Chapter 5

I Don't Know (IDK)




“Ayo Yuri sunbaenim.”


Two younger school girls bow politely as they pass through the queen’s cafeteria table.


“Hey…” Hyoyeon shakes her carrot stick while sooyoung’s eyes trail the carrot stick like a fly eyeing food.


“Didn’t you notice that nobody says hi anymore ever since girls generation’s new song came out?”


“I know… it’s like people say Ayo now instead of saying hi…” Sooyoung nods while her eyes were on the target.


Sooyoung took a bite of the carrot stick, and almost threw up.


“What the heck?!”


“Sorry… I thought it was cheetos…” Sooyoung clears …


“Cheetos? Are you serious?!”


Yuri ignores the two bickering and focuses on her lunch, pushing her food around.


“Speaking of GG, here comes trouble…”


Hyoyeon points to Tiffany purposely flipping her hair in slow motion for a more CF effect moment.


“Hey gorgeous…”


“Hey…” Tiffany smiles pleasantly joining her friends.


“Oh I wasn’t talking bout you…I was talking bout my burger…”


Hyoyeon and Sooyoung starts to laugh at Tiffany’s expense.


“Be nice…” Yuri hushed the two and two quickly shush, but not without snickering.


“You two can laugh all you want, but just so you know… this 2013 I’m trying to better myself… I’m trying to be less… oh…”


Tiffany eyes were filled with desire…




“Oh…” Tiffany got zap back in the room. “I’m sorry I saw my face and I just went speechless…” Tiffany points at her reflection from the spoon… “What was I saying again?”


“Your 2013 resolution?”


“Oh yeah… that… it’s soooo hard, I think I’ll start on 2014…”


“Oh well, yeah… it’s Friday, fly day…” Hyoyeon slouches comfortably on her chair “What’s our plan?”


“Count me out…” Fany says “Jessi invited me to dinner tonight with Tae2x and Sunny…”


But while Tiffany was busy admiring herself on a spoon, she notices a little dot of horror in her face that quickly drain out every color in her being.


“What’s wrong, Fany?”


Fany quickly took a selca of her face, she looks at her picture zooming it to the highest level to make sure if what she saw was true.


“Oh my GAWD!!!”


“What is wrong?!” Yuri asks impatiently…


“ACCCCKKKK!!! I got a zit…”


“Ohhhhh…” Sooyoung looks at the red pimple in Fany’s face. “Squishy…” She was about to reach out and poke it but Fany was quick to swat her hand away.




The girls watches Tiffany runs out in hysterics…


“Sooooo…. Yul?”


 “Count me out too… my ummm family is ahhhh….” Yuri stops not wanting to continue…


“What Yul?”


“Family dinner….”


“Ohhhhh…. Fun times with the Kwons! I want to come!”


“Me too!!!”


“Well… you guys wouldn’t… it’s boring and... you know…”


“No we don’t…”


Hyoyeon and Sooyoung were now eyeing her with such enthusiasm…






First of all, I want to thank everyone for the awesome job in the coffee shop…”


Taeyeon leads the crew in applaud as the coffeeshop owner grace their presence.


“And may 2013 be more prosperous for all of us…”


“YEHEY!!!” Taeyeon cheered and gives everyone in her lethargic crew the threatening eye.


“Yehey…” they responded back.


“And to start our new year right I purchased a new machine to better our service to the customers…”


Taeyeon smiles excitedly as their boss was about to reveal his surprise.


“Everyone enjoy our new…”




Taeyeon’s jaw dropped low to the flo’ as she sees the shiny, brand new cash register.




Taeyeon hurriedly wraps her arms around their good ol’ cash register…


“What is wrong with this one?”


Their boss raise his brow at Taeyeon reaction. “It’s ummm… old?”


“So? Old is reliable! I vote to keep this… right?”


But none of the other employees sees her cause, they just want to go back to doing nothing instead of being stuck in this meeting.


“FINE! But I won’t let you take away this register! Never!!!”




Everyone turns and wondering what the hell was that…


“That’s my ringtone!” Taeyeon announces… “Nobody moves!” she declares with one arm around the cash register and the other on to pick her phone…


“Ayo Sunny!!!”


