
Fix You

It was exactly 8:00 PM when Choi Jaemi reached the convenience store. She pushed the door open and was greeted by Lee Sungjong’s beautiful smile from behind the counter.

“Hello, noona!”

She smiled back at him, walking closer to where he was “Hey, you’ve been working hard.”

Just then a man appeared from the aisles, two cans of cold beer in hand. He smiled at both Jaemi and Sungjong and the two smiled back just as warmly. He placed the cans on the counter and whistled as Sungjong pressed some digits on the cash register.

“Thank you, have a good night!” Sungjong sang cheerfully as the man walked out of the store after waving goodbye at them. For a moment, only the faint music coming from the speakers filled the store. Sungjong scooted out of the counter to join Jaemi who was looking through the aisle of chocolates.

“I’m done for tonight.” He informed her, his smile still not fading. If Jaemi was asked to describe Sungjong in one word, it would be beautiful. Seriously, he was too beautiful to be a guy and his personality matched his face very well. He was one of the brightest and kindest people Jaemi knew.

They have known each other for about a year already, ever since Jaemi started working part-time at the convenience store owned by Sungjong’s relatives. Even though she didn’t talk that much about her life, they have grown close and have considered each other as really good friends. She knew he was curious about her but he never dared to ask her anything. Maybe because he didn’t want to force her to say anything she didn’t feel like saying and that’s why Jaemi liked Sungjong. For someone pretty young, he was very mature.

“So you’re going home?” she asked, picking up an unfamiliar chocolate bar.

“Do you want me to stay?” he glanced at the bar and added “I didn’t know we sold these.”

She smiled a little and ruffled his hair. The younger towered over her for a few inches so she had to look up slightly to look him in the eyes “It’s okay, Sungjong. You can go home, you have homework to do.”

“Next time I’ll bring my books here so I can do my homework and spend some more time with you. Also, maybe you can help me answer them.” He winked.

She simply nodded and proceeded to the counter to start her shift. She worked for four hours and was also in charge of closing the store. “If you want me to be your tutor, you have to pay me.”

Sungjong frowned causing her to giggle. It was a rare moment for him. His noona seldom giggled and the sound of it made him smile wider than usual. “I like it when you giggle.”

Jaemi pursed her lips and squinted her eyes at him “Go home and do your homework, kid.”

“I’m not a kid.” He snapped, taking a lollipop from the little stand on the counter. “I’m taking this.”

She nodded “Fine, it’s on me.”

“Thanks!” he then glanced at his watch “I really have to go, noona. Take care, okay? Text me when you get home.”

You take care,” she waved at him, a genuine smile playing on her lips “and I’ll leave you a message, don’t worry. Do your homework!” she managed to shout the last three words before the glass door closed.

Again, the faint music from the speakers filled the store and Jaemi found herself humming along to the song. The smile has faded and a tiny sigh escaped her lips as she let her mind wander for a moment. She was staring at nothing in particular when a very random thought crossed her mind:


His hand was warm.


Just then the door burst open, snapping her out of her thoughts. It was the ahjumma next door – she greeted Jaemi just like she always did and ranted about running out of bean paste and sesame oil, her voice fading as she headed towards the aisles. Jaemi’s lips slightly tugged upwards and she decided to continue reading the book she borrowed from the library, the one the guy picked up for her when he bumped into her.

She started reading but the words didn’t seem to make sense. She was thinking of something else – she was thinking of home and of what would happen once she opened the door. Her grip on the book tightened and tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

“Tell Juri she needs to buy more chili paste, you’re running out.” The ahjumma spoke, dropping her groceries on the counter.

Jaemi managed to blink the tears away and faked a smile as she put her book down to attend to the customer. “We might have some boxes delivered tomorrow.”

“Are you okay?” she asked.

She nodded “Just a bit tired from school, I think.”

The ahjumma clicked her tongue “You should be studying at home, not working.”

She simply smiled “That would be 15,000 Won.” She decided not to say anything more aside from the usual “Thank you, have a good night.” And after the lady had gone, she sat back on the stool.


But I don’t like home.

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dreams_harbor #1
Chapter 3: Loved that .. Your story is amazing *^* and Jaemi's character is interesting. Hoya is curious about her, oow , like her already?! ;) .. Update soon ^^.
winterfell #2
Chapter 1: This seems like it has a lot of potential. I can't wait to see what'll happen in future chapters and what you'll end up doing with the main characters. I wish the first chapter was a bit longer but it was pretty good overall :)
I hope you update soon ^^