


Warning: This shi-t is long. Like, really long. So I suggest you prepare yourself - or you can just not read it LOL 
Multiple pairings ftw


A small boy with curly light brown hair held his teacher’s hand tightly and took a look around the room, nervously squeezing the hand a little when he felt the gaze of students upon him. The teacher looked down at the boy and smiled softly, before letting go, and clapping to get the classes attention.


“Class, this is Byun Baekhyun, he’s new here.” Mr Choi introduced.


The rest of the class gathered around and cried out their hello’s before charging away to go back to playing.


In the corner Baekhyun could see a small black haired boy being held around his waist by a taller brunette, a constant whine of Kyunggie please play with me and relays of No Jonginnie, play by yourself resounded from them. As he looked away from the pair and across the room, something caught his attention. In the corner of the room near the paints section, was a tall, auburn haired boy who was sat laughing to himself, covered in bright red paint that looked like it was splashed across his face, and his hair.


In a sudden moment, their eyes met, and the auburn haired boy stopped laughing and smiled widely at Baekhyun, dropping his paint brush in the process. Baekhyun looked away hurriedly, and played with a curl of his brown hair as he looked to the floor. He stopped as he saw a shadow becoming clearer, and looked up slowly.


“Hi, my name’s Luhan.” A pale blonde baby-faced boy makes his way to Baekhyun, sticking his hand out animatedly. He had a little white paint smeared on his fingers, but Baekhyun didn’t mind and shook the hand shyly before replying with a quiet ‘Hi’.


“Want to paint with me?” Luhan asks, his eyes wide with anticipation as he tugs on Baekhyun’s sleeve, pulling him toward the paint station, and toward the tall boy with the bright smile.


There’s a middle table, set out with different ranges of paints and colours, brushes and water cups.


Ahead of him, Baekhyun sees that Luhan flipped a fresh page on the paperboard, and handed him a clean brush. Luhan went back to his own board, randomly circling the white paint onto the paper, whilst humming a little tune.


Baekhyun looked a little confused, and stared at the colours of paints ahead of him on the table; Mr Choi crouched down beside him.


“Need some help?” Mr Choi asked softly, smiling at Baekhyun as he turned the boy’s brush the right side up in his hand, “Have you ever painted before?” he asked again, pulling the paints closer to them on the table.


Baekhyun shook his head and looked down at his brush, reddening as he caught Luhan side eyeing him oddly.


“We can help.” A low voice with a childlike quality grumbled from behind Baekhyun. 


Luhan walked toward the table, and Baekhyun felt an arm slung over his shoulder. He looked up to see the tall, auburn haired boy from before, shadowing both him and Luhan, a dazzling smile blinding Baekhyun’s view.


Mr Choi nodded, and made his way to a duo in the middle of the room, both were facing each other, as one seethed at the other. A dark haired boy, who looked like he had the world under his eyes, scowled at a smirking tall, blonde boy who was holding a blue car behind his back.


Best to stay away, Baekhyun thought looking up at Chanyeol and then at Luhan.


“This is my friend Chanyeol.” Luhan boomed, trying to ruffle Chanyeol’s hair, but failing miserably because he was shorter – much shorter. In the end Chanyeol just chuckled and ruffled Luhan’s hair, earning a disgruntled grunt from the other.


“Hi Chanyeol” Baekhyun smiled shyly, waving a little at the taller.


“Hi” Chanyeol said softly, before grabbing a new paintbrush and a palette from the table and pulling Baekhyun’s hand with him. Baekhyun, a little fearful, followed, but also pulled Luhan along by the light haired boy’s wrist.


“Here’s some paint…” Chanyeol stuck the palette out towards Baekhyun, “…painting’s fun when you know how to do it,” he continued, his right eye twitching madly – which kind of freaked Baekhyun out, but he didn’t judge.


Baekhyun held his – now facing the right way – brush between his two fingers, and twisted it around, looking at the palette whilst biting his bottom lip.


“Dip the brush in water,” Luhan started, bringing the cup toward Baekhyun, “…and then dip the brush in the paint,” he finished softly, as he set an example by dipping his brush into the water and then onto the white paint, covering the bristles generously.


Baekhyun followed Luhan’s movements and did the same, except picked the black paint, and circled the brush around the paint on the palette.


“Now, you paint.” Chanyeol stated, grabbing his own red covered brush and down lined marks and wavy lines onto Baekhyun’s paper. Baekhyun watched the way Chanyeol’s wrist had moved so fluidly in awe, wondering how the brush made the harsh colour of the red, so delicate onto paper, so easily. He then turned to Luhan, who was doing something different. The blonde boy had drawn circles and squares in a murky white colour, but it looked so neat. The curves of the circles were smooth, and the lines of the squares were as straight as a road.


Chanyeol caught him watching and pouted.


“Won’t you paint with me?” Chanyeol frowned, dropping his hand from the paper dejectedly.


Luhan looked at Chanyeol and smirked.


“No. Because he wants to paint with me…right Baekkie?” Luhan said, opting for the nickname as he turned to Baekhyun with mischief in his eyes.


“I want to paint with you both.” Baekhyun smiled, bringing his paintbrush up to the surface of his red-stained paper, and flicking his wrists quickly. In a few motions, after creating a surface of watermarked, curvy grey waves and dark black dots, Baekhyun stepped back and asked Luhan to add his white designs to define the piece.


After an hour of painting, the trio looked at the end result of a sea of reds, whites and greys. The colours intertwined better than expected, as Luhan offered straight lines, whereas Chanyeol smeared vibrant red zigzags onto the page, although in the end Baekhyun drew light grey waves which had brought both of the bright colours together.


“What’s that?” a chubby faced boy, who was holding a bāozi in his hand, interrupted. The boy tilted his face to the side, and squinted at the paperboard. He then took a bite out of his bun, before turning around to walk out of the classroom and meet his parents. 


Friendship, Baekhyun thought, as he smiled at Chanyeol and Luhan, and then looked at their masterpiece again.



Many years after and the trio are still together.


All are ready to attend the Seoul Arts High School after their summer break, all 15 and ready for the years ahead of them.


At the bus stop, Baekhyun repositioned his tie for the fifth time and blew up at his blunt blonde fringe, it slightly, before nervously picking at a little fluff on his yellow blazer. Everything has to be perfect, Baekhyun reminded himself over and over again.


But it seemed fate dealt him a bad hand, when he caught sight of his flailing friend, Chanyeol, running towards him, skipping with excitement.


All hopes for the perfect high school beginning, voluntarily threw itself out of the window.


Chanyeol crossed the road without noticing that the morning traffic was ready to squish him.


Baekhyun nearly had a heart attack when he saw the school bus nearing the corner, ready to turn Chanyeol into road kill - had Baekhyun not grabbed at the boy’s limbs to pull him onto the side street.


Chanyeol held his arms out ready to hug the blonde haired boy for saving him, but was caught short after he got smacked in the head. 


“Watch where you’re going freak!” a random car driver bellowed, as he started up his car again after he screeched to a halt when he saw Chanyeol on the road. Baekhyun felt that the man took the words right out of his mouth, as he let out a breathy laugh. Well, more like of a sigh of relief.


“Sorry!” Chanyeol cried, facing the driver and bowing, before climbing the steps of the bus after Baekhyun.


With their brand new ID cards given by the bus driver safely around their necks, they both sat down beside each other, near the front of the bus. Baekhyun let out a small sigh as he looked out of the window, squinting a little when the sunlight hit his eyes. Chanyeol looked to his side at Baekhyun, with a wide smile.


“First day of high school!” he cried, shoving his high five in front of Baekhyun’s face.


Baekhyun gave him a half glare, before high fiving quickly so that nobody saw. 


“Yeah, I know Chanyeol, but can’t you be a little…less loud?” Baekhyun mumbled, looking around to make sure no one witnessed Chanyeol’s outburst. All the students was either on their phones or talking to their friends, probably not even caring about their first ever semester at Seoul Arts.


Chanyeol leaned against Baekhyun’s shoulder, his cropped black hair tickling the blonde boy’s chin, as the sound of his husky laughter echoed through Baekhyun’s ears. Then Chanyeol looked up at Baekhyun, and Baekhyun could have sworn that for a second that Chanyeol looked exactly like a lost puppy that was abandoned by its owner. Especially when the lenses from Chanyeol’s square framed glasses made his eyes look twice as big.


 “Aren’t you excited?” Chanyeol pouted, getting up from Baekhyun’s shoulder to face the boy. The sudden feeling of warmth was lost, as Baekhyun didn’t realise before just how well Chanyeol fitted against him. He guessed that after years of a clingy friendship, it was just something he got used to.


“I’m just a little nervous.” Baekhyun said softly, bringing his hands up to tighten the tie – but Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s hands quickly, making Baekhyun’s breath hitch.


When did Chanyeol get so strong?


“I can tell…” Chanyeol chuckled, setting Baekhyun’s hands down again, “…just relax, it’ll be fun because we’re together.”


“Yeah…me, you…” Baekhyun smiled, neglecting to see how much brighter Chanyeol’s smile was, “…and Luhan” he finished, waving at Luhan who was standing outside the window, waving back as he waited for the bus to stop.


Chanyeol stiffened a little at how happy Baekhyun got after seeing Luhan, but ignored the feeling in the pit of his stomach. He flashed Luhan a small smile and a wave, and gestured for the red haired boy to join them.


“Baekkie…” Luhan said a little rushed, bending over to hug the boy tightly, kissing his forehead lightly. Baekhyun blushed before replying with a quiet hi. He then turned to Chanyeol, “What up Yeolie~?” he smirked attempting to pat Chanyeol’s head like how they would when they were younger, but Chanyeol ended up grabbing Luhan’s head and putting him into a headlock.


“I’m all good Lulu, what about you short stuff?” Chanyeol laughed out, rubbing Luhan’s red hair with his fist before letting the other go from his hold.


Luhan laughed until he caught his breath, and took a seat behind them. Ruffling his dark red hair with his fingers, he tightened his tie and spread out the creases on his yellow blazer before leaning his elbows on the seat ahead of him.


“I’ve missed you two…” Luhan reminisced, looking at the pair dotingly as they turned around.


“We went to summer camp together.” Baekhyun deadpanned, cringing when he remembered how Chanyeol stuffed a few beetles in his bed for a joke, or when Baekhyun had to use the Heimlich manoeuvre on Luhan after he choked up a few marshmallows, playing chubby bunny.


“Ha, remember when that freakishly tall kid got pushed into the lake by the quote ‘karate kid’?” Luhan laughed out, wiping away a few tears.


“Or that time we heard weird noises coming from that cabin they were sharing?” Chanyeol whispered hiding the side of his snickering face with his hand as he pointed at the two boys sitting next to each other, “…and their faces when they found out we could hear them” he whispered, sending Baekhyun and Luhan into a fit of raging laughter.


Chanyeol might as well have cried that out aloud, because the tanned boy behind them slowly pulled his arm away from the small waist of a paler, smaller boy – whose cheeks were becoming a harsh shade of red. Both were avoiding eye contact for the whole ride, until the taller boy’s hand miraculously found itself on the wide-eyed boy’s thigh.




After a couple more stories of summer camp, the students arrived at the school’s bus park.


They got off of the bus and made their way to one of the school’s main entrances, waiting in groups for their assigned form teachers to register them. They had been to the school’s induction day a few weeks before, so they knew where to go and how it would look, but the sheer size of the school still was a lot for the students to take.


The walls were a bleached white, with a black and yellow line following across the middle and sweeping across the hall horizontally. There were large wooden doors against the frame of the opposite wall to the students, with the words School hallway labelled on top in black, blocked letters.


