Saving Kai's Heart - Kai

EXO one shots





"Good bye _______,see you tomorrow" your boss said as you walked out the cafe,"Good bye" you said waving then closing the door behind you.

You walked down the street,it was getiing dark but the sky was still blue.

You turned a corner and suddenly collided into someone,"Oh mianhae" you both said in unison.

"Oh,it's you" Kai said quickly standing up then helping you up.

Suddenly you saw a group of girls run around the corner at the end of the street then began running towards you.

You quickly pushed him into a dark alley.

"Excuse me,did you see him come past here by any chance?" a girl asked pointing at her picture of Kai.

You looked at her picture then at her.

"Aniya,mianhae,I didn't see him" you said.

Suddenly the group of girls ran off down the road determind to find him.

You stood watching them dissappear around a corner in the distance and chuckled.

"Aah,sasaeng fans,they're soo ridiculous" you said.

Suddenly Kai wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Gomawo beautiful" he whispered into your ear.

Chills went through you from his warm breath on your neck.

"T-That's ok,it was nothing" you answered trying not to stutter.

"Oh well...,I think it was something,you deserve a reward" he whispered again.

"W-What kind of reward?" you asked.

"Well..." he said turning you around in his grip.

You face was an inch away from his and his arms wrapped themselves tighter around your waist.

You leaned back a little to distance your faces a little then Kai leaned forward to get closer again.

"Don't lean away from me,I will only lean closer if you do" he said leaning back to how he was along with you leaning back to where you were.

Kai smiled softly looking deeply into your eyes.

You felt time slow down as your heart beated rapidly.

Suddenly his face got serious,he leaned closer to you,you immediately shut your eyes tightly.

Kai smirked mischievously and chuckled a little.

He leaned closer once again and tilted his head and passionately kissed you.

He struggled to pull away from the kiss as he found your lips addicting.

You opened one eye to see Kai smiling at you.

"Come on,let me take you home" he said letting go of you and taking your hand in his.


At your house

You both walked in silence while holding hands,you were in shock that he kissed you.

You stopped at your house door and turned to him.

"Good bye Kai" you said letting go of his hand and turning to unlock your door when Kai stopped you.

"I...,I'm not finished" he said holding your wrist.

You turned to him wondering what will say,you couldn't think of anything.

"Did you know...your lips are soo addicting" he said staring into your eyes.

Your eyes widened a little.

"I have never experienced the feelings I have gotten ever since I met you,what is wrong with my heart,it feels like it's going to burst" he said with a serious face.

"I have never felt it,never,...that is why...I'm not letting go,I want to keep these feelings you give me,and right now...all I want to do is kiss you again...soo,I want you,I want you to be my girlfriend,I think-I know I have fallen for you deeply so please...say nae" he finished with pleading eyes.

You were lost while taking in what he said.

"I'll think about it" you said taking his hand off off your wrist and walking into your house closing the door behind you.

Kai's heart sunk,he thought that was your was of saying no so he slowly put his hands in his jean pockets and began to slowly walk.

You quickly opened the door.

"Oh and Kai" you said calmly.

He immediately turned to you.

"My answer is nae,I your girlfriend" you said.

Suddenly the next thing you knew was Kai was pulling you out of your house and spinning you around while pecking your lips over and over again.

"I will never break your heart,your heart is safe with me" he said hugging you.



I hope you liked it! ^-^


P.S: If you have your bias list in order and Kai isn't one of the ones at the top,I just had to ke ke



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Kyungsoo should be updated today and updated to look forward to that ^_^


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