“Ayo Tae… listen buddy… I know were supposed to go out tonight but I’m sorry but I have to back out. One of my mom’s uncle’s cousin’s friend’s brother’s niece’s sister is getting married and I have to go.”




“I know right?” Taeyeon heard Sunny squeals frustratingly from the other line. “And I even dyed my hair red for tonight…”


“Did you tell Shika about it?”


“Yes… and she said, it’s okay… but I did say you were still free and she seems ok with it.”


Taeyeon didn’t want to think much of it, but she does. “She is?”


“Yes… and I think that’s good… maybe as my BFF you can say good stuff about me. You know make me sound lovable and cute and irresistible”


“Ummm…” Taeyeon once again felt torn between being a bestfriend and her own heart. “Ahhhh yeah… sure…”


“Cool!!! Tell me all about it, okay?”


This time it was Taeyeon who got frustrated.


“Ahhh yeah… sure…”




Ding… dong…


“Yulbaby…” Yuri’s mom yells out from the kitchen “Why don’t you open that? That’s probably Yoona…”


Yuri smacks her book shut and groans as she drags herself to the door.


“Oh darling. Why cant you just admit that the butterflies in your tummy starts fluttering when you think of Yoona?”


“that’s ridiculous I don’t have butterflies in my stomach.”


The first thing that Yuri notices is how Yoona looks like a kid, with her sidewards cap, varsity jacket and Nike high top sneakers…


“Ayo Yureeeee!” Yoona says excitedly… “This is for you…” Yoona hands Yuri a gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers and daisy bouquet


“Thank you…”


Yuri looks up and sees her parents making googly eye faces at her which made her instantly scowl.


“Its sunflowers because you’re the sunshine of my life…”


Yoona then walks inside their home looking like a kid with swagger.


“Why do you look like that?”




“Mommy! Daddy!”


Yoona excitedly jumps over to Seori’s parents…


“Hey Yoong…” Seohyun greets her BFF “Unnie…” Seohyun went over to her confused older sister “Yoona is into her I got a boy phase…”


“I got a boy phase?”


The two look over at Yoona playing around with their parents…


“Yes… Yoona is a big GG fan… you should have seen her during her Mr. Taxi phase…”


Seohyun sighs as she recalls the memory…


“She doesn’t have a car… so, she made her bike look like a taxi.”


Yuri sometimes wonders what she got herself into.




The three girls sits at the back and before Yuri could get her seatbelt, Yoona reaches out and pulls Yuri’s seatbelt for her.


“Safety first…”


Yuri could see the excitement in Yoona’s face. There was always something so innocent about her, that Yuri can’t deny could be quite endearing…


“Thank you for inviting me to dinner Mommy, daddy…”


Yuri could just shake her head as Yoona is so close to her parents…


“No problem sweetheart. So, where would you like to eat? Is sushi ok with you?”


“I like sushi. But my unnie said, if you eat too much sushi you get an owie in your tummy…” Yoona points to her tummy.


Yuri was about to laugh mockingly at the girl's childish choice of words.


“An owie? Oh… there goes your swagger going down…”


“I think Yoona is adorable…” They could see their mom wide grin from the rearview mirror .“By the way Yoona, we, actually just me and their daddy have this game…”


“Ohhhh… games… I like games…” Yoona claps excitedly. “Do I get a prize if I win?”


“Well… ummm…” Seori’s dad tap the steering wheel as he thinks. “Sure… you get Yuri as a prize…”




Yoona squeals excitedly… “I’m in! I’m in!!!”


“Alright!!! We say one word… or name and then we used it in a song… Let’s start with Seo…”


Seo waves her parents off, not wanting to participate in their shenanigans.“I don’t really-“


Her parents didn’t hear her hesitation and presses on… “Use Yul in a song…”




“I know… I know…” Yoona raises her hand so eagerly.


“Ok Yoona!!!”


Yuri rolls her eyes and continues to stare out the window.


Yoona covers as she clears …


“It’s a beautiful night, were looking for something dumb to do… Hey baby… I think I want to marry YUL!!!” Yoona points at Yuri, batting her lashes at the girl…


“Awwwwww….” Her parents instantly cooed…


Then, out of nowhere, well, the backseat of the van two girls just pop in…




“What the?!” Yuri jumps back as Sooyoung and Hyoyeon just sang along… “Where you two came from?”