Baekhyun found himself staring at a large artwork that was hung with a series of other paintings, high above on the wall that was opposite the reception office.  


“Beautiful, isn’t it…” Luhan whispered as he leaned in close against Baekhyun’s ear, earning a light smack on his chest after the younger accused him of scaring him, after he sneaked up on him like that.


“It is.” Baekhyun answered, turning back to face the portrait. Both boys stared up at the picture, the slick lines and curves of the paint blurred with the warm oranges and reds of the sky in the photo. It was a painting of a summer sunset against a horizon above a lake. The water lines of the lake curved the edges of the sunset, and there was a line of white that showed a reflection hemming across the water.  


Chanyeol went to join them, staring up at it with a gleam in his eye.


“Who knows, they might put up our work at the end of the year?” Chanyeol remarked his arms propped up against the back of the pair’s shoulders.


“You really think so?” Baekhyun gasped, his eyes sparkling with hope.


“Don’t be so stupid, Chanyeol.” Luhan frowned, crossing his arms as he looked at the taller boy, “…there are probably hundreds of other students who are better.” He finished, sighing heavily as he saw different groups of students hanging together around the corridor.


The students were all interrupted by an announcement ringing through the halls.


“Welcome Students, this is your first year here at Seoul Arts.”


“Please go to the notice board ahead, you will find that you have been placed into different registrations with your given teachers.”


“Hopefully, you have been given your timetables; please ensure that you begin your classes tomorrow.”


“Thank you, and enjoy looking around your new school.”

With a beep, the announcement was over, leaving the students raging towards the notice board. Through a large muddle of adolescent teenagers, Baekhyun managed to wriggle through the crowd to check what form he, Chanyeol and Luhan would be in. After checking, he squeezed passed and ran up to the pair.


“We’re together! In form, A1” he cried, wrapping his arms around the both of them as they jumped up and down in excitement.


“These will be the best years of our lives!” Chanyeol shouted walking passed the corridor doors towards the school’s hallway with Baekhyun and Luhan nodding in agreement behind him.


“What is the point of life?” Luhan muttered, sipping his bubble tea through a straw as he watched Chanyeol fumble with the dinner tray as the taller tried to attempt balancing his banana milkshake carton with a plate of spaghetti on it.


“Chanyeol, just give me the milkshake.” Baekhyun cried from behind him, trying to grab the banana milkshake from Chanyeol’s tray – but failing miserably as Chanyeol shrugged his shoulder in front of Baekhyun to block him.


“No, no, don’t touch it.” He snapped defensively, “…I can hold a tray, Baek, it’s okay,” he finished softly, turning his head to smile at Baekhyun.


But just as Chanyeol was about to take his first step towards Luhan on their table, Baekhyun quickly jumped in front of Chanyeol and swiped the drink off of his tray, his fingers brushing Chanyeol’s knuckles as the elder held the side of the tray. Even though the contact lasted for mere seconds, it felt like he had been struck by lightning, and Chanyeol found himself swerving around Baekhyun and tripping over a garbage can, his legs momentarily kicking the air as his tray fell on top of him.


“Oh my god…” Luhan whispered, dumbfounded, as he got up from his seat to help Chanyeol.


If falling in the cafeteria on the first day of school, with spaghetti sauce smeared across your school shirt wasn’t embarrassing enough, the laughter that came from the cafeteria students had to have done it.


The spaghetti noodles drooped down from Chanyeol’s head, and hung off of his glasses; the tomato sauce staining the outside the lenses of his glasses and his fingers, as his friends hoisted him up with his arm. Beet red, Chanyeol limped his way out of the dinner hall with his arms spread wide across the other two’s shoulders.


“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Baekhyun repeated, the guilt inflaming him as he saw the way the sauce dripped down Chanyeol’s cheek. Chanyeol turned his head and smiled at Baekhyun with a crazy look in his eyes.


“Are you kidding? That – was – awesome!” he cried, fist pumping the air, leaving Luhan and Baekhyun speechless as the duo stood in the middle of the corridor, watching as the sauce from Chanyeol’s shirts flew off and onto the black lockers beside them.


“I think we should get you cleaned up.” Luhan announced, grabbing Chanyeol’s arm and steering the latter towards the male toilets.


A few dabs of wet tissue, and a couple sweet mints later, Luhan went to throw the used tissues away and Baekhyun went up to Chanyeol.


He held Chanyeol’s yellow blazer open in his hands and gestured for Chanyeol to put his arm through the sleeves, once Chanyeol did so, Baekhyun pulled the two yellow lapels of Chanyeol’s blazer and straightened them out with his hands.


“Great! Good as new.” Baekhyun exclaimed pulling at the top and base of Chanyeol’s black tie to tighten it, watching as the golden stars on the tie came closer together. He then pulled one of the yellow lapels over the tomato stain on Chanyeol’s white shirt and smiled up at his friend.


Chanyeol looked down at Baekhyun, a huge grin edging his lips, as he looked down at the tie around his neck.


“Perfect.” He said deeply, swallowing thickly as he watched Baekhyun turn his head down to look at the floor. He saw the way the blush in Baekhyun’s cheeks became a shade darker, and the way the younger fiddled with his fingers nervously as he felt Chanyeol’s gaze lingering more than usual. Chanyeol tilted his head slightly, and without even thinking he let his fingers slowly trail from the top of Baekhyun’s cheek down to his lips.


Those lips.


Those thin, soft, delicate looking pink lips that wouldn’t stop pouting.


Wait, what?


“What are you doing?” Baekhyun asked Chanyeol’s index finger rested on Baekhyun’s bottom lip that was jutted out into a pout. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, and frowned up at him, but before he could say anything he felt Luhan’s hand on his shoulder.


“What are you guys waiting for; we’ve got a school to see!” Luhan cried, pulling both males by their shoulders out of the restroom and shoving them out to the corridor.


Chanyeol walked in the middle, with Baekhyun and Luhan at his side. Chanyeol would often find Baekhyun glancing at him from the side, as Luhan looked ahead at a few open lockers – assuming they were for the new students, he claimed his quickly.


“This one’s mine!” he said, possessively throwing his arms onto the locker.


There were three lockers in each row, and on the top row Luhan picked the last one at the right as his, and Baekhyun ran up to his choice in the middle.


“Mine!” Baekhyun laughed, shoving Luhan lightly and fiddling with the dial on the locker, setting the numbers for his lock and closing it shut.


“I guess this one’s mine.” Chanyeol muttered smiling when he saw how close his locker was to the water fountain.


Baekhyun turned to the side to see Chanyeol staring at something, and his eyes lit up when he saw the tap at the side. He’d been thirsty ever since they got there, and the excitement of using one for the first time ever made him pinch Luhan in the arm and point toward the tap.


“Whoa!” Luhan exclaimed, pulling Baekhyun with him, “...oh my god, I read this article and it said that the Jo Twins have used the exact same one!”


Both Luhan and Baekhyun stared at the tap in shock, whilst Chanyeol stuck something on the side of his locker. Luhan dared Baekhyun to use the fountain; perhaps a little celebrity luck would be just what they needed, so just as Baekhyun bent down and pressed the shiny silver button, a group of loud boys came from down the corridor.


The water dribbled from the top in small trickles and Baekhyun bent down further to sip, but Luhan sensed trouble was ahead – as the group of boys neared the trio.


“Look at what we have here.” One boy wearing the uniform with his blazer draped across his shoulders said smirking, his navy blue collar stuck out against his neck and his hazel blonde hair styled up.


“Hi, my name’s Chan-“ Chanyeol’s greeting was interrupted, his hand stuck out awkwardly in mid-air as the boy swerved around him to talk to the other two boys. Chanyeol brought his hand up to smooth his jet-black hair out embarrassedly, before turning around to face the others.

The boy, followed by his small posse of two, cocked his head to the side and eyed Luhan, before turning his gaze on the boy bending down at the fountain.


Baekhyun didn’t realise anyone was behind him, so he shuffled to lean on one leg whilst pressing down the tap button harder.


Luhan was about to say something to Baekhyun, something of a warning that another student they hardly knew was behind him – watching him like he was ready to eat him or something. But a boy with what-had-looked-like multi-coloured hair put his arm against Luhan’s chest to block him.


Luhan looked taken aback and took a step backward, gawking at the boy who was currently manhandling him.  


Chanyeol wasn’t paying attention; all he did was watch as the tallest one of them all inched closer and closer to Baekhyun – his right eye twitching as he saw the boy towering over the shorter male.


“What’s your name?” The other boy muttered against Baekhyun’s ear, towering behind Baekhyun he could feel the latter tensing up as the boy’s breath hit the back of his neck.


Baekhyun stopped drinking and straightened up, slowly turning with wide eyes.


His back hit the water fountain as he tried to look as small as possible, and tried pulling as far away as possible from the leering blonde haired boy who wouldn’t stop looking at him.  


“Call me Kris.” The boy announced, pointing to himself, he then pointed at the rainbow haired boy who was now glaring at Luhan “…that’s Sehun,” Kris then turned back to face Baekhyun, pulling a bright smile in the boy’s direction.


“You’re not going to introduce me, Kris?” a dark, red haired boy, nearly as tall as Kris spoke up, pointing at himself whilst looking at Baekhyun, “I’m Tao.” Tao smiled, and then poked Kris in the arm, “…otherwise known as the only other kid who can beat his in a fight.”


Kris raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes before throwing his arm across Baekhyun’s shoulders.

“He’s just saying that…” Kris whispered to Baekhyun and gestured to Luhan to follow them out further into the corridor towards a few rooms where they would usually have their lessons to have a look around.


Luhan protested and said that they were actually going to another part of the school. He pried Sehun’s arm off of him and stood beside Chanyeol. Kris looked at Chanyeol and then at Luhan and scoffed. He slipped his arms off of Baekhyun, before tapping his lightly and winked at him – leaving a fuming Chanyeol to cross his arms agitatedly, as he leaned against the lockers.


“See you around.” Kris waved.


In one fluid motion he managed to put his yellow blazer on and turn around to face the other way – Sehun and Tao quickly following him.


Once they were gone, Chanyeol uncrossed his arms and scoffed.


“What a jerk.” He muttered, slinging his arm over Luhan and rubbing Baekhyun’s blonde hair softly.


“That kid, how dare he put his arm against me like that?” Luhan said angrily, if he was a cartoon, Chanyeol would have surely seen smoke coming from his ears.


Baekhyun stayed silent for most of their time walking, looking ahead at the corridor with a solemn expression.


“Are you okay, Baek?” Chanyeol asked sincerely, removing his hand from his head as they took a turn towards another hallway, the sign above the doorway with blocked letters saying Art Department.


Baekhyun hummed, uttering a quiet yes as reassurance, and pushed the doorway, his mood lifting once he saw a large expanse of colours, paintings, pictures, sculptures and clay packs. Anything you could think of, whether it was paints or craft material, was there – leaving the boys almost drooling with the sight ahead of them.


The room they were in was the materials room where students get the necessities they need to create their projects. Ahead of that was another set of wooden double-doors that led to a corridor filled with different rooms going further and further down.


They walked down and saw that the rooms were all different.


Some had desks and looked as if they were classrooms where teachings were held; others had huge A1 sized papers against wooden boards, set up to face an area of the room.


Luhan found himself wondering into one of the rooms, walking passed the large boards in awe as he looked at the walls. On them was that art works from previous students. Chanyeol and Baekhyun followed behind. Baekhyun walked towards the boards, as Chanyeol went ahead to take a look at the stage where the inspiration for projects would be held.


“Please– let this be our room.” Luhan pleaded, walking toward Chanyeol and picking up a few artefacts left on the desk.


