I Hate That I Love You

Sailor Mato

            “Who is ready for a snack?” Mrs. Kim asked as she entered Himchan’s room. “Oh, look another friend.”

            Zelo smiled. “Hello, my name is Zelo.”

            “Nice to meet you Zelo, I’m Himchan’s mother.” Himchan rolled his eyes out of his mother’s sight as he continued working on the math problem Youngjae had put in front of him.

            “Let me get those from you.” Zelo said.

            “Well, aren’t you a cute little—oh not so little kiddo.” Mrs. Kim chuckled as she handed the tray to the now standing Zelo.

            Zelo smiled shyly and put the tray on the table before sitting back down.

            “I’ll let you all get back to your little study session then.” Mrs. Kim said as she headed to the door. “Oh! Jongup, I washed the clothes you accidentally left over on Saturday night. I put them in a paper bag near the front door for you.”

            “Thank you!” Jongup smiled angelically.

            Zelo frowned. “Why did you leave clothes here?”

            “I slept over.” Jongup said embarrassed. “My house gets lonely since I’m there alone so I have been staying here on the weekends.”

            “You’re free to stay during the week too, Jongup. As long as you both go to sleep at a decent hour and do your homework you are welcome to stay.” Mrs. Kim offered.         “Himchan, how come you never told Jongup that!?”

            “I did.” Himchan whined. “I told Jongup he is welcome to stay as long as he wants. Tu casa es mi casa.”

            “Please translate Himchan.” Daehyun looked at Youngjae.

            Youngjae sighed. “Please stick to just two foreign languages. And you meant mi casa es tu casa. My house is your house. How do you even know Spanish?”

            “Movies?” Himchan shrugged.

            Zelo tugged on Jongup’s arm to get his attention. “Why not come to my house and play video games?”

            Jongup smiled, widely thinking of the fun but Himchan frowned and finally looked up from his homework. “I don’t think that is a good idea.”

            “Getting jealous that your friend is being stolen away?” Mrs. Kim giggled.

            Himchan scowled. “No. I’m worried because there aren’t any parents at Zelo’s apartment either.”

            “You live on your own too?” Mrs. Kim looked stunned. “What is with adults letting young children live on their own?!”

            “Ah, please don’t worry. My parents have it set up for the school to call them immediately if I am late or absent. It is a system we had even back in England.” Zelo smiled reassuringly.

            “Alright… but you boys have to promise to keep in contact with me too, okay? If anything is wrong please don’t hesitate to call. On that note, has anyone else been giving you trouble, Jongup?”

            Jongup laughed. “Things are better thanks to Himchan and you.”

            “And here I was almost hoping I could go get a discount somewhere else.” Mrs. Kim chuckled.

            “Jeez, have you guys adopted Jongup?”

            Himchan went to respond but the look on Daehyun’s face stopped him. ‘Weird… is he mad? Envious? Did not expect those…’

            Mrs. Kim ruffled Jongup’s hair. “I would adopt my precious little Jongup if I could.”

            Himchan rolled his eyes. “Mom, please.”

            “Alright alright, I’ll go before I embarrass you any further.” Mrs. Kim waved once more before closing the bedroom door.

            “How about we take a snack break?” Youngjae stretched his arms up over his head.

            “Finally.” Daehyun leaned over and hugged Youngjae tightly, rubbing his face into Youngjae’s chest.

          Youngjae started to redden as he lightly hit the top of Daehyun’s head. “Let go! Who gave you permission?!”

            Daehyun shifted and somehow Youngjae was now sitting in his lap. “You did! You said earlier today that if I left the café then I could hug you.”

            “Yeah but not hug me forever!” Youngjae wiggled while Jongup and Zelo laughed.

            “Shut up, you like it.” Daehyun smiled into Youngjae’s shoulder.

            “I…I’m trying to study, Daehyun.” Youngjae complained.

            Daehyun stilled. “Wait…so you don’t hate it?”

            Youngjae’s voice was stuck in his throat. He was saved by Daehyun’s ringtone specifically set for his Grandfather started playing. “Don’t think you are getting out of this!” Daehyun took one arm off of Youngjae to grab his phone. “Hell—“

            “DAEHYUN WHERE AE YOU?!”

            Daehyun held the phone away from his ear as he winced in pain. “I’m at Himchan’s place studying.”

            “DO NOT LIE TO ME! It isn’t becoming of a young man to be hanging out with girls all night long. Get home NOW!”

            Daehyun groaned and leaned his head on Youngjae’s shoulder. “Fine, I’ll come.”