But the two ignored her and continued singing along with Yoona. It felt like a musical show in their van right now, when even her parents join in, clapping and singing along…


“What the hell is this, Glee?”


But no one seems to have heard Yuri's sarcastic remark.




“Cause, it’s a beautiful night, were looking for something dumb to do, hey baby, I think I want to marry Yul…”


And Yoona’s voice, although it doesn’t have the power to make you cry or swoon, Yuri does admit that her voice could make anyone melt in a puddle of goo…




Hyoyeon and Sooyoung sings along… even Seohyun joins in when she says…


“Speak now… unnie…”


“Ahhhhh…. Ummmm… well…”


Yuri felt cornered, trap, by Yoona’s fluttering doe eyes and her family and friends nudging…


Seeing that Yuri won’t reply… they started to sing again.


“Cause it’s a beautiful night, were looking for something dumb to do, hey baby, I want to marry YUL…”


“ALRIGHT!ALRIGHT!!!” Yuri says defeated… “Fine… Ok…ok…ok…” Yuri mumbles…


“Ok what?”


“You know…” Yuri stammers, trying to find an excuse not to say the word.




Yuri starts growling, slowly pounding her head in the car window as they started singing again…


Until finally they stop and Yuri finally sits up…




“Fine!” Yuri raises her hand in surrender. “I’ll marry her now stop!”




Everyone throws their hands up in the air, waving it like they just don't care. Partying as they get ready for the upcoming wedding.




She was like a kid in a candy store, when Yoona walks in the buffet place.




Everyone turns around and sees Sooyoung with the same excitement as Yoona.


“C’mon Yoona!!!”


But before Yoona could join Sooyoung in their attack at the buffet place, Yuri holds on to Yoona’s wrist.


“No… you’re coming with me…”


Yoona quickly behaved like a child being reprimanded, watching Sooyoung skips happily as she filled her plate.


“This is a buffet, so you don’t have to fill everything up at the same time… take it slow…”


Yoona nods, copying every Yuri’s move, putting the same food in her plate. When she looks back in her plate, she couldn’t help but frown Yuri got all the healthy veggies…




“It’s good for you…”




“Look… you can finish all of this…”


“All of this?”


“Fine… eat half of it and the next plate you can eat all the meat you want…”




“Ummm…” Yoona has an icky look on her face, but just nods. When it comes to Yuri, she surrenders.




Taeyeon was sitting by the park bench waiting for Tiffany and Jessica to arrive. She checks if they’re coming, and seeing no signs of them, She quickly fixes her hair, her shirt…




Taeyeon’s world stop moving when Jessica was standing right in front of her.


“Oh ummm… Jeshika? Hi…” Taeyeon peeks around “Is Tippani not here?”


Oh... so, she does like her, why would she be looking for her like this if she doesn't?


“She said she’s coming. I guess she’s running late.”


“Oh okay… ummm… you want to… you want to sit?” Taeyeon scoots over the bench.


“Ahhh sure…”


Jessica sits down and the two got lock in an awful tension.


Good thing Jessica’s phone starts ringing…


“Hello? Where are you?”


Tiffany quivers even if Jessica is nowhere close to her.


“I’m so sorry I couldn’t come… I’m still here in my dermatologist clinic. I have some major issues…”


“Oh… I guess we can just do it next time…”


“Why can’t you do it now?”


“Well… Sunny didn’t come too…”


Taeyeon felt something tug inside of her when she heard Jessica was looking for Sunny…


“So, don’t tell me it’s just you and Taeyeon there?”




“Then, what are you waiting for?! This is your chance go for it!”


“I don’t know… we’ll see…”


Jessica ends the call and turns to Taeyeon.


“That was Tiffany she has stuff to take care of, so ummm…”


“Oh… ahhhh… well…” Taeyeon shrugs. “Maybe we can do it next time…”


“Yeah… next time… when both of them are here….”


“Yeah…” Taeyeon says awkwardly…


“I’ll see you around Taeyeon…” Jessica nods in defeat and turns away.


And as Taeyeon watches Jessica walks away, one step further, two… could she just let this happen?






Taeyeon pushes her short legs to chase after Jessica.


“We ummm… we got ahhhh… this cool new cash register… maybe you ummm… want to go and see it?”