“It might be…” Chanyeol muttered a little distractedly, as he saw how Baekhyun was staring at the blank canvas. Chanyeol sat down on the stage, and placed his palm under his chin, looking at how Baekhyun would bite his bottom lip nervously before he touched the paper with his hand.

But then after a rather manly shriek caught his attention, his looked went toward Luhan. The red haired boy nearly dropping one of the clay vases onto the floor, apologising sheepishly, as he carefully placed the vase back onto the desk.


If Luhan hadn’t distracted him, Chanyeol would have seen the way Baekhyun’s eyes twinkled as he watched Chanyeol was crouching down on the stage. Baekhyun quickly shook his head to dismiss the idea of drawing Chanyeol there and then onto the canvas ahead of him.



The door creaked open, and a short professor with round glasses looked sternly at the boys.

Hurriedly, the trio stopped what they were doing and huddled together – bowing respectfully at the teacher before looking at him sheepishly.


“Ah, I see you are the new students.” The teacher said his mood changing dramatically as he took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.


“Yes, sir.” The three of them said quickly, ready to leave – but the teacher spoke again.

“I’m teacher Kim Kibum.” The blonde teacher announced, walking towards them slowly as he put his glasses back on and pushed them up his nose, “I suppose you guys are interested in art?” he asked, brushing past them to collect some paint brushes in his hand and placing them into the sink. He quickly pulled an apron over his head, making his blonde hair askew, and fastened the apron’s binds in front of him into a bow.


“Y-yes.” Baekhyun stuttered, hiding behind Chanyeol, a little scared of the teacher.


“Yes - is an understatement” Chanyeol boomed, lightly tapping Baekhyun’s head, “…we’ve loved it ever since we were in kindergarten together.” he finished, pulling Luhan closer to him and away from a very fragile looking mug.


“Good, I hope you’ll enrol in my class – you look like a good bunch of kids.” Mr Kim smiled softly, “Okay, now get out of my classroom because right now-” the teacher looked at his watch, “-well, in five minutes, you are scheduled to meet at the main hall whilst I have my final class.”


The boys looked at each other frantically, before bidding the teacher their thanks and goodbyes, as they ran towards the main hallway and down that to find another set of doors labelled Main Hall.


The bell rang, causing a mob of students to bustle towards the hall – all-pushing their way through the space of the doors and rooting to find their seats. Chanyeol glanced to the side to find Kris sitting beside him. Kris glared at him before leaning forward, smirking, as he waved slowly at Baekhyun. He leaned back once he was satisfied with the rosiness in the younger’s cheeks, earning himself a small punch by Tao next to him.


Chanyeol shuffled in his seat uncomfortably, pushing Kris with his arm in the process and moved closer to Baekhyun – whispering something in the boy’s ear about how he should stay away from Kris.


Soon an announcement roared from a microphone ahead, and the school’s headmaster welcomed the students to the school. After a few general regularities about school safety, and following school protocol, the students were reminded about their next full day in school and given information about their next term.


It was going to be long, but the journey had already begun.


After the assembly, the students left row by row.


The three boys made their way back to the school’s bus stop after veering a corner from the school’s exit.



After the journey back home, Luhan left the bus with a wave goodbye and made his way towards his house, giving the duo a curt nod as the bus drove past him. Leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol sitting side by side at the back of the bus, Baekhyun laid sleepily against Chanyeol’s shoulder.


Chanyeol looked down to see a mess of pale blonde hair, fluffing messily at the top as Baekhyun shuffled against Chanyeol’s body. Suddenly, something struck Chanyeol and he felt the impulse to run his fingers through the bleached locks. His long nimble fingers quickly weaved themselves in Baekhyun’s fringe, fixing it from its jagged position. Baekhyun shifted slightly, stretching his arms as he yawned.


“Are we there yet?” Baekhyun asked groggily, looking up at Chanyeol with wide eyes.


Chanyeol swore his heart melted.


“Nope, not yet.” Chanyeol smiled, tapping Baekhyun’s head lightly before throwing his arm across Baekhyun’s shoulder. Baekhyun brought his hand up – and without even thinking – he grabbed Chanyeol’s arm with his hand, rubbing over the back of Chanyeol’s hand with his thumb.


“Well, wake me up when we are there.” Baekhyun yawned, feeling the drowsiness hit him once again as he relaxed into Chanyeol’s tall frame.


Chanyeol mumbled a low okay and watched Baekhyun’s eyelids fell droopily.


Their bus got there five minutes after Baekhyun decided to take a nap, so Chanyeol found himself calling after the boy to get him up.


“Baek, Baek, get up…” Chanyeol muttered, watching the window eagerly to see the familiar houses on their street.


Baekhyun grumbled but woke up nonetheless, throwing his backpack over one of his shoulders as he and Chanyeol walked toward the front of the bus. As they neared the bus driver, Baekhyun caught sight of two boys sitting closely together – the taller, whispering something in the shorter boy’s ear. He even noticed the way the shorter boy’s round eyes got wider and wider, his cheeks gaining colour too.


The taller boy smirked as he leaned away from his seatmate, brushing his black hair to the side and watched the shorter fidget in his seat.


“Don’t worry Kyunggie~” The taller whispered teasingly, “…no one will ever know.”


Baekhyun spared Kyunggie a weird glance, locking eyes for a second before hopping off the bus after Chanyeol.


There was a look he would remember.



Baekhyun and Chanyeol got home that evening, spilling the tales of their day during their evening dinners, as their parents went on about how much traffic there was on the way to work. The morning after came all too quickly, the trio familiarising themselves with their uniforms, and stealing quick jam toasts from their parents plates before running out of the door chaotically, towards their bus stops. 


Baekhyun was first, - again prim and proper, as he flattened his navy blue collar for the fourth time, until it literally stuck to his collarbone. He got his phone out of his pocket and put it on silent, praying that it wouldn’t go off in class – because how embarrassing would that be, right?


Speaking of embarrassing, after around 5 minutes of waiting for the bus he saw it turning the corner – and again, Chanyeol was not to be seen. Baekhyun stole a quick glance at the taller boy’s house door, watching as Chanyeol literally stumbled out of his house as he tucked his white shirt in scruffily.


He quickly crossed the road and gave Baekhyun a wave, and he hopped onto the bus after Baekhyun – his long limbs making a joke of the stairs.


They sat down, this time at the back of the bus, and Baekhyun squinted as he looked at Chanyeol’s face closely.


“Where are your glasses?” Baekhyun frowned, nudging Chanyeol’s side with his elbow. 


Chanyeol gave him a sheepish smile and pressed his hand at the top of his black hair. He bit his bottom lip before replying; giving Baekhyun a look that said please don’t laugh.


“I’m wearing contacts…” Chanyeol whispered, his smile faltering as he saw the way the edges of Baekhyun’s lips were twitching upwards.


Baekhyun didn’t reply, instead he bit the inside of his cheek and tried to hide his smile.


“Oh god.” Chanyeol cried, his hands hurling towards his face as he desperately tried to hide as much of himself as possible.


“No, no…” Baekhyun tried, prying Chanyeol’s long fingers away, “…it, it’s…you look good.” he said honestly, smiling as he looked at Chanyeol’s eyes.


Baekhyun never really noticed how beautiful Chanyeol’s eyes really were.


He made a note that he should pay attention more often, because he found a diamond in the rough.


Chanyeol’s eyes had a childlike quality of them; they were round but not overly round. They were shaped almost like large almonds, except his eyes arched at the ducts, leaving a subtle tip curving downwards at the crook. The creases under his eyes were a little thicker than usual, but as he smiled they curved upwards and looked amazing. It was an unusual shape, but there was a certain softness to them. Baekhyun squinted and tilted his head up as he looked into his eyes – Chanyeol almost looked, fragile.


Ironic.’ Baekhyun thought, turning to see Luhan climbing up the bus and walking towards the back.


Luhan waved at them before taking a seat beside Baekhyun and pulling out his tie from his bag.


“Woke up late” Luhan said frowning at the tie in his hands, “…and my mum usually…does this.” He finished, trying to untangle his tie from his fingers.


“Here, let me.” Baekhyun sighed, quickly hurling the tie around Luhan’s neck and placing it beneath his collar.


Chanyeol swallowed.


He watched Baekhyun’s hands close against Luhan’s body, and his right eye began to itch.

There was something whirling in the pit of his stomach, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

So instead, he clutched his stomach with his hands and grimaced at the feeling of bile climbing its way up his throat.


“Chanyeol, are you ok?” Luhan asked.


Baekhyun turned around; his hand still clutched onto Luhan’s tie. He let it go of the tie quickly when he saw Chanyeol bent over.  


“Channie?” Baekhyun rubbed circles on Chanyeol’s back, bending down in his seat so he could see Chanyeol’s writhing in pain.  


“Yeah, I’m okay…I think the milk was off this morning…” Chanyeol managed, groaning as he got up and sat upright again. Baekhyun offered him his water-bottle – well, if offer meant pushing it in front of his face - and Chanyeol gladly accepted it.


The water was cooling to his stomach, and he could feel the rage begin to fizzle out.


He really should buy some new milk.


Soon, the three of them began talking about the days they had in store, and reached the school.



Their first (official) day at school included a few mandatory classes, like math for instance.

Baekhyun spent most of this lesson trying to fight his sleep, whilst Chanyeol rushed down his notes just so he could have a little extra time staring at his friend who was slumped over the desk beside him.


Science came after.


During this lesson, Baekhyun found himself smacking Luhan’s arm after another one of the boy’s antics. Especially when Luhan decided to see how many paper aeroplanes it would take for the professor to finally turn away from the board, claiming it was a physics experiment when he got caught throwing them. Chanyeol, on the other hand, was too busy drawn to the stars that were scoped across posters at the front of the class. It wasn’t a surprise that by his second lesson he was sitting right at the front, listening to the teacher go on about star combustion and planet compositions, hanging onto every word until the bell signalled the end of class.


But their most important lesson had to be art class.


Mr Kim had in fact turned out to be their art teacher, and they were all ecstatic.


With introductions out of the way, everyone took their places at the different boards across the class.


In the first row were Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol; behind them were two more rows with six more students. It was a small class, and they liked it that way. Once everyone was settled, Mr Kim told his students to go nuts after he placed a basket of fruit on the stage. Luhan grabbed his brush first, quickly rolling the bristles across the page, a thick line of brown drawn horizontally across the page. After a few flicks of the wrist and some white paint, Luhan managed to create different shades of the brown basket that was holding the fruit. He used a different brush - a smaller one with frayed bristles - and added a patch-like texture of the basket onto the painting. Mr Kim walked toward Luhan, circling the student as he saw the way Luhan’s wrist ran fluidly against the surface of the paper.


“Impressive.” Mr Kim said, smiling as he pressed his fingertips together.


“Thank you, Mr Kim.” Luhan said nervously, biting his bottom lip as he glanced at Baekhyun.


Mr Kim turned and walked toward Baekhyun, hovering behind him as he looked over the boy’s shoulder to see his canvas.


In the middle of the page, Baekhyun was using a thin paintbrush to outline the green apple he was painting. He managed to perfect the shape of the apple, paying attention to the small bumps and bruises. The top of the apple curved at the big indent, and he coated a new smaller brush with light brown. With a small skim off the top of the brush, Baekhyun drew the perfect curve. He thickened the curve with a darker shade of brown, squinting to make sure the stem’s edges were smooth.


“Wow, you have an amazing eye for detail, Baekhyun.” Mr Kim stated, readjusting his glasses as he looked at the picture intently.


“Thank you, sir.” Baekhyun smiled, his lips stretching from ear to ear as he added a little white on the rounder sides of the apple.


