First Day Bloody Nose




~Chapter One~  

*BoBae's POV* 



My footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, though I was only wearing Chuck's. The bell signaling for home room had already rang and the hallways had cleared out. I stopped outside my new classroom's door, waiting for my home room teacher to call my name. Through the door I could hear his muffled voice talking to the class, telling them to settle down and listen. I waited for my cue, until finally I heard him yell my name for me to come inside the classroom. I hesitated for a second then slid the door open and walked to the teacher's desk, then turned to the front of the class. I could feel the judging eyes of the class on me as I stood here. Bowing I introduced myself as nicely and clearly as I had practiced countless times in the mirror this morning. “Mannaseo bangapseumnida. I am Kim BoBae, transfer student from America. I hope we can get along this year."

When I finished my teacher began talking about manners and treating me nicely since I was a transfer. I took that opportunity to quickly scan the rows of students to see where the empty desk I was most diffidently end up getting. There it was, three seats from the back between the window and a pale, black haired boy, who sat at the desk to the left of it. I wonder why he didn't just take the window seat instead of staying in the seat next to it. I thought to myself as I stared at the boy. He caught my eye and smiled a bit. I returned his smile and zoned back into what the teacher was saying just in time to hear him assign me a desk.

"BoBae you can sit over there by JungKook," he said, pointing with his book at the same black haired boy.

"Ye," I answered, bowing to him first then walking to the empty desk. I easily slipped past JungKook to get to my seat. Hanging my backpack on my chair, I nodded my head at him before sitting down. "Hello, I'm Kim BoaBae," I smiled.

He nodded and smiled, "Hello, I am Jeon JungKook." Introductions were cut short by the teacher taking attendance and going over some assignments the class did yesterday. When he was finally done the bell rang and the class president sent him off by ordering us to bow.

Up close I could see he was even cuter, with huge dark brown eyes and pink lips. His black fringe framing his face a strong contrast from his pale skin. Even sitting down I could tell he was a few inches taller than me. Why do I always sit next to the tall guys? I thought. He wore no tie and his untucked shirt was ed three times, exposing the black graphic tee he was wearing underneath the white dress shirt. I caught his head turning towards me and, pushing my glasses higher on my face, I turned to dug in my backpack for the book used for the next lesson. I could feel his eyes watching me but I didn't meet his gaze.

The lessons began but was so boring I stared out the window at the ground below, between things I knew and didn't know. All the while thinking to myself, 'This is a horrible spot to sit me. I'll be looking outside for the rest of the year.' It seemed like forever but the bell finally rang signaling the end of morning lessons and the start of lunch. We all bowed at the teacher leaving and then the room erupted in voices and laughter. I sat there in my seat listening to my classmates making plans for lunch and shoving their books in their desk. I put my own books in my desk and within a few seconds the classroom was deserted by its students, expect for a couple of them including JungKook and myself. For a second it seemed like he was about to tell me something but then a large group of guys came to the door calling for him.

"Kookie, let’s go eat something." The tallest one said.

"Ne, Hyung," JungKook answered getting up from his seat and walking towards the group of guys. When he got to them they started nudging him while smiling and whispering things to him. JungKook brushed them off and lead them out the classroom. Turning around I dug in my backpack for the three apple turnovers and one yogurt drink I had bought from a small bakery on my way to school. I got up and walked towards the door they just left through, then I walked down the hallway, searching for the door leading to the roof.


*JungKook's POV*


The Hyungs came to get me right when I was about to offer the transfer student, Kim BoBae, if she wanted help getting to the lunch room. "Ne, Hyung," I answered. I got up and walked over to them waiting in the doorway. Almost immediately they started to nudge me, and ask about BoBae.

"Yah, who’s that?"

"Why were you just sitting there with her?"

"She's cute. Introduce me."

"Yah, let’s go before all the tables in the lunch room are taken," I said, practically dragging them out my classroom. Walking down the hallways to the lunchroom, they were still asking questions about BoBae and answering them with their own theories. When we finally got there, the talk about the transfer student had disappeared into excitement from the extra kimchi the lunch ladies were giving out. They raced to the end of the line and I was left to scout out a table. I eventually found one and sat down waiting for the Hyungs.

