harder than a math problem

Thank You for the Music

youngjae is a lot of things. he's a nerd but not in a loser-ish kind of way but more of a "i kinda like learning what the hell is so wrong with that" or "math is fun algebra is fun why can't you solve this problem under 2.5 seconds Zelo it's so easy!" and with that knowledge comes the responsibility of being the nice guy and answering everyone's questions "it's the only thing i can offer...". lastly according to his "beloved" hyung himchan; he is an introvert, "a self-destructive one at that" "ok maybe i kind of get the introvert part but i'm pretty sure i'm not self-destructive." "and i'm pretty sure that you are. you're like this one big contradiction. you walk around helping everybody but once they start making friends you freak out and run away then blame yourself for being lame the next. and don't get me started on the tale-" "sssshhh i dont want to hear about it" "bu-" "SSSSSSHHHHH" "YOU CAN SING PRETTY DAMN WELL AND YOU'RE SMART AND JUST PLEASE START SING-ow!" "say one more thing i'm gonna use a chair" 

himchan was totally wrong because youngjae isn't self-destructive but modest. he's modest because he can't take compliments without almost fainting to the ground. he's modest because he just cant seem to be friends with people who are way better than him. he's modest because he doesn't want to be arrogant. youngjae of all things does not want to be hated because of arrogance. and yet jung daehyun.

"we need someone to represent the class in the annual school talent show, any takers?" jihoon, their class representative said while scanning the room for hands.

"i'll do it."

"daehyun? no surprise there."

"who else?" daehyun said with a smirk, everyone around him laughed and nodded.

"see me after class for details." jihoon just smiled even he really wanted to roll his eyes.


"ugh that guy seriously" 

"well he is talented, our class can win if it's him."

"i knew that! but why can't he be more... be more like you? you know you guys have almost the same personality? but how come that even if you're smart and you sing well you dont go frolicking around saying you're the best damn thing since sliced bread!" jihoon gnawed at his sandwhich, annoyance obvious in his tone. "i'm not that great..." youngjae couldn't hide his blush "and as i said the guy is talented and he knows it. as long as it's not hurting anyone, being proud with what you have isn't really a bad thing." 

jihoon stopped eating his sandwich and looked at youngjae straight in the eye "you should really try listening to yourself sometimes" 


"nothing, youngjae" the class representative said with a smile. "i have to go, need to talk to mr. arrogant-face, i'll see you around okay?" he said as he waved and left.


"and my soundcloud is almightyjung all lowercase in case you want proof of my vocal ability" 

"uhm that's nice but i really just want you to fill in the application form" jihoon couldn't help himself from rolling his eyes this time.

"ah right" daehyun started filling up the application form with an eager look on his face.

"wow you really want to do this thing huh?"

"you probably think i'm the most arrogant person on the planet" daehyun started chuckling, jihoon froze in his seat. "but i have my reasons, you'll find out soon" the singer handed the form with a whisker-dimple smile. 


"yes she uploaded a new cover!" youngjae clicked on the 'everything is pretty cover!! by sunhwa ^^" link on his soundcloud stream. he read the song description while waiting for the song to start playing.

hello everyone sunhwa here!!! i know this song was supposed to be a duet but since i could'nt find a guy to cover it with me it just became a solo :( anyways i found a new soundcoud to fangirl over ^^ this guy sings so well you guys should give him a shot :-) get ready to be blown by his high notes btw i think he sings even higher than me ----> almightyjung

adding to the list of the many things he is, youngjae is also a sunhwa fanboy. although he's never met her before, youngjae likes to think that they could be soulmates even if he's fully aware that he's just a bug compared to her. the almightyjung guy was probably crushing his already far-fetched dreams. "well she did say to give him a shot..."

he clicks on a cover, ordinary people by john legend and braces himself.

girl i'm in love with you

"holy " youngjae whispered to himself, he froze on the spot and stared at screen of his laptop.

we're just ordinary people we don't know which way to go

but it wasn't the alarming drop of his self-esteem that made youngjae spechless. it was, and this was going to be the most cliche thing that he's ever thought to himself, the rapid beating of his heart. 

take it slow this time we'll take it slow

"i can't breathe" the song was coming to a close and he could feel his nerves loosening up but a familiar voice started permeating his ears.

hi daehyun her-

"HOLY " he screamed while standing up from him computer chair. " IT'S JUNG DAEHYUN FROM CLASS HOLY " youngjae's nerves tensed up again, nothing from his books or hours of studying prepared him for this. he knew daehyun was talented but he never actually got the chance to listen to the guy. and if that wasn't enough, looking him in the eye was going to be even more difficult from now, being someone sunhwa admired and his voice made youngjae a mess. being a fanboy of someone who sits 3 seats away from you, youngjae infers, has got to be the scariest problem he'd encountered. and he'd been in a regional math competition.


youngjae had come to the conclusion that instead of asking daehyun about sunhwa like any other human being, he'd rather send him notes like a head-over-heels-inlove-middle-schooler "please just give this note to him, you're both in the music club, right?"