Mr Kim nodded once lightly, impressed by the talents of his students so early on in the semester.

He turned and walked toward the last canvas in the row. Chanyeol was sitting down on the stool, his tongue jutting out on the side of his mouth as he focused squarely on the yellow banana he was painting.  


The side of his right hand was leaning against the paper, as his nimble fingers twirled the paint brush in his hand. There was a faint sketch of a banana in the middle, but Chanyeol used the points of a thinner brush to draw faint, black lines along the sides in long strides. His other palm had smudges of yellows and blacks, as he balanced the palette in his left hand.


But something was off.


Chanyeol wasn’t paying attention at the fruits ahead; instead he snuck a few glances at Baekhyun who was next to him. Watching as the boy continually abused his bottom lip with his teeth whilst he completed the last grape of the bunch on his painting.


Mr Kim watched Chanyeol from behind – noticing that Chanyeol was distracted, he crossed his arms and coughed to show his presence.


A little startled, Chanyeol dropped his palate and quickly jolted up from his seat, turning to look at his banana that had a dark line splitting down the paper. Oops. Quickly, Chanyeol’s grip on his paint brush tightened and he mixed the black with the yellow, attempting to salvage as much as the banana as he could.


Mr Kim chuckled inwardly, uncrossing his arms and patted Chanyeol lightly on his shoulder. He gave Chanyeol a look that said I know what you’re hiding, before slipping away to the second row students.


Chanyeol felt the tips of his ears burn, but he kept his gaze solely on his canvas ahead. He didn’t want Baekhyun to catch him staring, but he just couldn’t resist. It was as if Baekhyun was a light trap, and Chanyeol was the moth that fell for its beauty.


So in the end, Chanyeol kept his concentration on his palette, swirling his brush around to make a dull russet colour, of which he smeared across, to make the outlines of the fruit basket.


He did anything to keep him distracted for a little longer.  


Well, as long as it took till the end of the lesson.


Luckily that didn’t take long.


Lunch came around quickly, and most of the students in the class packed away, washing the brushes and leaving their paper boards out to dry.


Chanyeol made his way out first, pulling Baekhyun along with him so that they could get first dibs on the food. Luhan followed quickly behind them, not before stopping to talk to the teacher. He told Baekhyun and Chanyeol he’d meet them there and walked towards Mr Kim, who was picking up the fruit basket.


“Sir…” Luhan started, fiddling with his fingers as he looked up and saw Mr Kim frowning at him.


“Yes?” he asked, as he glanced up at the clock, this kid was making him miss his only 40minutes he has away from the students.


“Sir, I wanted to ask you…well, do you know a student?”


Mr Kim chuckled, “Of course I know a student…do you have one in particular?”


“His name, uh…”


Luhan didn’t know how to word this.


Ever since their fiasco in the hallway yesterday, he’s been wracking his brain wondering about the boy who dared to block him. That kid, that Sehun, that rainbow-haired boy with a face that bared no emotion. He looked weak, fragile even, but his hold on Luhan begged to differ.


But there was something else about Sehun.


It may have just been a glimpse, but Luhan swore he saw a faint smile across the rainbow-haired boy’s lips that day. That weak smile, no matter how small it was, got under Luhan’s skin like a leech.


Everywhere he looked, all he could see was that boy’s face.


Every time he closed his eyes, all he could think of was his touch.


Sehun was like a bad stain that wouldn’t wash away.



“…uh, his name is Sehun.” Luhan finished, coughing awkwardly as he looked away from Mr Kim’s burning stare.


“Well, he’s not in any of my classes, but I’ve definitely heard of him…” Mr Kim smiled, placing the fruit basket onto his desk. He circled around and sat on his chair, pulling his sleeves as he placed his elbows onto the desk.


“Oh.” Luhan replied, a little disappointment hinting his voice.


“…he is the headmaster’s son. You know, Mr Oh.” Mr Kim shrugged, picking at a few grapes from the basket and popping one into his mouth.


Luhan looked at Mr Kim, awestruck, nearly falling over the boards behind him. His jaw was wide open as he looked around frantically. He was planning on getting his own back on Sehun, but that wouldn’t work because he couldn’t afford to get caught by the headmaster, let alone the headmaster’s son.


“Why did you want to know?” Mr Kim asked curiously.


“No reason.” Luhan replied quickly, “…thanks, sir.”


Luhan made his way out of the room after waving goodbye to Mr Kim, walking toward the cafeteria to meet with his friends. As he walked down the hall towards his locker to get his wallet, he felt like someone was watching him. He hastily unlocked his locker, grabbed his wallet, and ran towards the cafeteria – not even daring to look behind him.


He saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol from the doors. They were on a table near the front, sitting next to each other closely. Luhan looked to the side, and saw another table filled with the students they met yesterday. Kris was sitting a few seats away from Tao, and they looked like they were arguing about something. In his hands, Kris was holding a Gucci purse, smirking as he held it above his soup – much to Tao’s displeasure. Tao, looked like he was fuming, ready to put his knife up where the sun didn’t shine.


But Luhan noticed something.


Sehun was missing.


“You’re not going to move?” a voice whispered in Luhan’s ear.


Luhan bumped into the person behind him as he took a scared step backward. The boy behind him chuckled quietly, before placing his hands onto Luhan’s waist. Luhan spun around, facing the rainbow haired boy from before.


“You.” Luhan snarled, pushing Sehun from him.


Sehun smirked, making his way past Luhan to Kris’ table. They acknowledged each other with a weird handshake, and Sehun took his seat between them. Sehun looked back at Luhan and winked at him, turning back to give Kris a high five and stole one of Tao’s sandwiches when they continued bickering.


Luhan saw Chanyeol waving at him wildly, gesturing for the boy to sit down with him and Baekhyun.


“Where did you go off to?” Baekhyun asked, swatting Chanyeol’s hand away from his chocolate sandwiches.  


“Oh, I just asked Mr Kim for some advice about brush .” Luhan said, quickly batting the subject away to ask Chanyeol whether he could swap his kiwi for his oranges.


Baekhyun watched Luhan tear the orange pieces, nervously glancing to the other table next to them. He was about to ask Luhan what happened, but the boy he saw on the bus made his way through the doors. Baekhyun recognised those round eyes that were timidly looking around. He also recognised the tanned male, who left his arm hanging off the paler boy’s shoulders, as they both walked toward the canteen.


“I heard that they never let go of each other until home-time.” Chanyeol whispered, staring at the clingy couple ahead.


“Well, I heard that it’s the taller kid who does most of the…holding.” Luhan whispered back, watching as the shorter boy tried to pry the other boy’s fingers from him as he reached for a tray from the rack.


Baekhyun hummed in response, turning back to face the others.


Just as he was about to say something, he felt a weight on his shoulder.


“Hey.” Kris smiled down at Baekhyun, pulling the chair next to Baekhyun out and turning it around. He sat on it, leaning his forearms against the top of the chair.


Baekhyun smiled, but shuffled closer to Chanyeol – hoping that Kris wouldn’t notice. Lucky for him, Kris was too busy calling his friends over to the table. Sehun and Tao joined them, pulling the chair out similarly as Kris. Luhan huffed in annoyance as Sehun pulled up next to him, eying the red haired boy as he smirked. Chanyeol side eyed Kris from behind Baekhyun and glared at him. Kris didn’t notice Chanyeol, but instead he ruffled Baekhyun’s light blonde hair, whispering a short cute as he saw Baekhyun’s cheeks blossoming.


Kris removed his hand from Baekhyun’s head and his bottom lip.


“So, you wanna tell me your name?” Kris said, popping his collar out before he rubbed the side of his bottom lip with his thumb, “…I told you mine, it’s only fair” he smirked.


“B-baekhyun.” The said boy stuttered, fixing his fringe from falling into his eyes.


“I’m Chanyeol.” Chanyeol interrupted, pointing at himself and then facing Luhan. “That’s Luhan,” he pointed at the red haired boy, and Luhan watched as Sehun’s eyes momentarily lit up.


Kris nodded, throwing his arm over Baekhyun. With his hand he the side of Baekhyun’s face, his lips in doing so as his fingers brushed the boy’s lips.


“Your skin is so soft, Baekhyun.” Kris whispered against his ear.


Chanyeol frowned and pouted, pushing Kris’ arm off Baekhyun. He stood up abruptly, and pulled Baekhyun with him.


“Get up Luhan, we’re going.” Chanyeol said his voice deeper than usual.


Luhan obliged happily, pushing his chair out before waving shortly at Sehun and following Chanyeol. Sehun raised his eyebrow before he turned around in his seat and watched Luhan walk away.


“What are you staring at Sehun?” Tao teased, nudging the boy’s arm to get his attention. Sehun turned to him with a bored expression and rolled his eyes. Kris was just sitting there; dumbfounded as he stared at the seat Baekhyun was on – his mouth wide open.


Tao looked at him.


Kris was clenching his jaw.


Chanyeol was dead meat.



“Ugh, gross, gross, gross…” Baekhyun repeated, washing his face with the tap water from the male toilets.


Chanyeol smiled.


Baekhyun wasn’t that good with facial contact, especially when it was some stranger. That meant Kris had absolutely no chance. That’s one to Chanyeol, zero to the jerk of the century.


Luhan rubbed Baekhyun’s back sympathetically, before he looked at Chanyeol.


“Thanks man, I don’t think I could have spent another second with that…idiot.” Luhan sighed, shaking his head as watched Baekhyun scrub his face with his fingers.


“Did you know he’s the headmaster’s son?” Luhan scoffed, “…he thinks he practically owns the school” Luhan said, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.


“I don’t think Sehun was that bad.” Baekhyun defended, drying his hands under the dryer.


“Oh, really?” Luhan said, raising his eyebrows as he poked Baekhyun’s cheek, “…he’s as bad as Kris.” Luhan laughed, as he watched Baekhyun squirm under his touch. Baekhyun went to grab a

tissue and dampened it, patching it across his cheek.


“Kris…Kris is something else.” Baekhyun mumbled, flinging the wet tissue into his bin.


“Yeah, he’s a ert.” Chanyeol deadpanned, massaging Baekhyun’s shoulders gently, “…stay away from him, okay?” he whispered, following Baekhyun out the door.


Baekhyun rolled his eyes and smiled.


This time, Chanyeol’s clinginess might come in handy.



They made their way to the last period – English.


The room they entered had walls surrounded by posters of famous classic novels. The teacher

was a short, older lady with her long, black hair up in a bun. She introduced herself as Mrs Lee Miyoung, but told her class to call her Miyoung.


Their lesson was easy-going.


Miyoung asked her class to answer a few comprehension questions as a starter.


But first, the students had to be put into pairs and placed in their located seats. It was uneasy as first, the feeling of knowing your future English classmate may not be one of your friends, but Miyoung told her students quickly at the beginning.


“Huang Tao is seated with Wu Kris.”


Kris sighed, face-palming himself as Tao pretended to kill himself with a head-to-gun gesture.


“Xiu Luhan is seated with Oh Sehun.”


Luhan had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, almost how you’d get that feeling before going on a scary rollercoaster ride. Sehun was too busy flipping his phone open to check a new message. When he heard the teacher call out his name, he looked up from his phone and smirked at Luhan, before dropping his head back down.


Oh, super.


“Do Kyungsoo is seated with Kim Jongin.”


From the side, Baekhyun could see the couple. The taller –Jongin – squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand and looked at him. Kyungsoo looked at Jongin back, and almost by some sort of secret telepathy, Jongin nodded subtly; letting Kyungsoo’s hand slip from his.


“Byun Baekhyun…”


Baekhyun gulped, his eyes widening as Miyoung squinted at the register in her hand.


