

"Let's go!!" They said happily

There were a couple had date after school was finished, they have been together for 2 years.
They walked together and holding each other hand.

"Where we're going?" Ask Hana

"Since the rain had stopped, let's go to the park!" Said changmin happily

Hana knows that changmin really love the park since he brought his camera along, changmin really loves photography.
Hana nodded and followed changmin foot's steps.

They arrived at the park near their school. The park isn't really crowded and really refreshing, some workers in that park are still cleaning and some people jogging or sat on the chair in the park.

"Wow! Look!" Changmin shout and capture some scenery with his camera. Hana place her chin to changmin shoulder and ask to look the result

"Wah.. So beautiful..." Hana looked the photo, even its just a clouds and sky but with changmin hands, the result are really different.

Changmin looked his girlfriend "Hahaha of course.. They look beautiful like you"

Hana pinched her boyfriend cheek "eiy.. I'm more beautiful hahaha"


Finally after walk and took some photos, they sat on the grass. Changmin rested his head on hana's leg 
Hana's right hand locked by changmin's left hand.



"I already receive notification from American Aviation Academy in USA (International Flight School)"

Hana gasped "and? The result?"

"They... Accepted me" changmin moved and sat beside his girlfriend.

"And when you will go?" 


Tears fall from hana's eyes, she's know that changmin would be accepted in flight school because his intellegent... but june? Its mean 6 month again from now... Its very short time. Changmin hug his girlfriend, he isn't regret to saying the truth to her. And the date was ended by saying goodbye each other

Before changmin departure to USA. They had a lot of fight. Day by day ended with anger.
Until one day one of them can't hold anymore

"I'm enough.. Let's break up!" Cried changmin 

"Oh you want freedom huh? Okay let's break up!" Cried hana

Both of them can't believe they will break up easily after 2 years being happy lovely couple

After break up both of them busy with their activites, no more date after school and no more dating on saturday, no more skip class together. One day, both of them accidentally meet in the corridor in their school. Hana noticed changmin's eyes are looking towards her, hana couldn't look changmin because she felt her tears will fall if she look changmin now. Changmin look hana run, how he want to pull her hands and hug her tightly but he can't.. One thing that changmin know.. Hana is already move on from him.

Hana can't sleep, she tried many things to sleep but she still can't sleep.. How she want to sleep to forget tomorrow. Tomorrow changmin will go to US for long time. She opened her handphone, she read the last message from changmin.

"Hana ah.. I don't know what should I say first... Hm.. Sorry for all my mistake, I know because I'm selfish, I can't protect our relationship even I can't protect you.. And Thank you hana for teaching me love and how to be loved, Thank you for all.. Only you can understand me.. Ah anyway tomorrow I will leave korea and move to US.. I don't know how many years I will spent at there.. I can't said that you have waited for me because you don't have to.. I would like to hear if you have a new boyfriend later, I wish you will be happy with him. Hmm.. Hana ah for the last time.. Can you go to the airport tomorrow? If you can't is okay, I just wish to meet you for the last time.. Goodbye Park Hana.."

"I still love you changmin ah........" Hana hug teddy bear from changmin and cried until she fall asleep

hana looked the watch, its 9am, changmin will flight one half hour more. Hana hurriedly prepare and called taxi.

"Sir please go to the incheon airport fastly! Please!" As hana closed the door

"God.. Please make me on time.." Hana said in her heart

After 30 minutes, finally she arrived at the airport, she's paid and ran to search changmin.

"Where's changmin?!" Cried hana inside her heart

She's doesn't even care when people look at her, she's doesn't care with her bare face, she's only wants to meet changmin for the last time and tell changmin that she's still love him no matter what..
She's found the terminal but when she look the monitor..  The plane already took off that's mean changmin has already go and she's late........ Hana felt so stupid..

"why I don't reply and ask changmin number when he's in US later.. Why I always late to say that I still love you.. Changmin ah?" She blamed herself.

