Chapter 4

The Star in My Night Sky

After school rolled around and although the guys changed to casual clothes, they looked as if they just came back from the dead. “Dude… what happened?”

“Ms. Han happened,” Yongguk deadpanned. “She caught us passing notes and made us sit outside with our hands above our heads as punishment.”

“Wow passing notes, old school much?”

“Yeah well it’s cuter this way,” Himchan replied giddily. Yongguk looked away but not fast enough for me to catch his blush.

“Let’s just go before this school vomits more middle schoolers at us,” Yongguk suggested. You’ve gotta admit it though, the 6th graders, a grade below us, are such wannabees.

We all pooled money for a cab and went to the common mall downtown. The mall was beginning to fill in the Friday evening and I thought it was refreshing. Yeah I don’t like people much, but the moving of bodies was surprisingly entertaining. We went from store to store looking for games, food and more video games. A few girls from other schools were also gawking at us. Well at my hyungs mostly, but since I was there, I was also gawked at like a prey.

“Why must they do this,” I gritted through my teeth. Himchan looked at me from the stack of CDs he had and then did a 180 turn. He simply smirked. Even in a CD store I would have this urge to punch him so badly.

“Well at least we know we’re good looking,” he said, the smirk never leaving his face.

“Well I don’t like it.”

“I agree with Daehyun,” Yongguk said when he pulled away from the CD he was inspecting.

“You want to make it even more interesting?” Oh god Himchan had that face again. Not that face; anything but that face.

“If I object you’ll still force us won’t you.” Himchan nodded vigorously.

Yongguk could only sigh. “Well, what is it?”

Just like that Himchan lunged for Yongguk and wrapped his arms around his neck. I gasped in surprise and could only gape at them with their faces only a centimeter apart from each other.

Once I was over my little faze I quickly whipped out my phone and took a photo of them. Damn it I swear I ship these two so badly. The girls were also dazed and when their brains started to actually function they left.

“That took care of that,” Himchan smiled contently as he released himself from the elder.

“Yeah,” Yongguk said but avoided Himchan’s eyes. “So Daehyun,” he said trailing his eyes up to my face.


“Tell anyone about this and I will slaughter you. And about that picture too.”

“My lips are sealed. The picture’s for blackmail anyways,” I eye smiled and cocked my head innocently at the two.

“God we have corrupted the poor boy too much,” Himchan said picking up the CDs to the counter.

We thought afterwards it’d be best to see a movie before we leave and the three of us decided to watch Despicable Me 2. We then went to the party shop and got helium balloons, Himchan’s idea obviously.

We went to our usual hideout at the top of my apartment and it was already late at night. The stars were starting to appear too. Himchan started to untie his helium and was already messing around with it.

“Bottom,” Himchan impersonated with his high-pitched voice while smacking his own bottom.

Yongguk and I burst out laughing at his ridiculousness and we went on like this, breathing helium and impersonating people till I saw Youngjae above us.

I waved unconsciously out of habit and the both of them looked at me weirdly before gazing up.

“Oh, you’re just waving at Youngjae. For a second there I thought you were going crazy.”

“Yeah, talking to a hot ball of gas that’s billions of light years away isn’t crazy Yongguk,” I retorted sarcastically.

“Do you plan on stopping Daehyun?” Himchan looked uncertainly at me.

“What do you mean hyung?” I asked oddly.

“You know, talking to Youngjae and all. Do you?”

I had contemplated with this answer many times before, but I guess the child in me just doesn’t want to let go. “No, not anytime soon. I can’t forget him like most kids do with their imaginary friends. Youngjae is real to me. Sure, I got you guys now but there’s just something about him, something I don’t want to lose. I’ve already lost too much and I don’t want to lose anything anymore.” I looked down at my hands that were perched on top of my propped up knees. “With him around, he’s always listening,” I looked up with a glossy eyed smile. 

Both guys hugged me simultaneously and I appreciated that they cared for me so much.

“Come on Channie, we need to get back before our parents go ape- on us,” Yongguk said, reminding us how late the night had gone by. Himchan hummed in reply.

“You guys know your way out right? I’m just gonna stay here for a bit then head to my apartment.”

“Youngjae?” Himchan asked.

“Youngjae,” I replied with a grin.

“Okay suit yourself, leggo Yongguk~” Himchan skipped towards the door and Yongguk had an expression that read ‘Why do I even know him?’ before he bid goodbye too.

I laughed at my friends and their silliness before turning towards the sky as I settled on top of my flat pillar. Since I live outside of the city the stars were glimmering one by one. I just can’t get enough of the site, it never bores me.

“Hey Youngjae, guess what? My birthday is next week~ You wanna know what I’m gonna wish for? I can’t tell you~” I laughed at my own weird aegyo and thought I was going to vomit rainbows.

“Anyways, I was thinking about asking the guys to hang at my place and play the video games and movies we bought today. That sounds fun right?” I paused out of habit. “Yeah, I thought so too. I like celebrating things with friends and Hana noona, it’s more memorable that way. And I don’t like extravagant parties as much because they’re such a hassle to deal with. Oh! My birthday is on a Saturday right? So that means I’m gonna visit you at the star gazing theatre again! Yesssss,” I fist pumped the air in excitement. “I should bring Yongguk and Himchan along with me so they can admire the stars too.”

I started babbling non-stop to Youngjae and I suddenly felt self-conscious about it.

“Hey Youngjae…Am I annoying you?” I looked up sadly at the bright star ahead of me. “You know if I am, you can send me a sign or something so I wouldn’t talk so much. It’s quite ironic actually. Me, the loner, the mute kid in school, talking non-stop to a star. Yeah that’s going to throw up some giggles somewhere. “Well I best be going, it’s curfew and you know how Hana noona hates it when I don’t call before that,” I grin upwards. “Goodbye Youngjae and goodnight.”

The star also twinkled his goodnight. 







Hello the people on Earth who reads this lame story~

I'm back for an update because my friend kept boasting on and on about how her fanfics keep her subscribers happy so Imma do the same! I hoped you guys enjoyed this and liked and subscribe if you do :D 

Here is the other fanfic I'm working on, it's a B.A.P one too and features the maknae line.

It's You 

Please enjoy it as much as I do writing it because it revolves around my friends ^^ Except, well, they're girls and straight lol. 

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Chapter 4: Psst... I think you reposted chapter 3?
Chapter 3: Owh, I haven't checked in ages. Really like it ^^
Chapter 2: owh so sweet. It was just a little weird Jongup is older than deahyunie. I love the writing style thought. And omg the new MV is in half an hour and it's 4:30 here and I'm just reading the time away with your story's. I love you!