
I'm not a babo, I'm just an...

Seungho felt unsettled all day, he couldn't shake the dream, it was like he had been put under a spell or something like it. He had spent the better part of the day avoiding Joon, which was not an easy task. He seemed to pop up everywhere, no matter how hard he tried to put some distance between them. He was worried Joon would start noticing something, that he was behaving out of the ordinary, but Joon was such a babo he rarely picked up on such subtle things. Seungho was exhausted by the time they got back home after a day full of various MBLAQ promotions and activities. Seungho didn't mind working hard, but he did want it to pay off. It had sometimes been hard for him when the results didn't match up with the effort they had put in. These days they were doing really well so Seungho was very happy and loved the satisfied feeling of coming home dead tired after a hard day's work. He threw himself on the living room sofa, “Ahhhh”. Oh no, Joon sat down beside him, exhausted as well. It was going to be hard avoiding him in this small apartment, luckily he had his own room while the others had to share. Well, luck didn't have anything to do with it, it was a condition he had set, he needed a place of his own to retreat to when his temper was getting the better of him. Joon yawned and stretched his long, long legs. Seungho watched them as they stretched out for what felt like forever. It was common knowledge that Joon was extremely well built, incredibly fit with lean muscles, but after this morning Seungho had started noticing small things. The way his bicep bulges out when he raises his arm a certain way, the way the sweat runs down the back of his neck, the line that appears in his cheek when he smiles. What was wrong with him? Something was definitely not right. Joon turned to him “What's wrong? You look kind of worried.”. Seungho's heart fluttered, Joon's voice was ever so soft and the fact that he was concerned about him seemed to warm his insides. His inquiring eyes were so beautiful Seungho had to use all his strength not to get lost in them. Seungho was beginning to freak out, what had happened to him?

Seungho jumped up and left without saying anything. He went into the kitchen, a refreshing glass of water would snap him out of this.. this.. whatever this was. He got a water bottle from the refrigerator and closed the door. He froze. Behind the door stood Joon, how did he get here so fast? There were barely 2 cm separating them. Joon just stood there, without saying a word, examining him with his piercing eyes. Seungho started breathing more rapidly, which made him dizzy. They stood so close that Seungho could feel his warmth even though they weren't touching. He wanted to close the gap between them and take him in his arms, holding back hurt but he had to do it. He had to fight this madness that had overtaken him. The atmosphere was electrical. He stepped back, breaking the invisible bond between them. He thought he saw a glimpse of sadness in Joon's eyes, but he hid it well and got a water bottle from the refrigerator. He took a sip and a tiny stream of water trickled down his chin, sliding down his neck and disappearing into his sweater. Seungho watched mesmerized. He envied that drop of water. He shook his head, he had to snap out of it and fast!

He pushed passed Joon, bumping slightly into him and ran to his room. He closed the door and locked it. He needed to escape, to be alone. He was not right in the head. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation finally getting to him. Sleep, yes, that was what he needed. Ah, he had to pee though. That meant having to leave the room and risk a run-in with Joon again. He tried to hold it but after a while he couldn't take it any longer. He unlocked the door and peeked through a crack in it before quietly exiting the room as there was no one in the hall. He sneaked down the corridor, so far so good. He was about to enter the bathroom when he noticed a strange glow coming from under the bathroom door. It wasn't just that the light was on in the bathroom, it was a different kind of light. Brighter. Almost a mist that flowed from under the door. Seungho's curiosity got the better of him and he reached for the door knob. Slowly he turned it and holding his breath he slid the door open.


Seungho sat at the kitchen table chewing a bite of the sandwich he had in his hand. He didn't remember taking the bite out of the sandwich. He had no recollection of making the sandwich in the first place, or wanting a sandwich for that matter. What was he doing just a moment ago? His memory was fuzzy, maybe he was too tired. Sleep deprivation didn't have the best effects on the brain. He needed to sleep and clear his head. He finished the sandwich and went to bed.


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Summer Hiatus (see foreward) - happy summer! ^^


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Chapter 11: *pouts* Now I want the happy ending. Great Story.
Chapter 11: This was a beautifully written story. The way you constructed the plot was abstract in a sense & I can appreciate that uniqueness in the storyline. I really enjoyed the ending the most. It was really open-ended & left me wondering if they eventually got together. (My JoonHo shipper heart says they did.) Thanks for sharing.
satrina7 #3
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwww
Chapter 11: I loved every chapter. Tks for this author-nin. ^^
Chapter 9: awnnnn it was just a dream. poor seungho kekekekekeke
Chapter 11: ;A; It can't be done! Noooo! Please make a sequel with a happy Joonho ending! Pretty please? This is really amazing and I freaked out when I saw it was completed. You did a great job author-nim!!!
Chapter 8: oooh so sad, stupid seungho you should wake up from your selfishness...
Chapter 8: Oh Joon.... you say "Love you" breaks my heart. I also hate this prejudiced world. ;.; You write so little. =/ I want to read what happens next. PLZ update :D
Doyoreallynotseeme #9
Chapter 8: My feelings T_T why did you do to me!!!!
satrina7 #10
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwwww my feels T_T