Fine Sketch

The Fashionista and His Model: Laundry Service Pt. 2



The weeks past, and slowly the colder weather was warming up. I would be celebrating by now, however, this particular project...was giving me hell. Ever since Jonghyun and I went out, things were still a little awkward between us. After awhile he began texting me everyday; on the weekends we would go out, either to dinner or a movie, then he’d drop me back home and that was it. I had no idea why I was so scared of being with him, I’m happy every time I see him, even more so when I can just be with him. I’ve thought of telling him that many times, but something always seems to hold me back. In the back of my mind, I silently worried if he’ll just move on after this assignment is finished. 


Ugh...this assignment. It’s bad enough that my head is spinning with my problems revolving around Jonghyun, but now I can’t seem to focus on my work either. No matter how many times I began a sketch, it ends up on the design room floor. I’ve taken numerous trips to fabrics stores and clothing shops to try and feel out what I think would best suit my model, but I’m completely at a lost. Never in my entire fashion career have I been this stressed out about a project. 


That’s how I ended up here in my design room, perched on the wooden stool, leaning over the sketching table. I called out of work this weekend so I could at least get something done. Seeing as it was already Saturday evening and a pile of crumpled paper balls lay at me feet, you could say it wasn’t going so well. Even Taemin had tried to come over to help get my motivational juices flowing. Nothing worked...


“OH My Freakin’ God!” I yelled, finally throwing the latest sketch on the floor. I put my head in my hands; closing my eyes, I tried to breathe. My body was warm and my head was heavy. Fatigue was beginning to set in when I heard a buzzing sound coming from underneath my table. I looked down to see my cell light up. It buzzed again. I flipped open the phone to see that Jonghyun texted me. 


Hey. How are you? I paused for a moment...maybe Jong could help me. I swiftly texted back.


Hey. I’m ok. You?


I’m good. Just ok? Something up? 


Eh you could say that...


Anything I can help with? I appreciated the sentiment, but really, what could he do? He wasn’t here and it’s not like a had a picture...


Yea you can actually...



Can you send me a picture of yourself?


O.o bwo!? 




U-uh...o-ok. Do u want me soft? Hard? Natural? xD


What do you mean???  ‘Oh...OH OH MY GOD!’


*Rapid Reply*


Oh no ew Jong no!


No! I didn’t mean ew...I mean like- I didn’t mean it like that!


I meant like of your face....


Omg Jong I’m so sorry....


This is embarrassing.


LOL ‘Dafqu? Lol?’


Lol I’m sorry Key but I couldn’t resist~ it was too funny!!


Yah! It was not you ert!


But you like it like that *wink*  I smirked deviously at this text...maybe now was a good time to flirt, at least that’s what I’m hoping for...


Well yea...I do...but that’s beside the point!






Kekeke~ nothing~


Whatever you say Jjong~ Now about that pic?


After what seemed like forever, Jonghyun finally sent me a picture of himself. His hair was smoothed and styled, and it appeared he put makeup on...just for me. I swiftly replied a ‘thanks’ and then went back to work. I sat and stared at the picture for what seemed like hours until I decided to just sketch out the picture. Surely some type of inspiration would come from just doodling...right?




Jonghyun POV


It had been awhile since I last heard from Key. The deadline for the final and the fashion show was quickly approaching, which made me all the more nervous. Normally, by this time, the model would be coming over to the designers home or studio every other day to see if the concept and outfits created would work. When I would text Key, I would only get short replies; figuring he was busy, I just let it go. Then he started refusing to go out, saying he had a lot of work to complete. I tried to get him to open up, to help him, but he turned me down. It wasn’t like he was being mean or rude, he just seemed distant. Now, he’s not replying to my messages or answering my calls- it’s been two days. I remembered the key his gave me to his apartment so I decided to visit him and see what was really up. 


When I arrived at his apartment, it was dark, the warm weather was finally settling in. I approached his door, wearing a light pair of jeans, a dark T-shirt and some sneakers; appropriate attire for a rescue mission should the need arise. I knocked on the door lightly and waited for a response, yet none came. I knocked again, only this time harder. When Key didn’t answer, I fished the sliver key out of my pocket. The metal door felt cold against my skin as I slide the key into the lock. The key turned with ease, opening the door with a erie quietness. I pushed the door farther open and stared into the black abyss. I looked around trying to find a light when something flickered out of the corner of my eye. I  focused on the source of the flicker, realizing it was light shining out Key’s studio. I s through the door, using my phone as a flashlight to navigate through the apartment. 