"you can just give it to him, you're classmates! you're even friends why can't you just say it to him?" himchan was getting pissed at youngjae for disturbing his lunch.

"what are you talking about me and daehyun aren't friends." youngjae's face was void of emotion this time.


"himchan that spit-take wasn't really necessary." yongguk said while cleaning up the mess himchan made on the cafeteria table

"yes it was and what do you mean you aren't friends with daehyun!" over-dramatic was an understatement for what himchan was but most of the time he really just wanted to make a point.

"we aren't friends, why is that so weird to you? i'm not friends with a lot of people." youngjae said with a shrug.

"yes but this is jung daehyun. you and him are practically the same person!" himchan was already flailing his arms everywhere.

"can't you keep your voice down for two seconds!" yongguk snapped, the noise was getting into his nerves but to no avail himchan snapped back as well. "No i CAN'T AND I'M NOT KEEPING MY VOICE DOWN UNTIL MR. YOO HERE MAKES FRIENDS WITH MR. JUNG" he was even more frustrated now. he'd known daehyun and youngjae for years thinking that in one way or another, they were acquictances. anyone from campus would agree that the two were similar in terms of interests and vocal ability so it made no sense, how the two weren't friends at all.

"i can't. I won't." youngjae remained calm despite the screaming going on around him.

"and why not?"

"he scares me."

"wha- why?"

"his voice."

"what?" both himchan and yongguk were confused now.

"but his voice is one of the best voices in campus why are yo-"

"that's it, that's the reason."

"you're a genius but you have got to be the dumbest person in the entire universe. who gets scared of someone because of his voice?" himchan started laughing only to be met by yongguk's glare. "yeah..." the deep-voiced senior forced a smile while he tried not to punch himchan. "if that were the case himchan's pretty dumb too because he got scared of me freshmen year. you wanna know why?"


"because of my voice." youngjae couldn't help but chuckle "well that's because you have the voice of a demon, yongguk. daehyun on the other hand has the voice of an angel." himchan couldn't help but boast about his co-club member.

"you know what i'm going to make you friends!"

please don't youngjae thought to himself, he was going to combust any minute now.

"actually i'll make you guys into best friends yeah! maybe even something more" the light-haired boy started wiggling his eyebrows. and like the universe could not get any meaner, daehyun decided to appear out of nowhere "speaking of the devil... hey dae-" youngjae tried to cover himchan's mouth but to no avail, daehyun already heard. the two exchanged greetings while youngjae was close to having a panic attack.

"by the way, this is my dear baby youngjae!"

"youngjae? you're from my class right? it's nice to finally meet you!" it's that voice again. he's just speaking but it was already giving youngjae so much feelings. he was about to puke but before he could mess up the situation further, youngjae does what he does best when faced with a predicament with human beings.

he runs. runs for his life until he can't hear daehyun's voice. runs until his feelings disappear.

he doesn't stop running because even if daehyun's voice can't be heard, the feelings can't seem to disappear.

"i therefore conclude that i am in deep ." 


AN: im making this a two/three-shot because i cant seem to end it (notice how it's so short and full of incoherent thoughts)

i already warned you guys ah well anyways go on and tell me about how inaccurate this is

oh and thank you for reading yeah i'm going to quesion my life decisions now

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Claudine_NG #1
Chapter 1: OMG this story is so funny! Please update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god .. im really excited .. i will be waiting fir the updates .. plz updaye soon
Chapter 1: Hahah it was so cute and funny! poor Jae is in love with his voice!:D
DaeJaeGyu #4
Ooooooooooooh why would jae be scared of dae voice .. is it too y to hadle it alway turn him on or for other reason like you think its too good to be compared with yours ..well now will be so frustrating for appa bang and umma chan
Anyway .. sorry for my fiction ..
Plz update as soon as. Possiple