Jessica should smile more, because even if it was just a fraction she still look so damn beautiful.


“That sounds cool.”




Yuri just watches Yoona scraping everything from her plate, The waitress who obviously hates her job, sighs impatiently and reaches out for Yoona’s plate.


“I’m not done…” Yoona's eyes started getting teary as she could only watch her plate being taken away.


“She’s not done…” Yuri says coolly, holding on to the plate and the waitress just groans once more and walks away.


Yuri puts the plate in front of Yoona, those doe eyes shine once again as she saw her plate.  


“Don’t eat with a hat on…”


Yuri pulls out Yoona’s cap before placing it on the table. But as she sees Yoona can’t move her elbows much with the hat taking up some space, Yuri just puts the hat on her lap.


Yuri returned to her meal, but everyone in their table could see how different Yuri is. She might not have figured it out yet, but it seems like the lil choding has slowly became a part of her.




“Ahhhhh… I’m full…” Yoona pats her tummy as they walk back to the car. But just when she was about to reach out for the car handle, she heard the door lock click.


“What the?” Yuri says as she sees her family and her two bestfriends locking them out of the car.


“What are you guys doing?! Let us in!”


Everyone cups their ears, trying to pretend not to hear Yuri's angry growls. Before Yuri could smash the car window, they waved goodbye leaving the two love birds behind.


“Noooo… you got to be kidding me!!!” Yuri growls as her family just drives away.




"Are you tired?"


"No... I'm pissed..."


Yoona stops walking and steps right in front of Yuri.


"If you're tired, i could carry you..."


"I'm not tired... I could walk." Yuri growls "I can't believe they just left us like this."


"Dont worry... I won't let anything happen to you."


Yuri turns to the girl beside her and she sees Yoona with serious look on her face.


"I will protect you with my whole life... If someone comes and tries to hurt you i will..."






Yoona starts punching the air before ending her battle with her invisible enemy with a kick. And seeing Yoona acting like this,somehow lifted Yuri's mood.


"Ohhh... a playground..." Yoona excitedly pulls Yuri to the swings.. Yoona dust the swings "Come seat, come seat..."


Not wanting Yoona's effort go to waste, Yuri gave up and sat down. the doe eyed girl went behind her, happily pushing the swing. 


"This is fun, isn't it?" Yoona asks and Yuri have to admit that it was...


“Tell you what? let’s have a deal…”


“What?” Yoona asks eagerly


“Let’s go on the bars. If you hold on longer than I do, we can start holding hands… but if I beat you… you will never get a chance.”


Yoona holds on to the swing to keep Yuri from moving. “What about AKB48?”


“Forget about that… they keep on rotating members… how bout it?”


“Yes! Yes! Let’s do it!” Yoona says her face full of determined expression.




“ARGH!” Yoona could feel her arms trembling but as she looks at Yuri, Yuri was hanging effortlessly.


“Ahhh…” Yoona was only hanging by one arm now…


“Is that all you got?” Yuri says mockingly “You are supposed to be a monkey… monkeys should hang longer…”


It was Yoona’s time to growl… She could feel her arms quivering from hanging on too long. But as much as she wanted to let go, there is no way, she’s going to let Yuri win…


Yuri forget one thing about monkeys… they’re supposed to be clever.


Yuri almost let go as she sees Yoona who looks like she was about to kick her.


But instead Yoona scoots closer to Yuri, wrapping her legs around Yuri’s waist making the older girl squeal out.


“Hey…” Yuri tries to squirm out of the intimate position but failed.




Yuri averts her gaze downward, hoping that Yoona won’t catch her blush. But Yuri looks up ready to challenge Yoona, unfortunately she didn’t realize how close they were.


And she have never been this close to the girl. She knew Yoona was cute, but now that she was just inches apart from her, she saw how beautiful Yoona truly is.




And in the end, Yuri hands slip and she fell to the ground, she ends up losing to Yoona.


Yoona jumps down quickly after Yuri fell.


“YOU OKAY?!” Yoona looks so worried…


“I’am…” Yuri smiles embarrassingly, shoving Yoona jokingly.


“I won! I won! WHOHOOO!!!!” Yoona rejoiced, pulling Yuri’s hand… “You can’t let go now… hihihihihi…” Yoona giggles menacingly.