She sat and still look on the monitor, how she want her changmin is back....

"Park hana ssi?"
She looked the man with formal suit looked her. Hana stood up 

"Who are you?" She asked

"I'm changmin's assistant, I came here for sent my boss letter"

She gasped "and?"

"Here's the letter" the man gave her the letter
Hana took quickly the letter and read it

"Hello hana ah.. If you read this message, I'm already fly to US. One thing that you have to know, if you read this message too.. It means that you accept me back for to be your boyfriend again! Yeah! I know you will come so I write this message and I'll make a deal with my self, if you come to the airport, it mean you will be my girlfriend again. If you don't come to the airport, it mean you and I really break up and I won't back to korea again.. Ask my assistant if you still don't understand hahahaha!" 

Hana felt her tears were falling because happiness  and started to read the second page

"My girlfriend, Park Hana.. Thank you for accept me.. And please wait for me, I promise if I get holiday, I will come to korea only for meet you.. I know its going to be hard but please believe me.. I will miss you so much hana ah.. I love you hana ah.. Goodbye"

Hana laughed while her tears were falling, she didn't know changmin will be so romantic like that.  Hana didn't expected something like this, but she know changmin is always do something unpredictable.

Hana wiped her tears "glad to know you happy, Hana ssi" the assistant smiled too

"Call me hana, yeah I'm so happy. You know what? This is the first time changmin being so romantic" 

"I'm right beside him while he wrote this, he's never ask if I'm offer to help him. And he seems very happy"

"Hahahaha.. Anyway thank you for this letter, you mean a lot for us" hana stood up and bowed politely

"Never mind hana. Ah here it is.." The assistant gave some paper

"This is master address and number while he in the us. Do you have some message to him?"

"Just said do well and come back safely.. I will wait him"

"Okay, I'm understand"

"Thank you so much"

"Let me drive you back, this is our master offer"

"Okay" hana followed the assistant and back to her house.


Hana POV

Today is my graduate day, even im so happy because im done with the school, my heart feel lonely.. I wish changmin with me to celebrate together. After a few hours celebrated with my friends, I go to house to open laptop to call changmin via skype.

Its 10pm.. its mean 8am in America, changmin must be wake up now. I click video call button in his skype

“good morning changchang” I smiled to him                      

“good morning sweetie” he replied.                                                                                      “anyway, congrats for your graduated sweetie” changmin made heart with his hands, I’m blushed

“thank you hehehe, anyway changmin ah I miss you, when you’re back?”  

“eum... I don’t know, but I will back as soon as possible”                                                                   

 “okay, I’ll wait for you, I love you changchang”  

“I love you too.. good night sweetie, sleep tight and have a nice dream”                        

“hahahaa why you being romantic nowdays?”                                                                      

“am i? maybe because I just missing you sooo badly”                                                                

“hahhaha I know.. good morning changchang, have a nice day.. see you”                                            

before changmin ended the video, he gave his smile and goodbye kiss. Its been 3 month since I and changmin comeback together again. We just keep being romantic and always chat if we have a time. Changmin didn’t tell me when his school ended, 3 years? 4 years? I just hope that he will be fine and graduate with the best score. I just have to believe him.


Changmin POV

Since the school ended, I just go straight to my apartement, to check the email like usual.

“changchang! Im really happy because I accepted in Seoul National University!! I got the news from my mom this morning and she’s really happy. Anyway, i want to tell you and please don’t mad at me.. I got 2 part time jobs, one in my sister restaurant and in coffee shop near my house. Please don’t mad at me>< hehehe.. anyway how are you? You’re not cheat on me right? If I found out, I will go to your place and punch you! Hehehehe kidding :p so how your study? I miss you so much T_T well I love you.. and please comeback as soon as possible hehehe.. bye! Don’t forget to reply changmin ah”

I smiled, her email will always boost my mood, and of course I always miss her. Its been 2 years I don’t meet her.

