Chapter 4

Do I Love You?

Ji min woke up a bit earlier than she usually does. Who could blame her? It was technically a date with Kai. She dressed in an outfit that defined her as simple yet stylish. When Ji min was pleased with her image, she stepped outside and headed toawrds the door. Dongwoo stopped her just in time. He was completely unaware that his love-struck little sister had plans.
He stood in front of the door, preventing Ji min from leaving. With a stern voice he asked, “Where are you going?”
“Out.” she pushed Dongwoo, but he didn’t move. “Ah, oppa. Move.” She whined with a pout.
Dongwoo flashed his teeth. “Did you just call me.. oppa?” He mocked.
“Yes.” she grumbled. “Now move!”
“Alrighty.. but say it just once more.” Dongwoo felt proud. It was the first time she called him oppa.

Surprised at her tone, he immediately stepped aside. “Jeez. Just be home by 8. Grandma called, she told me Dad would be visiting.” His tone fell harshly.


She can’t believe it. That devil of a man was coming to visit them. The Jang siblings hadn’t seen their Dad ever since he left their Mom. They also haven’t seen their Mom ever since Dad left. They don’t even deserve to be called Mom and Dad. Hearing that Dad was going to visit killed Ji min’s mood completely.
“He doesn’t even love us. He doesn’t even care. Why should we make time for him. I gotta go.” She snapped back. Before Dongwoo could respond, she left. Ji min ruffled her hair, but quickly fixed it. Dad messes everything up.

Although Ji min was upset by the current news, she pushed it all the way in the back of her mind. “I don’t need these kinds of issues right now.” Ji min thought in her head. D.O stepped outside, he looked casual. Nothing special. Naturally, he gave off a cute, flower boy aura. Ji min studied his outfit for a bit. “Thumbs up. You have nice taste in clothing.” Ji min complimented putting her thumbs up.
He didn’t even thank her. Instead, he drifted to a different subject. “Are you sure we should arrive at the ice cream parlour together? It seems sketchy.” He scratched his head.
She scoffed. “Why? Do you not want to be seen with me? It’s not like I enjoy being seen with you.”
D.O didn’t speak after Ji min said that. To break the silence,Ji min joked, “Don’t you think it’s silly that we’re going to eat ice cream at 10 in the morning? I mean, who eats ice cream at this time? Haha. Silly, right?”

Ji min guessed D.O really enjoyed ice cream because he became extremely defensive, “What?! It’s not weird at all! In fact, it’s- it’s. Ice cream has a high amount of calcium and.. sugar. Perfect for mornings.” He retorted surprising Ji min with his love for ice cream.

“Okay, whatever let’s get going before we're  late” Ji min said grabbing D.O’s wrist and dragging him towards the ice cream shop.



Kai was the first to arrive at Baskin Robbin’s. Shortly after he arrived, D.O and Ji min stepped inside.
D.O greeted Kai, “Kai! Glad you made it!”
Kai happily returned a greet. “Me too! Any of you guys know where Luna is? Ji min?”
Ji min, startled by Kai’s sudden convo with her, shyly responded. “Ah~ Let me call her.”


After a few rings, Luna didn’t answer Ji min’s call.
“Oh. I guess we’ll just wait for her. When she finally comes we can eat ice cream.” D.O shrugged his shoulders. Kai, D.O and Ji min waited for nearly an hour. D.O being an ice cream lover and being surrounded by ice cream he cannot yet eat, D.O began to feel anxious.

“I’M HERE. I’M HERE, GUYS.” Luna stormed into the quiet shop.
Ji min stood up from her seat, “Did something happen?! What the shiz took you so long?”
Luna cutely blinked her eyes, “I was getting ready. My mirror was just like, ‘Come on, Luna. Come look. Stay here and look at your bootyful-ness.’” Everyone laughed.

“COME ON.” D.O gestured the gang to follow him. “It’s time to order ice cream.”

Once everyone got their ice cream, they decided to sit outside. It was perfect weather.




They sat outside to munch on their cool treats. D.O sat next to Kai. He thought it’d be awkward if he suddenly just sat by Luna. D.O saw that he was sitting in between Kai and Ji min. Kai was in between Luna and him. Ji Min gave him a disappointed expression. While taking a bite of his ice cream, D.O remembered his deal with Ji min.