“…is seated with Park Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol’s smile beamed brighter (if that was even humanely possible), and he looked at Baekhyun.


There it was again.


That, crazy, beautiful gleam was in his eyes again, and Baekhyun found himself smiling at Chanyeol too; what could he say? It was infectious.


The first column down had all the four pairs. The first desk of the column had Kris and Tao’s table. They seemed to manage the first question without much of a dispute. But round about the second question was when the cursing and tattling began.


Behind them was where Luhan and Sehun were seated. Sehun had finished all nine questions in record time, leaving Luhan stuck on the third one on his own. He offered to help, but with Luhan shooting him down with glares, he backed off with both of his hands surrendering in the air.


The desk behind them was where Kyungsoo and Jongin were. The two of them were working in unison to answer the questions. One looked for the text in the reading material, whilst the other wrote down the answers. There were a few stolen glances – on Jongin’s part – that never went unnoticed by Kyungsoo. Similar to how there were a few stolen touches that weren’t ignored by Jongin.


The last desk at the back was where Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sat.


Chanyeol tried to read the words on the paper but was at a loss when he got past the third sentence.


English wasn’t his strongest subject, but Baekhyun tried his best to help him.


“See that word there?” he asked, Chanyeol nodded, “…it can also mean to be side-tracked or to drift.”


“But it says me-an-d-ar?” Chanyeol said slowly, frowning at Baekhyun in confusion.


“Words can have more than one meaning, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun huffed, internally hitting his head on the desk over and over because how can someone be that bad.


“Haven’t you ever used a thesaurus?” Baekhyun asked incredulously, hitting Chanyeol on the side of the head with his notebook.


Chanyeol pouted and shrugged, “I’m better at math…” he mumbled as he grabbed his pen from the desk. He looked over to Baekhyun’s answers and quickly copied them down. Baekhyun caught him and covered his work.


“Let me do this, and I’ll help you out in maths.” Chanyeol whispered.


Baekhyun blinked, feeling his neck tingle as he felt Chanyeol’s warm breath hovering over him. He quickly brought his hand to his neck and rubbed it slowly, thinking over Chanyeol’s preposition.


“Fine.” Baekhyun sighed, watching as Chanyeol copied everything word to word.


“Hey, hey, if you do that Mrs Lee will find out!” Baekhyun whispered harshly, shutting his workbook as he shot Chanyeol a look.


“Please~” Chanyeol whined, “…look, I’ll put it in my own words.”


Chanyeol copied out the keywords but in a new sentence. Baekhyun nodded and carried on his work. Well, that was until Chanyeol asked him another question.


“What does amorous mean?”



The school day ends, and the students sigh a relief.


It may have been the first day, but it didn’t stop it from being so exhausting.

Luhan linked his arms with Baekhyun and they both walked down the corridor gossiping about god knows what, as Chanyeol gathered his notes quickly and proceeded to follow them.


After a few call outs of, Chanyeol hurry up or we’ll miss the bus from Baekhyun, Chanyeol ran across the corridor to the double doors where the school’s exit was; his long limbs carrying him quickly, until he hit an obstacle and slipped. That obstacle was indeed the foot of that number one jerk – Kris.


Kris smirked, grabbing one of Chanyeol’s books from the floor and throwing it to the latter’s head, grinning as he heard the boy groaning underneath it.


“What do you want, Kris?” Chanyeol snapped, piling his books together and throwing them into his ruck-sack. He got up, and faced Kris, his eyes glaring holes into the blonde boy’s sockets.


“I want you to back off Baekhyun.” Kris snarled back, grabbing Chanyeol by his collar and throwing him against the lockers. Chanyeol winced and he felt his body tensing up with anger, but there was no way he could act on it.


Instead, Kris pushed Chanyeol further into the lockers and narrowed his stare.


“You got that, punk?” he said through gritted teeth.


Chanyeol’s confidence sunk a little, especially when he felt Kris reaching up to tear Chanyeol’s glasses away from his face.


Of all days to leave his contacts at home, he had to pick the day he was going to get his beat.

Kris threw the black frames to the ground, and crushed them with his feet. He smirked when he saw Chanyeol falling to his knees as he picked the broken frames lamely up from the ground. Chanyeol’s heart broke there and then, because those were a gift from his grandpa who died last month.


But it didn’t push Chanyeol to do something about it.


Instead, Chanyeol stayed like that, holding what-was-left of his glasses in his hand and knelt down.


But Kris didn’t want to keep it that way.


Kris grabbed Chanyeol up from his collar again and pushed him against the wall opposite.


Chanyeol stood there limply, and clasped his eyes shut tightly as he anticipated the first hit.


And my god, was it a hit.


Kris’ fist went balling to Chanyeol’s face. Kris’ knuckles turned white as he punched Chanyeol with all his vigour, sending the taller to the ground. Chanyeol covered his face with his arms, but he didn’t say anything. He took every one of Kris’ kicks in his stride and muffled his whimpers as he bit down on his arm.


That’s when Kris’ friend, Sehun came rushing down and pinned Kris’ arms from behind him, begging him to stop. He called over for Tao, and that’s when students started to gather around to watch the drama unfold. Chanyeol stayed across the ground, and Kris kept kicking. Kris never stopped, and he could feel blood boiling up to the point where all he could see was red.


Amongst the crowd, Baekhyun and Luhan were pushing their way ahead.


They stopped to notice that Chanyeol wasn’t behind then when they walked to the bus stop, so they came back into the school to check where he was. You can imagine the horror on their faces, when they see a crowd and cries of fight, fight, fight coming from there.


Sehun managed to pin Kris against the lockers, with Tao’s help, and Baekhyun ran over to Chanyeol’s side.


There was a pool of blood on the ground, and a few unripe bruises on Chanyeol’s face as he coughed violently against Baekhyun’s chest. Luhan tried getting Chanyeol up, and they walked to the nurse’s office. Chanyeol’s body lied inert against Luhan’s hold, and Baekhyun couldn’t fight his tears.


Baekhyun stormed up to Kris and smacked him whole against his face.


“Pick on someone your own size dickwad.” Baekhyun spat before running off to Chanyeol’s aid.


It was actually quite funny because Kris could have sworn him and Chanyeol were the same height.



The nurse’s face was priceless as she saw the droopy tall figure falling past the doorway.


She quickly brought Chanyeol inside the office and thanked the boys for bringing him there. She then told Chanyeol to lean against a chair so she could check his eyes for any signs of a concussion with her small light. After she plastered the small cuts on Chanyeol’s face, and bandaged the bruises on his waist she walked up to Baekhyun and Luhan, who were waiting in the office.


“What happened?” She asked, a frown marring her face as she filled her cup with water from the water cooler beside her.


“There was a fight, and he fell victim.” Luhan said, sighing as he walked toward Chanyeol.


“He didn’t start it I swear, he’s a pacifist – he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Baekhyun cried, running over to Chanyeol’s side to hug him. Chanyeol nearly lost his breath for the second time that day, and chuckled as he felt Baekhyun’s grip tighten on his sides.


“It’s okay Baek, I’m fine.” Chanyeol laughed, scrunching his eyes as he felt Baekhyun’s grip falling down to his waist. He winced a little, and Baekhyun got the hint, as he let go of Chanyeol and sat by him on another chair.


“Do you know who did it?” the nursed asked a pen and paper in her hand, ready to write down the student’s name.


Baekhyun rubbed Chanyeol’s arm softly, before turning to the nurse.  


“Wu Kris.” Baekhyun growled.


“It was him.”



Kris got a week’s suspension.


He should have counted himself lucky, considering Sehun helped him out a bit. If Sehun hadn’t somehow convinced his father, Kris would have been out of the school for longer.


Word got out too, that Kris was the number one guy not to mess with.


And people made rumours.


Some were that Chanyeol was a weak who couldn’t defend himself, and others said that Kris was a ticking time-bomb waiting to happen.


But they soon died down, because school is like that.


In time, another rumour spread, and it carried on like that in its vicious circle.


Thankfully, this time, it wasn’t about Chanyeol.


The day Kris was back, him and his crew were back as usual. They continued going to lunch and lessons as before, however this time, Kris didn’t bother to look twice in Chanyeol’s direction.  He did however, keep his eyes on Baekhyun – and that didn’t really bode well.


One day, during an english lesson, Kris threw a message over to Baekhyun’s table. He didn’t check back to see if he caught it or not, because one, it would be stupid if he missed, and two, Miyoung was already getting a little suspicious.


What Kris didn’t know, was that Baekhyun went to the restroom five minutes ago and Chanyeol was the only one on the desk. Chanyeol looked up from his book when he felt something hit him lightly, and saw the note on his lap.


He smoothed it out and read the message in his head.


“Meet me at the gym at lunch.”

Chanyeol peered at the letter for a good two minutes before folding it up and putting it in his trouser pocket as he saw the teacher nearing his desk.


He shrugged it off, and smiled when Baekhyun came back and sat next to him.


“So did you manage to answer question three?” Baekhyun asked, fixing his blazer button.


“No, I was waiting for you.” Chanyeol smiled, watching Baekhyun sigh and roll his eyes as he too smiled at Chanyeol and commenced reading the question over. Chanyeol liked this angle of Baekhyun’s face.


It wasn’t posed or poised at all.


It was natural.


Just like how natural it was for them to spark up a conversation that was probably completely unrelated to the work in hand.


Kris turned around, completely ignoring Tao’s theory of how Hamlet was actually an unvalued genius like Einstein, and saw Baekhyun smiling to himself.


Mission accomplished.



Kris waited for Baekhyun near the gym doors.


His foot was up against the wall, and he ran his fingers through his hair as he heard someone approaching.


He quickly straightening himself up, and smiled as he saw a shadow nearing closer.

But his smile dropped when he saw whose shadow that was.


“What are you doing here?” Kris asked almost hysterically, his eyes widening as Chanyeol stopped walking; he too could barely believe it too.


“You?” Chanyeol pointed, “You sent me this?” he pulled out the note from his pocket and threw it at Kris.


Kris caught it and opening it, laughing to himself in doing so.


“This wasn’t for you.” Kris tried sounding serious, but all that came from his mouth after were a few broken cries of laughter.


Both boys, in pure hysterics, began laughing so hard that one of them even snorted.

It was probably Chanyeol.


Chanyeol started clapping, really loudly. His hands banging against the other, and Kris thought he resembled a retarded seal. But he wasn’t much better either. Kris was in danger of falling to the ground, had he not hung onto the wall for support. He clung onto his stomach with his hand and let the laughter knot his stomach up in a pleasurable pain, until it slowly died out.


Chanyeol stopped clapping and looked at Kris, as he tried to get his breath back.  


Kris wiped a tear from his eye, and tried straightening up.


It took just one look and they were both in a fit of raging laughter, once again.


Well that was until Chanyeol popped the question that was burning through his mind.


“Was the note for Baekhyun?” he asked, wiping his eyes (yeah, he got rid of the glasses).


“Well, duh…” Kris said, scratching his head.


Kris then sighed and brought his hand up; he placed it on Chanyeol’s shoulder awkwardly and looked away.


“I’m sorry man…” Kris said quietly, but it was all Chanyeol needed.


In an instance, Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Kris and hugged him tightly. He whispered something against Kris’ shoulder, but Kris couldn’t make it out.


“What?” Kris said when he finally managed to push Chanyeol off of him.


“I said, it’s okay, you don’t have to apologise.” Chanyeol smiled, punching Kris’ arm jokingly.


“I don’t know what came over me…” Kris started, sliding down the wall. He brought his knees up against his chest, and patted the floor next to him, telling Chanyeol to join him. Chanyeol followed, folding his body up against the wall too.


