❅ The Facilities

twitter AU roleplay ✏ artemis roleplay [revamped open on[14.09.13]





As you all know this is an open area, there will be facilities for you guys to use:

You may use it anytime you want, and they're absolutely free! 


The facilities available 


Spa is a place for everyone to relax. It has activties going on,
like massage, aroma theraphy and so on.


Gym is a place for everyone to exercise after a long day. There
are machines like: threadmill, muscle toning equipment and so on.



Pub is a place for you to drink alchohol and get drunk there.
There are bartenders making your favourite cocktail 24/7.

Disco is a place for you to dance and party like crazy. There 
are DJs there 24/7 to play songs for you.
                        Swimming Pool        
Swimming Pool is for everyone to relax. You can
even sunbath there.   
                             Buffet Kitchen
The buffet kitchen is for those people who don't know 
how to cook and are hungry to eat. Don't worry, 
if you know how to cook, you can help prepare the buffet.
Arcade is a place for you to release stress. All your favourite
arcade games can be found inside.

Theatre is a place for everyone to watch your favourite shows,
which include dramas, varieties and so on.
-- More facilities under construction --
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