The path of a snake

I'll meet You There

~Chapter 10~

The Path of a Snake






“Jongie~” One of Sodam’s closest friends attached herself on his arm. “It is so nice of you to come shopping with us.” Jonghyun shook his head, most boys around his age wouldn’t have liked to go shopping with their sister and her friends, it took too long and it was boring, but he didn't mind it. Watching 3 beautiful young women trying out colourful dresses, showing off their thin smooth legs, checking themselves out and asking him to do the same, judging if the clothing flattered their perfectly slim bodies. Jonghyun had nothing to complain about. That was the point. He didn't feel anything, no heart fluttering, no sinful imagination, nothing but simple baby brother feelings, pure and innocent. He didn't want to 'get with' Jessica, the pouty blonde with a playful attitude; he didn't want to date Yoona, the gentle girl with chestnut wavy hair. If there was someone, Jonghyun only wanted to hold Key, kiss the spirit and love him for all he was worth. He inwardly sighed as the three went in their respective changing rooms. Don't think that Jonghyun didn't know what his sister was planning. He knew all too well, and even he didn't like the idea of losing Key he knew that it was probably the best thing to do. That was why he was here, waiting for another fashion show. Oh, how he wished that Key was in one of those boxes, trying out colourful shirts and short shorts. Key would look adorable in an oversized sweater and skinnies. Yes that would look good on him. "What do you think?" Sodam pushed the door open showing herself in a flowery summer dress, short in the front flowing long in the back. The colour contrasted perfectly with her black hair and pale skin. She was beautiful in Jonghyun's eyes, an idol. "Noonani yeopo ne~" he smiled as he stud up. But still he put his pouty lips on as he placed his chin on her shoulder as she checked herself out in the mirror. "I don’t like it when you wear high heels." Like this they were the same height, just a reminder of how short he was. His sister giggled. "You might still grow a centimetre or two." She turned and poked his cheek. "That is not the right attitude, Jong." Funny, that is the same thing Jonghyun told Key. A stab went through his heart. He missed his angel.


“Hyung, hurry up! We got a full game today.” Jonghyun jogged over and dropped his bag by the basketball polls before joining Minho in the centre of the field. Woohyun was already dribbling the ball, 6 other players standing behind him. "But you know that you'll be uneven?" Jonghyun mocked. "Really? I count 10." Jonghyun turned just to be playfully punched. He rubbed his hurt shoulder, "That is not very lady-like." Amber just stuck her tongue out when she walked passed, stealing the ball from the others. "Oppa~" Jonghyun had to hold his laugh in. Minho had a red blush on his cheeks, apparently he was still not used to this treatment. He just turned to see Sulli and the rest of the girl group as they settled on the edge of the field to watch the game. "Come on boyfriend, go get your good luck kiss~" Jonghyun teased, putting a whiny girl voice on. Minho pushed him away and turned to wave at his fresh new girlfriend of a month. Jonghyun was almost disappointed in his dongsaeng. If he had a lover he would be all over him... Her as he promised his sister. But that would be a lie, he would love it if Key would watch his games, giving him a kiss as a reward every time he scored and waited with his water and towel at the end of it. That would be motivation. But for this game Jonghyun didn't have that to look forward to. But that didn't mean that it was not a good game. He had Amber, Minho, Sungjong and Hoya on his team. All in all good players but still the enemy was strong. It was getting warm and boys were taking off their shirts. Jonghyun smirked as he took his off, would Key like it if he did that? Would he get jealous, shy maybe? Out of all the possibilities, every one of them was cute. Jonghyun hated that Key wasn't here. He teased Minho for being so shy, the frog would never be like this but now that his girlfriend was watching, it was a different story. He needed to man up, nobody was buying the shy boyfriend part.

