
When the famous Wu Yifan and Huang Zitao meet...
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“I want it to be birch gray,” A voice said.


“No, I want it to be Apple white!” Another voice protested. “Or maybe light brown?”


“Really? Apple white? Light brown?” Tao looked up from the dulux paint color cards and narrowed his eyes to Kris as if saying you are kidding right. They are currently choosing colour for their future living room walls.


“What? Gray is dull,” Kris replied casually. He was looking at another catalogue while sipping his orange juice.


Tao looked back to the cards that are full of different types of colours. Flipping few pages then stops. “Fine. What about dark olive green then?” he suggested.


“Seriously, Tao?” Kris looked up to Tao who was lying cozily on the couch.


“You want it to be classy and manly at the same time so olive green is the perfect colour,” Tao reasoned. Kris rolled his eyes but agreed anyway. He stood up and walked to the couch where Tao was lying and pushed the latter’s legs lightly to make space for him to sit.


“But I will choose the furniture for the living room!” Kris declared childishly.


“Yeah, yeah. Do whatever you want.” Tao lazily replied.


One thing about them that will never change is that they are the complete opposite of each other. If Kris choose circle, Tao wants square. If Kris wants cat, Tao prefers dog. They have nothing in common except for their job. So building their future house takes a hell lot of work and time.


Kris suddenly frowned as he turned to look at Tao who was doing nothing in particular. “Shouldn’t we be celebrating our first anniversary today?”


Yeap, it has been a year since the two started dating and they are already planning on building their house where they will live together until hairs turn white. But judging from the length of time just to choose a colour for the living room walls, they will not move out from the apartment anytime soon.


“You know I don’t celebrate that kind of stuff,” Tao nonchalantly replied. The taller guy looked at his boyfriend in disbelief.


“But it’s our anniversary you douchebag!” Kris spat. He finds it ridiculous that his boyfriend didn’t even spend a second to think about their anniversary.


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Chapter 5: I want sequel! Hahaha I'm guessing the daughter's reaction!
Chapter 5: Wanna know how? You say..
"We dont like women. We like men. AND so.. You have 2 fathers because there is something called "Gay" or "Homo"
Thats it. So you DONT have a mother(: THE END. Now go to your room."
Well.. Thats how my cousins told their son they were gay.. /shrugs/
--babystar #3
Chapter 5: ;; this bonus chapter is cute <333 the bears idea omg kawaiiiii~
i give you 7 out of 10 because this fic doesn't have so many longer sentences. i hope that is okay but i like the story a lot.it's relaxing<333
--babystar #4
Chapter 4: Asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl!!!
I love persistent kris!
Yes i want the bonus chapter!<3
Plus.. I am stuck with NO TAORIS.
Finished all of the completed ones..
I need to update too. As a matter of fact..
--babystar #6
Chapter 3: Aaaaaa that is ridiculously adorable!!!<3
I'm curious too on what happened a year ago!>_<
--babystar #7
Chapter 2: I'm glad that you decided to continue this!<3