Love? Hate? Maybe? -Baekhyun

EXO one shots

Definition of love/hate relationship in the urban dictionary

A Love/Hate relationship is usually between two people who deep down love each other. Sometimes they will automatically say, "I hate him/her" so no one leads on maybe they do love that person. Fights are caused over jealousy, maybe hating the person because there with someone else, but really love the other person.

“Urghh, I hate him!” you shouted as you walked on to the roof top where your fiends were

“What has be done now?” one of your friends, Amber asked as she moved over to allow you to sit next to her  

“he has such a big head, my god how and why do people think that I like him!” you shouted and laid back on the roof top floor and all your friend looked at you but only one with a knowing eye

‘Stupid idiot handsome ’ you though as you looked up at the sky ‘wait did I just call him handsome?’ you questioned

-At the same time-

“Urghh, I hate her” Baekhyun groaned as he laid his head on the table.

“There, there” Kris said as he patted his friends back “I sure it isn’t that bad” he re-assured the boy

“She can’t even take a joke, I wasn’t being serious, why do people think I like her” Baekhyun mumbled from his place on the table with Kris giving him another sympathy pat on the back just before the rest of the group turned up.

“come one lets go to class” Kris said and her tried to pull him away from Tao who was smiled as he jumped about and pulling Baekhyun toward his class however luckily Kris managed to get the boy away from the panda. Both of the boys started to make their way toward their next class, the class that you also happen to have just been transferred to “come on, were late” Kris said pulling Baekhyun even more now

“Sorry we are late” Baekhyun said as he and Kris ran it to the class room panting slightly

“it’s oaky take a seat you two, oh and Kris you will have to move as I have put the new student in the class in your seat” the teacher said as she dismissed them, Kris nodding and moving to the next seat that was available of which was next to your friend Amber and Baekhyun moved to his seat without looking at the person who had taken duizhang’s place. He looked to the side of him and the person was writing something in there notebook that wasn’t what the lesson was about, he couldn’t see what had been previously written but could see what was being written the works

‘But if I kiss you

 Will your mouth read this truth?

Darling how I miss you

Strawberry’s taste how lips do!’

it was written in the most beautiful writing that the boy had ever seen and so naturally he looked up at the owner of the beautiful writing to find an equally beautiful you, mumbling the lyric of the song as you went along writing them, something you do without noticing

“What you doing here” Baekhyun whispered meaning to sound nicer than he did

“what do you think, I am actually smart and so I got moved” you whispered back with a sharp tone added to your voice, although all you heard was a laugh and then you gave up “I’m not even going to bother with you anymore” you said as you looked out the window, not seeing the shocked expression that Baekhyun had on his face

-Later, after school-

Back on the roof top, you friend Amber was sat waiting for her friend to show up

“Yo!” she heard a deep voice call, making her spin around to face the tall blond and he walked towards her

“Yo” she replied as she smiled at Kris

“So what this plan that you came up with during class” Kris asked as he sat next to her and looked down at the note that he had received in class

‘I have a plan. For them two idiots, meet me at the roof top after school’

Was all it said but it made the taller curios and of course he knew who the idiots were, you and Baekhyun.

“well all the girls are going out tonight and I know for a fact that she I gonna get drunk and there for will make out with some guy who hits on her, so I think that you and Baek should go out as well and when Baek sees her making out with some guy he will get jealous” Amber finished explaining and looked at Kris for his opinion

“hey why not” was his answer as so a few hour later him, Baekhyun, Luhan and Xiumin were stood at the bar of some club that Amber say that they were going to be at later that night and not too long ago Kris had received a message that they were on the way and that idiot #1, as he called her, was already pretty off her face.

“Hey Baekhyun isn’t that…umm” Xiumin paused as he tried to remember the name “nope don’t have it. The girl you are always teasing and arguing with” Xiumin said and pointed toward a direction of which Kris and Baekhyun’s eyes followed to see you with some guy trying to get at your mouth

“Already?” Kris mumbled too softly for anyone to hear and before anyone could register Baekhyun was staking his ways toward you and the random guy. From there everything went according to Ambers plan Baekhyun got jealous and pushed the guy off you causing you to look at him in confusion and then even more when he grabbed your hand and started to pull you out of the club toward his car and as he had not taken a sip of his bear yet Kris saw no reason to stop him.

-In the car-

“Are you stupid?” Baekhyun asked as he made you sit in the passenger’s seat sideways so he could kneel down in front of you

“Since when did you care about me?” you bit back at him and turned away from him

“I can’t believe that they were right” Baekhyun sighed as he stood up, made you sit right in the car and then stalk it the other side where he got in

“Believe who and about what?” you asked as you looked at his side profile and damn it was good

“Everyone, I love you. I have been in a one way love-hate relationship with you” he said calmly as he drove towards your house with the occasional direction from you, you didn’t say anything about it till you were outside your own house

“Actually it wasn’t one way” was all you said before leaving a wide eyed Baekhyun watching you disappear in to your house. 

haii so here i am with ninakai's update, i hope you like it ^_^ 

2/5 done ^_^ enjoy! 

so what do you think of the co-authors? their both really sweet, so treat them nicley ne?

love you guys every 52 of you! i cant belive you all like what we write >.< i am like so happy right now that you all you guys :) 

(the three male characters for you) 

and thank you to sakura19 for the up vote >,<

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Kyungsoo should be updated today and updated to look forward to that ^_^


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Chapter 42: Aww cute!!
Chapter 32: Then why are you crying over her? O.o oh Lulu~
Chapter 27: Yes Baozi! Own me! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ ♥
Chapter 26: Oh Tao! Kekekekekeke~ ^.^
Chapter 25: Can I have Kris then? XD
Chapter 24: Channie! Oh you!
Chapter 23: Oh my Minseok! I can't wait! :")
Chapter 22: Oh my... buddies with Lulu. :">
Chapter 20: Ofcourse! Who could resist such a fluffy Baozi! XD
Chapter 17: How I wish I had someone to cuddle with when its raining and when theres thunder.