I felt eyes from all around the room on me as I sat there empty handed. I was late this morning because Jin Hyung and Tae Hyung took forever in the shower, even though I had to leave earlier them both of them, and I had forgotten to grab my lunch. Since my company had me on a diet I wasn't allowed to eat food from the school and barely got the chance to eat sweets, unless I wanted to be in the practice room or at the gym sweating it off for hours. I turned to look at where the Hyungs were in line and found them in the middle behind some kids from my class. I scanned the rest of the line but didn't find BoBae there. I looked around the large room but didn't find her at a table either. The school is pretty big, maybe she got lost along the way, I thought getting up to look for her.

When she first stepped into the classroom to introduce herself I could tell she was different from the rest of the girls in my school. Most were too scared, or maybe too embarrassed, to approach me since Bangtan's debut, but she didn't seem to know, or care, who I was. She just simply nodded and smiled at me when she took the seat next to mine. Her smile was sweet, showing perfect straight white teeth. Most of the morning lessons she stared out the window and that gave me free time to stare at her. She was pale and a few inches shorter than me. She wore her long brown hair tied up in a bun atop her head, with her fringe framing her cute face. Stylish black glasses, slightly too big for her face almost hid her large dark brown eyes. Her uniform seemed to fit her perfectly, with black tights underneath and original Convers. She was very cute and innocent looking, and slightly clumsy. Really she only had one or two traits from my ideal type but she seemed really interesting. I don't know if it was because she was a transfer from the US or something else but I wanted to find out myself.

I quickly searched the lower floors until I spotted her wondering around the top floor, where our classroom was. She looked like she was searching for something. I followed her for a few yards until I finally got it. She's looking for the roof door. She probably thinks students can eat up there from dramas she watched in the States. I finally decided to call to her after watching for a few more seconds. "Are you looking for the door to the roof?"


*BoBae's POV*


It has to be around here somewhere. I thought wondering around the top floor of the school where my class was located. The hallway was practically empty except for a few people trailing out of their own classrooms, late to the lunch room. My steps didn't echo this time while I looked for the door.

"Are you looking for the door to the roof?" A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see JungKook standing a few feet away from me, looking amused.

"Oh, ye," I responded, slightly embarrassed I was caught.

"If you are looking for it, then follow the main staircase," he said, walking towards me and pointing at the stairs in question. "There is a door right next to it that says 'No Students', that is the roof door," he explained. I turned towards the staircase and spotted the door.

"Oh, I see it," I said turning back towards him and bowing. "Thank you." I walking to the door and turned the handle and pushed but it didn't open. I tried again only leaning all my body weight on the door. It only whined. Well it's not like I'm that heavy anyways.

"Joesonghamnida," JungKook said right before gently moving me to the side. He then pushing open the door using his own weight.

"Kamsahamnida," I bowed. "Here have one," I offered him one of the apple turnovers.

"Aniyo, that's your lunch," he tried to refuse it.

"It's okay, I bought too many anyways," I said placing the turnover in his hand and smiling, then turning to walk up the stairs to the roof. 

I only had a few minutes to eat and look down at the school grounds before I had to get back to my class. I rushed down the few stairs to the hallway leading to my class, making sure I had closed the door behind me first. I weaved between groups of students talking in the hallway to get to my class before lunch ends. When I finally got there I was one of the last people trailing in the classroom's door. JungKook was already in his seat setting out his materials for the next lesson. I tossed my trash in the waste bin then slipped pass JungKook to my desk. Right when I sat down in my chair the bell rang signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of afternoon lessons. I took out my own materials.

"Did you enjoy the roof?" The question came from the only chair next to me. I looked at JungKook's big brown eyes and pink lips curving upward in a smile. The teacher entered and we all greeted her. I quickly turned back to him flashing a warm smile.