“Do you really like him?” Chanyeol asked, a little guilt slipping from his voice as he looked at Kris sympathetically. If there was anyone who knew about unrequited feelings, it would be him.


“Nah, I don’t get that…feeling when I’m with him.” Kris spoke, feeling his cheeks burning a little as he spoke. He didn’t want to be too loud so he kept his voice down a little, but Chanyeol recognised the way Kris swallowed, and how his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down that there was a secret he was keeping.


“Who do you get it with, then?” Chanyeol questioned, frowning when he saw Kris shrug.


“I don’t know yet. It comes and goes.”


“I get that feeling a lot.” Chanyeol admitted huffing out a sigh he didn’t know he was keeping.


“Yeah?” “With Baekhyun?” Kris asked raising his eyebrow at Chanyeol.


Chanyeol nodded and smiled to himself.


He pictured Baekhyun smiling up at him, with his eye crescents shining in the light. He’s always had that feeling fluttering deep inside him whenever he sees that. It flutters stronger when he knows that he’s the one who makes Baekhyun smile too. He gets this sense that when he makes him laugh, everything in the world can go to hell. Secretly, Chanyeol wishes just before he dies that he could see Baekhyun’s smile, even if it was for the last time.


He can’t imagine seeing anything better before the time he has to close his eyes forever.


Kris watched as Chanyeol dazed out, with his smile stretching his lips.


Kris smiled too, hoping that one day he’d find the one who made him feel like that too.


Somehow, there was a part of Kris that believed there was someone, but he just couldn’t put his finger on a name. Yes, he’s had moments where his heart has felt like leaping out, but he doesn’t notice with who it usually is. Kris does note the times his palms get sweaty and he feels clammy whenever he’s around them, but who?



The days passed more quickly over the semester, and rumours came and went as quick as birds flying in the sky.


Although, there was one rumour that stuck.



“Did you hear Jongin is moving to Canada?”


“Jongin? Isn’t he Kyungsoo’s boyfriend?”




“But, they’re really close…do you think he’s told him?”


“Apparently, I heard Kyungsoo doesn’t even know yet.”



Baekhyun walked passed a few other students but stopped in his tracks when he overheard their conversation. But it wasn’t their conversation he stopped for. Instead, he stopped for the pale, round eyed boy who stood in front of the other students. His body in a complete state of shock, as the girls who were gossiping quickly dispersed out of the way and towards their home rooms.


Kyungsoo stumbled over after a few other students bumped into him, and ran towards the music room where his next lesson was.


Conveniently, Baekhyun had a music lesson next as well, and ran after him.


Baekhyun remembered how their first music lesson started, and how nervous Kyungsoo was that day to sing in front of his peers. That day, before the lesson, Jongin walked Kyungsoo to the music department and to the room he was in. He quickly pecked Kyungsoo on the cheek and squeezed his hands as he looked at him, smiling as he brushed a strand of hair falling ahead of Kyungsoo’s eyes.


Kyungsoo smiled back and let go, before whispering a quiet thank you, as he made his way towards the front of the class and sung his heart out better than any of the other students.


Baekhyun ran into the class, puffing as he quickly looked around.


He couldn’t find Kyungsoo anywhere, and he was worried that Kyungsoo might have taken another turn.


Just as he walked through the doors, he saw that the music cupboard was closed. It was unusual because before lessons Mr Lee would always keep that cupboard open for any students who would want to practise early with their instruments.


As he neared the door, he could hear a faint crying from behind and knocked once on the door.


“Kyungsoo, are you there?” Baekhyun asked softly.


The crying sounds stopped immediately, and it sounded like Kyungsoo wasn’t even in there.


Baekhyun opened the door carefully, and switched the light on, closing the door behind him.


He saw Kyungsoo balled up on the floor, hiding his face from the light. He quickly crouched down and rubbed his back slowly, as he comforted Kyungsoo to stop crying with it’ll be okay’s and it might have just been a rumour.


Kyungsoo’s face appeared slowly from his tangled limbs, and he got up only to hit his head against the rack that was holding the tambourines. The sound of clashing metal thundered across the room, and Baekhyun tried hard to hide his laughter. Kyungsoo on the other hand, shot Baekhyun an annoyed look before he rubbed his head harshly.


Kyungsoo frowned before he tried making his way out, but Baekhyun was blocking the doorway.


Kyungsoo sniffled and then folded his arms.


“What do you want?” he grumbled.


Baekhyun couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face because that or whatever Kyungsoo just did was too adorable. He tried so hard to stop, but his fingers just found Kyungsoo’s cheeks.


He pinched them and pulled them out as he smiled, noting that Kyungsoo looked like a five year old when he was pissed off.


“Stop, please!” Kyungsoo begged, prying Baekhyun’s fingers off of him.


“Look, I know you heard the rumour…but, it might not be true.” Baekhyun started, as he let his arms fall against him.


“Do you know what it’s like to love?” Kyungsoo asked, leaning against the part of the wall that didn’t have a shelf bolted in. Baekhyun leaned against the doorway and tilted his head, frowning in confusion.


“What do you mean?” Baekhyun replied, “…are you in love?” he asked.


“Answer me.” Kyungsoo huffed, looking at Baekhyun helplessly.


“No, I don’t think I have.”


“Well then let me give you some advice – don’t.”




“Don’t go looking for love; don’t wait for love – run away from it if you have to!”


“Wait Kyungsoo, wai-”


“It’s all worthless.” Kyungsoo said, letting his body slide down the wall sluggishly, as he stared ahead aimlessly. Kyungsoo brought his knees to his chest, and buried his head between them; breathing out long sighs that filled the silence.


“It can’t be.” Baekhyun said, earning a cold glare from Kyungsoo.


“What do you mean, it can’t be?”


“It can’t all be worthless, Kyungsoo.” Baekhyun said with a little more confidence, “…all that time you probably spent with Jongin, all those moments you had with him – are you telling me that they were all for nothing?”


Kyungsoo was speechless.


He didn’t stop to think about the time he had with Jongin, all he thought about was the time he didn’t have left.


“No…” he whispered quietly.


Kyungsoo thought back to the time he met Jongin.


He remembered how he used to try and push the other away because he was scared of opening up, scared of being a person with opinions, and scared of sharing his life stories with someone who would care to listen. All of his life, he’s been terrified of being judged; terrified of being seen or noticed, because then he’ll become a target.


The day Jongin came along was the day all of his insecurities flew away.


With Jongin, he was no longer the boy who had to hide.


He could have a voice, like that day he sang in his music class.


It was all because Jongin was there to hold his hand, and be the voice of reassurance Kyungsoo’s always needed.


“He’s always been there for me” Kyungsoo blurted, “even when I pushed him away.”


Baekhyun nodded.


He didn’t mean to be selfish, but what Kyungsoo’s said reminded him of something.


It reminded him of Chanyeol. If anyone was the true example of persistent, it had to be Chanyeol.


Even when they were younger, Chanyeol would always somehow find himself wherever Baekhyun was. And honestly, sometimes Baekhyun found that…annoying.


However, he wouldn’t want to admit it, but without Chanyeol around Baekhyun would actually miss the warmth of his wide smile.


When they were older, Baekhyun would call Chanyeol late at night and see whether he just wanted to talk, and no matter what time it was, Chanyeol would always be happy to. Baekhyun never really noticed before, but as he saw the desperation in Kyungsoo’s eyes, he thought he really should – because no one ever knows when they’ll lose someone.


But just the thought of losing Chanyeol, made something stir within him. It was like someone drew a knife and aimed it straight at his heart, jabbing it again and again as the thought circled his mind.


And that’s when he looked at Kyungsoo. But when he saw the fresh tears streaking his face he didn’t try and stop him from crying, because if he ever lost Chanyeol, he would be doing the exact same thing.


He would be the one hiding away, wiping the tears with the back of his hand and praying that Chanyeol miraculously appeared in front of him so he could hold on to him forever.


Baekhyun pulled Kyungsoo up and wipes his tears away with his hand.


“You can’t cry forever.” He says as he hands Kyungsoo a tissue.


“Watch me.” Kyungsoo replied sternly, feeling the pain in his eyes becoming sharper.


Baekhyun flicked the switch off and opened the door slowly, making sure no one was there and brought Kyungsoo out with him. Kyungsoo quickly wiped his face when he saw Mr Lee coming and hid the tissue into his blazer pocket.


They lesson goes ahead slowly, the second clock ticking agonisingly slow for Kyungsoo.


Sometime during the lesson, Kyungsoo wrote a note telling Jongin to leave him alone, and that he’d never want to see him again.


He was always one for dramatics.


The bell rings, and Kyungsoo is up and off faster than a heartbeat.


He jolts towards Jongin’s locker and slips a note through the lockers grates and makes his way quickly towards the school’s exit.


Kyungsoo shoved his hands further into his blazer pockets as he feels the cold air hit him sharply, and makes his way out onto the pavement. He wasn’t getting the bus today, because he needed the wind to dry up his new tears.


Jongin finds the note in his locker and runs out of the school, his back-pack threatening to fall off his shoulders, as he bolts his way down toward the bus-stop. Kyungsoo isn’t there waiting for the bus, so the only other option is that he walked back home. Rapidly, Jongin ran down the familiar street and a few tears spilled from his eyes when he caught the sight of Kyungsoo sitting by himself on a bench.


“Kyungsoo, don’t you ever leave me like that!” he cried, pulling Kyungsoo small frame into his chest, hearing Kyungsoo’s muffled sobs against his shirt.


“Everyone was t-talking about it J-Jongin.” Kyungsoo whimpered, “You’re moving – to Canada?”


Jongin would have collapsed if he wasn’t sitting on the bench.


He had been meaning to tell Kyungsoo about this, but he didn’t know how to tell him. It was a typical story, his father found a new job and a new life for his family so he thought he’d up stakes and move everyone over to a foreign country. He never once thought about how this would affect Jongin or his life. That’s why when Jongin met Kyungsoo, he felt the affection he never had, and he didn’t ever want to let him go.


But this wasn’t his choice.


The only choice he ever had was Kyungsoo, and now that was being torn away from him.


Jongin nodded weakly, as he softly touched Kyungsoo’s jawline with his fingers.


He was going to miss this.


“Come on.” Jongin said softly, holding Kyungsoo’s hand in his and getting up from the bench.

They slowly strolled, hands together, down the streets towards Kyungsoo’s house. They talked about mindless things for hours, taking longer than usual as they walked passed busy streets and bustling neighbourhoods. For these two, nothing could ever distract them from one and other, and that’s what made it so real.


Jongin never let go, even when they reached Kyungsoo’s house.


Instead, he held Kyungsoo’s hand out so his palm was facing upward and placed a cold, metal object in it, he closed Kyungsoo’s hand – not letting the boy see it until he was gone, and kissed his cheek.


Kyungsoo blushed, the warmth of Jongin’s kiss travelling up his cheeks as he pulled Jongin down toward him. He covered Jongin’s body with his hands and enveloped him for a hug, both of his hands tightly closed as he felt Jongin’s hands around his body.


They kept hugging until moments passed, and they could feel the pitter patter of rain dropping onto their heads.


“I’ll come back, I promise. I’ll be true to my word.” Jongin whispered, bumping his forehead against Kyungsoo’s as he felt the rain strengthen.


Jongin let go, and commanded for Kyungsoo to go inside because the rain could kill him and pulled an umbrella out of his bag. He pulled it open when he saw Kyungsoo near his home’s doorway, and waved goodbye.


His smile was faltering, and if Kyungsoo wasn’t so far away he’d see the pain in Jongin’s eyes.


Kyungsoo waved back, and opened his palm.


