` ⌛ insomnia - underground indie rock girlgroup - apply open。


feels like insomnia,
no. of members: four.
label: tba.
debut single: tba.
debut album: tba.
genre: indie rock.
fanclub name: night owl(s).
fanclub color: midnight blue. #003366
insomnia is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. these four seemingly ordinary girls do their best to have you up as long as possible with their music, to infect you with their endless passion virus. however, behind these heart-warming smiles that they give their niche audience hides something more; sweat, blood and constantly appearing on their way to fame obstacles which they have to deal with on a daily basis. four different lives, four different histories, four different personalities live under one roof, share one dream, and share one goal: to exist in the world of music and to sooth people with their unique voices until when on their heads will be the first gray hair. struggling with a mess called life, these four girls strike to become heard by many. and they will do everything in their power to make their dreams come true. rise to fame began and there is no way back anymore. do-or-die. they do not want to just survive. they want to shine immnesely. will they succeed? or will they fall? if you are brave enough, join to them in their journey and taste the bittersweetness of fame and love.



here come rules,
1. hello everyone! the name's nara, so you don't have to call me plainly an author. now to the point, first of all, no bashing please. either me or my applicants, okay? you can constrctively critize, though. i'm not a child and can handle criticism for sure.
2. going to sound mainstream, but subscribe is a must if you would like to apply. upvote is not neccessary, but appreciated. after all i am not here to gain karma points, right?
3. since i want to make this fanfic as real as possible, make sure your characater does have flawes and weaknesses. no mary-sues please. i hate them greatly, to be honest.
4. as for face claim use either ulzzangs, models or actresses. park shin hye is taken for my character. please choose girls whose faces do not scream plastic surgery, okay?
5. i'm looking for something realistic, so don't make your character exaggeratedly original. realism is the key. also don't give me entirely recycled apps please.
6. as for love interest you can choose anyone from big bang, exo, b.a.p, block b and 2pm. i accept actors as well. mentioned groups are simply the ones i am most familiar with. i have not decided yet on love interest for my own character, but most likely block b's p.o(or actor lee soo hyuk) will be taken by me. i'm pretty hesitant person.
7. to prevent your future questions about deadline, you will probably have two or so weeks to send in your applications from now on. i want to start it before school,   therefore i'm not planning to wait whole month. sorry for rushing things a bit. if you happen to need some more time then do tell me and i shall extend the deadline so you all guys can hand me in your applications. take your time please! and have fun applying.
8. if you still have no clue what is this fanfic about, in a nutshell: a story about a group of friends who share one dream of (more or less) becoming an idols and trying to make their names big in the industry. some time ago they founded indie rock band and play on the underground stage, compose their songs, write lyrics to them and most importantly - live together, under one roof. if any questions feel free to pm me or ask in the comment section below! after all, i'm not your neighbor's dog, i won't bite you.


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Chapter 1: Maybe because I was also raised in another country that's why I decided to also included that in the app xD Thank you for reviewing my app! I'm really looking forward to this fic! :D
Chapter 1: Actually her mother's last should be Han... I thought it would be a bit unusual if her maiden name was Jang. I was going to leave it like that, but then I changed my mind and forgot to actually change it on the app. >.< I'm glad that you liked my app and I'm really looking forward to the actual story.
Sounds interesting I'll probably apply.