            “Don’t hang up either! I want to hear from this Himchan’s mother as you leave so I know you are on your way.”

            “Grandpa!” Daehyun whined.

            “The longer you make me wait the more work around the temple I will make you do.”

            Daehyun grumbled irritably as he carefully moved Youngjae off of him and quickly threw his stuff in his backpack. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”

            “Don’t come too quickly!” Youngjae called after him.

            Himchan raised an eyebrow. “Not ‘don’t come at all?’”

            “Ju—Just because I know no matter what I say he will still come!” Youngjae said flustered.

            Zelo yawned. “I’m getting tired of studying. I think I’m going to head off.”

            “I’ll go with you.” Jongup smiled as he put his stuff away.

            Zelo’s face brightened up with glee. “You will really spend the night?!”

            Jongup laughed. “Yes, I will, but only after I beat you in a few video games.”

            “You’re on.” Zelo smiled.

            “Guess I better be on my way too.” Youngjae packed up with a sigh.

            They all trekked down the stairs to the front door. The two youngest took off first, deciding to run to Zelo’s house and see who was the fastest. Youngjae shook his head while he waved goodbye to Himchan and started off in the opposite direction. Himchan returned the wave and went to shut the door. He paused as he thought about early. With a groan he pulled on his shoes and ran out the door.

            “Youngjae, wait up!”

            Youngjae turned around surprised. “Walking me home?”

            “Seems like it.” Himchan slowed to a walk once he reached Youngjae.

            “What did hell freeze over?”

            “No, that would be when I can talk to Daehyun or G-Dragon without having an argument.” Himchan smiled.

            Youngjae laughed. “True.”

            As Youngjae’s laughter died off they were left in silence. They continued the walk to Youngjae’s house with Himchan not sure how to say what he wanted to say and Youngjae waiting. Eventually Youngjae exhaled loudly not being able to take the suffocating silence. “Well, I’m sure you weren’t planning on just walking me home. What did you want to say?”

          Himchan sighed. “Youngjae…” Himchan bit his lip again. “Youngjae, how do you really feel about Daehyun?”

            Youngjae looked up at Himchan. “Are you serious?”

            “Yes. And I expect an honest answer.”

            Youngjae mulled over his answer. “I’m not sure. It’s like he is two different people.”

            “You need to make up your mind and if you decide that you really don’t want Daehyun then I’ll make sure he keeps his distance.”

            Youngjae groaned. “I don’t know! He’s driving me crazy! One minute he is completely dedicated to me and then the next he is flirting with a random stranger.”

            “Then tell him straight out that if you two date then he needs to be committed to you. If he hesitates then kick him to the curb.”

            “Date… that’s a whole other problem.” Youngjae hung his head.

            “Wha—oh no experience. That’s fine Youngjae.” Himchan patted the anguished boy’s back.

            “No, my parents.” Youngjae bit his lip. “They are super strict and won’t let me date much less date a guy.”


            “Why do you think I was so upset about missing two points on that one quiz? My parents yelled at me for hours. I don’t think I even slept that night because I had to study more.”

            “Youngjae, that is horrible.” Himchan looked at Youngjae in horror, knowing the younger was probably sugar coating things. “Youngjae, you have to forget about your parents.”

            “How can I just ignore them when they give me hell?!” Youngjae finally shouted his frustrations.

            Himchan put his hand on Youngjae’s shoulder and brought them to a stop. “You’re parents aren’t going to be around your whole life so, you need to do what you see right for you so you have no regrets and live a full life. You need to find out what you want and go after it. If you really want it then you will feel more confident fighting for it and chasing after it. It’s your life and only you should be allowed to control it. And if your parents deter you or go to hurt you in any way then you come to my house and we’ll take you in, no questions asked if you don’t want to answer them. Do you understand?”

            Youngjae nodded as he looked at the ground trying to hide his teary eyes. He chuckled. “I thought we were talking about Daehyun and me?”

            Himchan ruffled Youngjae’s dark locks. “This can apply to Daehyun too. Make a decision and then go forward whole-heartedly.”

            “Thanks Himchan. I think I’ll walk myself the rest of the way.”

            “Are you sure?” Himchan asked worried.

            “Yeah… I need to think about stuff.” Yougnjae looked up and smiled at Himchan.

            “Okay. Remember, no matter what the rest of the guys and I have your back.” Himchan patted Youngjae’s shoulder one more time.

