The Beginning of a Sad Tale

The Sun and The Moon


“In the beginning, the Sun and the Moon passed each other as they did every day when day turned to night. ‘Good night, Sun,’ the Moon would say as she rose above the earth. ‘Guard our people well, Moon,’ the Sun would say as she left the sky to sleep. Moon would admire Sun’s rays and Sun would admire Moon’s gentle light. It was in this way that the two fell in love,” Sulli began. Taewoo leaned closer to her mother, grasping eagerly onto each word that fell from the young mothers’ lips. 


      “Moon thought about the situation all night as she watched her people from the night sky. When she met Sun as they were trading places again the next day, she called out to her. ‘Oh, Sun, you shine so beautifully, and I love you so very much.’ The Sun replied immediately, ‘I love you Moon. I always have, when can we be together?’ Moon thought about this for a long moment and then spoke softly, ‘People don’t like the darkness of night. It scares children and makes people unable to see what is around them. We could stay together and never let the darkness of night fall on our people and be together in this way.’”


“The Sun agreed to this and said, ‘Come shine with me, Moon!’ The Moon and the Sun shined all day long as they watched their people from the heavens above. When the time for darkness came, Sun did not set, instead, she stayed by Moon’s side. Things did not work as the two of them had planned. Many children below cried because they didn’t want to sleep while Sun was still shining in the sky and the adults couldn’t sleep, either, because the light from Sun and Moon made the Earth too bright for them to sleep. ‘Moon,’ said Sun, very late into what should have been night time, ‘The people are weary and can not sleep due to our shared light.’ ‘Yes, agreed Moon. Let us both set so that we may be together and the people may sleep.’ Sun and Moon again dipped way, way down far below Earth, leaving their people alone and them together. This, however, left Earth very, very dark, with only the tiny stars to make light for the people during night time.”

“This made things confusing for the people below them, living in the houses and tending to their farms. They didn’t know what time it was anymore and many people slept well into what should have been day time because of the absence of Sun and the Moon in the sky at their separate times. This went on for many months, confusing the people. They missed Sun and how she lit their days, helping plants grow and giving life to them and to their animals. They missed Moon and how she gave just enough of a soft glow to make them feel protected at night and how she kept watch over the night sky when their yellow protector vanished below the horizon. Her appearance was what helped them ease into nightfall. Pretty soon, many people began to write letters, and asked Wind to deliver them to Sun and Moon.” 

“Most of the letters stated that they missed the two lovers and they needed night and day to remain healthy and strong, that they needed to be separate times in order for the Earth and for themselves to survive. After getting many of these letters, Sun and Moon knew the statements were true. Sun looked sadly at Moon, ‘I love being with you Moon, I love having your soft and lovely glow all to myself, and I love you so much that it aches inside of my and my heart to have to tell you that we need to leave this place and go back to our people. I miss giving my people daylight, their need for me is immense.’ The Moon sighed sadly, ‘Yes, Sun, the people need daylight and with daylight they need night as well. I miss providing them light in the darkness and protecting them while they sleep. I love you, but, we must return to providing night and day for our people, we must put them first before our love.’”

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Chapter 20: I really enjoyed reading this story. It’s seemed a bit new to me, not fully, but there are some aspects that seem new and unique. It’s been a couple of years since you wrote this but I really really hope you’ll continue it one day, like I’m so curious on how Krystal is doing and how she fully decided to choose Music over Love even though love was there for her when her father basically kicked her out. One thing that had me lost was the mention of Minho twice. He plays the role of Mr Choi and Krystal’s brother? Unless you’re using two different Minho’s? I do love the relationship Sulli has with her daughter, it’s pretty cool and chill. Also that moon and sun story was so deep and interesting. Gosh I loved everything about this story, it had me wanting more
Chapter 20: Update soon my jungli feels T.T
Chapter 20: I miss this soo much, haha

Ah yess, taewoo is right i guess, there must something more than that, :)
Thanks for the update
Chapter 19: JungLi I can see that you really have a strong bond .. But why and Why did you guys broke up ? :3
Chapter 19: Oohhh... Love the proposal!!!
But the big question is, who's taewoo's father? I'm pretty sure it wasnt sulli.. Lol
>.< thanks for the update
Chapter 19: O.O.... ohoh Nice chapter :)
Chapter 18: Soojung is... Superbly hot. Haha loving teen jungli..

I m attracted to the moment where sulli reminisce jungli love to their daughter ^^ very movie like
Chapter 18: Soojung is no joke . She is really Hornx XD
Poor Sul your bottom is Sore .