nothing you do will ever change that

Every time you are with someone

And you get intimate

They will see those ugly marks on your body

To let them know that you’re mine

No matter what you do

You will never get rid of them

Green and purple

Blue and black

I own you now

And there’s no turning back

I’ll admit though

There was a time when I loved you

You were everything to me

Too bad that didn’t last

Don’t act like you don’t need me anymore

Because I still have an ounce of pity left for you

Once that’s gone

And you come back begging

For my love again

I’ll just ignore you.

You have one more chance Luhan

If you just apologize now

Then I’ll forgive you

And we can go back to being normal


There will be consequences

But at least I’ll still love you

Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?

Its ok sweetie

I know it is

And I’m willing to brush aside our past

To make way for our future

I can still learn to love you Lu

We can be together

I’ll even come back.

Think about it

This is a onetime offer.

                                                           ~Oh Sehun

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Haha, sorry ya'll for making sehun such a . c:


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ilovekyuline #1
Chapter 11: New reader here** very interesting story~
Chapter 11: He's so stupid. Can't he understand that it's the end? Ugh.
Is this story over or there will be more?
Damn I liked it, I liked it a whole lot. I'm subscribing, whether you're updating again or not :D
Chapter 10: SYIT????????????????????/
musicloving4 #5
Chapter 10: No...:( I want HunHan
Chapter 10: I'm happy that Luhan found someone better. I'm sad that hunhan will not be together. I'm mad that Sehun's a jerk. And I hope Sehun slaps some sense into himself and go get Luhan back.......SO MANY MIXED EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!! T^T
turtlepanda22 #7
Chapter 10: WHOS THE GUY .____. Kai? Hehe idk but omg he finally stood up to him xD
Chapter 9: sehun u little prick
go away please
musicloving4 #9
Chapter 9: Oh dang Sehun...
turtlepanda22 #10
Chapter 9: Luhan no say no dont do it DONT LISTEN TO THAT PSYCHO