Snapshot Two

Take Me Home


Kris has the ability to brag the fact that he's not scared of many things. (Not that he even brags, anyway.) 

For some reason, Zitao has this irrational fear of ghosts, even though they don't exist. (And if they did, Kris is pretty sure they wouldn't waste their time around Zitao, anyway.) Sehun and Jongin are fairly terrified of spiders, especially Sehun. (Kris still remembers the time Sehun had actually climbed up the cabinets to get away from one.) Kyungsoo is pretty scared of bugs. (Well, Kris does admit that cockroaches are pretty yucky.) Yixing is scared of being alone in the dark and Suho is scared of leaving Yixing alone in the dark. Chanyeol doesn't exactly like tuna. (Well, he does but it gives him gas and Sun won't let him eat a lot.)

Kris can understand Baekhyun's fear of large dogs, seeing as how Kris and Chanyeol had found him cornered by a dog. Luhan isn't necessarily scared of shops like the one he came from, but he certainly doesn't like them. Minseok's fear is one that Kris shares, and it's that Sun will leave all of them and never come back. Jongdae doesn't really like to talk about his fears. (Kris knows that leads to being woken up in the middle of the might by his terrified screams and sobs that make Kris's hair stand on end.)

But no one really knows one of Kris's greatest fears except for Sun, Suho, and Minseok. It's irrational, ridiculous, and it terrifies Kris. The worst thing is that whenever it starts, Kris is usually alone.




Five hours after lunch break, and there's still one hour to go.

Sun pushes back from her desk, eyes swimming with account numbers and checking balances. There's a knock on her door and she looks up to see Henry with a bright grin. "Mei-mei! Are you done with that account?"

For some reason, Henry always has a limitless amount of energy that even Sun can tire of at times. "No, but I'm done with most of it. All I have to do left-"

"Good! Let's go out and eat! Boss said that I could leave early today," Henry cheered.

Sun simply rolls her eyes. "Ge, Leeteuk only said you could go, not me."

That throws Henry off and he pauses. "Oh. I forgot."

"Anyway," Sun continues, "there's going to be thunderstorm tonight."

It had rained all day yesterday, subsequently causing it to rain the next day. Sun smiles to herself when she remembers how much Zitao and Sehun had wanted to go outside, pouting at her for at least half an hour before giving up. She smiles even more when she remembers how Amber had come over for a while, making all of them tuna sandwiches except Chanyeol, who had whined and pouted because he hadn't gotten any. 

(Sun had finally relented and given him half a sandwich.)

"C'mon mei-mei, I wanna go out and eat," Henry whines, shaking his shoulders cutely.

"Sorry ge, but I can't. I still have an hour left and-"

This time, it isn't Henry that cuts her off, but rather a large crackling noise. There's another one almost immediately after that and the color from Sun's face drains. "I thought the storm wasn't going to start until 8," she says, looking at Henry. 

"I thought so too."

But there's another loud booming noise and Sun stands suddenly, moving as fast as possible. "Ge, can you tell Leeteuk that I had to leave early. It's an emergency-"

"What do you need to tell me?"

Leeteuk stands in Sun's doorway, holding a large file, dressed emmaculately in a suit. "Leeuteuk, I need to head home now. It's and emergency and I promise I'll make up more time later, I just-"

He cuts her off again. "Go ahead. If you're this worried, I can tell that it's an emergency."

She's out of the door before his sentence is done.




By the time she gets home, it's been thundering for a solid half hour, every crackle making her more tense than the last. When she finally reaches the door to her apartment, it swings open and Minseok's standing in the doorway, expression anxious and tail twisting nervously behind him. "Master, he's in your room."

Sun only has time to land a peck on Minseok's cheek before she's hurrying to her own room, opening the door to meet darkness. "Wufan?"

Her voice is soft and wary, scared of making the kitty somewhere in her room jump. There's a broken call of her name from under the sheets and she's moving to the bed immediately, taking off her leather jacket before crawling under the sheets to be met with a lump under the blanket. "Oh, Wufan."

Her toughest, scariest, bravest kitty is curled up into a little ball and trying not to cry. He meets her eyes and she engulfs him in a hug, soothingly running a hand down his back and up, down and up. Her other hand rests on his head, softly rubbing between his ears. The next boom sounds and Sun can feel the tears start to dampen her shoulder, his body shivering. "Shh, Wufan. It's okay. I'm here now, nothing's going to happen to you. I'm right here, okay?"


His voice is so weak and so broken that Sun can feel a lump in and she gently rubs his ears. "I promise Wufan. I'm not going to leave you, not now, not ever. I'm never going to leave any of you, okay?"

"Hyung? Master?"

There's a soft voice and Sun looks up to see Sehun standing in the doorway, ears drooping slightly. "Master, is hyung okay?"

His answer comes when another boom sounds and Wufan stifles a sob into Sun's shoulder. "Sehun-ah, maybe you should go," Sun suggest softly.

But Sehun's moving towards the bed, crawling in behind Kris to rest his chin on Wufan's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his torso. "It's okay, hyung. Master's here and so am I. You don't have to be scared of anything."

Somewhere in Wufan's brain, he knows he's going to be embarrassed about this eventually, but he can't find it in himself to care. The next boom has him letting out another sob and Sehun squeezes him tighter. Sun starts to gently Wufan's back and she softly sings a lullaby to Wufan, one that he had taught her after she'd gone through the first storm with him.

(His mother used to sing it to him him when he was a little kit, Wufan said. He still remembers it after all these years.)

Baby don't cry, tonight
After the darkness passes
Baby don't cry, tonight
It'll become as if it never happened

Sehun's soft humming joins Sun's voice and she smiles appreciatively at him. "It's okay hyung. We're here for you."






so, here's the next chapter! i realize that so far, it's been somewhat depressing, so i'll try to make the next chapter happier. this chapter is more into the kitty's dynamics with sun and little of their dynamics with one another.


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Chapter 7: Are you going to continue your story I love it there are very few kittyau stories that are this good
redlovercr #2
Chapter 7: This story is adorable!
I hope there'll be more specific interaction between Sun and each kitties like Snapshot One

But anyway, happy writinv for the next chapter authornim!
Chapter 7: yyyeey updatee
Chapter 7: I love this. It so cute omfg ; u ;
nerry55 #5
Chapter 6: Awww this is so cute!! Please update soon???!
Chapter 6: This fic is absolutely beautiful and precious. I like the way you make background stories for each kitty, and I have to say that I'm damn jealous of Sun. (by the way I keep on picturing WG's Sunye, haha). I love this fic. Great story!
Chapter 6: this fanfic makes so happy, i can't explain it. Thank you so much for this!
Chapter 5: Awww, poor Kris.... Thanks for the update.... Maybe there's a chapter for Chen soon ㅇㅅㅇ... No rush, lol.
Chapter 4: This is amazing~