Inside there was a small badge. It was the exact same one Jongin won at a fair at the theme park they went to one day, after Kyungsoo badgered him to play a few arcade games. There were two badges that he won, one was black and the other was white. They were small, almost bite-sized, and across them were the words ‘love’ and ‘true’.


Kyungsoo covered his mouth as he saw the words written over his.


It looked like Jongin kept the true badge, because he gave Kyungsoo his love one.



After that the rumours had begun to die down, and the students were more worried about their end of year exams.


One student in particular was pretty nervous.


And that was because he had reason to be.


So far, most of Luhan’s teachers have warned him about his falling grades. They’ve set him up for group tuition sessions, but ever since the school cut down on their budgets, Luhan hasn’t had much experience learning as a group. So, what the school have done is the equivalent of giving an ape books and a room to work in.


No matter how many late nights he spends, or how much coffee he makes, he will never be able to memorise all those theories for maths, or all those rules for physics.


He was a lost cause and he knew it.


“Do you need some help?” Sehun probed as he watched Luhan skim past the first page of the first chapter of their up-coming assignment’s novel.


“We haven’t even started yet.” Luhan replied, taken aback by Sehun’s newfound interest in being a Good Samaritan.


“Jeez will you give me a chance.” Luhan whispered mostly to himself, as he flipped over another page.


“I would, but you’re fresh out of those.”


Ah, his wonderful sense of humour’s back.


“Whatever.” Luhan mumbled, flipping over a few more pages impatiently before throwing the book on the desk. He thumped his head onto the book and shut his eyes.




Luhan would recognise that voice from anywhere.


“Yes, Mrs Lee.” Luhan brought his head up and pulled one of the brightest smiles he could in his teacher’s direction.


But she wasn’t buying it.


“Sehun, you’ll be tutoring him considering you have a little time on your hands.” Miyoung stated, placing a few books on Sehun’s side of the desk.


Considering Sehun was a genius.


Yes that’s right.


He has the audacity to be both smart and cocky.


He had already finished most of his exams well before any other students even had the chance to start preparing for them. He works as a private tutor in the school in his free time, but other than that, he’d much rather go home and play on his video games.



Sehun snorted, “I guess you’ll need my help after all.”


Luhan bit his tongue to stop him from cursing and gave Sehun the finger behind his teachers back.


Sehun looked shocked for about a millisecond, and faked mockery when he put his hand over his heart.


He inhaled sharply.


“That’s no way to treat your tutor, Luhan.” He said, wagging his finger in front of Luhan’s face.


Luhan turned to the novel on the table, but this time he slammed his head hard onto the desk.  



“I told you, you have to read the pages – you can’t just skim and scan and hope that the words will go into your brain.” Sehun said, gritting his teeth as he saw Luhan shaking his head, again.


“Skimming and scanning will help the information go in quicker! Who cares about the words?” Luhan cried, earning a loud hush by the librarian.


“Who cares about the words?” Sehun repeated, the snarl barely hidden in his tone.


“You’re tested on the words you idiot.” Sehun snarled, as he rubbed his eyes with his fingers.


He had been ‘tutoring’ Luhan for about two hours now, and he seriously didn’t expect it to be this gruelling. Luhan was such a dumb . It’s like, get the dumbest you can think of and then get it to mate with another dumb , and there you shall have Luhan.


Sehun watched as the librarian walked towards the exit, a few books in a trolley she was pushing and pulled Luhan away towards the back of the library.


No one else was there, but Sehun and Luhan.


There, where Sehun dragged him, was a small desk and a window facing the other way. Sehun sat Luhan down on the chair and brought the books from where they were previously sitting, slamming them onto the desk.


“I want you to read one chapter. Hopefully that won’t fry too many of the little brain cells you have.”


Luhan rolled his eyes.


“…and then, you will tell me what happens through a simpler, shorter answer.”


Luhan sighed.


“You basically, want me to read a chapter, and then tell you about it?”


“Pretty much” Sehun replied, not even batting an eyelash.


“This is bull.” Luhan exclaimed, pushing the chair out and as he got up from his seat.


Ready to make his way out from their hidden place behind the book shelves, Luhan was stopped by Sehun. Sehun’s held Luhan’s wrist tightly in a vice like grip, and pulled the red haired boy back.


He sat on the chair, and pulled Luhan over his lap.


Before Luhan could protest, Sehun clasped his hand over Luhan’s mouth and pushed the boy so he was lying down on the desk. With Sehun towering over him, Luhan could do nothing but just watch as Sehun stared at him with dark eyes.


“Do as I say, Luhan.” Sehun warned, tightening his grip as he heard Luhan’s muffled protests under his hand. Luhan stops fidgeting and sees the look in Sehun’s eye that says he’s serious.



The week of their exam comes, and Luhan goes in with his pens and pencils at the ready.


After the last day of exams and the students meet their friends to talk about their exams.


Luhan is on his way to Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but he sees Sehun standing ahead.


He quickly walks passed him, making it obvious that he doesn’t want to see him as he tries to avoid any eye contact.



Results day arrives.


Luhan gets full marks in his english essay.


They don’t ever talk about what happened in the library.



Skip ahead two years, and it’s time for the pupils graduation ceremony.


They all look the same, but something’s definitely changed.


As Baekhyun walked up to his locker he feels a hand twirling him around. There, Chanyeol is smiling down at him, a cheeky grin on his lips means he’s up to something. Baekhyun stares at him for a second, his smile slowly starting to creep up as he watches Chanyeol blunder with his words.


“Spit it out, Channie.” Baekhyun jokes, placing his hands against Chanyeol’s chest.


Chanyeol feels the touch, and suddenly his fear melts away.


He looks at Baekhyun, this time his smile has vanished and there’s sincerity in his eyes.


“Come with me.” Chanyeol says, his husky voice knocking Baekhyun off of his feet as he trudges behind Chanyeol.


There’s no choice in this matter because Chanyeol has already grabbed Baekhyun’s arm and dragged him toward the A1 art’s room. Chanyeol made sure to ask Mr Kim if he could use this room a couple hours before their graduation ceremony, so he prepared it beforehand.  


The class was empty; all the boards looked like they were put away except for one that was in the middle of the class right opposite the small stage. On the stage was a beige, wooden stool where Baekhyun was being led by Chanyeol.


Chanyeol pointed at the stool and shrugged off the baffled look Baekhyun was throwing him.

“What’s going on, Chany-”


“Just sit down Baek.” Chanyeol said, pointing at the stool a little less patiently than before.


Baekhyun pout but he followed his orders and sat down on the stool.


He felt Chanyeol’s hands on him for a second and then he felt his blazer falling off of his shoulders. Baekhyun looked at him curiously, before he let Chanyeol take his blazer off and put it to the side. Chanyeol moved to his canvas, but he notices that Baekhyun is shivering slightly as he wraps his hands around his arms.


The taller walks over to Baekhyun and cloaks him with his own, rather over-sized yellow blazer. It drapes over Baekhyun’s shoulder, too big to fit the boy, and Baekhyun pulls the lapels closer to himself, smiling at Chanyeol’s kind gesture.


Baekhyun quickly turned his head to the side, trying to rid the warmth that was pooling in his cheeks.


He looked out the window, and saw leaves falling to the ground harshly. It was a breezy day, as the wind blew Baekhyun’s blonde hair out of his eyes, but the sun was still shining brightly. The light from the sun rays hits Baekhyun’s face at the perfect angle and Chanyeol can’t breathe.


“Breathtaking.” He whispers, setting the oil paints out on the palette as he mixed a few lighter hues together. He wanted to get Baekhyun’s skin just right, the same consistency between dark and light. Not too pale to make him look pasty, and not too dark to make him look burnt.


Baekhyun glances away from the falling leaves, to Chanyeol, and his expression brightens.


“You’re painting!” Baekhyun clapped his hands together and got up from his stool, ready to run over to join Chanyeol. But Chanyeol stops him with a cry.


“No! Sit back down!” Chanyeol ordered the desperation in his voice was enough to sit Baekhyun down.


Baekhyun looks at him one last time, trying to read Chanyeol’s face but only getting an unreadable expression in return. He doesn’t question Chanyeol, because this is a moment where words aren’t needed.


Chanyeol sketches with a charcoal pencil, outlining every curve from Baekhyun’s head down to the smooth of Baekhyun’s arm that was leaning against the ledge. Chanyeol stretched his wrist to get a perfect curvature of Baekhyun’s chest. Hit tongue juts, hair sticking to his head and his white sleeves are smudged with the dark greys of the cinder dust.


Chanyeol knew he was finished with the sketch but he still keeps taking glimpses at Baekhyun.


They become longer, and Chanyeol doesn’t stop because he can’t seem to get enough.  


Baekhyun turns to see Chanyeol has stopped.


Chanyeol dropped his brush, and pushed his canvas away.


He makes his way toward Baekhyun slowly, and Baekhyun’s eyes get bigger and rounder with realisation.


Chanyeol is getting closer and closer, and Baekhyun shivers.


This time, he isn’t cold.


Now Chanyeol is leaning down, and he dips in closer, as baekhyun closes his eyes and swallows thickly. He opens them again, letting out a shuddery breath to find Chanyeol readjusting the dark blue collar of his shirt, but then Chanyeol makes a mistake.


He looks up. His hands are still on Baekhyun’s shirt, brushing his neck with his fingers.


When Chanyeol looks up, he sees the emptiness on Baekhyun’s face, and he feels he needs to do something to wipe the sadness away from his eyes.


Chanyeol is up and is eye level with Baekhyun.


They don’t stop looking; scanning over each other’s faces like it was the last thing they were ever going to do. It carries on, until Chanyeol’s fingers trace the shape of Baekhyun’s face, his thin rosy lips, and delicate cheek bones, milky skin, passed his small ears and down to his thin neck. The marks of grey on Chanyeol’s fingers stained Baekhyun’s alabaster skin. Blurs of lighter and darker greys cover his face, but it doesn’t stop his beauty shining through.   


The thought Chanyeol marking Baekhyun with the colours pushed him awake from his thoughts.


Without realising their lips are touching and in the haze of the moment, they push further into it.


Chanyeol feels Baekhyun’s plush lips against his, and he hears baekhyun moan softly. He lets his fingers trail Baekhyun’s jaw, and holds on to it with his hand. The kiss deepens, and Chanyeol can’t keep his hands off of Baekhyun, or his lips, so he settles for leaving them there and staring deep into Baekhyun’s eyes.


They were glossy with realisation, this was Chanyeol’s confession.


Something Baekhyun had deep down always waited for.


He was ready to confess too, but Chanyeol wasn’t letting go.


In lieu, Baekhyun pushes his lips further into Chanyeol’s. Chanyeol’s lips were as soft as Baekhyun had imagined for so long, and to him nothing could feel sweeter. As he let his weave around Chanyeol’s neck to find his nape, he pulls Chanyeol closer, closing his eyes in doing so as he could taste the oranges from his lunch.


But before anything could happen, the bell rings.


An announcement signals that the students were to meet at the hall to practice their formation for graduation.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun both looked at each other, a mixture of panic and adrenaline surging through their veins. Suddenly, they found themselves wiping the paint off their faces and hands. Baekhyun made sure to put all the boards back into their places, and Chanyeol left the sketch near the window.


They quickly ran out of the room, and Chanyeol made sure to lock it from the outside. They ran as fast as they could, Baekhyun pulling Chanyeol’s hand along as he begged for him to run faster.


They managed to make it on time, and just before they made their way inside, Chanyeol snuck a small kiss the underside of Baekhyun’s ear, whispering a quiet I love you as they pushed the doors open to be welcomed by the frenzy of other students running across the hall in a blurred haze.