            “Yeah I know… thanks Himchan.” Youngjae pretended to shiver. “Yikes telling you thanks so many times in one day, I think I might be coming down with something.”

            “Aish, you brat.” Himchan pretended like he was going to hit him.

            Youngjae laughed as he backed away, waving one last time before continuing home.

            Himchan watched him walk for a few more seconds before putting his hands in his pant pockets and turning back towards his house. ‘Seriously… when did I become everyone’s counselor? Ah! On that note I better text Key and see what was up with him and Jonghyun today.’


            Himchan looked from Youngjae to Jongup to Zelo as they stood outside the school once the school day had ended. “You all look exhausted. Is this like reverse day or something?”

            Zelo yawned widely and leaned on Jongup. “We ended up playing video games all night.”

            “I’m surprised we made it to school.” Jongup nodded but, leaned on Zelo.

            “And you?” Himchan crossed his arms as he looked at Youngjae.

            “I had a lot to think about…”

            “Well?” Himchan prompted.

            Youngjae raised his fist in front of him confidently. “I’ve decided to continue helping the Warriors.”

            “Well that’s a positive.” Himchan mumbled.

            “I didn’t realize Youngjae was still unsure about staying with us.” Jongup whispered to Himchan.

            Youngjae glared at them. “My parents wanted me to stop tutoring Himchan which turned into tutoring all of you. Anyhow I’ve also decided to really consider my future and if I want to become a doctor or not like them.”

            “Alright, that’s a good step Youngjae. Did you decide about Daehyun?” Himchan asked.

            “Decide what about me?” Daehyun asked appearing suddenly, as usual.

            Youngjae looked rattled by his sudden appearance but he quickly pulled himself together and stared Daehyun straight in the eyes. “Do you like me?”

            “I—well… yes.” Daehyun said taken aback.

            “Then you have to know that I won’t be with you EVER, “Daehyun looked crushed but Youngjae continued, “If you continue to flirt with other people. I’ll only accept you if you make me your one and only.”

            Jongup cheered. “Go Youngjae!”

            “You tell that player!” Himchan chuckled.

            “Love shall prevail!” Zelo flung his arms out as he smiled widely.    

            Daehyun smirked. “So you like me?”

            “You make it kind of hard to ignore you.” Youngjae scoffed.

            “I knew you would fall for my good looks eventually.” Daehyun said proudly.

            Youngjae rolled his eyes. “If I went after looks then I could have fallen for Himchan.”

            Himchan busted up laughing watching Daehyun’s face contort in displeasure. Jongup and Zelo were whispering back and forth as if they were watching a drama. Youngjae stood there proudly, happy that he was holding his own.

            “You don’t think I’m good looking?” Daehyun finally responded.

            “I.. well…I didn’t say that.”

            Daehyun smirked. “So my looks did win you over eventually.”

            Youngjae rolled his eyes. “No you idiot, it was your personality.”

            “Is Youngjae being sarcastic?” Zelo asked. Jongup could only shrug in response.

            “My personality?” Daehyun asked confused.

            Youngjae sighed. “There is a part of you that interests me and I like when—umm I mean when it comes out it is nice.” Youngjae ended up blushing.

            “You like it?” Daehyun smiled widely. When Youngjae didn’t say anything he grabbed the younger’s hand and started dragging him away.

            “What are you doing?!” Youngjae exclaimed.

            Daehyun laughed and looked back at the worried Himchan. “We’re going on a date so Youngjae can explain more what he likes about me. Tell G-Dragon that we are taking the day off!”

            “When did I say I would go on a date with you?!” Youngjae shouted red in the face.

            Daehyun pulled the younger closer so he could wrap an arm around his waist and lean in close to whisper in his ear. Himchan was too far away to hear but he shook his head while smiling when he saw Youngjae get as red as a tomato and lightly punch Daehyun’s shoulder.

            Zelo sighed. “So cute.”

            Jongup looked at Himchan. “Is Youngjae going to be okay?”

            “I think so.” Himchan smiled. “We never really know with love.”

            “Love.” Zelo said dramatically. “Such a glorious emotion. We search for someone we can love all our lives even though it is the one thing that will hurt us the most.”

            “A little deep for someone running on no sleep.” Himchan looked at Zelo curiously.

            “That is because I am the protector of love.” Zelo made a peace sign and held it sideways to his eye.

            Jongup giggled. “Your eyes are closed. Will you fall asleep on your feet?”

            “Maybe we should all go home and nap.” Himchan said excited.

            Zelo forced his eyes open and pouted. “But Jongup and I were going to go to the music store.”