But Jesus, it was getting hot, it was odd on such an early time in spring. Jonghyun rested his hands on his knees, breathing deeply. Maybe it was just his time on bed rest that had completely destroyed his stamina. Minho clapped him on the shoulder when he ran by, "What is it old man? Can't take it to play with the young boys?" Jonghyun growled. He was thinking of maybe getting something to drink but he could not back out now. But as he straightened up his head started to swim, maybe it was best to take a sip of water. But he couldn't, Hoya had passed him the ball. He dribbled to the left corner and was prevented to score by Woohyun. Maybe if he passed to Minho. Wait where was Minho? Jonghyun’s vision was blurry, he couldn’t identify one person from the next. "Hyung?" Was that Woohyun talking? "Are you okay?" Jonghyun didn't find his voice to speak, instead he closed his eyes ever so slowly. The world was spinning as he started to feel cold. "Hyung!" Jonghyun had collapsed in front of everyone's eyes. As fast as light, Minho was next to him. "Get an ambulance, Now!" He screamed as he pulled the limb body of the friend into his embrace. "Jong! Hyung! Hyung!!" The group of on lookers had grown as long as he called. This was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to be fine. Minho started to have tears in his eyes. Seeing Jonghyun like the scared him. Why did he have to pester him? He knew Jonghyun was not fully cured, and now he was laying half dead in his arms. "Jonghyun! Wake up!" The first tear was rolling down his cheek. Why did he have the heart breaking feeling that Jonghyun wouldn't wake up in a while?


When Jonghyun woke up, it was already dark. It took him a couple of seconds to get adjusted. He was not in his bed; he wasn’t even in a bed. Yet he was comfortable. His hand moved over the strow surface he rested on. Where was Key? The spirit was nowhere to be seen, his soft light didn’t warm Jonghyun’s world. He pouted, when he was here he wanted to be with Key. Jonghyun waited a bit wondering where he went, what he was doing. But key didn’t show up. The man sighed and started his decent to the ground. He smiled, the tree was singing just like it wanted Jonghyun to go back up and curl up in Key’s concave branch. It was unfair. But the pull to see the blonde was too great and he jumped the last meter.

Now, where to go? Jonghyun whistled first, trying to copy the tones of the trees he touched. Then he formed words and sang, smiling when inspiration hit him bad. He was looking for his muse, coaching him with sweet words..

"The moonlight,
as if it’ll spill, is definitely dark
Including the almost exploding torchlight
I need to learn how to shine like he does
If I look at him, I’ll be blinded.

Please give me a chance
When you look at me with those eyes
I want to hold you in my arms
But to me, you’re like a playful fox

But then he saw something, a light. Key? No, this light was soft blue, a glitter, one speck of light. Jonghyun closed up on it as it hovered almost aimlessly. “Strange. What are you?” Jonghyun knew about fireflies in his world but this light was not attached to a fly. It was just… there. Energy, a type of spirit? But then it snapped in Jonghyun’s small brain. Willow ‘o wisps! That was it right. Well there was no way of checking, but the little light seemed to fit the description he had read. Without noticing it he was already following the light that soon turned into many. In a clearing, Jonghyun stud amazed, hundreds of lights swam through the air, floating in freedom. Jonghyun smiled like an idiot.

“They are pretty, right?” Jonghyun smile grew until it hurt him. He spun around to face the blonde that seemed to appeared out of nowhere. “Where were you?” Key shrugged his shoulder as he slowly moved closer hands behind his back. Jonghyun covered the spirit’s shoulders when he was close enough. But Key didn’t stop, he moved his body against the other’s, letting Jonghyun hug him. Jonghyun closed his eyes as he gently encircled the blonde body, letting their different temperatures mix. He pulled back and kissed the golden boy’s forehead before moving lower only to be intercepted by a little blue light. “Not now, Jonghyun.” Jonghyun chuckled and pulled back. “Sorry.” Key shook his head. “You know, I knew that you would follow the willow ‘o wisps.” Key looked up to the sky where the blue lights merged with the stars. “They are dangerous.” Jonghyun followed Key like a lost puppy. “How so?” Key stopped walking and smiled gently as he turned half way to face Jonghyun. “They are tempting. Curiosity could be the death of you, Jonghyun.”