“Kai, do you mind switching seats with me?”
“Uh- why?” D.O could tell he wasn’t going to make this easy for him.
“Because it’s too hot over here.” D.O whined.
“But it’s the same over-”
D.O got up from his chair and lifted Kai’s chair so he’ll fall off. “Let’s switch!”
Kai mumbled a few angry words, but he sat next to Ji min without any complaints. D.O felt like he did a good deed. Everything was fine. Kai and Ji min were sitting together, and now Luna and him were sitting next to each other. No one said anything for a few moments. Without warning, Luna held out her ice cream towards D.O’s face.
“Would you like to taste mine? I wanna try yours! Oh! I brought my flavour chart. Hmm..” She scanned her chart, looking for which flavours she had not tried yet. “Which flavour did you get again?”
“Uhm- I got peanut butter brittle.” D.O answered shyly, his cheeks reddening. From the corners of his eyes, Kai and Ji min seemed very amused watching him be so flustered.
Luna squealed. “Great! I haven’t tasted that one yet! You know what. Let’s try each other's ice cream! It’s like buy one get four free. Keke.”



With Luna’s idea to share ice cream came along, Kai leaned in closer towards Ji min. She was blushing. No doubt about that.
“What flavour did you get?” he asked. His manly scent masked her nose. Kai always smelt really, like really good. It smelled like Hollister but better. Ji min blindly held out her ice cream to his mouth. He gladly accepted and devoured half of Ji min’s ice cream. She was blinded by love and she didn’t even care. Then Kai put his ice cream near Ji min’s mouth. In her head she thought, “
Omg. This is like. An indirect kiss.”


Everyone left after the ice cream excursion. To be honest, Ji min didn’t want to return home.
“D.O, can I go to your house?” She asked D.O with hopeful eyes.

“Sure, my Mom doesn’t get off work until late.”

Although D.O’s house was next door, Ji min was glad she didn’t have to face her Dad. She hated his guts.
“Anyways,” Ji min started to break the silence. “let’s do some plan makings or something.” She comfortably sat in D.O’s bed.
“Okay, in gym class on Monday, we have soccer. But we’re only passing the ball. Me and you will partner up.” He suggested.
“Oh! Then you can kick the ball into Kai’s partner’s face! Since you’ll feel bad, you offer to take him to the nurse!” Ji min continued. “Leaving Kai partnerless. That’s where I come in and be his new partner!”

“But then what about Luna?”
“Since it’s my deal, you must help me first.” Ji min answered with a smile. For a long time, they just played video games. Ji min told D.O how she wanted to stay here until her father left. 

At 8PM, Ji min’s cellphone rang.

Caller ID: Dongwoo pabo

Ji min was unsure whether she should answer or not. Ji min answered it, regretfully.
“DAD LEFT. COME HOME.” answered Dongwoo through the phone. *beep* He hung up. Ji min said goodbye to D.O and headed home. She entered their apartment to see everything turned off.

“I’m home” Ji min softly mumbled taking her shoes off. She passed by Dongwoo’s room and heard loud music playing. “He must be mad at me for not coming home and leaving him with Dad.” She thought and opened her bedroom door and collapsing on her bed.

Ji min couldn’t sleep that night. She remembered Kai eating her ice cream. She was also too excited for their idea for Monday. She decided she should confess on Monday, after school. Determined she drifted off to sleep dreaming of Kai.

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Kiddomae #1
Chapter 1: why r duh letters so big lol
i'll be waiting!
Chapter 9: It's ok~ Im going to wait until next update. :D
Chapter 7: sorry to say but JiMin is a selfish ...anyway the rest of the story is good :)
Chapter 8: Lol don't forget the model girl that appeared at the ending of chapter 7. I wonder who she is~ O.o long lost cousin? xD
Chapter 7: I swear I nearly died when she darted locking the Popsicle!
Chapter 6: Just watched their comeback song like two minutes ago and im still fangirling!! Omg they were way too hot!

I hope what comes next in the story isn't something bad :( Kai don't be a little b-I-t-c-h and reject her for another girl! Nooooooo! Please authorinims don't make me face palm!

Love the chappie tho!