"Ye, thank you for showing me," I whispered while the teacher was taking attendance. Immediately after I said that a girl two desks away, turned back to us glaring. I don't think JungKook noticed her staring daggers but I'm pretty sure they were meant for me and not him, anyways. I ignored the girl thinking maybe she was really into this class. Or maybe she's the president of JungKook's fan club and is going to try to beat me up in the bathroom during our next break for sitting next to him and talking to him! I thought my head running back to all those school dramas. Maybe I'm going a little overboard but he is cute enough to have a fan club, even if it isn't an official one, I thought staring at him.

The lesson went on for an hour then there was physical education. My luck for transferring on a physical education day, I thought getting up with the rest of the class to get my PE clothes, though mine were still in my backpack while everyone else's were in their locker at the back of the classroom. All the girls went out while the guys changed then we switched and headed towards the gymnasium. We all walked down the flights of stairs, separated by different circles of friends excluding myself. I guess they were still analyzing me to see who I was. I was fine with it anyways, since they didn't know me and I didn't know them. When we got there an old coach ordered us to get into lines according to our seating in class.

"The person sitting next to you will be your new partner of the remaining of the sports unite," he stated. Most of the class moaned in dislike at the seemingly permeate partners. I looked to my right to my new partner, JungKook, to see if he was okay with the pairings. He met my stare and smiled sweetly, again.

I returned his smile all the while thinking, I hope he doesn't mind I at sports and running. The class began with stretches for five minutes, then the rest was sports. During stretches, JungKook had to keep correcting me or stop be from falling over when balancing on one foot. He seemed amused by my terrible balance but I was horrible embarrassed and keep thanking him for his help. When we were done with stretching I was relieved but my joy disappeared once I saw what we were playing. Dodge ball? Is this really our sport for a whole unit? I whined inside my head. The class was split evenly on each side of the basketball court.

"Stay with your partner," the coach ordered. "This will be like an ordinary game of dodge ball, except when your partner gets out you get out. Whatever team wins gets to sit out next time we play," he explained. The class cheered and I did too just thinking about sitting off to the side, not having to do anything the next time we had to play dodge ball. Then I remembered I would actually have to win against ten other pairs. I turned to JungKook, who was standing next to me and said a weak fighting.

"Stay behind me," he seemed a bit serious while moving me behind him. I just nodded agreeing with him since he looked like he had a plan. The whistle blew and all the guys rushed for the line of rubber balls. I was left behind along with most of the girls on my side who had male partners. JungKook quickly returned to stand in front of me with only one rubber ball. All the other teams stayed mostly in the front while we lagged behind near the court line. One pair was the first to get out then teams started dropping immediately after.

Why can't we do something less painful, like badminton? I thought trying to stay behind JungKook as we dodged fast balls that had missed the pairs in the front. I clung even closer to him after seeing one guy get hit on the head. It was down to one pair on the other team and two on our side, including ourselves. The other side threw the ball and it hit the guy's ankle eliminating their pair. Now it was only me and JungKook and a guy-guy pair. They looked about my height and totally into the game. One quickly threw the ball but JungKook easily defected it with the ball he had been holding since the game began. He threw the ball at one of them in the corner but missed. Neither of us saw that the other had picked up a ball and threw it until the last second. JungKook managed to dunk in time but I was a little too slow and I was hit in the face and knocked down. There was a collective gasp from the class while I laid on my back on the hard wood floor. The whistle blew and the coach yelled at the pair that they were disqualified for throwing above the waist then rushed towards me. JungKook was kneeling next to me with a concerned face. I easily sat up and touched my face to feel if anything was damaged.

"Your nose," said JungKook touching his own nose. I mimicked this actions and felt something cold and liquidy running down my lip. I brought my hand back into view to see bright red.

"Nose bleed," I mumbled, touching my lip again.

"BoBae, go to the nurse."

"Where is that?" I asked, standing up and still touching my nose.

"I'll take her," JungKook volunteered, walking me out of the gym before hearing a yes from our couch. The halls were empty except for our light footsteps and the sun shining through the window. JungKook's eyebrows were knit together as he looked at the ground as we walked.

"Is it supposed to bleed this fast?" I asked to break the silence, but my voice came out nasally.

"Ne, tilt your head back so the blood doesn't get on you," he answered.