“Key?” I whispered. I slinked to the hallway where the door to his studio was cracked open. I gripped the door with my hand, softly pushing it wider to get a better look.


“KEY!” I screamed when I saw him lying on the floor. Heaps of fabric and balls of crumpled paper served almost as a bed, while other supplied and more paper balls surrounded him. I shuffled through the debris as fast as possible. A single work lamp cast the only light through the room. I knelt down beside him, placing my fingers to his forehead. He was on fire. Sweat dripped down his temples, his breath was staggering and his eyes were closed. Thank God there was no sign of any injury; with my hands, I pushed the paper balls and fabric out of the way. I shook him lightly, but he didn’t stir. I picked him up and carried him from the room. I forgot it was completely dark in the hallway. I blindly searched for a light switch while balancing Key in my arms. I managed to find the hall light and his bedroom door. 


Pushing through I placed Key gingerly on his bed. His clothes stuck to his body with sweat and his skin was as pale as snow. The outlines of his eyes were almost black from lack of sleep, while his hair was a tangled mess. The overwhelming need to protect and take care of him blinded all of my rational thoughts, because wether or not Key wanted to admit it to himself, I was absolutely in love with him. He was special to me and I wanted him to know that. 


I slowly removed his shoes and shirt. Going over to one of his dresser drawers, I dug for a tank-top. Who knew this boy had so many freaking clothes...well duh...he’s a fashion designer. Unlike his studio and living room, his room was just...normal. Maybe he needed a place to break from the constant chic motif. Maybe he wanted something dull to mix up the relentless stream of blinding color. His walls were white and his furniture was oak. His queen bed was covered with simple linen sheets and a light throw. His room was neat and everything had it’s place. The book shelf was covered with magazines and sewing instructional books, as well as some class textbooks. 


I sat down on the bed, pulling him up by his shoulders and carefully slipped the tank over his head. His body was so beautiful, I tried not to look, but the circumstances forced me to. I laid his head gently back down on the pillow. I literally ran to the kitchen, grabbing an ice pack, some medicine, a glass of water, and some soup from the refrigerator. I put the soup, water, and medicine on the side table and moved to sit on his bed. Lightly, I placed the ice pack across his forehead and waited. I would stay here all night if I had to, but I would wait until he woke up. 


The night grew on and I felt my eye lids become heavier. I had to stay awake but I was having one hell of a hard time. I glanced around the room for something to do when I noticed some notebooks tossed carelessly in a corner of the room. I glided myself off the bed and picked up an empty notebook. I found a pen, sitting down, I began to write. First it was just some random thoughts that were shifting through my mind, quickly leaning towards thoughts of Key. I looked up to see that he hadn’t move, he was still sleeping peacefully. His fever had gone down and he seemed to be ok, at least for the most part. 


I began to write while looking at him. The words just flowed out of me and onto the paper. Words of when we first met, the first kiss he gave me. Words of admiration and love, words of fearlessness and happiness. I wrote our song. A song that shared all of my feelings about Key. When I finished, I began re-reading it, my eyes slowly closing with each passing second until blackness covered my mind. 



I felt a tickle at my side, then on my stomach. I felt something soft rub against my nose. I groaned, rolling my head against a cold surface. My eyes slowly cracked open, letting in the soft light. I felt the rub again, this time followed by a warm, wet feeling upon my lips. I heard a whisper, but the voice wasn’t recognizable. I opened my eyes a little wider seeing a silhouette. I heard the voice again, this time more clear. 


“Jong...” I knew it immediately to be Key’s voice. My eyes shot open, all of my scenes sharpening at once. Key was sitting in between my legs, his face dangerously close to mine. 


“K-Key?” I still felt groggy. Key smiled, curling up in my lap, his head resting under my chin. My reactions were slow from still waking up, but I placed my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. 


“Am-am I dreaming?” Key laughed and shook his head. His body twisted, lifting his hand to caress my cheek, he smiled at me. Then with the hand on my cheek he playfully slapped me a few times, waking up the rest of my body. 


“Now are we awake?” He asked more stern, but never losing it’s caring feel. I nodded, feeling a bit shocked. 


“Good.” He leaned up and pecked me on the lips before slumping back down into my embrace. I smiled like a fool and kissed the top of his forehead. I heard him release a relaxed sigh. 


“How are you feeling?” 


“A lot better...thanks to you.” 


“Key-ah, what’s happening? Why did I find you on the floor of the studio?” 


