Dinner trip 3

"Sorry, I'm not your fans..."

@Kia-Nature-Ra: Originally it's a Jonghyun x You story, but i kinda add a love triangle with onew. But i will make 2 different endings if its necessary. But i'm now stuck between Onew and Jonghyun.. we will see how this story progress.. haha









The dinner has ended since 10 minutes ago. The restaurant employees has started to clean up the tables and served desserts to the fans and shinee, as well as the event staff. Some people didn't eat the dessert but went closer to the beach area, playing with the sand and water. Even though it is dark now and we can't see anything, we are all still having fun.

In my table, Onew and Taemin are the first ones to finish their dessert. It's the third serve of ice cream for Taemin, i guess he likes ice cream a lot. They scooped the last bit of their ice cream and ate it. Then the two of them got up from their seat to get closer to the beach like some other fangirls. When i see the empty seat in front of me, i really wanted to finish my ice cream quickly and join them. But wouldn't it be weird...? Somin hasn't even finished her dessert..

My eyes wnadering around all over the place while eating my ice cream, and Jonghyun noticed this.
"Why are you looking at me?" Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" I scrunched my face. "I wasn't looking at you."

"Just admit it. Your eyes are on me." Jonghyun teased.

"Whatever." I ate my last bit of ice cream and got up from my seat to go over to Somin, i don't want to bring this conversation further with him.



"Hyung." Minho called Jonghyun. "Why are you like that towards her?"

"What do you mean?" Jonghyun asked, still doesn't understand what Minho is trying to ask.

"Hyung.. I've been watching you..." Minho teased. Even so, Jonghyun still didn't want to answer Minho. Even when Onew asked him previously he didn't want to answer, same case with Minho.

"Me too." Key added. "Are you interested in her..?"

That somehow convinved Jonghyun to speak up. "........ yes......?"

"Why do you sound unsure??" Key laughed seeing this side of Jonghyun.

"Is this how you approached girl? By teasing her the whole time and make her pissed off?" Minho laugehd along Key.

"No no no no." Jonghyun waved his index finger. "This is a technique."

"Technique??" Key and Minho laughed even louder hearing that.


"Ya..." Jonghyun shook Key to stop his laugh. Eventually Key and Minho calmed down. "You know.. If i stayed by her side the whole time and i suddenly gone.. wouldn't she miss my presence? And if i more while i'm present, and when i'm gone wouldn't she miss me even more?"

"Yea right.. But you pissed her off which will ended up she feels relieved that you are not there." Key scoffed at him. "Imagine if she has an older brother as well. Her brother will obviously won't allow her to see you."

"I would do that too if she's my little sister.." Minho nodded, agreeing with Key.

"Why???" Jonghyun's eyes widened. "What have i done wrong??"

"I just get this ‘feeling" Key said.

“For some reason, if it’s about precious younger sister, you do not seem to attract me.” Minho added. Both Key and Minho laughed while Jonghyun sulking on his seat.


"You guys are not experienced enough.." Jonghyun frowned. "You guys will see how this will end. Even though she hates me now, when she realised that i'm not next to her, she'll miss me and look for me. And the moment she's looking for me, I'll appear!!"

"Hyung.. I think you better think of your strategy again.. I don't think it will ended up that smooth.." Minho said as he pointed to a direction behind Jonghyun. Key turned around to see where Minho is pointing at, followed by Jonghyun. The three of them saw Onew and me standing next to each other while taling happily with Somin next to me and Taemin next to me.

"I think i know how this will turn out.." Key commented.

"While Jonghyun's gone, even if she ended up feeling lonely.. There's always Onew hyung." Minho said. Key then laughed along with Minho.

"Don't jinx it!" Jonghyun slapped Key's hand. He put his hands down on the table while his head turning around to the back to see Onew and me.



"Hey.. Thanks for the iphone again." I said to onew.

"No problem." Onew smiled at me. I continued digging the sand with my feet, avoiding any eye contact with Onew. While Onew turned around to see s are talking to each other, seems like they are teasing Jonghyun, judging on how Jonghyun didn't laugh as hard as Key or Minho.
'I wonder why he's not apologizing when he does feels sorry..?' Onew thought. He then shifted his eyes to me. I was laughing with Somin when she showed me a shell that she found on the sand.

"Hyung.. Hyung.." Taemin nudged Onew while he softly called his name.

"What?" Onew answered Taemin. He saw Taemin was standing next to him while somehow trying to hide himself, and not being noticed by me.

"Phone number.. Phone number.." Taemin said to onew.

"Who..? Who's phone number?" Onew asked while furrowing his eyebrows.
Instead of telling Onew the name, Taemin pointed his finger at me. He looked cute to Onew at that time, just like a little kid.
"You want it?" Onew asked.

"Don't you want it?" Taemin asked Onew while looking straight into his eyes. Onew froze for a second with that question and Taemin's curious look.

"I understand.." Onew said to Taemin. Onew then poked his finger on my shoulder to call me.


"YA YA YA YA!! Onew hyung is poking her!!" Key said to Minho and Jonghyun. Key has been watching us the whole time.
Minho slightly move himself to the right to see us from the gap between Jonghyun and Key.
While Jonghyun turned around really fast, he is super curious on what's happening.

"Hyosun." Onew called my name. Taemin was still standing next to Jonghyun while he awaits the moment Onew asked for my number. While Onew waited for me to turn around, he suddenly gets nervous. He even swallowed down his saliva out of nervousness. When he saw me almost acing him, he quickly raise his hand and sticked out his index finger.

The moment i turn around, his finger poked my cheek.
Both Taemin and me were surprised seeing it. I didn't know how to react but i just gave him a straight face.
But it was Onew who felt the most awkward out of all of us. He escaped from this situation by giving me his smile.
Automatically I let out an awkward laugh which turns out to be a rather normal laugh..



"W-What was that..?" Minho mumbled.

"Onew condition.. Onew condition.." Key sighed. He was expecting something more.

"Why is he doing that????" Jonghyun said.

"If your opponent is Onew, you better give up." Key patted Jonghyun's shoulder. "He has won over many girls' heart unintentionally."
While Minho and Key started to dig into their second ice cream, Jonghyun was still looking at our direction, wondering what has just happenned.







Thanks for reading!!

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ilabya32 #1
angelcity #2
haha sweet story^^ just finished and i would like to say....PLEASE KEEP WRITING STORIES ABOUT SHINee!!! haha it was really funny and cute^^
this story is REALLY funny!!! hahaha i'm not done. barely half-way but it is awesome!!! and super hilarious!!! haha :)
sounds like its gonna be funny. i only read the prologue but it sounds like it'll be really funny to read^^ haha can't wait :)
koreankendi #6
I read this before i made an account.<br />
Cute story! :D
cute... :)
deadlysins #8
Aww... So sweet... <br />
I love this story...
Love tis story! <br />
Love those teasing part...<br />
Those cute scene...<br />
heheh nice story...