“okay im not mad at you but please take care of your health, eat properly, promise? Im really good.. I had exam last week, so this week im free but I can’t go back to korea because next week I will exam again, I will drive an aeroplane for the first time!. Anyway my teacher is really scary… pray for me, ok? I miss you very much hana ah… I planned next month I will going home~ wait for me! and last… I believe you.. don’t cheat!! Hahaha”

I closed my laptop and go to wash before take a nap.

Hana POV

Sometime I regret I did two part time jobs, but even I regret it, the resign words are never come out of my mouth.  My first job is delivery milk every morning and my second job is work as barista at my uncle coffee shop. Delivery milk every morning is really fun, I can do exercise every morning but the horrible things when the winter comes…… the morning in winter is really cold, sometime my body is freezing like ice cube. Barista isn’t my dream but barista isn’t fun at all. I got yelled every day just because I late. I have a reason why, but my uncle just know how to yelled. But being barista, I got much of money.

I looked changmin email again, he said that he will going back tomorrow but only for a couple days. He said that he back is just for meet his teacher. But I’m very happy since 2 years and a half month I didn’t meet him. I wonder what will he look like.

“YA! Hana ah! what are you doing?? Come here!” my uncle called me

I come to his desk “why??” I sat in front of him

“hm… you want to be a manager?”

“not really, why?”

“I ask you to be a manager in my coffee shop at jeju. Since you my noona’s child, I trust you more than anyone”

I gasped “really???”

“yeah, the last manager was off. he has to move because his wife”

“thank you so much uncle”

He nodded “next month you’ll move ok?”

“ok!! But uncle tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I take my days off ok? Changmin going to korea tomorrow”

He nodded “ok”

I bowed and go back to work



Hana ran to international arrival, she late because she woke up late.  she took her bag that she used last night, and forget to bring her phone. She look the board, the plane already landed one hour ago. Changmin must go out now, but she didn’t  see him. because she was too tired, she just sat in front of the arrival door.

“ah im so stupid!!” she hit her head

“yes you are” a man voice from her back.

Before she turn, she felt someone arm wrapped her shoulder. Hana not doing anything, she smell vanilla scent, and she know who he is.

“I had really stupid girlfriend, her name is Park Hana. Even she is so stupid, but I really love her”

Hana smiled “and his girlfriend, miss her boyfriend so much”

“thank you”

Changmin move to in front of his girlfriend, he smiled to his lovely girlfriend

“hello, I’m changmin from American Aviation Academy, and you?”

“I’m hana from Seoul National University. And also changmin girlfriend”

“ahh.. how long you with him?”

“around 4 years and half month… but he’s so bad. He don’t know how his girlfriend miss him”

“YA! I know I miss you too!” changmin hug hana

Hana laughed “finally… you back changmin ah”

“glad to know that you still wait me… I miss you so much”

“I miss you too… since you back, let’s go to your home first ok? Your parents must miss their son”

“ok let’s go…” changmin hold hana hands and go to his house


“APPA!! UMMA” cried changmin as he enter his house

“oh changmin!! My son!” his mother hugged him tightly

His father hugged him too “how are you my son? Are you already lunch??”

“im good, not yet I miss umma food. So I’m really starving right now”

“ok I will cook now, anyway who is she??” his mother asked

“ah hana come here!” changmin command hana  to enter the room

“this is Park Hana, my girlfriend”

“ah hana, the girl who always be in your dream every night” his father teased

Changmin blushed  “eiy.. don’t open my secret”

Hana laughed “I’m Park hana from Seoul national university. Now I had my last semester”

“so fast! Are you working too?” changmin mother asked

“yeah, I got two jobs, in the morning I delivery milk and after class ended I work as barista in my uncle coffee shop. Anyway I will be the manager next month”

“woah..  you are good girl hana ah, changmin ah you must be lucky to have her” changmin father said

“yes, I’m very lucky to have her appa..”

