LovelyIna : Where Creative Makes Awesome!

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Annyeong Hai ^^ 

"Where Creative Makes Awesome!" my motto of life. In this entri, I would like to introduce a bit about myself. #Facts about me. Feels free if you want to read it or not.. But, In order to know me, you have to read it till the end ^^ Ahaks!


I'm LovelyIna. *You can see me in the picture above* You guys can called me Lovely or Love.. This is just my name as an Author-nim, I've started to used this name since 2010.. *pretty old author-nim right?* It's already 4 years to be exact.

or most of the Malaysian out there that know me, called me Ina or Lina.. I'm okey with that =)

Ermm, I'm a 94liner which is 20 this year >.< 


*Below is the question that will makes you know me better i guess* xD



Are you Studying or already a worker?

:: I'm a student. A student from a very well-known University in my Country. A degree student, major in Graphic design and minor in Psychology. 
*Don't blame me if I'm very strict with my work especially your poster request*


What's makes you so into the Poster design for Fanfiction?

:: I've started to become an author-nim since 2010, when I'd wrote any of my fanfiction, I felt like.. Urgh. Something is incomplete.. Yeah! I don't have a poster to makes my fanfiction attractive. So because of that, I tried to learn Photoshop =) 


Why do you open your own graphic shop?

:: To help author-nim out there to find some poster for their fanfic ^^

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Chapter 34: akak! betul ke akak dah close??
alaaaa.. saya nak request T^T
semua poster yg akak buat, semua cntik2!
tergugat tangan saya nak tengok!
please kak.. bukak lah~ bukak lah~~~ huhu TT^TT

Main Cast: v , kim shin yeong

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Chapter 29: thanks unnie! nice poster!! XD cepat jugak ek? ingatkan lambat..hehe.. ^^
Chapter 32: whoaaaaa, this one is much better than before lah. walaupun cameranya canon, tp tak pa. T^T thanks lina!!!! sayang lina ketat-ketat!
Chapter 31: so fast omg thank you! will credit you : )