She's Back

Girl and the Seven Princes

Few years later everybody had already graduated from high school and is an adult now.

These past year, Sunggyu tries to forget Jessica by dating other girls but Jessica would always appear in his head. Sunggyu was pretty sad and lonely. Even Infinite tried to cheer him up but it wouldn’t work. He was a man in love you could say.

Jessica in the other hand too had feelings for Sunggyu still. In America there was couple of guys asking her out but she would always rejects them. When Jessica was finally old enough, she went back to Korea. She only contacted Sungjong.

Sungjong! Are you busy? -Jessica

JESSICA! You’re ALIVE. Long time no talk/see. O: -Sungjong

Haha yea. I only want you to know this. I’m back in Korea! ^_^ -Jessica

OH MY GOSH! Really?! -Sungjong

Yes, haha. Let’s meet up at my apartment? -Jessica

Same place? -Sungjong

Same place. -Jessica

Okay, I’ll be there in 10 minutes. -Sungjong

Okay. -Jessica

Jessica went into her old apartment. She started unpacking. She looked around and smiled at all the memories she had here. Someone knock on the door. Jessica went over to see and it was Sungjong. She open the door for him and he went inside.

Jessica, “Sungjong!

Sungjong, “Jessica!” They hug each other. “I miss you so much! And you looked so different, in a good way.

Jessica, “Haha, thanks. I miss you too..” They let go of each other. “How’s everybody?

Sungjong, “Everyone is fine... except for Sunggyu.

Jessica froze a little, “Oh.. I see.

Sungjong, “He told us what happen..

Jessica, “I figured.

Sungjong, “He still likes you, I think? Are you still mad at him?

Jessica looked at Sungjong not believing at what he said. “Surprised? You still like him too huh?

Jessica, “No.. How’d... you know?

Sungjong, “Your face is so easy to read.

Jessica, “...

Sungjong, “Haha, how about I treat you. You haven’t ate yet right?

Jessica, “Yea.” They both left the apartment and went somewhere close to eat.

They were eating until Sungjong got a phone call. Sungjong, “Sorry Jessica. I have to go to work.

Jessica, “Oh okay. Thank you for the food.” Sungjong got up and walked to the door, he was looking at his phone. Sunggyu and Sungjong passed each other without knowing. Sunggyu was seated next to Jessica. They both didn’t notice each other. “Can I have bulgogi and ummm..” Jessica recognized the voice. She turned around and saw Sunggyu. She drop her chopsticks to the floor. Sunggyu turn around to hear what the noise was coming from. Their eyes met.

Sunggyu, “Jessica...?

Jessica, “Sunggyu...” Then some girl appeared pulling the chair out and sitting across from Sunggyu. Jessica was confused and surprised.

Sunggyu, “Jessica..., this is my current girlfriend Hyo Rin. Remember her?” Jessica thoughted, "Hyo rin as in Lee Hyo Rin who hated me?"

Hyo Rin, “Jessica as in Sung Jessica? The freak?” Sunggyu nodded. Hyo Rin looked at Jessica “Wow, Jessica you looked different. You looked pretty. Wow.

Jessica, “Oh... umm.. thanks?” Jessica looks at Sunggyu, “I gotta go now. Have fun on your date.

Hyo Rin, “Bye! It was nice seeing you again!

Sunggyu, “Oh.. bye.” Jessica left.

Hyo Rin, “Wow, Jessica looks so pretty, I’m jealous. Sunggyu! Am I pretty as her?

Sunggyu still thinking about Jessica, “Uh, yea.” not looking at Hyo Rin.


Jessica, “Sunggyu...” She was back at her apartment. She texted Sungjong.

I saw Sunggyu today! I thought you said he still likes me? He have a girlfriend! -Jessica

Oh I forgot to mention that... Sunggyu is dating because he’s trying to forget you. But now that you’re here... We can all hope the best for you and Sunggyu. -Sungjong

Sungjong!! -Jessica

Sorry I need to go back to work. I’ll come by when I’m done, okay? -Sungjong

Okay bye. -Jessica

Jessica starts unpacking and arranging stuff in her apartment. She was about done, she looked at the time. “Wow time does pass by when you’re busy.” It was 8 Jessica hasn’t eaten yet.

