Maybe new ...or maybe old memories-

ULTIMATE Breath {HunHan}

Listen to THIS while reading for some feels …


- Maybe new ...or maybe old memories-

“Hyung ! Hyung ! Wake up ! Wake up, I said ! “ , said the redheaded boy with a childish voice, complaining about his hyung’s deep sleep.

Besides feeling very dizzy, barely opening his eyes, Luhan was feeling out of his place. He wasn’t feeling like he was home even though he knew where he was, assuming, comfortable in his bed in their bedroom. The disturbing smell of bitter coffee was missing. The unmistakable smell of Sehun was oddly missing too. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong, but the presence of his boyfriend who was staring at him from somewhere in the room was confusing him.

Luhan let himself being carried away by memories...dreams...hopes, for a long time, paying attention to the insignificant details around him.. Like the thick and cold drops of a heavy rain that were hurrying hitting brutally the windows. Or the strong, noisy and careless sound of the wind that was in the middle of composing a mysterious symphonie on the cracks of the windows. Or even his strange and too calm breath, even though he felt his heart beating fast.

He could easily imagine how lost and monotonous he looked when he opened his eyes and saw Sehun, standing against the wall.

„Pull yourself together, hyung ... Nothing happened..” , said the redheaded boy, smiling in an innocent way, while feeling guilty for his boyfriend’s condition.

“Sehun... I know it sounds crazy, but I feel...empty. I feel like a part of me is missing... Tell me that everything’s okay and that nothing happened.. Please tell me!” , replied thickly the blonde, making his boyfriend come quickly and sit next to him, embracing him tightly to his chest.

“Xia Lu ?” , he whispered next to his ear.  “ Do you remember when we went to that trip to the mountains alone ? “ , he asked, caressing his forehead gently.

His cracked lips began to talk in a funny way how they lost track of each other, but eventually, the moon and the stars showed them the way back and so ... they found each other at the very end of the day. They looked at one another as if they were separated for years and years...and years.


Luhan was watching breathlessly the redheaded boy, noting how sometimes he bit his lower lip while relating incidents and the foolishness from that trip, but especially his satisfied smile when he remembered fondly that there was where they spent their first night together.

Their dilated eyes glowed in the immensity of the night, that slowly grabbed them between pages of memories , analyzing the reaction of each other. The blonde sketched greedily how his friend seemed so alive ... amused...well-ordered , while he, though showing a smile all the way, he was as confused and lost as when he awakened.


He loved him. And they both knew it. He loved Sehun more than anyone and anything in this world, and the thought that he, along with all their memories, may disappear within a few harmful seconds, destroying every bit of happiness lived until now, scared him to death. Maybe that’s why he was feeling so strange.


“ Don’t ever leave me , Sehun-ah...Anything, but please... do not go away from me..”


“Xia Lu...Every moment spent with you ...a breath of mine is born. Do you think I could survive without you? I promised you my life, remember? I was being serious...As serious as I am now... telling you honestly that I love you ..”


Luhan looked at him more serious than all seemed just a dream. A dream that was eager to shake his feelings. But maybe it was all real. Perhaps, however, Sehun, approaching his lips shamefully, was real. Perhaps that kiss that had taken possession of them, was real. Maybe their hearts were beating like crazy for a reason, and their hands roaming freely on each other’s body, reaching back to bed, was real too.


“Sehun ...? What do you think about –time- ? I think it’s only a wicked hourglass that will not let us live our lives as much as we would like to ...” , the blonde whispered at some point...

“Hmmm... Time could be compared to a train in the station of life. Although you want to stop it, until he reaches his destination, you are doomed to a series of pleasant and unpleasant events. It doesn’t stop for you and it doesn’t wait for you.” , replied the redheaded boy after a few minutes of thinking. “ Can I ask you something now too, hyung?”

The blonde approved nodding, waiting curiously the question of his boyfriend.

“What do you think happiness is ? “ , he asked, taking him by surprise.

No answer. They were quietly admiring through the wide open window the stars that filled their room with their placid brilliance, making them feel a little melancholic, and if the rhythmic beating of their hearts weren’t so noisy and clear, Luhan would thought that it was all part of a dream that seemed to never end.
Finally, he answerd, althought he was unsure of it.

„Happiness is an illusion. An illusion created by man to improve their fear of loneliness and sadness. Sometimes it seems so real, but always ends up getting to the end of the line, just like the flowers that fade after a while, or the rain that appears by surprise, but leaves like that too, or just like a person’s smile disappears as soon as it is influenced by the sad truth of life. But still, we always have the impression that happiness exists... For example , now I feel h...”


But he could no longer continue, being interrupted by the redheaded boy.


„ Xia Lu ... Remember that happiness never comes alone. In a moment reached by its consolation , life can send immediately a strong wind of sadness and bitterness. „

Sehun’s words made the blonde startle in their embrace. Suddenly, he began to wonder why he said those words... It was not in his nature to have such things to say or be so negative with him .. especially with him. His hands were trembling just like the earth beneath their feet in the middle of a fierce earthquake,  eager to dominate everything and everyone.

After endless minutes, the phone began to ring nervously on the nightstand, making the boy jump from his bed immediately, and seeing the person who called, Luhan answerd instantly.


“Yoboseyo? Kris? Is there something wrong ? “, the blonde asked, a little alarmed.


“Xia Lu... What are you doing? Are you okay ? Want me to come over? I know it’s late but you are all alone and perhaps...”

Kris’s voice seemed worrisome, too worrisome to Luhan, who started laughing a little.

“Nooo... I’m fine , what could happen’ ? And I’m not alone, don’t you remember that Sehun moved into my apartment a long time ago? It’s right here next to me ! “


“Xia Lu....Do you know what day is it ? In which month ? “ , asked the boy from the other end of the line.


“ Of course I do ! Yesterday was May 7th, 2013 , so today it’s May 8th...actually it’s after twelve o’clock so we’re in 9th.. Why do you ask that ? Yah! Did you drink something !?” , Luhan asked , a little confused, running his fingers through Sehun’s soft and playful hair.


“Xia Lu...”


....IT takes time to translate everything to English, so you guys forgive my mistakes >_< ~


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AmiiYoung #1
! I can'T stop cying T____T
It's so... so sad... I'm crying for a long time Q________Q
Thank you for this story...

Can I translate your fanfic into Russian? Of course, with all credits~