| Ice Cream Covered Lips |

| Ice Cream Covered Lips |

One random night, at the dorms, approximately a year, four months, three days, fifteen hours and thirteen minutes, one, two seconds, since Super Junior debuted…


"You're dancing," Kyuhyun says to him, holding in a laugh but he knows he’s laughing at him.


Yesung shrugs, stops dancing and sits opposite Kyuhyun, playing his vanilla ice cream with his spoon. "Of course. I'm a dancer. It's my job."


Kyuhyun smiles and says, "You're a singer."


"And a dancer."


"A singer. Only."


"Then why am I dancing while singing?"


"Because the company needs you to."


Yesung raises an eyebrow. "I don't get it. How am I not a dancer if I dance almost every time I sing even if the company only needs me to, according to you?"


Kyuhyun smiles. "You don't have to be a dancer. I like it that you're a singer. That's enough for me."


That makes Yesung smile but still asks, "But I am a dancer, too, am I not?"


"Singer. Only. Enough." Then Kyuhyun leans over to him and gives him a chaste kiss on the cheek, near his ice cream covered lips. "Okay?"


Yesung grins and leans forward just as soon as Kyuhyun pulls away, holding his hand to stop him from sitting down and capturing Kyuhyun’s lips to his. Kyuhyun is a little startled, but gives in to Yesung’s kiss just as immediately as it happened.


He says when it ended, "You know a kiss on the cheek is never enough for me."


That's why Kyuhyun always kisses him only there, on his cheek, so he'll kiss him again, but on the lips. Kyuhyun sighs knowingly and concentrates on his pistachio ice cream, like nothing happened.


Yesung eats his ice cream again as well. But after a few seconds, "Do I that much?"


"Yeah," Kyuhyun says truthfully, nodding.


He expects it but he is still a little surprised with Kyuhyun’s honesty. Sulking, he says, "I'm never going to dance again."


"Why not?"


"You say I that much."


"Doesn't mean you can't do it anymore."


Yesung looks at Kyuhyun and says, shaking his head, "I don't get you. You tell me I at dancing. Then say that it doesn't mean I can't dance anymore?"


"Just because you're not good at it doesn't mean you can't be better."


Yesung stares at him but has to smile. Then he, sarcastically, says, "But I'm still deeply hurt. You have to make up to me."


Kyuhyun raises a brow. "How?"


"Kiss me. On the lips. You know, I realize you never kiss me on the lips first. It’s always…"


He is still talking when Kyuhyun leans to him again and interrupts him with his sudden realization as Kyuhyun takes his lips, and tastes the most delicious vanilla, but only for about two seconds. Yesung groans when Kyuhyun pulls back so quickly.


"Dance... to your heart's content," Kyuhyun says, smiling at him, before sitting back down and eating his ice cream, like nothing happened again.


Yesung is taken aback again. Kyuhyun has the knack for surprising him, in what he says and in what he does. Then he smiles, thanking God - and everyone up there with him - for giving Kyuhyun to him.


That concludes the short history of how Super Junior’s dancing machine was born.


It’s all Kyuhyun’s fault.

* * * * *


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eRnah_hanRe07 #1
Chapter 1: ..' cute.. :)
Chapter 1: lol. can't get this out of my head. it's adorable.
Eggums #3
Chapter 1: lol this was really cute :3
well done
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 1: lol seriously I can't think of Yesung being a dance machine lol I love u still yeye ♥
kazerii #5
Chapter 1: kkk~ sweet kyusungggg ♥