
Go away.." You mumble and grab the blanket, pulling it over yourself. "I got to go… Come on." You hear him cooing as he kisses your cheek gently. "Come on, babe. Get out of bed, hm?" "Bye." You murmur softly. His low chuckle causes you to smile before he places a kiss on your forehead. "Go get ready-" "I don’t really want to leave you here.." He softly mumbles. "What if they all come back and find you here?" "Can your girlfriend really not stay in your room?" You roll over to see him standing at the edge of the bed. He goes onto his knees to look at you, eye to eye before smiling. "My girl is always welcome here. But I would advise you putting on some clothes before they get back, hm? I’m going to be gone for a short bit, but they’ll definitely be back before me. So how about it?" "Am I not wearing enough clothes for you, Yifan?" You laugh at him and he kisses your forehead. You were in a pair of shorts and a tank top, but that clearly wasn’t enough for him. "Don’t tempt me…" He lets out a low growl before you chuckle softly. - - "Yeah, yeah. I’ll put on something before they come home." " I have to go to a meeting." He leaves the room quickly to go wash up as you roll around and shut your eyes. You sigh heavily before smiling. Kris was probably the best thing you could have ever asked for. A loving boyfriend, a boyfriend who, even though was an idol, always always made time to be with you. It was times like this that you asked yourself what you could’ve done to deserve someone like him in your life.
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hope u do return!! :D
exotic_sehunluhan31 #2
Chapter 6: Nice one.!!:-) I really loved it!! The last part was just hilarious!!!
Great Story Author!!