Chat #9



MilkySkinN signed in
KeKeKen signed in 
ArtWorkBinnie signed in
ChickyHyukkie signed in
RapRavi signed in
JungLeo signed in

MilkySkinN invited RapRavi, ChickyHyukkie, ArtWorkBinnie, KeKeKen and JungLeo to a chat.

MilkySkinN: Merry Christmas Everyone!! ^~^

KeKeKen: Merry Christmas Hyung!

ChickyHyukkie: Merry Christmas N mum!

ArtWorkBinnie: Merry Christmas N Hyung!

RapRavi: Merry Christmas Hakyeonnie~ ^3^

KeKeKen: -.- get a room, you two! And stop publicly displaying your lovey-doveyness. My eyes cannot take it. >_<

RapRavi: Like You and Taekwoon hyung aren't mushy and sweet together in public. 

MilkySkinN:  Speaking of Taekwoon. Jung Taekwoon are you there?!

JungLeo: What?

MilkySkinN: You didn't say Merry Christmas back! >:( 


JungLeo: I said it to you this morning already. Isn't it enough?

MilkySkinN: I wanna hear it again. Or see it in this case. Wonshikkie~ Taekwoon's bullying me again.

KeKeKen: No he's not! 

ChickyHyukkie: Binnie Hyung! Look a mistletoe! /dangles a mistletoe above head/ You owe me a kiss!

MilkySkinN: Yes he is!

ArtWorkBinnie: Hahahaha okay. /sends a virtual kiss/

KeKeKen: NO

ChickyHyukkie: /pouts/ I want a real kiss.

MilkySkinN: YES

ArtWorkBinnie: Arasso. Hyung will go over to give you a kiss later. ^_^

JungLeo: Stop bullying Jaehwannie. Fine I'll say it again. Merry Christmas. Happy?

MilkySkinN: Very.

ChickyHyukkie: Yay!

RapRavi: Hakyeonnie~ The maknaes are in their own world again. They are even cheesier than us. Our babies grow up so fast /wipes tear from eyes/

ChickyHyukkie: Hyung~ Stop embarassing us. >_< 

MilkySkinN: Kong! We are entrusting our baby with you, you better take care of him well. 

ArtWorkBinnie: I will, N hyung. ^^

JungLeo: If you guys are done, I'm taking Jaehwan out for a while.

KeKeKen: Where are we going?

JungLeo: It's a secret. Go get your coat. 

KeKeKen: Neh Hyung! ^_^

KeKeKen signed out.

MilkySkinN: Take care of Jaehwan okay!

JungLeo: Arasso.

JungLeo signed out.

MilkySkinN: Young Love. Where are the maknaes?

ArtWorkBinnie: We're going out too hyung! See you later!

ChickyHyukkie: Bye hyung!! 

ArtWorkBinnie signed out
ChickyHyukkie signed out.

MilkySkinN: There's only the two of us left now. I'm cold, Wonshikkie.

RapRavi: Come here hyung, I'll keep you warm. /opens arms widely/

MilkySkinN: /blushes/ Okay! /jumps into Ravi's open arms/

MilkySkinN: Best Christmas ever!

RapRavi: I couldn't agree more. I'm still waiting hyung.

MilkySkinN: I'm coming!

RapRavi signed out.
MilkySkinN signed out.

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I know it's late but here's my Christmas present to all of you :) Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!!!


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Chapter 14: HAHAHAHAH This is so cute
Chapter 14: I WILL NOT CRY too :'DDDDDDD
Anw i really love this! You're good! (´⌣`ʃƪ)♥
Chapter 13: OFCOURSE XDD
Chapter 12: AAAAWWW HYUKBIN :333
But why hyuk is always the one that initiate everything first :')))
Chapter 10: The thing taekwoon do to get what he wants XDD
Chapter 9: AAAAAAWWWWW it's a warm christmas for them X)))
Chapter 8: BUT you said he isn't your boyfriend, n-umma XDDDDD
Chapter 7: And now KEO XDD