But it looks like Yoona doesn’t need to say it, because with the way Yuri intertwine their fingers together, it looks like Yuri has no intention of ever letting go..




 Yoona was happily swinging their arms together before they stop in front of Yuri’s home.


“Good night…” Yoona puckers her lips, hoping to get a kiss but instead Yuri shoves her away.


“Don’t push it…” Yuri narrows her eyes at her.


Hmmmmp. Yoona pouts cutely after getting denied.






“Would you ummm…” Yoona scoffs her sneakers on the pavement, scratching the back of her neck embarrassingly “Would you like to go out on a date with me? Like just the two of us?”


What should Yuri say?


“Fine…” Yuri mumbles softly.


Yoona’s lips spread into a sweet grin.




“Now stop…” Yuri pulls Yoona to calm herself down. “You don’t want me to back off will you?”


Yoona instantly frown, shaking her head.


“No…”  Yoona behaved like a child being reprimanded.


“Ok then… now Good night…”


Yoona playfully puts her cap on Yuri’s head.


“What?” Yuri yells out…


“I got a girl… kekekeke….” Yoona starts dancing in the street.


I got a girl meotjin! I got a girl chakhan!
I got a girl pretty girl, nae mam da gajyeogan”

Yuri starts to laugh before grabbing the cap and uses it as weapon to hit Yoona…




A wave of different emotions have started flooding in for Yuri, what it meant she doesn’t know. She walks in her home, the TV in the living room blaring as her parents was watching.


“How was your walk?”


“I shouldn’t be talking to you” Yuri narrows her eyes at her sister.


“But I have nothing to do with it…”


“Yeah fine…” Yuri reaches out for the sunflowers and reads the note attached to it.


Seohyun was about to ask something, but decided to be quiet when she sees the smile in her unnie’s lips.


It was like she wasn’t even there, and that note sort of brought her unnie to another place.


“I’m going upstairs…” Yuri says, the smile still not leaving her face.


“So, ummm unnie…”




“Are you and Yoona like finally… together… together?”


The smile in Yuri’s face disappeared and turns to a wondering look.


And now Yuri is caught in that fleeting feeling, here now, gone later… Right now, Yoona seems to be the only person who can make her smile like this, make her happy, make her laugh… then next minute, Yoona would be her number one enemy, irritating her to her very core.


She wants something stable, something certain and not be caught in this kids play of lovers and enemies…


So, what are they? Is she finally surrendering to Yoona? Is she finally admitting that what they have aren’t kids play anymore and they’re finally going to be serious?


What does she feel? What is she and Yoona?



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Chapter 1: When SHYT did the Second challenge.. I immediately thought of this fanfic hahaha. The Sh!t club DID became a reality XD
I like this story <3
twiceoverload #3
Chapter 4: tiffany’s character is so funny ksfnsks the author did a great job writing her
This was very fun to read! HyoYoung's humors are the best.. as always.. and tiffany! Hahaha. Love her antics! ^^ Yoonhee-Anna couple.. wow.. they're so in love, after all those years.. and taengsic! I need a side story for them authornim! Pleaseee.. ^^

Loved how YoonYul's relationship developed. Like, despite yoona being a choding, her love for yul is so pure.. <3
Chapter 22: That was adorable! Although I was waiting for that rated M sign at some point (kekeke, excuse me for my byun mind, it just randomly pops up at times), but the cute YoonYul moments totally made up for it. Nice job! Now I'm off to see if you have any other YoonYul fics! :D
Chapter 3: This is ing hilarious! All the characters are dynamic, I can't stop laughing! Haha. As expected, Seohyun is the most mature character (in a cute way), but Yoona is just gold! :D
YoonYul moments are adorable. <3
Good job author!!! :)
Adampark19 #7
Chapter 22: Author-nim~ i have read your story for the nth time and i still can't help but fluttering whenever i read it. Thankyou for a beautiful story!
ilyy12020530 #8
I keep coming back to this story. It's been years! My god! I will never ever forget this fic!

I missed YY, i missed author KB. Hayyy...

Re-reading this fic for the nth time!!!! Still gives me the same feels. =) thanks author!!! God bless! Goodluck on your writing!
TrooperluvYY #9
This is the third time I reread this fic!
Still make me happy..