Of Boys and Candy


Cindy's graceful feet slid across the sparkling white tiled floors of the candy shop. The ties on her light pink working apron came loose as she danced to Boyfriend's song, "You & I" through the beat of her earbuds. She giggled and stopped her movements in order to tie the apron. She smiled, reaching behind her back and twisting the strings to and fro. 

I'm so lucky I go to school with Boyfriend! Cindy thought to herself. She giggled again, pulling her earbuds out and pausing her iPod. I am even luckier that Beast, SHINee, AND Big Bang attend my school also! 

Closing her eyes in happiness, Cindy leaned against the candy counter. It was nearly closing time and no one was around. Cindy's eyes popped open as she had a sudden thought. She clapsed her hands in front and shuffled closer to a jar of jelly beans. Her wide, bright eyes scoured the perimeter. Cindy was certain no one was around. She grinned trimumphantly. Cindy's hand slipped on top of the jelly bean jar. Her fingers clasped the sides of the lid. She cracked open the lid, so carefully that a lady bug would barely be able to fit through. 

"Yah, do you work here?" a voice asked. Cindy jumped, just as she was about to snatch a jelly bean. Quickly she closed the jar.

"N-n-neh!" she managed to utter. Her eyes widened. Jo Kwangmin from Boyfriend was standing in front of her! His huge, black eyes looked over the jars of candy. Kwangmin pointed to a jar of peach rings. 

"Our birthday is tomorrow. Youngmin loves these," he said, smiling. "Can you please package some of these up nicely and deliver them to him at school tomorrow?"

Cindy's eyes widened. She pushed up her large glasses as her cheeks flushed pink. "Y-you mean Youngmin-ssi?" Kwangmin nodded. He flashed a mischevious smile.

"I will write a note for you to include. Can you do that?"

Cindy didn't know what else to do but nod. She quickly slid the jar of peach rings across the counter. Slipping on a pair of plastic gloves, Cindy carefully selected some of the candies, placing them into a small glass bowl.

Kwangmin was writing something very carefully on a small notecard. Out of the corner of her eye, Cindy saw him smirk.

What's up with that? she wondered. Cindy opened a white drawer and pulled out a small, pastel blue gift box. After putting the peach rings in a small plastic bag, she wrapped it in pink tissue paper and placed it in the box, carefully securing it with a pink bow. Kwangmin handed her the note card, secured in a small envelope. 

"Take good care of this, neh?" he said, grinning. 

Cindy blushed, taking the envelope. She gave him the price and he handed her his money. "Thank you for coming, Kwangmin-ssi. I will deliver his present tomorrow."

He nodded, smirking to himself as he walked out the door.

Cindy sighed as she began to close up the candy shop. Boys just don't make sense....


Cindy exhaled, trying to calm herself. She smoothed down her school uniform, clutching the present for Youngmin. She didn't want to deliver this AT ALL. Getting past the fangirls that surrounded Boyfriend, particularly Youngmin, was no easy task. Cindy had survived passing period by avoiding her much loved idols. that seemed the best way for her to stay alive. 

His posse was coming closer. Youngmin had always been the lively, social butterfly. Both girls and guys surrounded him, laughing at a joke he made. Cindy's heart skipped a beat. Her hands trembled as she watched him coming closer. He shook back his blonde hair from his eyes as he laughed. that laugh made Cindy's knees wobble. 

She gulped, taking a step closer. Her eyes were glued to Youngmin. 

I have to do this!

Cindy's thoughts were solely on Youngmin. So much that she didn't notice the foot that had caught beneath her stride. Gasping, Cindy began to fly through the air. She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the present, her cheeks growing hot with humiliation. 

Suddenly, she felt herself engulfed in a warm, strong body. Her eyes widened as she looked up to see Youngmin staring down at her. His eyes were painted with concern. Cindy's entire body began to tingle at his touch. 

No, Cindy! Remember your mission!

"Y-Youngmin-ssi!" Cindy stuttered as he helped her stand up properly. The crowed slowly began to disperse as students made their way to class. Cindy blushed as she realized Youngmin's hand was resting on her waist. Youngmin must have noticed as well. His face flushed as he quickly let his hand drop. Cindy shook her head, determined to complete her delivery. "Your brother-"

"Are you all right?" Youngmin interrupted. He looked her over, checking for injuries. Cindy nodded, speechless. Why was he so worried? Stretching out her arms, she handed him the box, still unable to speak. 

A small, humbled smile crept across Youngmin's face. He gently took the box from Youngmin. Electricity ran through Cindy's fingertips as Youngmin's brushed against hers. Youngmin opened the package and his finger emerged with a peach ring around it. "Assa!" he said happily. "Did you know these are my favorite?" He popped his finger into his mouth and nibbled on the candy. Cindy stood in awe, staring at him like a dummy. Youngmin laughed. "You're too cute." Cindy gaped, completely speechless at his words. Youngmin began to read the notecard. He blushed, quickly stuffing the box into his backpack. 

Youngmin took an intimate step closer. His pale hand carressed her cheek, rather shyly. "Of course I accept your feelings, Cindy-ah. I've always had a crush on you...," he whispered into her ear, smiling.

"Wuhhh...," Cindy muttered mindlessly. "Wait... what?" What did that notecard say?!

Youngmin's eyes widened slightly. "Um... your note?" he whispered. "You confessed to me, right?" 

Kwangmin! Cindy thought. He must have written my name on the card! Why?

Cindy took a regretful step back. "Youngmin-ssi. I am only delivering a present from your brother," she began, keeping her eyes on the ground. If he really did have a crush on her, she didn't want to see his face as she told him the truth. "He must have written my name on the card, although I do not know why." As she finished, she looked up, afraid of what Youngmin might do.

His face had not changed. He smiled and took a step closer. The gap between them was closed. "I know why," he whispered. His warm breath ear. "He knows I've had a crush on you...," he began. "Ever since you began working at the candy shop last year, I would watch you dance from outside the window before closing time." Cindy's eyes widened as Youngmin's hand wrapped around her waist. She caught her breath. Youngmin let out a sweet chuckle. "I hope... I hope now that you know my feelings, you will accept me as well." 

Without waiting for an answer, Youngmin leaned closer. His sweet lips met hers and rested there. Both his and Cindy's eyes were shut tight. She felt his lips form into a smile on hers. Gently pulling away, Youngmin cheeks pinkened. Cindy smiled up at Youngmin. "Of course I accept you." 

Youngmin smiled beautifully. "Wonderful," he whispered again. His finger popped up between the two of them. A peach ring sat on his finger. He held it before her lips. "Say ahh, sweetheart," he said, still smiling. Cindy's lips parted and Youngmin slipped his finger into . She took the candy with her tongue as his finger exited. He grinned and quickly kissed Cindy's lips as she munched on the candy.

"Do you like it?" he asked, rubbing her shoulder gently. 

Cindy nodded as she swallowed. "Very much! Oh! Happy birthday, Youngmin," she said, giggling. "I hope you like your present."

Youngmin chuckled. He ruffled Cindy's brown hair. "Of course I do. You're the best birthday present anyone could get." 


Requested by: Cindylee

A/N: You're the first person I've written a oneshot for! I really enjoyed writing this, especially getting to know Youngmin in his brother in the process. I hope you like it, and don't forget to comment! <3

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I just requested. ^^<br />
<br />
Good luck~
requested :D
kwangmin you sneaky bastard >.><br />
I applied as Lee Jane :)<br />
SweetPoison #7
I applied as Lee jin Kyung~ HWAITING!
applied as song naeul~! hwaiting~
i'll just request^^<br />