Part 1

Autumn Sadness


Still writing it! And realized that it's too long to be called as a oneshot. So consider this as part one. 



It was a warm summer evening when the wind brushed my long, blonde hair while my best friend, Tiffany, drove out in the open road with me.


"Where is this club you're taking about, Tiff?" I grinned at her as my question went along.


"Be patient, we're almost there." She glanced at me as she giggled.


"Won't your parents get upset when they find out?" She asked a few short moments later with a slightly worried tone as her eyes were now glued to the road.


"I doubt it. We made a deal last spring that I would be free to do whatever I want during summer vacation if I get perfect scores this semester... and of course I did." I explained confidently.


"I wouldn't let an opportunity like that slip by." I added with a smirk.






Heart pounding music surrounded the room as a shot of soju played on my tongue; feeling the heat of the liquor rushing through my body again.


"Another round here, please!" Tiffany shouted at the bartender after making her vodka face.


"This one's on me." The bartender spoke with a flirty smirk while her eyes were locked on me as she turned around and resting her forearms on the counter, presenting her goddess like body.


"Seriously?" I asked; giggling with slight drunkenness. 


She nodded as she kept her smirk and defaced us again to make drinks for other customers.


She had tan skin as she wore a black, tight, tank top along with a pair of black, tight jeans and stilts. Strands of her black wavy hair perfectly flowed behind her neck and shoulders. I couldn't help but stare at her for a few moments with dropped jaws.


"She's totally into you!" Tiffany whispered excitedly.


"No, she's not." I lied.


"Jess, if a bartender buys you drinks, she's totally into you." She answered with a drunken voice.


"What do you want me to do? Marry her?" I joked.


"Think about it as a summer fling... at least you'll get free drinks out of it." She pointed out before taking another shot of vodka.


My eyes moved from Tiffany back to the bartender; carefully scanning her y body as she still looked against us.


"Hey." I called out.


The bartender looked over her shoulder and gazed through my eyes after hearing my voice. A soft smirk slowly played on her lips before answering me.


"What?" She asked.


"This isn't the drink that I ordered." I spoke teasingly.


"That's the only drink you've been ordering the whole night." She chuckled as her body fully faced me.


"What if you come over around the counter to taste for yourself?" I answered as I released a small giggle afterwards.


She giggled along sweetly and was convinced to come by my side taking the shot I proclaimed wasn't the one I ordered.


She gave me a last look before holding the tiny glass and ily took the shot.


"I was wrong; this isn't the one you ordered." She lied with a smirk. Of course she got my order correct; I just wanted to play with her.


I slowly wrapped my arm around her waist and gently drawing her hips closer to mine.


"I told you, you got it wrong." I whispered against her ear.


"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" She asked with her flirty voice.


"You could start by telling me your name first."


"I'm Yuri..."


"Mine is Jessica..."






"Finally! I've been waiting for you." I spoke with a pout.


"Shift ended later than expected. Sorry about that, baby." Yuri answered as she panted after rushing from the club to where I was; slowly slipping her arms around my waist.


I softly kissed her lips and cupped her cheek afterwards.


"Let's go!" I grinned at her as I drew circles on her cheek with my thumb.


"I've been looking forward to this road trip since last week." I added as I slowly held her hand; pulling her to where my convertible was parked.


"I was so damn excited about this since the moment you spoke about this." She giggled as she sat at the driver's seat while I followed sitting next to her.


"Where do you want to go?" I grinned at her.


"Anywhere as long as I'm with you." She smiled back innocently at me and laid a sweet kiss on my cheek.


"You're the driver, what if we just go around the city?" I suggested.


"Sounds good to me." She answered as she started the engine.


It's been a month since the night Yuri and I first met and the more we got to know each other, the more I realized that this thing we had wasn't just a summer fling; it was real. It wasn't my intention for things to end up like this, but the craziest and most unexpected thing happened... I fell in love.


"Why are you looking at me like that?" She giggled while stealing glances at me.


I didn't notice that I've been staring at her the whole time she was driving.


"Have I ever told you how much I adore you?" I answered; avoiding her question.


"Millions of times... when you get drunk." She giggled again.


"No! I mean like when I'm not my drunk self." I pouted.


"I can't remember... I don't think so." She finally answered.


