The Two Point Of View

Are You The One?
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   When the girls arrived at home, they went straith to Nihel's room and saw her waking up from her sleep. So they went to her...

" Are you okay honey??" Asked Fify with a worried look.

"Yeah~I'm fine... Don't worry."

" Look... The boys bought these flowers for you ^^ " Said Nada as she showed her the flowers.

" Oh... So beautiful... They are so sweet ^^ " *forcing a smile*

" Yeah they are ^^... I'm gonna have a bath." Said Nada as she went out of the room.

" I feel so tired... I'm gonna sleep." Yawned Fify.

 So Fify and Nada left the room leaving  Syrina and Nihel alone.

------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------

*Nihel POV*

  After the girls left, Syrina looked at me and i could see that she has something to say.

" Just say it Syrina.."

" Hhhh... You really know me don't you??"

" Yeah... That's why we're BFFs ^^ "

" Do you love him??"

I was really shocked with her question since i never thought that she would ask me this question. Ilooked down trying to avoid the eye contact with her thinking how to change the topic.

" So... Did you have fun today with Chanyeol??"

" Don't try to change the topic El... Do you??"

" Ehhh.... Yes, then what??"

" I knew it ^^... Finally you found your first love ^^... I'm so happy for you."

 Yes that's right, MY FIRST LOVE, but he is my first impossible love too. He has a girlfriend and obviously i have no chance with him. Oh, damn!!! My eyes start to tear. No.. No, oh please don't.

" Are you crying??"

" No..."

" Don't lie to me Eli... Why are you crying?? Aren't you happy to find your love??"

" Happy??... How can i BE happy when he has already a girlfriend?? Do you know how much it hurts??"

" Yes... I konw that he has a girlfriend but I also know that he doesn't like her... But he likes you"

WHAT THE HECK??? I must heard it wrong.. Love ME?? No way~ He loves his girlfriend or else why would he date her then??

" Don't make that face of yours... I'm not joking... I could see it in his eyes... The way he looked at you that day in the Karaoke, the way he looked and talked to you in the forest, the way he looked at you today at the park when we just arrived... And of corse i can't forget that jalosy look in his eyes when you walked away of us with Xiumin and the worried look when he knew that you hurted yourself..."

" What?? How... When..."

" It was so obvious for me, and you know i'm pro when it comes to this hihihi"

" Hahahaha.... I need to tell you something

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This is my first fanfic please support me and give me feadback.. and Thnx for reading^^


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sysy05 #1
Chapter 10: Finally u update ^^*
Good :)
sysy05 #2
Chapter 9: yeah i'm a love expert yahoooooooooooooooooo
really ?? i guess i have the power :p
well done little bb <3
keep go on with this ^^
sysy05 #3
Chapter 3: hhhhh my love story start from an accident i like it hhhh ^^
it so amazing <3
Chapter 2: wow^^ really good~ i love it!
nadou1 #5
Chapter 1: its really good !! its amazing ^^
sysy05 #6
good job ^^
can't wait for the next