His Cold Fury

Destined Choices

Jong In returned home during the wee hours and found his wife sleeping holding her handphone tightly.

His lips curved upwards.

He had chosen to return home earlier as Ji Yeon was already in deep slumber and he missed Soo Jung.

This was the first time he missed someone so much, particularly a lady, who was coincidentally just supposed to be his wife in name only.

A mischievous smirk replaced the smile on his face.

She was just supposed to be a brilliant tool for his plan to become a success. However, he seemed to have too many feelings placed into his tool. His tool was no longer a tool, but a living person, whom he missed.

"Great, Jong In?! A professional heartbreaker like you has feelings for a fake wife? How cool is that?" Jong In mocked at himself, silently. His eyes were fixed on the sleeping Soo Jung.

"An angel," Jong In recalled his first impression of Soo Jung.

"She really looks like one innocent angel, sleeping so peacefully, with such a special aura of grace and elegance." Jong In thought as he leaned forward to place a peck on her foreword.

Love was a foreign word to Jong In, much more unfamiliar as a feeling to him, since his status was a professional heartbreaker. Such a status would require Jong In never to place his real feelings on anyone or someone, much less love anyone.

He pulled her handphone carefully from her hands and placed it on the table beside their bed.

Jong In quickly took his shower and slipped onto the bad, besides Soo Jung. He playfully kissed Soo Jung on the lips before turning in…

Who would expect the next morning to be so disastrous?

Jong In woke up early and prepared breakfast for his wife. Even though he had not been returning home for nights, he made it a point to rush home and prepared himself to send her to school, so that the media would not be able to make a fuss over anything.

Indeed, the media had titled them as the "Most Perfect Couple". They had also given up following them to school and work everyday now, since they were convinced that Jong In and Soo Jung were totally and madly in deep love with each other.

Humming a sweet love ballad to himself, Jong In stepped into their room.

"Jung Soo Jung, wake up now! Or else, Kim Jong Hyun will hurry here and sweep you off your feet! Kim Jong Hyun will kiss Jung Soo Jung! Sleeping Beauty awakes! Hahahaha!"

Soo Jung's specialized alarm rang out loud.

Soo Jung jolted up immediately and smiled radiantly. She took her handphone and switched off her alarm. What she failed to realise were how her handphone had ended up on the table and Jong In's presence in their room.

Jong In stood rooted to the ground.

That laughter was unmistakable.

It belonged to his younger brother, Kim Jong Hyun.

Each and every word confessed by Jong Hyun, to Soo Jung, sunk into Jong In's mind.

What stung Jong In's heart deeper was Soo Jung's blissful reaction upon hearing the alarm.

All the days that they had being husband and wife, Jung Soo Jung had never showed such glowing blissfulness.

"Not with me, she was not so happy with me." Jong In clenched his fists.

"What was that?" Jong In hissed in a low and menacing voice.

Soo Jung finally sensed Jong In's presence and the looming danger ahead.

"Jong In… I…" Soo Jung was at a loss of words.

"What was that?! Don't make me repeat my question for the third time or you will truly regret it!" Jong In's face was contorted into a frame of cool fury. Though his brows were not furrowed and his lips did not form a frown, his eyes were menacingly piercing. His fists were clenched tightly and his lips were pursed together. He was holding his fury in.

Too cold. Too angry. Too scary.

The above three adjectives were what Soo Jung would use to describe Jong In.

"It is just my alarm." Soo Jung answered truthfully, with a sheepish smile on her face. She was hoping that Jong In would soften up a little. He had transformed into a man whom she had never seen before.

A furious man who was holding all his rage within his body, keeping his cold and hard stare, and, stony face.

He was an explosive, Soo Jung knew.

"Who is Jong Hyun to you? I want nothing but the truth!" Jong In snapped.

He was losing his patience.

He was losing his logical mind.

All along, he thought he was the one in control of their whole act. He was supposed to be the dominating person. However, Soo Jung had cleverly hid some truth from him and he could not take it lying down.

In addition, it was related to Jong Hyun.

From young, Jong Hyun had been the one whom everyone cared about, after he was sick. No matter how hard Jong In tried to do exceptionally well in all aspects, his parents never cared for him like they do for Jong Hyun.

That was why he wanted revenge.

He needed Soo Jung to help him get his revenge back at his parents.

He wanted full control of the company, bringing it to its greatest peak, and then to destroy the company right in the face of his parents.

He wanted to show them so desperately that business should never be as important as their sons, especially a son trying so hard to gain the parental love that he yearned so much.

However, the unexpected had caught him by surprise.

"Jong Hyun is my lover." Soo Jung closed her eyes and stated the truth.

"Lover." The word pierced through Jong In's heart and mind.

"Lover." Jong In repeated the word to himself.

"Lover. You two are lovers! You!" Jong In was enraged.

He breathed in deeply, putting in much effort in stabilizing and composing himself, and ambled towards Soo Jung.

Soo Jung eyed him as he walked near her.

"I am sorry." Soo Jung could only manage these three words and nothing more.

"Thanks for being sorry; but I guess, you will not be returning to school today. We have some debts to clear." Jong In's heart was palpitating hard. Logic was thrown off in his mind. Rage had taken control of him.

"Jong In, I …"

Soo Jung did not manage to complete her sentence as Jong In forcefully crashed his lips upon hers…

There was no turning back.

                                                                          and this is the part where Kaistal moments will start :)
                                                         next chapters will have a feeling of angst!
                                                                                   tnx for my subbies and commentors
                                                   THANK YOU!!!
                                                                       I am planning to start a new Kaistal fic!
                                                         I will try to post it after the 14th chapter :D

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Chapter 24: Update soon please? Ughhh my kaistal feels
VanessaH2012 #3
Chapter 24: Phew! Krystal is ok!!!
oppaa2728 #4
Chapter 23: okay what happen? im so curious
fxkrystal_kpop123 #5
Chapter 23: no what happen?
did jiyeon do something to soojung?
keep updating
supergeneration20 #6
Chapter 23: Nooo clifffhhaaanggerr. Wah that ji yeon girl, want to kill her so badddd.. Hope that soojung will be okayyy..
fxkrystal_kpop123 #7
Chapter 22: I´m crying
I hope more kaistal moments
KaistalandChaeki #8
Chapter 20: Please update soon >.<
Chapter 20: OMGSHIWHFILSKFOWLFJHOI they got a baby <3