
My Little Bride


shindong:minho how are you buddy?

minho:iam fine! i just want a favour from you

shindong:what do u need minho? iam sure your wealthy enough to snatch away everything from me!

minho:but this time i want to ask and take it

shindong:name it and it will be yours

minho:i want your grandson to be my son in law


minho:iam asking you to marry off your  grandson onew to my changmin

shindong:you have a son?

minho:yeah i have an only son 

shindong:but i have not seen him !

minho:you have seen him shindong! the person involved in your grandsons onew scandal is my son!

shindong:your joking arent you?

minho:why will i joke? my son loves your onew to deadth ! so please let them marry?

shindong:if u insist i must say yes to this marriage as it will save us from this scandal

minho:i knew you would accept my proposal!

shindong:i can never say no to you


changmin:what? i have to marry that arrogant brat?

minho:you love him rite?

changmin:who in the world said such rubbish things to you?

minho:i know you love him as the same as i loved your moms

changmin:can you please shut your

minho:you know your mom has a mole on his chest and flawless skin

changmin:can u please keep my moms and your life private?

minho:ok! you jealous freak! get ready you are getting married tommorow!

changmin:thanks a lot dad now i have to marry the prince of idiots!


yunho pov

what a nite i think i really love him!

his plump lips and his doe eyes melt my heart 

i guess i really do love him a lot!

but sorry jaejoong! i cannot stay with you! 

iam already engaged to my grandfathers friends son

i wish i could marry you!

jaejoong:yunhossi get out from my house 

yunho:thank u for that lovely treat jaejoong! i got my revenge

jaejoong:why did you do this? its hurting me!

yunho:i finally felt that nothing is good about you

jaejoong:so you used me?

yunho:yeah i used u ! who would want to stay with a 13 year old brat like u!

you are just a toy for my pleasure

yunho pov

i can see he is crying but iam sorry jaejoong i have to leave you!

forgive me!


changmin: mom................... yoo...........chun

yoochun:what did you call me mom??

changmin:yes mother

yoochun:iam so happy! 

changmin:i know! can i ask u something

yoochun:Anything son!

changmin:iam ready to accept junsu as my parent

yoochun:what happened to u? atlast god  had listened to my prayers

changmin:but i have one condition

yoochun:i knew something is fishy here

changmin:i want you to spend a week with dad!


changmin:just a week mom! after that whatever u say is fine

yoochun:i cannot do this

changmin:i thought you loved me mom! but now i know that you never wanted me

yoochun:i cannot do this changmin! iam married to junsu

changmin:you were married to my dad first mom!

if u want to see me again in this house then you have to sleep with dad

yoochun:dont be foolish changmin! 

changmin:decide mom either its me or your marriage!


jaejoong pov

i never liked yunho!

i never liked his kisses! then why iam i crying?

why do i want yunhossi to hug me rite now?

i feel like i miss yunhossi a lot!

but iam just a toy to him! a useless toy!


shindong pov

tomorrow my two grandsons are getting married  onew is marrying changmin

and yunho is marrying jaejoong!

what a cute pair they will be

i  think should atleast tell them their fiances name

but i hope keeping a suprise will make them more happy!

they will know who they are marrying directly in the wedding tomorrow



authors pov

thanks a lot for your support!




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hymeki #1
Chapter 7: updatee~~~pleasee~~~
yoaisummer #2
Chapter 7: Yunho shouldn't do that....he will regret later.hehe~~*evil smile*

P.S:-R.I.P MH370.I'm sorry say that in ur comment inbox.:(
Chapter 7: aigoo yunho how could you do that? =.=

poor joongie, but yun will regret it soon hahaha XD joongie go punish yun XD

anyways, wonder what'll happen next, curious much and thanks for this update ^-^
Chapter 6: how r u feeling now? continue to rest and hope your well now :(

yunho is such a ert lol XD poor jj hahaha XD as for min and minho aigoo, cute deal wonder what'll happen next, all the best ^-^
yoaisummer #5
Chapter 6: Lee Minho is Yoochun ex-husband?!o_O
Didn't c that coming.^^
Thank u 4 tis update!I'm happy!
yoaisummer #6
Chapter 4: O...I 1 the copy of changnew also!XD
I'm happy that u update and I looking forward!<3
Chapter 4: yay an update thank you for this.. lol onew and min vid scandal, who spreads it? though i want a copy joke.. and poor jj yun is forever toinks XD anyways thank you for this update and all the best ^-^
monshine #8
Chapter 3: yunnie and minnie...erted mode
yoaisummer #9
Chapter 3: I didn't know our jinki is that bad and I love it~
*evil laugh*
jasmineez #10
Chapter 3: Onew is so mean hoho i like it, changmin will marry onew yeay yunjae is my fav couple too. I enjoy this thank u. Wait for the next