-chapter 9-

I Need You

                                                                     ~chapter 9 ~     

    4 years ago 


i never felt more miserable in my life ... losing the only family you have .. is the worst .. you have no one to lean on no  one to take care no one to be there for you no matter what you ...a hours ago my eyes stopped crying but the pain the saddness never stopped sitting at funeral of cores no one came  why ? beacuse who will go to a murders wife ..? and that make me hate this sick society ... i was sitting there holding my mom picture and just getting lost in my thoughts like how much im going to miss her ? or what am i going to do without her ..? but at last shes in happier place now .. shes free from this life ... i just wish she took me with her ... as i was lost in my thoughts i felt arms around me and without even looking i knew whos arms they are .. i slowly leand my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes to forget everything in this world to go to a place im happy in it ... 



after the funeral and after jongin took me back to home .. a lawyer came to my house saying that i have to go an  orphans house so that they can take care of me and they are really nice you'll have a great time their i just nodded casue i knew there was no way out of this as he left he house jongin came he looked at questionly as to whos that  guy  ? i let him in "hes a lawyer .. he came to let me chosse which orphans house i should go to ..... " jongin looked at me surpraised and came to hug me but i raised my hand to prevent him "its okay jongin im fine"i said smiling but i guess that didnt work for him and he hugged me anyways and i hugged him back we stayed like this for a few minutes untill he let go and took my face in his hands he took a deep breath "look jiyeon there is something that i need to tell you .. its very important ..... i....no...my  parents are going to send back to usa .." and i felt million knifes went threw my heart and everything is going away and i couldnt breath and i started to have a panic attack and i fell on my knees trying to breath why is everyone leaveing me ? why do i have to be alone ? tears already falling jongin already have in his arms trying to clam me a few minutes went by and i finally clamed down a littel i closed my eyes and took  a deep breath and looked at jongin "when are you going ...? "he looked down "three days from now ..''i hugged him and smiled "i'll.........miss you"i said and looked at him he looked down trying to make his tears go away and finally said "i'll miss you too "after that he took my hands and made me stand up he then took me out of the house "where are we going ..?" i said he smiled "you'll see " minutes later we reached the same play ground the we always play at he "promise me that 4 years from now in my birthday you'll come here " i smiled "sure"







   and that was the last time i saw jongin .. after living in the orphans house for tow months i ran away well beacuse they children of the hosue werent very fond of a killer dughter living with them and i couldnt take their bad treatment so i simply ran away yeah.. and changed my name so that no one will call me the killers daughter anymore my name now is "haru" i live in a very small apartment that has one pathroom and one bedroom and one verrry smal kitchen ..,and i work at three part time jobs one in nightclup (i serve drinks) and one at kimchi restaurant "the ajhumma there is very nice " and one  at book store  and i study college at the Art School i got in with my dance talent so i  didnt have worry to pay the cost  and yeah at the art school i met luhan hes one of the sweets and best thing happend to me he take care me like im his own sister he annoye me like im his littel brother we already firends for tow years now and iv been having this crush on him ever since i mean  he has the anglic face and the way he akes care of me ... its hard not to like him ~ that how much my life has changed since the past 4 years ... 













and finally LUHAN comes in the story WHOOOOOOO ~~ *twerk*  *twerk*  loool just kidding <<< i hope you enjoyed this chapter ~ ;) 

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toumiiA #1
I love this fanfic <333 !!! Please update soon ^^ ~