“Jong...” I pushed him up so I could face him. It hurt me to know that he was suffering and I couldn’t do anything about it. 


“Please Key. Tell me what’s wrong. I want to help.” My hands tightened on his frame. His head dropped. 


“Those paper balls...”




“They are...were designs for your concept, but nothing is working...” He lifted his head, frustrated tears already were spilling down his cheeks. “...I’ve tried everything imaginable. Every fabric, every color, every concept. Everything hyung and I still can’t get it! The show is in five days and I haven’t even gotten a hint of inspiration! Now I’ll fail the class and disappoint you and-” I silenced his hysteria with a kiss. It was firm, yet not overpowering. I circled my arms around him and pulled him deeper into the kiss. I felt his body relax, his anger and frustration slowly fading away. I pulled away first to see his face flushed, his eyes skirted away from mine. 


“Key-ah, I told you I would help you. All you had to do was ask, and no matter what, you won’t disappoint me. Let me help you.” I his face, begging him with intense eyes. 


“How?” He managed to choke out.


“Just...just trust me.” 



“Why the hell are we here?” He sounded irritated, but I was happy he agreed to come. Key and I stood outside of the bar entrance, both of us dressed fashionably as usual. 


“Because you need a breather. You can’t force your work or else it’ll come out horrible.”


“Thanks for the encouragement...” 


“Come on, just let go for one night...”


“Jong, three days...three...” He waved three fingers in my face, taking his diva posture with a hand on his hip. 


“...three days until the show, I shouldn’t be at a bar.” God, what was it gonna take to get him to cooperate? 


“What can’t hold your liquor?” He gave me a mocking gasp. 


“Like hell I can’t!” The idea literally gift wrapped itself and was placed in front of me. 


“Ok, then prove it.” Key stormed past me into the bar, I turned with a smirk. This was going to be an interesting night. 




The warm night air felt like a sauna when we finally walked out of the bar. We both were leaning on each other for support. I seriously didn’t realize that Key could drink like a boss. Now, both of us held each other, shoulder to shoulder, trying to make our way back to Key’s place. Our words were slurred as we talked, and by talk I mean half giggling and half babbling incoherent phrases. 


By the time we got to Key’s front door, I was starting to sober up, but not by much. Key however was somehow even more faced than we left the bar. I couldn’t stop laughing when began trying to unlock his door, missing the key hole each time. Finally I grabbed his hand and somehow after four tries we got the door open. We tumbled inside his living room, falling to the floor laughing like idiots. I didn’t realize the position we had fallen in until Key stopped laughing, his hot breath tickling my neck. 


“Hyungie~” He whined cutely. I wrapped my arms around him, submitting to his warmth. He pecked my lips, then again; he kept giving me short kisses until his pecks turned into a full blown make-out session. My eyes fluttered shut as I savored the taste and feel of his lips. They were unlike any I had felt before; soft and wet, plush and sweet. It made me crave for more. I bit his lower lip gently, he moaned and I took the opportunity to invade his mouth. I relished the after taste of liquor on his tongue as I explored his cavern. I heard him moan again as his hands ran down the sides of my chest. Suddenly little alarm bells started going off in my head. 




“Jong...please~?” His eyes were glossed over and his face was flushed. All I could do was smile. I lifted him off me, picked him up and carried him to his room. I laid him on the bed and helped him take off most of his clothes. Once his head hit the pillow, he was out cold. I breathed a sigh of relief, I was glad he passed out. No matter how much I wanted it, I wasn’t going to sleep with him like that. I wanted our first time to be special, that is if we had a first time...and because I didn’t want him doing anything he would regret later. He had already been reluctant to be with me because of past loves that didn’t prove fruitful. I wanted to be different than the others, better than the others, I wanted to be his everything. I changed quickly and got some medicine for the massive hangover we would probably have the following morning. Then I crawled in bed next to him and wrapped him in my arms, pulling him against my chest, I fell asleep. 






Waking with a hangover is not the best way to go with less than three days before a project is due, but I didn’t mind one bit if I was waking up to this. The light from my bedroom window was bathing everything in an angelic glow. A beautiful, shirtless, sun kissed Jonghyun, slept peacefully, his sliver hair shimmering in the morning light. His breath was steady, and his body was relaxed. I could see all that all the sharp features in his face softened a bit from slumber. My hangover headache...gone. 


