The Man in Blue



                                                                                                                                                The Man in Blue; Chapter 1


"One ticket, please." Kyungsoo handed the cashier his payment, "Thank you."

It's already 3:15 pm. The show will start in 15 minutes. He was finding a good seat, luck favored him, he found one vacant seat on the second row, the first row was where the medias and interviewers were seated. He sat down and pulled his phone out of his pocket. As usual, 0 messages / calls. Kyungsoo never had a bestfriend, or even a friend. He's living alone. But he was never lonely, or at least he tries not to. He finds happiness in watching this particular person dance and perform. And besides if life is short, what is the point of being lonely?

By 3:25 pm, the theater was already packed. All the seats were accommodated by people of different ages. They've all been waiting for this moment. After 2 years, Kim Jongin (or as his fans would address him, Kai) was back. He will be performing again today. Kyungsoo was a fan, Jongin's dancing is his happiness. The reason is, Jongin is really good at dancing, no scratch that, he makes magic with his feet. His fluid moves, his graceful spinning and twirling, his rough yet smooth actions, they were all perfect. But the difference between Jongin and the other dancers was his expression. He's not dancing as in dancing but rather he dances like it's the last time he'll ever dance again. He pours in his emotions while dancing, his melting stares, lip biting and all that. It makes his almost-perfect dance to perfection.

The lights dim, leaving the theater in partial darkness. The only thing that's illuminating the theater was the stage lights. Kyungsoo grinned. He just really missed this.

Smooth jazz-ballet music played, the subtle melody filling the entire theater. The spot light was pointed at the tall, hair slightly tousled, tanned-skin man wearing harem pants and a black sequined top.

The man on the stage, with the spot light centered and illuminating him, started to make graceful movements with his arms and legs, the music guiding every move he makes.

He concluded his performance by performing a 360 degree spin, with a smirk on his face as his eyes stared at the audience.

The thundering sound of applause filled the theater as he steadily stood there, the feeling of being appreciated rushed inside his heart.



After several performances have passed, Jongin exits towards the backstage.

"How was it?" A man said, with a lisping sound accompanying his pronounciation. Sehun.

He turned and saw his bestfriend, "The outcome of my performance was great." He said with a grin plastered on his face.

Sehun hugged him, "Congratulations. I knew you would do good."

Sehun threw a water bottle at Jongin,

"Drink. Then go back to the stage, end your programme."

"Okay. Thank you, Sehun."

Sehun smiled in response then he went back to where he came from, wherever that was.

Jongin rushed back to the stage. The spotlight, again, illuminating him. He looked at the audience, all of them. His eyes landed on the person with big doe eyes, wearing a blue polo. He felt an unexplainable feeling.. some kind of euphoria, maybe? He broke the eye contact and continued eyeing the audience.

"Thank you all for coming tonight.. It's been a while now since I performed, thank you for being patient. Now, this maybe my last performance," the audience gasped, "But I'm not yet sure. So I really, really thank you guys for coming. It's really my pleasure to dance to you guys, thank you for supporting me. I really hoped you enjoyed the performance. 'Til then, this is Kim Jongin! Thank you, I love you guys." He bowed 90 degrees and made a heart shape to the audience.

The audience roared, Kyungsoo didn't clapped though, he was somehow disappointed that this maybe Jongin's last performance. He can't let this happen. He thought of many ways how he could pursuade Jongin that he must continue to dance. After minutes of brainstorming, he knew how. He just knew how.



                     a u t h o r ' s    n o t e                     

hey guys! sorry if it's boring? idk.. comment what u think about! school starts in a few days so i may not update that much but.. yeah enjoy~

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Luhanwife #1
It sounds interisting^^