Their Choices

Destined Choices

The following school days were of the same old routine.

Jong In would kiss her passionately right in front of everyone and then she would meet up with Na Eun and Jong Hyun. After school, the three best friends would go to Na Eun's house to do all that they want. Na Eun's house was the only place Soo Jung could go to without getting the attention she detested.

The media was infiltrating her personal life and she could do nothing about it.

As for Jong In, he was busying himself with an upcoming project that he seldom returns home. In fact, he had never returned home for the last few days. Either he stayed in his office, or he would be staying in Ji Yeon's apartment. Ji Yeon had been calling him to accompany and he missed her too.

"I guess a few nights with her won't hurt." Jong In shrugged his shoulders after a phone call from Ji Yeon. She had prepared a sumptuous candlelight dinner for him.


Jong In's mind could not erase the image of the tattoo of the two butterflies with these initials on Ji Yeon's shoulder. He had tried asking her but she merely replied him with a wry smile and a passionate kiss.

Ji Yeon was such a mystery and it was why Jong In was interested to continue to go out with her.


"Justice for Ji Yeon." Jong In mused and chuckled at his juvenile guess.

Soo Jung walked around her room and stared hard at her own wedding photo.

"If it were Jong Hyun, would I be standing here alone in this spacious and thinking about the past? If only I had checked who I was to marry, would I be feeling the same regrets?" Soo Jung bit her lower lip.

No doubt, Jong In was a charming and doting husband. However, his ambitions were really great and he enjoyed manipulating the media. He also loved the attention thrown upon him.

Jong In was the total opposite from her.

"To think that people say that opposites attract …" Soo Jung sighed. She stared hard at her handphone now and was tempted to listen to the specialized alarm that Jong Hyun created for her.

Somehow, she lost the strength to press the button to listen to it.

Soo Jung sighed again.

Despite the three of them trying their best to bring themselves back to the past, they all realised that they could not do it. Although none of them spoke about it, Soo Jung knew that the three of them were facing the same problem. Soo Jung was deeply grateful to Na Eun who always tried to create more opportunities for Jong Hyun and her…

"Soo Jung and Jong Hyun, please, do keep yourselves busy in my room. I am going to make us some food in the kitchen!"

"Soo Jung and Jong Hyun, I am going to watch my favourite show now. Please do not come out to disturb me!"

"Soo Jung and Jong Hyun…"

That was Na Eun, always attempting to keep Jong Hyun and her, stuck in a room together. Soo Jung let out a giggle when she thought of Na Eunl's silly lies. However, Na Eunl's attempts were not really successful.

Stuck in Na Eun's room, Jong Hyun and Soo Jung had nothing to converse about, initially. After they began to talk about their schoolwork and everything else, whenever the topic of Soo Jung's marriage to Jong In came up, their conversation reached a dead end.

Silence reigned in the room.

The past which they had shared together, so blissfully, would be the next topic they would talk about.

"Do you remember the alarm that you created for me? I am still using it. It is the only alarm that can wake me up!" Soo Jung laughed.

"You sleep like a pig! A dead log! I bet none of anyone can wake you up! That alarm is a miracle!" Jong Hyun chortled too. He could recall Soo Jung's sleeping face on his bed. She was sleeping so deeply. Her smile on her face accentuated her elegance and made her appear like an angel. He was so in love with her.

"Right! All thanks to you for creating the miracle for me then!" Soo Jung smiled.

The two would continue all about the past they shared together.

However, silence would reign once again soon.

At the end of the conversation, realization hit them so hard that they were left speechless.

The past, which they were talking about, was their desired destination.

They would love to return to it but they would never be able to reach there ever again.

They could not reverse time.

They could not undo the choices they had made.

They could not go back to the pleasant and memorable past.

The past was only memories and nothing more.

They had made their choices, not knowing the future lying ahead of them, then.

Choices were the fundamental strings of Destiny.

Destiny had put in place many strings for each and every one of us.

Soo Jung, Jong Hyun and even Na Eun, Jong In and Ji Yeon, had chosen to let go of some strings and pull some strings. They could only depend on themselves and their choices to move on with their lives until their final destinies.

Afterall, all lives end with death.

Destiny will have an end, too.

All objects are born in a way, and they will die in a way eventually.

It is a cycle.

What will they end up with?

                                                                                                                          X: updated :) comments pls!

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Chapter 24: Update soon please? Ughhh my kaistal feels
VanessaH2012 #3
Chapter 24: Phew! Krystal is ok!!!
oppaa2728 #4
Chapter 23: okay what happen? im so curious
fxkrystal_kpop123 #5
Chapter 23: no what happen?
did jiyeon do something to soojung?
keep updating
supergeneration20 #6
Chapter 23: Nooo clifffhhaaanggerr. Wah that ji yeon girl, want to kill her so badddd.. Hope that soojung will be okayyy..
fxkrystal_kpop123 #7
Chapter 22: I´m crying
I hope more kaistal moments
KaistalandChaeki #8
Chapter 20: Please update soon >.<
Chapter 20: OMGSHIWHFILSKFOWLFJHOI they got a baby <3