The first day

Lost in love

Zelo's P.O.V

"Yah! Choi Junhong, wake up!" Yongguk shouted near my ear. His voice echoed through my head. "5 minutes more", I said as I let out a small groan. I felt my body being shook by his large hands. I didn't budge though. I felt a weight being lifted of my bed, I heard the door slamming closed shut. A smirk crept onto my mouth as I mouthed 'Oh, sweet victory.'  I fell asleep within seconds. After a minute, I heard someone coming into the room. I ignored that fact and continued dreaming, then water was felt onto my head. "Who is doing this?!" I screamed in annoyance and saw a laughing Yongguk hyung. "Hyung-ah, can't I skip school for today?" I asked with my infamous puppy eyes. I heard a small 'Aw' that came out of Yongguk hyung's mouth. I could not help to feel successful, and it faded away when a hand smacked my head. I let out an 'Ouch' sound and was dragged like a doll to the bathroom. "Hurry up, you have 10 minutes to get ready." Yongguk hyung gave me his gummy smile and went down. 'It's the first day of school, there wouldn't be anything important.' I sleepily took my bath and wore my school uniform. I stopped in front of the mirror and did a 'manly' spin. "Don't you look handsome today, Choi Junhong?" I playfully complimented myself and chuckled at my cheesy remarks. 

  I rushed down to the kitchen. I grabbed myself an apple and saw the stiky note on the table.'You'd have to walk to school by yourself.' My mom scared me, she crept behind me and greeted me a 'Good morning.' I replied her a good morning too. "Seems like your friends went early." As she shot me a sleepy look. "Yeah." I said as I was half way to the door. I ran out the door and heard her shouted, 'Goodbye' I waved her goodbye. I walked down the slope hill and plugged my earpiece. I walked following the beat, Music is always the thing that starts my day. I started shooting raps which was quite loud, who cares. I threw my apple, somewhere. Without realizing, I was already in front of the school gates, I looked at my watch and shaped my mouth into an 'O' and thought to myself, 'I'm still early, wow.' A swarm of girls suddenly attacked me when I was walking along the corridors. I just ignored the fangirling. It was.. a normal thing? I met up with the other B.A.P members along the way. They were also being attacked. We gave each other 'the look' and sprinted away from those crazy fangirls.

Jung _____'s P.O.V 

 I said goodbye to my parents and walked down the hill. I was feeling nervous, it's my first appearance in a new school, why wouldn't I feel nervous. I let out a deep sigh and just tried to stay calm and enjoy the beautiful wide, blue sky on that day. My attention was brought to a voice, I hid behind a tree and saw the owner of the voice, the voice was rapping. I looked at him as he was also dancing. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. He looked very kind and talented! I couldn't take my eyes off him. I snapped out of halucination when an apple landed on my head. "Ouch, I didn't know the weather today would be raining apples." I laughed at my own joke and I felt quite lame. After that incident, I lost sight of him. I felt.. sad at some point that I lost sight of something so cute. I ruffled my hair and looked at my watch. '7:30?!' I mentally cussed at myself, it's already 7:30, you're in trouble, Jung ____, big time. I ran down the hill without stopping. It only  took me 10 minutes, probably. My breath was unsteady, I held both my knees with my hand as I did a 'bowing' posture. I held my heart to keep it calm and I let in a long breath and released. I went inside the school and walked through the corridors. 

 A swarm  of girls went pass me and all my books fell to the ground. I felt annoyed, I wanted to cuss at them. But, I was the new girl. That's a bad image for me of the first day. I blew my bangs and collected my books, I felt a pair of hands helping me. I slowly looked up to see that person, and I saw a very good-looking guy. I gave him a shy smile. He looked at me and smiled back. He collected the rest of my books and gave it to me. "Uh, thank you." I said to him while looking down. He chuckled and looked at me, "You're welcome and hello my name is Kwon Jiyong." He gave out his hand for a handshake. My eyes had finally met his eyes as I shook his hand. "My name's Jung ____." I smiled and let go of his hand. I broke the eye-contact between me and him when I pretended to clean my books. "You seem new to this school." He said it in a question tone. I just nodded and I heard him laugh. "Well, you seem really shy. You also look like my hoobae."

 "I am a hoobae, you're most probably my sunbae right?" I shot him a curious look. "Yeah, should I show you where your class is?" He said in a motherly tone. "Sure thing." I said as I showed him my class name on a piece of paper. He kindly directed me there. We walked together and he was the one that kept the conversation going. I only gave him boring replies. This is probably why I'm single. I thought to myself. We arrived at my class and the school bell rang. He gave me a reassuring smile and did a fistpump and he ran away, probably he was going to his class. I was standing in front of my class, I felt my heart beating fast. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. I held the door handle and opened the door. 

 I looked around the classroom and quietly went to an empty seat. It was a seat near a window and beside me was a boy. He was sleeping. I looked at him and examined his face, he looked cute. I was too busy looking and didn't realize the teacher came in. Everyone stood up and greeted the teacher. The teacher asked the new students to introduce themselves. It took a lot of time for my name to be called. I felt a little calmed. 'Jung ____' I heard my name being called when I tried to also sleep. I was quite upset. I went up to the front, and introduced myself. "My name is..."

No one's P.O.V

Zelo felt a person hit the edge of his table and that woke him up, he stretched his hands and let out a small yawn. He rubbed his eyes and it landed on the new face in front. He was finally awake. He blinked as he was almost bewitched by the beauty in front of him. It was the most beautiful thing his eyes has ever layed on. In one moment, he felt a beating in his heart. Could this be? He snapped out of his trance and he let out a 'Pft' sound, and mentally thought to himself. "Me, the school's cassanova feel, love?" He let out a small chuckle and continued dozing off. You went to sit to your seat and saw the guy beside you still sleeping. 'Tch, how could he just sleep so calmly like that.' You thought and rested your head on one of your hand. You were actually interested in wanting to get to know him. He looked quite familiar to you. The thoughts of that kept you busy for the whole time until break time. You hurriedly walked out of the door and saw a guy leaning his back at the wall. It was Jiyong. You seem flusterred at his presense. He gave me a smile,"How was class?" he asked. "It was fine." You replied plainly. You both walked together to the cafeteria. You only bought bread and just went out of the cafeteria. He followed you from behind and you both were now in the garden sitting on a bench, eating lunch together.

 It was awkward at first, but he cracked some jokes to make you laugh. His jokes weren't bad, you both laughed together. It felt like you both grew a little bit closer than the first time you both talked with each other. Then, you saw a group of six boys coming in your direction. You stared at them and looked at the tallest boy, he was rapping. His voice was very loud. The rap seemed familiar. You snapped your fingers. 'It's the boy from the hill!' You thought to yourself, Jiyong was looking at you and looked quite surprised. You said sorry to him and he accepted your appology right away. You laughed and continued staring at him. After, school had ended. You can't stop thinking of the guy, you met on the road. You sighed and tossed and twist in bed, wondering why was he on your mind. You fell asleep at the thoughts of him. 


To be continued




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