“now go to your bedroom, go to wash and rest. I will call if the lunch are ready”

Changmin nodded and hold hana’s hand. They move to upstairs.

Changmin bedroom never changed, just like before he leave. Hana noticed so many aeroplane poster and some aeroplane books. Hana move to his desk,  she look so many frame photo, changmin childhood until his graduate. She looked her photo.

“if I miss you, I will look at that”

Hana blushed “ I have your photo too on my desk”

“I will go to wash, you wait here ok”

Hana nodded and open changmin phone. So many photo him and his friends, she open all the photo, most of the photo are her photo and changmin when they were senior high school. She lay on changmin bed as she waiting him.


Changmin saw hana sleep peacefully on his bed. Changmin pull the blanket to cover hana body and him. he saw hana look so tired, he felt guilty. He don’t know how hard hana work is, he saw hana don’t changed a little bit, her puffy cheeks still like the first time he met her. Her hair longer than before. Changmin touched her cheek, she doesn’t move a little bit. Changmin wrapped hana shoulder to his, smell her hair as he closed his eyes and he fell asleep.

Changmin parents saw their son slept peacefully beside his girlfriend. They smiled, finally his son is back and found his soulmate.

After said good bye to changmin parents, hana and changmin move to their favorite café. Seeing changmin drive a car, hana blushed. She look changmin who changed a lot.

“you changed a lot” hana started

“better or worse?”

“better than before… you drove better than before too”

Changmin laughed “in USA I don’t drive a car often because I was so busy. Everyday I drove a plane”

“wow… its difficult right?”

“hm… for now its not really difficult”

“Pilot Shim Changmin~~”

Changmin laughed and he stopped the car “let’s go”


They enter their favorite café, its not really changed at all. The owner greet changmin and hana. changmin and hana went to their favorite spot at the café. They ordered same menu like before.

“anyway, you said that you will be manager right?”

Hana nodded “yeah, my uncle asked me to be a manager in his coffee shop at jeju”

“jeju?? So you will move next month?”

“how about your college?” changmin continued

“I will finish it first and when I have time I will go to jeju”

“take care of your health, you seems more skinny”

Hana pinch changmin cheeks “don’t worry changchang. Anyway tomorrow you will meet your teacher right?”

Changmin nodded “you don’t have to accompany me, but I will pick up you around lunch time”

“hmm..okok, so this is your last semester too right?”

“no… my last semester in next year, I still had 2 years left…”

Hana sighed “make it fast changmin ah”

“I’ll try hehehe. Shall we eat now?”

Hana nodded



Changmin arrived at his house, his parents were waiting him, want to talk with him.

“changmin ah we were old already, we want have a grand children, marry with hana, take her to USA”

“appa…my reason back to korea is to purpose her.. and seems appa umma likes her right?”

“oh we like her so much”

“that’s nice, I will purpose her”


Changmin lied to hana, he don’t see his teacher but he went to accessories store. He picked a bracelet for hana. after went to the store, he move to airport to buy the ticket for hana. hana waited changmin in the restaurant.

“hana!” changmin hugged her from behind

“hey changchang” hana smiled

“did you order the food?” changmin sat beside her

“yess. How’s your meeting?”

“he tested me, I don’t have time to study, and the score was bad. He even yelled at me”

Hana laughed “how’s bad your score?”

“I just answer 3, the question really hard”

“you’re so stupid changchang ckckck”

“YA! At least I can answer 3 question”

Hana kissed changmin cheek “you did a good job changchang, but next time you have to study first ok?”

Changmin kissed hana forehead “okay., let’s eat now, the food is coming”


“tomorrow you will back to USA right?” hana asked

Their reached hana house. Hana hates changmin will back tomorrow, she still miss him.

“hana ah, I have a gift, but open it when you already in your room”

“okay… I’ll miss you changchang”

“I’ll miss you too” changmin kissed hana forehead



Hana reached her room, she opened the gift. The plane tickets to USA and her paspor tomorrow, and some notes.