"Then I guess this is the first." I spoke as I rested my head on her cold, bare shoulder.


"I love you too..."


I lifted my flesh off her shoulder and cupped her cheek as I kissed her passionately.


Our heads tilted together in opposite directions to deepen the kiss until I felt her lips trying to mumble something.


"I'm driving..." The tips of her lips curved to a smile before I broke the kiss.


I flashed a satisfied grin at her while she continued blushing as she drove.


“Baby, it’s getting late.” She reminded worriedly.


I didn’t respond at her statement. I don’t want to go home. I wanna be with her every single moment. Even if I dream about her tonight, I won’t be truly happy because I would rather have her next to me… cuddling with me, feeling her warm skin making contact with mine. I want to be with her.


“Then how will you go home? This is my convertible.” I finally spoke.


“I don’t mind walking home, Sica. I just live a couple of blocks away from your house. You worry about me too much baby, you know that.” She grinned as she used her free hand to comb my blonde hair.






We shared another passionate kiss after stepping out in the car; our way of bidding goodbyes.


“Jessica!” My father called out from the front porch that caused Yuri and me to nervously break the kiss.


“Is this the Yuri you’ve been babbling about?” He chuckled out.


“Yes, daddy.” I answered innocently as I spied Yuri bowing her head with shyness.


“You should invite her in our family dinner tomorrow so your mother and I could formally meet her.” He grinned genuinely.


“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, baby.” I whispered along with a giggle as I glanced back at Yuri who still remained to look shy.


“Okay, daddy!” I looked back at my father while raising a “thumbs up” at him.


He seemed satisfied with my gesture and reminded to not take long outside and left us alone again.


“Wait, so you’re dad is okay with the whole same dating?” Yuri asked in amusement.


“Yeah. Both of my parents are but mom is the strict one and my dad is just the laidback type. That’s why he didn’t yell at me for coming home late.” I giggled as gripped on her arms.


“Don’t forget about tomorrow, okay? I’ll pick you up an hour before so I could help you get ready. Some of my relatives will be there.”


“I won’t forget… I promise.” She giggled back before stealing another sweet kiss from me.






“You look so adorable, baby!” I squealed in excitement as I saw her coming out of her house wearing a simple, white Sunday dress with white stilts while her hair was tied neatly in a ponytail.


I have to be honest; I love this version of Yuri more than the hot, y goddess I first fell for in the club a month ago. Although that hot, y goddess still turns me on from time to time.


“Are you sure?” She asked in an unsure tone.


“Of course I’m sure!” I cheered; stepping closer to her and cupping her cheeks with my palms as I laid a soft peck on her lips.


“Now let’s go, my parents are waiting. I’m so excited that you’ll finally meet them.” I grinned excitedly.




“Yuri! It’s finally nice to put a face to the name.” My mother grinned as she gave Yuri a comforting embrace.


“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jung.” Yuri smiled innocently as I stood beside her with my arm wrapped around her waist.


“You two are just in time. Jessica’s aunts, uncles, and cousins just arrived so we could finally enjoy supper together.” My dad slipped the words in the middle of my greetings with my mother.


“Thanks, daddy. We’ll head in the dining room now.” I spoke slightly irritated and pulled Yuri’s hips closer to mine as I lead her into the hallways of my home.


“You looked so possessive over me back there.” Yuri shyly spoke as I noticed her blushing hard.


“Well… You’re mine, right?” I teased.


“And you’re mine…” She finally looked at me and gave me an unexpected kiss as we continued walking.



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Chapter 2: Suicide squad literal wee
MyMistakeYK #2
Chapter 2: still favoriting genre strory like this. anyway, ur new sub here.. i will strolling round ur page. jeje
sunhi13 #3
Chapter 2: It's so sad QAQ
Poor YulSic.
Author-ssi, please write more about Yulsic, angst, drama, sad ending ㅋㅋ
Thank you~!
Chapter 2: Sadist me enjoyed this story! thanks
I like the sad ending!
Chapter 2: parents, parents, parents... Forever ruining somene's great relationship... And even caused 2 deaths.. Isn't happiness more important then money?
Chapter 2: I think it's better if jessica decided to go on, on her life.
angeliana89 #7
Update soon.. I like it :D
Yulsic jjang
Sounds good..^^
:) where is it?