Sungjong calls Jessica, “I’m outside, did you eat yet?

Jessica, “No, I’m so hungry!

Sungjong, “I’ll take you to dinner.” Jessica went outside and into Sungjong’s car. They arrived to the first BBQ that Jessica ever been to. They both enter.


Jessica was surprise. “Oh my gosh!” Hugs everybody except for Sunggyu. He wasn’t there.

Dongwoo, “Jessica! It’s been so long!


Hoya, “You looked pretty. Finally you had a makeover. But welcome back.

Sungyeol, “Jessica!

L, “Welcome back Jessica.”

Jessica, “You guys! I missed all of you guys.

Sungjong, “Sunggyu couldn’t make it...

Jessica, “It’s okay.

L, “So how was it like in America?”

Jessica, “It was pretty interesting when I got there. There were also so many cute guys.

Woohyun, “I bet they’re not at cute as me.” start doing he aegyo.

Sungyeol, “Stop it, you’re too greasy!” Everybody laughed.

Hoya, “Have you dated anyone over there?

Jessica, “Nope!” Infinite only nodded their head.

Sungjong, “Let’s eat. I’m hungry.” They all started to eat.


Sunggyu talking to himself, “I should have went to eat out with them..” He was laying on his bed looking at his cell phone. “Jessica...


They were all done eating. Dongwoo, “I’m glad you came back Jessica.

Jessica, “I’m glad to be back!

Sungyeol, "I’m tired. We should all go home now.

L, “Your always tired!”

Sungyeol, “Hey that’s because I work really hard!

L, “Uh huh.”

Jessica, “I’m tired too. I didn’t get to rest when I got here.

Sungyeol, “See she’s tired too!

L, “That’s different!”

Sungyeol, “Whatever...

Jessica, “Hahaha. You guys ever changed huh?

They all looked at Jessica. They all really missed Jessica bright warm smile. They smiled back.

Sungjong, “Jessica I’ll take you back home then.” Jessica and Sungjong got up and left.

Woohyun, “Do you think Jessica and Sungjong ever going to date?

Hoya, “Why would you say that?

Woohyun, “Because like they were close in high school and they’re still close now.

Dongwoo, “I don’t think he’ll do that to Sunggyu.

L, “Sunggyu need to forgot about her!”

Sungyeol, “Don’t say that.

L, “Well it looks like Jessica forgot her feelings for Sunggyu. Look when she first got here she only contacted Sungjong. Sungjong had never liked anyone else since Jessica left.” L knew what he was talking about. Infinite realized it too.

Woohyun, “You’re probably right...

L, “Of course! I’m Detective L!”

Sungyeol, “Oh please that again? I thought you gave up on being a detective back in high school!

L, “Once a detective always a detective!”

Sungyeol rolled his eyes, “Sure..


Sungjong and Jessica arrived back to her apartment. Jessica ,"Thank you for today! It was fun.

Sungjong, “No problem. We all should hangout again!

Jessica, “Definitely!

Sungjong, “Bye and good night!

Jessica, “Wait!

Sungjong, “Huh?

Jessica, “Sunggyu... Can you give me his address?

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Chapter 18: Nice story!! Are u going to update the sequel or is it finished?
Chapter 10: ....don't be a pabo TARO!update soon~!
Chapter 9: I thought taro was Myungsoo at first too. But now I know who it is. I'm not saying it here cuz I don't want to spoil it for u guys.
Chapter 8: ok!here's what I've gathered!TARO is not L because she was texting TARO while L was in the classroom with her(in the beginning)
I don't think it's sungjong cause she was texting TARO while songjong was about to tell her not to fall when the floor was wet.
But I think the prince may be gyu cause when he heard the name TARO he almost spit his water out and if it's not him he knows something about TARO.but did you notice how he never gives off clues that he LIKES Jessica?
Chapter 2: Wondering who taro is.
So interesting!!