First Day Of School Part 2

12 Boys + 1 Girl= Trouble (EDITING---VERY SLOW CHAPTERS)

“We meet again, bastard” Kris spoke up, the smirks on their faces made me want to kick so freaking much “What do you want?” I asked bluntly, I just want to o to the cafeteria eat a sandwich or something, why can’t I be left alone?

“We’d like for you to take us seriously when we order you something” Kai growled getting closer, out of all of these kids, I think he’s one of the scariest.

“It looks like we can’t trust you anymore, Hyemi-ah” Kris let out a ‘disappointed’ sigh, wow I’m so hurt.

“Should I be hurt now?” I asked trying to piss them off so I could leave, Baekhyun scoffed before he came towards me and placing his index finger on my chin.

“You need that, now, things are going to be the hard way” he smirked letting go of my chin, wait, what did he mean by the ‘hard way’?

“H-hard way?” I tried not stuttering but I ended up sounding as nervous as heck.

“Yes, sweetheart, the hard way” the one with yellow hair smiled fakely at me.

 Ok, I’m scared.

“Starting today, you’re living with us” one with big eyes came over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, I could only glare at him because I knew that if I made a move, they would all probably hunt me down.

“Live? With all of you? I’m sorry but I’m not living with men” I shook my head pushing the one with big eyes away from me and plopping back down onto the bench.

“Oh, ok then, would you like us to all move into your apartment, I’m sure we wouldn’t have any problem with sleeping in your bed…with you” Chanyeol whispered into my ear giving me a smirk, I felt shivers run down my spine, and I don’t like it.

“Aish! Why do I have to pick between two options I don’t even like!?” I raised my voice.

“Because now, you’re stuck with us” Luhan winked.

Someone please, just knock me out or something, I’m bored of this.

“Break’s about over, leave now” the one with red hair and puffy eyes pointed at the door, I eyed them all slowly before throwing them a nasty glare, I stood up and went out the door and down the stairs.

The hall was crowded, there were people decorating, other eating, others at the soccer field, I just wanted to eat or get my notes from the class, I needed to find Krystal, but who knows where she could be.

I was practically lost right now, and I had no idea what to do, I walked down so many halls but I got to nowhere.

“Help” I whispered while pouting and looking around, I finally spotted one of the small signs there are at the top of the wall that indicated where the cafeteria was, I smiled and walked quickly down the hall and towards the cafeteria.

“Found you!” before I could enter the cafeteria I was held back by skinny arms “I looked everywhere for you, you just disappeared” I recognized Krystal’s voice, I turned around and smiled at her.

“I got lost on my way to the bathroom” she chuckled and shook me all about “Hey the teacher asked me to give you some notes from the class, since you never came back” she said laughing, I grinned and gave her a hug.

“I don’t what I’d do without you at this point” she giggled and patted my head.

“Oh and I need some help with the preparations for the carnival next week, we’re given and extra note if we help!” did she say extra note? Really? Ok then I’ll help.

“I’ll help you!” she smiled and nodded “Thanks, let’s go the bell’s going to ring and we have to go get our assignments” I nodded and followed her down the halls once more, I didn’t get to eat, but at least I’m getting an extra note.

The bell rang and we were already the soccer field, there were kids everywhere ´painting or building stuff, there were mostly a bunch of posters some toys here and there.

“Hey unnie!” Krystal called someone out, a girl in front of us with dark brown and sharp features smiled.

“Hey, who’s this?” she asked smiling at me; I bowed and showed her my hand.

“Hyemi, it’s nice to meet you” she looked at Krystal and gave her a bright smile, I didn’t know if she was making fun of my courtesy or what, but she seemed nice.

“I’m bora, nice to meet you too sweetheart, hey we need help painting the stands over there” she pointed at the other end of the field where the stands where left at.

“Sure unnie” Krystal and I walked away, I was passed a towel so I could cover my uniform up a bit, I actually like painting so I’m guessing this will be fun.

“What about blue and red, it would look good, no?” she asked looking at the stand and the paints; I tapped my chin and looked at it as well.

“Yeah, it’ll look good” I agreed, we both opened some paint and grabbed some brushes.

When I’d paint at my old school the only thing I’d get was a sandwich and juice, I’d only accept when I didn’t have lunch.

We have painted three stands until now “Good job girls, any who, the guys need some help, so they’re working with you for a while” I looked past her, and once again it seems that luck hates me.

“Thanks babe” the one with yellow hair kissed bora unnies cheek, he and the one with the poker face sat down beside us.

“Pass me a brush” poker face said snapping his fingers at me, I stared at him weirdly and went back to my painting “Yah, I’m talking to you” he spoke up poking my arm harshly.

“Don’t touch me” I warned getting away and sitting at the other side of the stand while I painted.

“So, Krystal-ah, have you missed me?” the one with yellow hair grinned caressing her cheek and lying down on her lap.

“Lay, get off and work could you” Krystal pushed him off her lap making a grunt come out of his mouth.

“I can’t work because the girl didn’t want to pass me a brush” I groaned and threw a brush at him “Happy now?” he rolled his eyes and started painting too.

“Sehun stop being so stupid this side I already finished, help Hyemi” the guy whom I’m guessing is called Sehun looked at me and smirked, before I knew it, he was beside me painting and ‘helping me’ out.