"Ye..." I tilted my head back enough to still see where I was walking. I guess the school designer knew kids would be getting injured a lot in the gym because the nurse's office was very close. Inside the room a nice looking middle aged woman in a lab coat was sitting at her desk writing in a folder. She turned when she heard us come in. I thought to nod my head at her but thought against it

"Hello," she glanced at us to see who was hurt. "Lay down," she gestured to me to lay on one of the while beds in the room. "While I get you some tissue to gather the blood." I did as I was told and picked the bed closest to the window. JungKook stood near my bed awkwardly looking at the ground. The nurse came back with a box of tissues and handed it to me. "Continue to tilt your head back and put these up to your nose until the bleeding stops." Then walking back to her file cabinet she asked, "What is your name?"

"Kim BoBae," JungKook answered for me. "She just transferred in today."

"Oh well in that case let me go to the attendance office to get a copy of your file," she said locking her files away.

"You two just stay here. I'll only be a few minutes," she ordered before leaving. After she left the room was silent. The blinds were open shining long rows of light across my bed and JungKook. He only stared at the floor with a guilty expression.

"It's not your fault you know." He looked up at my sudden comment and I met his brown eyes. "Really it's not. My reflexes are just kind of slow," I tried, smiling at him. "Besides I always wanted a nose bleed." He stared at me for a second confused, before laughing.

"Why? Why would you want a nose bleed?"

"I never had one before," I explained.


*JungKook's POV*


"Besides I always wanted a nose bleed," BoBae said, a little nasally while holding a handful of tissues to her nose.

I stared at her confused, Why would someone want a nose bleed? But her face looked so genuine when she said it I couldn't help but laugh. "Why? Why would you want a nose bleed?"

"Because I never had one before," she said simply.

"What? Never?"

"Nope. I've always been careful with my face since I have glasses," she said gesturing with her free hand at her slightly bent glasses. Just then the nurse opened the door mumbling something about having to wait for the copy machine to print BoBae's file. I moved out the way as the nurse looked at BoBae's nose. From where I was standing it looked like the bleeding had stopped but her nose was swelling a bit. The nurse handed her an ice pack to put on her nose, then seemed to finally notice I was still here.

"Oh," she said surprised. "Didn't I tell you to go back to your class?" I shook my head. "Well you probably should before you don't have time to change. Unless you have a stomach ache or something?"

"Aniyo, I'm fine," I shook my hands.

"Then get to class," she dismissed me, going back to her files at her desk. I looked back at BoBae to find her giving me a nod, saying she was fine without me. I nodded back, then left the nurse's office. I walked back to our classroom alone in the empty hallways. When I got there I only had one minute to change back to my uniform. I guess a classmate or the coach told our homeroom teacher what had happen to BoBae, so she can get her clothes back, because her things were gone.

The desk next to mine was once again empty. No one to look at while they stared out the window and no one to block the sun from hitting my eyes. The rest of the lessons for the day were mostly not heard. The whole time I was staring out the window at the campus. A few students walked in the yard trying to ditch but were caught by a teacher, who was probably trying to sneak a cigarette break. Some students were already out the gate when the bell rung signaling the end of the school day. "Maknae," my Hyungs said walking passed my desk. "Want to hang out?"

"Aniyo, I have to go practice right now," I recited my usual schedule to them. They knew I always had to practice after school but they asked anyway, in case I actually didn't have to. I got up from my seat and pushed in the chair. "Mianhae, maybe next time," I waved to them while walking out the back door of the classroom. Then continuing out the building to the gate, getting my usual stares and whispers from the girl students. That's when I noticed one female student walking with one hand on her face and the other holding her smart phone. "Kim BoBae!" I called to her, picking up my pace. She turned to see who it was calling her name. When she saw me she stopped waiting for me, smiling over the ice pack on her nose.




First chapter hoped you liked it~! This one is going to be shorted than my other fic. It's a birthday present for both JjungKook and me (same birthday as BoBae^^).  Excited for teaser images and new album!! Anyways enjoy, comment, sub, anything you want~


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Chapter 1: The beginning is so interesting!!
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