chapter 3

uri oppa

"You're so noisy." Said Key with a straight face. He tried to carry five suitcases. When the girls saw it was a difficulty for him, they decided to stand up and help him.

"You're not going to ask what happened?" Asked Soo Min, while carrying one of his suitcase towards the door.

Key faced the ceiling when he pulled two suitcases up. Groaned the moment he pulled them up. "You and Hana failed for your tests right? Hana failed because she couldn't decide wich answer to chose and you failed because you still believe you have supernatural powers and can talk to a piece of paper. Bong Hi instead scored full points."

The girls glanced at each other when they put donw the suitcases. "We are that predictable?" Soo min asked offended.

"No," Key also put the two suitcases on the ground and opened the door. "It just happens to be this way all the time."

The four of them looked at a black car whom was waiting for key. A familiar middle-aged man stepped out and waved. Key waved back, when he turned his head towards his sisters he noticed they were also waving. "Yah!? Why are you waving?"

His sudden outburst caused the girls to scare up and the three stopped waving immidiatly. "Well, I know that man." Said Hana. "I met him today. That's why I waved back."

Key frowned and looked at the other two. "I waved cause Hana started waving." Said Bong Hi.

"I waved because it would look odd, whenever everyone waved and me not." Soo Min replayed.

"Whatever." Said key simpely ending the aimless conversation.

In the meantime the man reached the four siblings and greeted them. Then his eyes fell on Hana. "Oh!? You're Kibum's little sister? That makes everything easier. Did you make an dicision?" He man asked friendly.

Hana nodded shyly, "I accept the offer."

"Great!!" He man replayed cheerfully, while the other three watched them with a questioning face. "This girl will be SHINee's new clothes designer." He started to expain. He also explained what had happened this afternoon. "It's good to hear you agreed with my offer,  now I really like you to come along to Japan. This way you can meet the other members and I want to involve you as much as possible with SHINee."

Hana first stared at the man and faced the ground again. She would need to travel with four strange guys, whom she only new their face and names. Hana would not know what to do with handsome celeberties surrounding her. Then she looked up to her two sister. They were staring at her with their mouth open and huge eyes, which scared Hana. They would probably know what to do when they were with those people. Hana turned her gaze once more at the man. "Alright, but I want my sisters to come along." This seemed to suprize Soo Min and Bong Hi.

The man doubted for a second and then answered: "Deal."

"MWOOO??!!" Key almost fell. "When I thought I could relax for I weekend I hear my sisters are coming along!?"  Key rubbed the back of his head. "This is realllyyyyy dissapointing." Key angerly turned to the three. "Yah... If you dear to fall for one of the members I'll make you regret it."

The girls hurried inside to pack up their stuff for the weekend.

A/N: Sorry about gramatical or other errors! Hope you guys liked it, let me know!

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kolmilyo #1
hey!<br />
kolmilyo #2
twas a pleasure really.<br />
thank you for liking it.<br />
update again soon!
kolmilyo #3
GO!<br />
keep on writing.<br />
i'll support you and i'll be patient.<br />
just don't take too long updating. <br />