There were parts at the top that I couldn’t reach, because it was too high for my height, I groaned and stomped, I felt a slight touch at my hand pulling it higher; I blushed and looked at Sehun who was looking at the spots attentively.

“What?” he asked finally looking at me, I pushed him away and passed him the brush “Do it yourself, don’t you dare touch my hands” I warned crossing my arms; he scoffed and shook his head at me.

----One hour Later----

“We’re finished” The jerks Krystal and I all passed Bora our brushed and paint, she gave us a warm smile.

“Ok, what class did you miss?” she asked taking and pen and writing down our names.

“P.E” we all synched, she nodded and let us go, the bell had already rang and the halls were being filled once more.

“Let’s go eat” eat! Food, my tummy is growling and it needs to be fed, I’ve been use to starving at times because I didn’t have money to eat something or so, but at least I’d eat in the morning, but since the jerks had to appear, I didn’t eat at home nor here.

We both got to the big plaza looking cafeteria, it was packed and it was hard getting through the crowd, we finally got to the line and stood at the back waiting so we could chose what we wanted to eat.

I looked at all the gourmet looking dishes and my stomach growled even more, I wish I could just take everything there was and sit in a corner so I could eat.

Finally it was out turn and I put various plates on my tray just like unnie, seems like she was hungry too, we both walked towards a table where bora unnie sat.

“Dude, it seems like EXO is meeting with the enemy today” I stopped instantly and looked at her trying to listen better; I had to know about this.

“What’s it this time?” Krystal asked casually while taking a bite out of her sandwich.

“I heard that EXO had stolen something from them a few nights ago, and it was something precious to them, they’re meeting tonight to ‘discuss’ about it” Krystal scoffed and shook her head.

“We all know what this will end up in” so that’s what they had taken the other night, I need more information.

“Oh and I heard the ‘after scholars’ are going too, because from what I heard secret is going, and EXO has to hide the identity of a secret girl so she won’t get hurt” I started choking on my food, how fast can things spread in this school, what if anyone finds out it’s me? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

“Hyemi-ah you’re pale” Bora looked at me worried and touch my cheeks and neck to see if I was ok “You’re sweating, are you feeling ok?” Krystal asked placing a hand on my back, I did not feel good at all, I’m panicking again.

“I-I’m ok, just answer a question” I tried sounding ok, Bora nodded slowly.

“What would this meeting end up in?” She tapped her chin and looked at Krystal.

“Last time three of six of their enemies ended up in the hospital because of serious injuries and Kai came to school with horrible bruises on his face along with some cuts, like the rest” Krystal explained, I felt my heart stop, If I’m literally stuck with them, does this mean I have to go through all that too?

“Hyemi I think we should take you to the nursery” Krystal unnie stood up but bumped into Taemin who stood behind her.

“What’s wrong he asked looking at us with a worried face” Krystal pointed at me with a pout “She’s pale isn’t she?” Taemin looked at me and nodded.

“Wassup?” Another guy appeared behind Taemin “Amber, Hyemi, Hyemi Amber, now take her to the nursery Oppa” Taemin nodded and helped me stand up.

I felt like collapsing, none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been hungry that night, just because of the freaking ramen this is happening, I bet today would have been ok if I had no idea who those kids were.

Curse you hunger!

“Don’t worry the nursery isn’t far away” he assured with a warm smile, he made me place my arm around his shoulder so I wouldn’t lose balance.

In no time I was in the nursery and I was laid down on the comfy mattress, my head was spinning and I felt so cold.

“What happened here?” the nurse came in to the room and after Taemin explained she nodded giving me a grin “She got a anxiety attack” she nodded feeling my head with the back of her palm.

“She’ll rest hear for some time until she feels ok again and then she can leave” he nodded and gave her a smile before she left the room.

“You can go now you know, you must be hungry” he chuckled and shook his head taking out a zip lock bag out from behind him.

“I’ve got a sandwich, want a piece” boy did I! I grabbed the half of sandwich I was given eating it humming in delight.

“Now rest” he said motioning me to close my eyes, I chuckled slightly and nodded closing my eyes slowly and falling asleep.


Hello :D 

how is this chappie? did I do well? I think I did well :P 

Please comment and subscribe it means alot if you do! 

EXO is having a follow up song!! OMG I'M SO HAPPY 

But I need my drama version first :(

Anyways all subbies please add me as a friend.

Love you all <3


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Update please
Chapter 34: Omg I can't waitt!
You are amazing! I didn't watch my kdrama for a few days because you're story got all my attention!!
You are soo good! It was like reading a book!!!
Please wating for updates!!❤
farahhudasyamimi #3
Chapter 34: Love this story. Can't wait for the update.... ^ ^
Chapter 34: Good story you have here ;) and good idea with making her more strong :D can't wait for the updates <3
Chapter 34: Yasss finallyyy well thankyou
i dont like her cuteness blabla too.. mehh a character like that is just too maintream BRUURRHHRHURFJXHSKHXJA *glasses on* Huahahhaha
reydahadirah #6
Chapter 34: Assa! Actually I kind of forgot about this story. Now that I read this again, I have the same reaction as you. Good luck and Fighting!
Chapter 29: sehun oppa~
Chapter 27: noo now i want zelo....
Chapter 21: i want her with taemin!exo don't deserve!
vinmya86 #10
Chapter 34: I can't wait :-D