Jonghyun straightened up and coughed, it was the truth. “Lets find our way home. I have never been around here before.” Smiling Jonghyun took Key’s hand in his. “Lets have a little adventure then.”


Jonghyun was only looking at Key, who was softly humming a tone while they didn’t even touched trees. The angelic sound distracted the puppy until the golden boy stopped. “What’s wrong?” Jonghyun straightened up, he didn’t even notice how cold it had gotten. “I don’t think we are going the right way.” Jonghyun started to feel more and more uncomfortable. His breath was starting to show. “Key, I think we have to go. There are you know... Ghosts here.” Key looked back to the scared puppy. “They can help us!” Jonghyun shook his head. No, they could not, he wanted nothing but to run away screaming like a little girl. To Jonghyun’s dismay Key started to walk again and the wrong way, too. Jonghyun tried to pull the spirit back but he only went through the boy. Jonghyun had no choice but to follow like a scolded puppy. He started to whimper when he saw a glance of blue cold lights between the trees. “Key, they are here…”Jonghyun was hiding behind him looking straight at one not far away. “I know, we are standing in front of one.” Jonghyun’s eyes grew as he looked over the boy’s shoulder.

There, straight before them floated a hollow shadow. It’s ragged breathe chilling Jonghyun’s little hair to stand on full attention. “Key, I don’t like this.” He whined. But Key ignored him. “We are lost, can you help us to the great tree?” Was Key really asking that thing the way? Jonghyun just stud there stunned. The ghost looked back slowly before letting out more vapour. They waited a minute before Jonghyun concluded that it had no use. “I don’t think that they know what you are talking about.” Key pouted. “Well it was worth a try.” The human looked at him like he had a second head.

Jonghyun had just turned around and started to walk the other way wishing that the spirit would take the hint and would follow him but he froze when he heard a horrible sound. It sounded painful, like the air was trying to burn itself through the rotted tubing of the death being’s throat. With horror filled wide eyes Jonghyun turned around to see the ghost pointing. No he was not going to follow a ghost. But the spirit had his own innocent ideas. “Jonghyun, I think that he wants to show us something.” “No! no.” Jonghyun didn’t mean to shout. But his knees were shaking, lip trembling. Key was already leaving him for the company of the ghost’s. He couldn’t believe it. Key, are you mad?!
















Help what will happen?

[ song: Juliette- SHINee, Lyrics by Jonghyun himself]

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Chapter 22: I think I understood the whole concept. Thank you for writing such a deep beautiful story. I really appreciate it. It's true that stories like these aren't here. I really loved and enjoyed reading this. It's sad that they had to start all over again. But I loved the way it is and the way it ended. I can see how much effort you put in to this. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. /hats off/
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 22: This is the most deepest story I read. It's like I could feel the character as well as the author. I can't pinpoint how i feel, I love it and theres so much emotion in it . I will always comeback and reread it
Chapter 22: Wow it made perfect sense from the very beginning! ♡
fantasy is not really my ultimate genre, but this was catchy and I'm so glad I read this!
And kinda funny-- that where Minho picked Taemin up and Taemin says I dont weigh at all~ //I Swear I've seen a dream like that. //

And oh you authornim. ... why did you do this to could''ve brought them back... T.T
Anyhow I loved it!
Abhirami #4
Chapter 22: So.. yeah. Years ago I saw this story, read a few chapters and then left it for some reason I can't remember. But something brought me here again today and this time I finished the story in one ago. What can I say, this is a really unique story and I'm glad I decided to read it again. Kudos to your imagination and it was well written as well. Thanks for writing this...
Chapter 22: I'm not usually a reader of stories like this, because they usually confuse me. But even though I got a bit lost in a few bits, I still really enjoyed this ^^ You've made me want to read more stories like this ahaha~ Such a good read! ^^
minhoandtaemin #6
Chapter 22: i am so crying right now because this is the end

l love this story
minhoandtaemin #7
me to ????
Chapter 22: I still dont understand.
Chapter 22: I still would love to read a sequel to this story. :)