I slowly shifted myself out from under the covers and quietly pulled out my sketch pad and began to sketch my sleeping beauty. I made an almost perfect replication of Jonghyun sleeping, keeping the details of his features simple and elegant. I picked up my colored pencils and gave soft color to my sketch. A mixture of yellows and oranges as the sun beats down on Jonghyun. The colors are not wintery, but a mixture of spring and summer. I finished the drawling and looked back at my sleeping hyung. He stirred and my heart skipped a beat.


Something in me snapped and I’m suddenly flooded with determination and inspiration. Never in my life had I felt such a pull before, never such a drive to work, to create; it scared me, yet excited me, and I embraced it.




Jonghyun POV


I slowly woke, the evening sun beating down on me, warming my body. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the sunlit room. I quickly realized that Key wasn’t beside me. I rose from the bed, running a hand through my hair, I scanned the room. No Key. I unsteadily walked from the room into the living room, still no Key. Next, I checked the kitchen with no luck. I’m fully awake now as nervousness began to rise in my stomach; there’s still one more room to check- the studio. I stepped lightly, trying to listen for any sounds as I approached the studio door. I knocked lightly and whispered Key’s name. No answer; I waited a moment before quietly turning the nob. Upon entering the room, I saw the studio in a hot mess. Sketch papers were strew about, a sewing machine was perched at the end of a table, material and fabrics covered the tables and floors. Pretty much how it was after I found Key passed out. Yet, we had cleaned it before we went to the pub. 


I moved around the room, stepping over the discarded scraps of material and denied sketches. I stopped in front of a wire manikin, fully clothed in an outfit I had never seen before. The manikin wore a pair of yellow golden pants, with orange flames down the legs as an added design. The shirt was made of a loose satin material of a similar golden color, only the shirt sparkled; micro-sized pieces of sliver made the fabric glitter like star dust. Atop of the star dust shirt was a navy blue suit jacket, with the same flame design as the pants around the jacket’s waist. It was so different, so unique, and it was so me.


I turned, looking about the room, still in search of Key until when I noticed a motionless body slumped over the wooden sketch table. I moved swiftly to find Key, peacefully sleeping over his work. He must’ve woken up early and worked through the day. I smiled as I poked Key, trying to rouse him. Instead, the boy just rolled his head to the side and I held back a chuckle. I reached around Key and pulled the sleeping designer into my arms. Once I held Key, I looked down at what the diva was working on. My eyes widened and I in a breath. I saw the sketch Key had done of me while I was asleep...and it was beautiful. Was I the reason behind the new design? Did Key get his inspiration from me? I held the boy closer as I drank in the sight of the sketch. I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot.


I navigated my way out of the studio which was slightly harder with Key in my arms. I made my way back to the bedroom and laid Key down on the bed. I crawled over him so my back was against the wall. I pulled the covers over us, and wrapped my arms around Key, bringing him closer in my embrace once more. Key’s head rested in the crook of my neck, his breath warm against my skin. I took a deep breath and listened to our heartbeats, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over once more.




Aish, this chapter took so long to write... sorry for the delay. It was much harder to write than I originally thought. Plus I'm second guessing myself about Jong and Key (character portrayal wise...)


Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, only one more chapter left!! Woot!


Thanks again to all my readers, subscribers, and friends! 



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Chapter 4: So romantic and very beautiful~~you make me miss jongkey very much...;-; ( Is it weird that i read this one first?)
miharujk #2
Chapter 4: OMG Why would you think this ???
It's perfect! You should definetely write more JongKey ^o^
Chapter 4: OMFG THIS!!!
Oh my god .. That ending .. That chapter .. Just ... Oooh my god
It was perfect in every way ;u;
Chapter 4: DEAR GOD NO!!!! Don't you DARE say this !!! >< It's my favorite JongKey ever! I feel like you hit their personalities dead on! Key the fashonista diva who is really timid and shy beneath it, and Jjong the protective puppysaurus who would do anything for the love of his's too perfect! Please say there will be more of this!! <3
Ayoi_kpop-fangirl #5
Chapter 4: Ooooooohhh it is finished D':
i love this story ^^
It is a perfect last chapter
so fluffy and sweet
ahhhhhhhhhh how jonghyun waited for key and just...... cutness overload
thank you so much for this wonderfull story
~fighting! ^^
Chapter 3: ahh, your crazy!!!
that is SHOOO CUTE><
Chapter 2: Awe, I love the story already ^^ It's an adorable piece.
I'll wait for the next update, take ur time :))!
Chapter 1: Wow I love this please continue! You are an amazing writer!!!
shiningdorks #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Kyumin #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^