
Starting Over With You

You shivered ...'its just the wind' you thought locking your door . You decided tomake an early dinner of fish an rice. After you had finished dinner youproceeded to go upstairs to wacth tv after your shower of corse . After you had finished yuir shower you dressedin a black tight rib tank an some white skinnies (you hada habit of sleeping in your bra jeans but for some reãspn tonight felt diffrent.) 

walking into your bedroom you atomatically frose in place you saw a black rose placed in the middle of your bed.

Jiyong pove

sighing he entered sevens . "Hey sev i have jangmi with me" he called out. "its fine annas in the back just dropp her off with her. someone called out

After dropping his daughter off he went in search of seungri. Finding him sitting on the counter snacking off of sevens food(that he was making at the moment).  Taking a deep breathe he look at ri " Some girl i meet today at jangmis daucare told me to tell you firebird says hi" he told ri.

"Firebird? oh wow Aieni wonder how she is havent heardfrom her in since forever . Tell me she still hot or .. mmmhm. Seungri travled on.

"So you know her" Jiyong questioned a little sad that ri had meet you first.

"oh yeah me an her go way back even before i signed to YG i meet her at a dance camp one summer then we went to high school together. which is where she rejected me. After that went down well lets just say i was still her best friend but also go to person for her well ...disturbing stalker boy now ex friend."ri finished

Jiyong froze a bityou didnt seem like the type to get involed with creppy guys well then again he just meet you.

your pov

You finally unfroze yourself. Walking over to the bed you picked up therose an the piece of paper woth itreading the note it said "im back baby girl did you really think you could get rid of me".Your breath hitched fumbling with your phone you called a number you hadnt in months or maybe a yr.

Seungri pov.

Vvip went off on hos phone.Surprised at the sudden call he picked it up smiling yet a little worried.   " really" He asked to someoneon the other side"Stay there ill be there soon " he told the person. grabbing his jacket he took off leaving a dumbfounded GD and Seven.

your pov

Scared out of your mind you grabbed a bag filled it with some stuff ran down the stairs out the door locked it an waitedin your driveway for him. sighed releaved as his pulled up you scrambled into the passenger seat an cloesd the door"can we jus go please" you stuttered

seungri pov

Nodding i startedthe car an drove off. taking one of my hands i placed it over hers an it gently. It had been months since i last heard from her due to my shceulde an regretted it . yes she still looked pretty and hot but she was also thiner and right here an now i saw the girl that came running to me that night she looks just as terrifed an scared as she did then. parking the car i got out an went to the other sideopened her door an held out my hand

"Come on  no one will hurt you here i promise"I told her. she grabbed my hand an clung to my arm as she got out. i lightly chuckled an walked through the door. "Ji sev im back. i called out.






ahhhhhhhhhh im so sprry for not updating for so long. my computer broke an updating from my phone was to hard. but im back now again sorry please dont unsubcribe stay tuned please



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HaloNyte #1
Any really some one her stalker her and ri, what her real job should be, an her and GD like I said anything really
stelladiep #2
Chapter 1: I like where ur going but start a new paragraph for each person that's talking just to make it more easier to read instead of a chunk of paragraph.
nice. im waiting too (y)
PattyPatata #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^