            “Ah, I forgot about that.” Jongup confessed.

            Zelo grabbed Jongup’s arm. “Are we still going?”

            Jongup smiled. “Of course!”

            Himchan’s good mood fell as the two boys started talking about their favorite artists in excited tones. “I guess I’ll see you both tomorrow then?”

            “Why don’t you come too?” Jongup asked seeing that Himchan looked lonely.

            “I haven’t been to a music store in a long time.” Himchan smiled.

            Zelo pouted and made sure to walk in between Himchan and Jongup as they exited the school.

            Himchan smiled. ‘How cute… I wonder how long until they start going out?’

            “Himchan, why does it seem like everyone knows you name?” Zelo asked.

            “That’s because Himchan is the most popular guy in the area.” Jongup said proudly.

            Himchan smiled. “Yes, well… no it’s true. Last time I checked the website Daehyun was in second place and I still reigned in first place.”

            “You are first place in what?” Zelo asked curiously.

            Himchan shrugged. “Girls like me the most? There are a few charts and graphs but it is based off of one’s looks, personality, and how they interact with other people.”

            Zelo tapped his lips in thought. “I’d say Jongup should be first then.”

            “ME?” Jongup asked shocked.

            Zelo smiled down at him. “Yup! I think you are the best. You must be high on the list too since all these people seem to know you too.”

            Jongup looked down nervously. “It’s not really the same…”

            “So where is this music store?” Himchan changed the subject.

            “It’s really close.” Jongup answered thankful to Himchan.

            They walked for another ten minutes talking about different types of music before the music store came into view. Jongup and Zelo looked excited while Himchan entered the store with only mild interest. Himchan liked music but, it seemed not the type of music that Jongup and Zelo were mostly interested in. Seeing the young pair rush off towards the hip hop and R&B cd section, Himchan decided to explore the large store.

            There was a huge section of cds and records but, what took Himchan by surprise was the amount of instruments the store had. He ran his hands over practice books and unstrung guitars of all shapes and sizes. Himchan’s breath caught when he saw a classic black grand piano set up. He made straight for the piano and looked it over, soaking in all its beauty.

            It was something Himchan barely told anyone, but he loved to play instruments. Anything he could learn and get his hands on he would play, but the piano held a special spot for him since it was one of the first things he picked up.

            There was a sign stating that playing the piano was allowed as long as people didn’t just bang on the keys. Biting his lip, Himchan looked for the younger pair and noticing them still entranced by the cds he decided to take a seat. He smiled as he stretched his hands out over the black and white keys before him.

            He lightly played a simple chord and the correctly tuned sound made a smile ghost over his face. He started out slow letting his hands warm up but eventually he was absorbed in the music. His eyes were closed as his fingers glided along the keys playing along to songs he had memorized in his head. He wasn’t sure how long he played but it was relaxing as Himchan let all his worries flow out of him and through his fingers as he went from one song to the next. Himchan would play a classical piece by Mozart and then switch it up to a cover of pop song only to return back to a score from a musical.

            It was the sound of boxes falling that had Himchan returning to the real world. He snapped his eyes open and abruptly stopped playing. The betraying thuds of his heart made Himchan frown. “How long have you been here?”

            Yongguk looked up guilty from where he was trying to restack the small boxes of tuners he had knocked over. “Not too long. Umm I think I got here at 4.”

            Himchan looked at his cellphone and gasped. “It’s already 4:40!”

            “I’m going to be late.” Yongguk cursed. He swiftly stacked the rest of the small boxes and started rushing for the door. He hesitated and turned back. “You know, you are an amazing player.”

            Himchan smirked. “I know. Music class is the only one I get good marks in. It also helps I have a perfect ear.”

            Yongguk looked at him doubtful. “That is extremely rare.”

            “Is it true!?” Zelo popped out of nowhere startling Himchan.

            Himchan held his hand to his chest. “Where did you come from?”

            “We were actually listening from over there?” Jongup shyly pointed to a nearby music rack.

            “So is it true?” Zelo asked leaning in closer.

            “Of course it is true. I don’t lie.” Himchan rolled his eyes.

            Yongguk smiled. “If I wasn’t running late I’d test you. Maybe next time.”

            Zelo took a sharp intake of air and covered his mouth with his hands. “That sounds like a date!”

            Himchan shut the piano lid a little harder than he intended. “There isn’t going to be a date. Plus, I already have someone else that I like.”

            Yongguk’s face turned to stone. “That was fast.”