“I hope you come….”

"what does he mean?" Hana asked her self

She already text changmin but no replied. Without thinking anymore, she packed her things into her luggage. He told his uncle that she won't work until she back to korea. She started imagine that changmin prepared surprise for her  until she fell asleep

Hana went to airport by herself, she can't contact changmin since last night.                                          

 Hana sighed"am I leaving alone? Or maybe changmin waiting inside?"

 Hana looked around before went inside the gate. Her plane ready to boarding, passenger were called to go inside the plane. Hana felt lonely, she was mad with changmin, she hates leaving korea alone and her imagine is really make her down. Hana looked her boarding passed, if she don’t use this ticket, it won’t be wasteful because she sat in the economy class but she imagine again that changmin will be inside the plane first before her. With smile curved in her face, she went inside the plane. She already sat, but she don’t see changmin.

“just stop imagine hana!! changmin won’t be here!” she blame herself to followed changmin order

The plane already took off, hana half enjoyed because she leaving alone and she in the economy class, she can’t feel her butts anymore. 

After dinner in the plane, the light suddenly off, hana felt scared a little bit, but someone beside her said that maybe time to passenger to sleep. Hana can’t sleep, she start to read the book. Suddenly, some plane officer was talking, but hana wondered she ever heard this voice, but she shakes her head

“don’t imagine something impossible hana!” she said to herself

“Good evening everyone, sorry for disturb you. I want you all to listen what I will said.                              We're flying at 26, 000 feet, moving up to thirty thousand feet. One of our special pilot would like to sing a song for someone from the economy class. Since we let our special pilot do pretty much whatever they want, here he is”

Hana laughed softly, this will be interesting.

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you


Suddenly, hana realized she ever heard this song, and… she know really well the voice…

“this!!!” cried hana

Someone appeared and some passenger clapped their hands. Hana looked to know who is the special pilot. And its changmin! Hana speechless. How he?? A special pilot?? .

Changmin kept walked to her seat. Changmin looked hana is very shocked.  He continued to sing

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control


Chagmin stopped in front of hana, the light already on. The passenger were looked them. Changmin move down and kept playing guitar. His right thigh hold the guitar. His position is perfect because after this he know what will he do.

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you


Changmin stopped a while “I wanna grow old with you…..”

The passenger clapped their hands. Hana was still silent in her place, she is so speechless what changmin do. Changmin kept looking her eyes. Changmin hold hana hands

“Hana ah…” changmin took out the bracelet and put on hana right hand

Changmin hold hana hands “I want this hands to always caring me and caring our children later… will you marry me?”

“changmin ah….” hana hold her tears

“I do… I really do!” hana continued

The passenger were clapped their hands. Hana hugged changmin, she don’t expect this. this is the happiest thing ever. Changmin is very happy to heard hana answer. They won’t forget this moment and they will told their children this story later.


15 years later……….


Hana heard her lovely daughter called her from the garden. She smiled whenever she heard that.

“wait a sec. umma is busy. Sweettiee can you help me??”

“ofcourse honey, what I have to do?” changmin move from his desk to kitchen

Changmin hug hana from back “hmm.. the smell is nice!”

Hana laughed “ofcourse… sweetiee help our minsi at the garden. Bring her to inside, lunch is ready!”

“okay!” changmin kissed his wife cheeks

Hana laughed softly, its been 10 years their marriage but changmin still same like before but he more manly. Now, he is a professional pilot, he just fly the plane for one or two times in two weeks.

Changmin bring his daughter inside and ask her to wash her hands. She climbed her favorite chair before she eat. Changmin sat in front of his daughter. He looked minsi and looked his wife who in the kitchen. he felt the real happiness now, he doesn’t need anything except his family.


i got idea from this video! i really love this scene!<3 thank you!<3

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yunjaeaddicted #1
Chapter 1: Aaah! This is sooo beautiful.
Wonderful story :)
Keep on writing sis
And da picture is also really really beautiful!