Doctor L

Doctor L - Myungsoo

It was hard to breathe as you felt your chest contract, Taking Myungsoo’s hands from around you, you buried your head into the pillow as you coughed your lungs out. Myungsoo gently stirred as he thought that the baby woke up. Rubbing your back gently he felt how warm you were.

"Jagi, do you feel ok?" Myungsoo’s husky morning voice said as you shook your head. "What’s wrong?"

"My chest hurts and my head and I feel cold." You wrapped your blankets around you, his cool hands rested on your hot cheeks and then on your burning forehead as he looked at your pale figure.

"Sweetheart, you’re sick. I will take care of you though." He pressed his lips against your head as he gets up and puts on a shirt moving downstairs to give you some medicine. Putting two pills in his hands and a glass of water he climbed the stairs back to you. Sitting on the edge of the bed he passed the medicine to you.

"I am going to check on Gabby to make sure that she is ok." Myungsoo said as you nodded taking your medicine. He looked back at you as he rested on the door frame as you laid down on the bed covering yourself up with blankets. Walking into Gabby’s room he found her laying in her crib with her eyes open.

"Hey princess." Myungsoo said as he lifted her out of her crib, "Ah my little girl is getting so big." He kissed her cheek as he laid her down on the changing table feeling her cheeks to see if she was sick as well. She on her wrist as her little legs kicked. "I know, your hungry." Myungsoo giggled as he picked her back up, cradling her in his arms as he goes back downstairs. Making some formulated milk he warmed up her bottle he handed it to her as she happily drank it.

After she finished the bottle Myungsoo noticed that she was really warm. Taking her temperature, he sighed as she was sick. Moving back upstairs he moved into your bedroom as he sat on the edge of the bed. Gabby’s rosy cheeks stared back at him as he took off her pajamas and just laid her on his bed as you slept. Her warm cheeks began to disappear as he kissed her cheeks gently.

Watching her fall asleep as her fingers played with his and her little chest rise and fall as her lips moved as if she was feeding. He smiled at her gently as he turned his attention to you as you rolled over and rubbed your eyes.

"Why is she in here?" You groaned as you threw the blanket off of you as you were too hot for being under a blanket.

"I have to look after my two sick girls." Myungsoo said as he reached up and felt your cheeks. Feeling them burn under his cool skin he moved to the closet pulling a tank top and shorts for you. "Change into these, you will feel better." He left the room to bring up medicine for you and Gabby.

Changing into the clothes that he gave you, you rolled over and felt your little baby’s warm, clammy skin as you kissed her head.

"Sorry princess, Mommy didn’t mean to make you sick." Petting her cheeks gently, Myungsoo came back into the room as he brought you some juice, making Gabby drink her medicine, she cried but he made her drink it as he then walked around the room trying to soothe her. Sitting in a rocking chair that you had in your room, he began to sing her a lullaby as it was yours that he would sing for you. Your eyes began to drop as you saw him and Gabby being together.

"Princess, you need your sleep. Mommy is already asleep, please go to sleep it will help you get better." Rocking her a little more, she seemed to be in discomfort as Myungsoo moved her to his shoulder. Trying the new position her little hands grabbed onto his hair as her little breath ghosted over his neck as she began to fall asleep.

Watching the two most beautiful beings fall asleep before him was just so beautiful. No words could describe how beautiful both of you looked to him. Taking care of you both and helping you back to heath.

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AminahKarima #1
Chapter 1: Awwww this is cute!!!
Chapter 1: Daddy myungsoo is lovely and cute and sweet and and and and everything hahaha <33

I really love stories that includes children~
Chapter 1: OMG Now I'm in love with DaddyMyung. Imagine him rocking his little princess to make her sleep, it just so so soooo sweet!
KpopForever171 #4
Chapter 1: Awwe this was so cutee
You should make a sequel to this!
Chapter 1: Awww~~♥♥ so sweet :))
Chapter 1: Wish there was a sequel ~