It’s a year gone after graduation, and Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Luhan all get into Korea National University of Arts, each of them under the Talented Artists Education System programme.

It takes them less than a year to gather the fact that they’re really there, and the rest of the year to actually indulge in the prospect of making it.



Kyungsoo found work as an assistant barista.


One night whilst packing up the store, he sees a man standing outside the store. Curiosity finally get him, when Kyungsoo opens the door and travels out to meet the stranger. It was a rainy day, just as the night Kyungsoo remembered from years ago, and he hears the familiar deep chuckle come from behind him as he searches for the man helplessly.


Kyungsoo is dripping wet, as the water falls through his hair and passed his eyes. His barista apron is beyond saving, and he feels the cold seeping in through to his skin.  


“I told you, you’re going to get yourself killed if you stay out in the rain like this.”


Kyungsoo turned around, his wide eyes searching as he saw the familiar, face underneath the black hood of his jacket.


“Jongin!” he cried, wrapping his arms around Jongin’s body, kissing every inch of his face over and over again until he couldn’t feel his lips.


Jongin chuckled throatily, his tears getting cut off by Kyungsoo’s continuous bombardment of questions.


When they finally got inside, safe from the rain, Jongin told him how he got an internship in Korea and managed to flee from his parents. Kyungsoo held onto Jongin for most of the night, any ideas of cleaning up the café were completely gone. Instead he clutched his arms around Jongin’s waist, and pushed his head against Jongin’s chest.


Kyungsoo pulled something out of his pocket, and put his hand up to Jongin’s face.


It was the badge that had the words love written across, Jongin gave the most heart-warmingly smile Kyungsoo had ever seen.


“You kept it.” Jongin said, no surprise hinting his voice whatsoever as he too pulled something out of his pocket.


He brought his hand up to Kyungsoo’s face that was leaning against his chest.


“And so did you.” Kyungsoo mumbled, sighing contently against Jongin’s shirt.


Jongin brought his hand together with Kyungsoo’s, and took the badge from his palm. He laid them lazily beside each other, a smile splaying sleepily against his lips as he looked at the words true love combined together and looked down at Kyungsoo’s sleeping figure against his waist.


Jongin had never felt so complete closing his eyes that night.





South Korea’s brand new genius, fresh out of university, creating multiple software partnership with the country’s leading electronics systems.


But in his spare time, he likes to hunt.




A particular type, exactly.


And that type wasn’t specifically hard to find.


Especially when Sehun knew most of the headmasters, and vice principals of the public, private and academy schools and universities across the country.




Luhan looked up from his seat. He had a few sets of brushes in the gaps of his fingers; his favourite one placed between his teeth as he smiled at his teacher quickly and put the brushes down.


“Yes sir?”


“You’ve been called to the principal’s office.”


Luhan nearly shrunk into his seat even further than he could possibly think. He’s never, not even once, been called to the principal’s office, so it comes as a shock to his system when he finds his feet taking him there.


“Sir?” Luhan calls out, anxiety coursing through his veins, as he opens the door to the office cautiously, and looks into it carefully.


He has to look again, when he sees the familiar slender figure standing against the principal’s desk. The figure bent down, leaning against the desk as he fiddled with the stapler hanging off the table. Luhan was struck; he was paralysed as he watched the boy huff in annoyance as he kept glancing at the clock.


Luhan couldn’t see further up, so he couldn’t see the hair to be sure it was him.


What was Luhan thinking? He had to get out of there.


So he slowly tried closing the door, but the creak made Luhan wince.


“I know you’re there, Luhan.” Sehun said out loud, shuffling a few papers in his hand as he looked directly at the gap between the doors, straight in Luhan’s eyes.


Luhan’s breath hitched, and he froze.


Sehun walked up to the door, that trademark smirk across his face, as he pushed the door open and saw Luhan still crouching down.


“Are you just gonna stay there, like that?” Sehun said, rising his eyebrows, “…don’t you want to greet an old friend?” he finished cockily, his bottom lip as he watched Luhan slowly get up.


“You’re not the principal.” Luhan said slowly, looking around Sehun, and then at Sehun. His colourful hair tingling feelings of the past that Luhan didn’t think he could find again. Luhan shook his head and looked at Sehun in disbelief, “why are you even here?” he asked, moving back until he felt his back hit the door.


Sehun just smirked and crept closer.


“I’m here for you.” he smiled, leaning his arm above Luhan’s head “…and I’m not leaving until I get you.


Luhan looked up vulnerably.


It just wasn’t his day.



Kris went to get a morning sandwich from the deli store around the corner of the hotel he was staying at. It was another business trip Kris was sent on, but this time, he was sent to the blinding lights of China’s capital – Beijing.


“You want me to do what?” Kris said, choking on his sandwich as he held the phone against his ear properly.


“You’ll do it or you’re fired.” His boss screamed through the phone before hanging up, leaving Kris to stare at his phone in bewilderment.


His boss told him to go to one of the most famous gyms in China to do some market research for a new segment of their well-being food business. Kris was the one who came up with the idea of opening new gyms under the business’ brand in Korea, so he was the one who got stuck with working on weekdays.    




Kris waved at the lady at the desk but got no answer from her. She sighed heavily, before looking up from her nails and focusing on her desk.


“Would you like to join our premium gym membership here at Spa? Or would you like to purchase the monthly packa-” the woman started reading off a few cue cards, but she was cut short by Kris.


“I’m here to meet the manager.” Kris announced, smiling at the woman, before he put his hand through his styled, sandy hair.


The lady blushed, quickly picking the phone up to make a call and gesturing Kris to go through the hallway and towards the white door at the end where the manager’s office was.


Kris took long strides, pushing the door open without a care in the world.


But he should have cared.


He really should have.


There sitting on the chair was a dark red-haired, tall man in a white dress shirt and dark, black trousers. He slowly got up and bowed when Kris walked in, but when he straightened his back, his eyes threatened to fall out.


“Wu Kris?” Tao coughed into his hand, masking his laughter as hard as he could from Kris who just looked at him like he’d seen a ghost.


“Huang Tao?” Kris said in the same tone of surprise, watching as Tao quickly grabbed his water bottle and gulped the water down as fast as he could.


Tao nodded, rubbing his cheeks with his hand embarrassedly.


“So you’re the manager? Already?” Kris laughed, taking a seat opposite Tao.


Tao shook his head, “No, my dad’s usually in charge.” He winked, letting the phone ring as he cocked his head and looked at Kris.


“You’re not going to pick tha-”


“Nope.” Tao smiled, as he kept looking at Kris, the faint blaring of the phone going off in the distance.


“What about you? You became a business hotshot or something?” Tao questioned, pushing Kris’ shoulder gently to see what he could get out of him.


Kris gulped.


That feeling was back.


His hands were sweating so much that they threatened to squeak if he rubbed them together. He dismissed that idea quickly and looked away from Tao. Instead, he focused on the water bottle placed between Tao’s hands. Kris swiped his forehead with the back of his hand and looked at Tao.


“I work for a crappy boss, that’s pretty much it.” Kris said, laughing when he saw Tao pouting. His bottom lip sticking out further as his eyebrows furrowed.


“Aw, here I was thinking that you actually had become successful.” Tao teased, smirking as he saw Kris bite his bottom lip.


“What are you thinking about?” Tao asked.


He blushed inwardly, he didn’t know he could remember the little things about Kris as well as when he was younger. The way that Kris bit the side of his bottom lip when he was thinking. Or the way Kris would always look like he was scowling, even if he was happy inside. 


He didn’t think he’d want to remember. But it seemed a little part of his mind still wanted to.


“I was thinking about how I could still beat your even if it is one year late.” Kris grinned, his teeth showing brightly as he saw Tao’s mouth drop.


Tao looked at Kris and smirked.


“Well, you can try.”



One day outside the university, Chanyeol texts Baekhyun to meet him at a road around the corner of their apartment.


Baekhyun meets him there and he doesn’t ignore the crazy smile Chanyeol had on his lips.


“What is it?” Baekhyun asked laughing as Chanyeol pulled him inside a small, building that looked like it was abandoned on the edge of the street. He covered Baekhyun’s eyes with his hands and pushed him gently towards the front door, suddenly, the scent of apples flowed passed Baekhyun’s nose. Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun across the floor of the building. He brought his hands away from Baekhyun’s eyes and moved to the side. It was bricked from the inside, but it looked like Chanyeol white washed over them and coated it with a light blue paint.


Baekhyun looked around in awe. There were a few canvases spread across the room, all sorts of paints and art materials in cardboard boxes across the room.


“It’s not finished, yet.” Chanyeol muttered, kicking a few empty boxes to the other side, but Baekhyun cupped his face with his hands.


“It’s more than finished Chanyeol! It’s perfect.” Baekhyun smiled, “How?” Baekhyun shook his head, glancing around as he turned he turned to do a 360 of the room.


“Well, I saved some money during high school…” Chanyeol started, “…this is our own personal studio…” he finished, wrapping his arms around the back of Baekhyun’s waist, pulling him close so he bumped against his chest.


Baekhyun flushed at the contact, but rubbed Chanyeol’s arms affectionately.


“What do you think?”


“It’s…it’s unbelievable Channie.”


Chanyeol smiled warmly, tensing his arms around Baekhyun as he smelt the strawberry shampoo from Baekhyun’s hair. Baekhyun smiles under Chanyeol’s touch, pushing his arms behind Chanyeol’s head, as Chanyeol tilted to place his chin on Baekhyun’s shoulder.


Baekhyun squints as he sees something on the wall.


There in the middle of the wall, is the framed picture of what the trio painted in kindergarten.


Underneath, there was a white plaque saying “The day I found my friends.”


Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol and bit his cheek to stop himself laughing.


“That day you found your friends?” he asks sceptically, watching as Chanyeol’s cheeks became a very darker shade of red. Chanyeol smiled as he rolled his eyes.


“Keep looking.”


Baekhyun turned to the wall again, and saw another painting beside it.


He let go of Chanyeol slowly, as he walked over to the painting. Baekhyun covered his mouth in shock, looking over every inch of the painting before he turned to Chanyeol.


“You remembered everything, all the way down to the tiniest of details.” Baekhyun said disbelievingly, his hand trailing the painting of himself back when he was at high school. He still remembers the feeling of Chanyeol’s blazer draped across his body. The warmth Chanyeol managed to give to him from so many feet away.


“It looks so real.” He whispered, as he felt Chanyeol’s warm breath against his cheek.


“That’s because it is.” Chanyeol replied, a fresh coated paint brush in his hand.


Baekhyun spun on his heels and wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck, pulling him by his nape to let their lips meet once again.  


Chanyeol drops his paint brush onto the wooden floor, letting the paint splatter across the floor.


The plaque underneath the portrait wrote, “The day I found my true love.”


longest. thing. I. have. ever. written. 

never. again. 

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Chapter 1: Wow that was really good. Seriously. I don't know what to do with my life now that it's over.... I guess I have to stick with school and homework until I find another story that's good like this.
Chapter 1: Omg this one shot was so good!!! ;___; ♥ It took me 2 hours to read it longest one shot I ever read, and I really cried after I read the last 3 sentences! Best baekyeol one shot!!
LoveisLife #4
LoveisLife #5
Chapter 1: tHE KRISYEOL THO ¬___________________________________¬
LoveisLife #6
LoveisLife #7
Chapter 1: That was really one of the best Baekyeol fic i ever read. WOW. Really awesome !
Chapter 1: Whoa... Longest oneshot I have ever read in aff. Anyways, Nice story! ^_^. Thanks for sharing authornim
princehobo #10
Chapter 1: Dammit friendship really is beautiful!!! Awwwww the day I found my friends the day I found my true loves :'' so sweet great longass story