A New Friend

Meeting Again

I sat in class with a major headache while the professor went on his lecture. The night before was gruesome; so many projects with compositions and most of all, Dongwoo was extra jubilant that he didn’t sleep all night. Instead, he kept on yelling at the TV because he won the lottery. It wasn’t a big sum, but a little was good enough.

                In the corner of my eye I spotted someone staring at me while his chin rested on the palm of his hand. I never paid attention during roll call or made many friends so I had no idea who that man was. He didn’t smile or frown; his lips were just a straight line. His hair was dyed a rich brown; of course, that’s what I thought since I’ve never encountered a natural brunette Asian. A pure white dress shirt covered him while the rolled up sleeves showed his arms. He held a calm gaze as he noticed me staring back. With a nod, he turned back to face the professor.

                I wondered why he even bothered to look at me. Most students knew me as the “one hit wonder”, and infamous name that I wasn’t all too glad for. I didn’t dress the best or know the most, so why be interested? Additionally, most guys on campus didn’t like me because of my infamous name, not excluding the professors. I heard snickers from them who said, “He thinks he’s so great since he got a scholarship.” And, “I don’t even know why the girls like that face; it’s so yuck.”

                I laughed at these comments with full amusement. Not once in my whole life have I been hated on so—normally. It seemed just like high school once again, all the jealousy and competition—so nostalgic.

                When class ended, I felt so relieved. If it wasn’t for the big showcase coming up, I would have gone home and slept the whole day. I packed up my scattered papers full of drawings and exited the classroom. Students bustled around each other, asking here and there for partners. Some came up to me and asked, but I would always reject them.

                “Hey, Woohyun!” a hand grabbed my shoulder, “What are you doing for the showcase?”

                I turned around and had to question the stranger, “Do I know you?”

                He chuckled, “I’m in your guitar class. My name’s Myungsoo, remember?”


                His smile turned into a frown and his hands made their way into his pockets. He trailed behind me with his head low. We walked out into the campus park and I thought, had I actually hurt his feelings?

                “So, what are you doing?” Myungsoo asked again.

                I shrugged, hoping that he would leave soon. Sadly, he didn’t.

                “Want to practice together then? I have no one else right now.”

                “Don’t you have a partner?” I inquired. It was odd that he wouldn’t have a partner for the showcase. It was required, after all. I didn’t have one, since I don’t have friends, but Myungsoo? By first impression, I assumed that he was quite popular among most. Overall, he looked very handsome. His hair was lightly ruffled with his bangs styled up. Black seemed to be his favorite color since that was the only thing he wore; a black thin jacket with a grey shirt under and black jeans with worn out Converse. His eyes looked very kind, but I predicted that if he ever gets angry, they would turn dark, just like Dongwoo’s. His lips were quirked up into a small smile; although, I think he would look better with a straight face.

                “I got ditched by the last one. He couldn’t keep up with me.”

                How cocky.

                “So you’re asking to be my partner? Why?”

                He kicked a rock with his feet; I saw him smile with those bright teeth.

                “It’s because you’re new and interesting. You don’t talk much or greet anyone.” He took a breath, “and you’re really cute.”

                My eyebrow quirked up and so did my lips. “Cute?”

                He nodded.

                I laughed a bit before poking his face. Today was definitely the most I’ve talked in a while and it felt nice.

                “If I say yes, will you be bothering me for a long time?”


                “Then yes.”


                Dongwoo was texting frantically by the time I came back. I handed him a piece of cake I bought back from Myungsoo; he planned on bribing me with cake. I sat down across from him in our kitchen and he looked up at me.

                “Why are you smiling like that?” he locked his phone.

                I pushed the cake near him, “No reason.”

                Not believing my words, Dongwoo used his finger to pull my smile down. “ Did you meet your soul mate or something?”

                “Maybe.” I slapped his finger away. “I got a partner for the showcase. Besides me, how’s work?”

                Dongwoo smiled ear to ear with good news in mind, “We got a new worker today and he is hilarious! Plus, he really looks like a prince; it’s perfect for the shop. I think he could be a better friend than you.”

                I punched Dongwoo’s arm while he pretended to be in pain, “You can’t replace me; I’m too awesome.”

                “Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Woohyun.”

                “What’s his name?”

                “It’s Hoya.”

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Chapter 8: Aahhh, I love this story so much!!! But I dont get it, has Sunggyu really forgiven him? Or has Sunggyu fallen for them. They need to get together, lol. Poor Myungie =_= Update soon!! :D
Chapter 8: I love this story!! Poor myungsoo...
MissKpop16 #3
Chapter 8: Yeah! First comment! Haha I love it so far! Please write quick. Hold on! I shouldn't rush the writter the story is best being good than getting released fast. Aigoo Ami you are too impatient -_-!!