            Himchan hummed as he looked everywhere but Yongguk. “Yes, and he looks amazing in a tuxedo.”

            Jongup tilted his head confused. “Are you talking about—“ He immediately stopped when Himchan sent a glare in his direction.

            Yongguk looked confused but then his phone rang. He looked at the caller id and cussed loudly. “I’ll see you guys around, I have to go.”

            “Bye!” Zelo called after his neighbor as he already ran out the store.

            Jongup looked at Himchan feeling betrayed.

            “What is it?” Himchan sighed.

            “I thought you never lied…”

            “I don’t.” Himchan stood up and threw his backpack on. “I never said that I stopped liking Yongguk… I’m going home.”

            Himchan started walking away in a bad mood once again. ‘Who would have thought that hitting on a random florist would have such negative consequences?’ Himchan shook his head in disbelief.

            “Should we follow him?” Himchan heard Zelo whisper to Jongup.

            “No, I think he needs time to work it out on his own… but we should meet him at his house as soon as he gets home with coffee.” Jongup replied.

            “And cherry tomatoes!” Zelo cheered.

            “Do they go with coffee?”

            “Everything goes with cherry tomatoes.” Zelo scoffed.

            Himchan chuckled as he pushed the store doors open already feeling a little better. Knowing that he had friends that cared for him and would be there to help him when he needed it made him smile even as he worked through his problems.

A/N:  Youngjae likes Daehyun?! So what do you guys think: will Daehyun change for Youngjae?

Will Youngjae accept him? Will the Jonglo pair end up together soon?

And where are G-Dragon and T.O.P????

hehehe I actually have most of the outline actually written out now so hopefully I'll be able to write faster~

Perks of being on break ^_^


Hope you enjoyed it!! Let me know what you think. Love you guys <3

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I'm really bummed I didn't get to work on it tonight T_T packing took longer than expected. Shooting for tomorrow!!


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Chapter 33: I love Sailor Moon and I love B.A.P! This was amazing - you kept me grinning all the way through with your characterization and humor.
Chapter 33: This story is so amazing. In this chapter, I really thought that Himchan was the only one who survived, thought prior to this chapter I already had a gut feeling that everyone will come back to life.
Enough of that. I really love this story. However, there are some chapters that somehow confusing (well actually not confusing, I just don't know the right term) like in one chapter, Yongguk's name in the past was Bangster but there is a scene that Hime called him Yongguk. Then the other is when Matoki is talking yet in narration he was already revealed as Yongguk, which I think or supposed not the right chapter yet to reveal who Matoki is. But other than that, it is really a wonderful story and I really really love it.
sdj2530 #3
Chapter 33: I love this book so cute but I think it could have been better if it was the other's pov
You_ #4
woah sldkdsfds
Chapter 33: *gives you a standing ovation* this was such an amazing story and I loved it so much...I was scared reading the last chapter I screamed outloud noooo not my babies she killed my babies lol but yayyyyy Himchan saved them all ahhh I'm Daehyun biased but Himchan was my favorite in this story cause he grew so much and was just amazing and the ending was perfect and I am gonna upvote this and bookmark it so I can read it over and over lol
Chapter 29: wow...just...this chapter really hit home for me and I understand exactly what Daehyun is feeling and why he reacted the way he did and I wish I had Himchan as my friend cause that would have made my life a lot easier growing up...plus he's hot hahahaha ok back to the story
Chapter 26: Damn you Daehyun!!! How dare you hurt my Youngjae??!! And omg I was squealing at the Banghim moments ok back to the story
Chapter 3: I am dying at Himchan lmfao too fabolous to be female hahahahaha
Just found out Sailor Moon was added to hulu...and it reminded me of this fic... so i'm back to read this again~ :D hope you don't mind ;)
Sorry got to comment now since I forgot my AFF password that day XD kkk~

Bahaha just imagining Gdragon and Top being a weird cat with hair could make me turn 360 degree on my bed XD it was ridiculous! Haha! XD maybe it would be funnier if you put a picture of black cat with GD's hair XD
Oh yeah that skirt thingy!! HAHAHA XD I JUST CAN'T GET OVER IT!
Specially when I thought about Dae wearing skirt lmao.. And that maknae!! Rawrrr wearing skirt is better for him? HAHAHA /fall off my bed/

The ending tho.. I thought some injured, but everyone died.. Well Himchan managed to make everyone back alive :') it was such a nice story and I just can't stop laughing! Srsly!! XD
You should try make another one like this.. Love it!