First Meeting

Inside Your Heaven
Raining. I knew it. I watched the sky flash and the window get slashed with water. Yet another gloomy day at the SM building. Being a new SM trainee was hard work. They had to come here everyday even weather like this was acceptable. I wasn't a trainee though. I'm the janitor. Yes, I said it right, a cleaning women. I've been here for about a week now. As great at it seems being in the SM building, I have not once seen an idol. I heard the screaming outside but never had I seen the idols with my own eyes. I'd always clean the dancing rooms or the bathrooms after them, mop the halls but that was it. 
I walked into a room, the light and began my normal cleaning routine. Making the mop bucket I heard the regular ruckus outside. That's funny, it was kind of early to hear that. Soon I heard voices coming up the hallway. Oh no! I'm not finished with the room yet! I stumble out of the bathroom and into the practice room but it was already too late. 
"Ouch! Damn!"
There I saw Kris Wu, on the floor and in pain. I burst into apology.
"I'm so sorry!" I couldn't contain my nervousness so it came out in a bit of a slur.
He looked at me angry and annoyed. 
"Next time warn people! Put a sign out!" He spat as he got up.
"I'm so sorry! I hope you're not too hurt.." I stammer bowing in a 90 degree angle. 
He gave a slight annoyed sigh then walked out. I never felt so humiliated in my life. This never happened to me ever! I hope he doesn't take it to my boss. 
After my shift was done I got dressed into my regular clothes and put away my things. It stopped raining at least. I left the room I. A hurry, hoping I wouldn't get a wrap for what happened earlier. I decided to sneak out. I tiptoed out of my dressing room and into a hallway. I got halfway but then heard a load of voices. Men's voices. 
"Did you hear of a new janitor?" 
"What?! A new janitor?"
"Yes. It's a women."
"A women?!" 
A bunch of voices clashed together and my heart sunk. 
"I never seen anyone other than asshuji Tae Shin Yoon."
"I saw her."
I stopped in my tracks. It was Kris's voice that spoke up.
"She's so unprofessional. No wonder we didn't hear of her."
"Really?! You encountered her hyung?" 
"She left a practice room unoccupied while she was mopping it and didn't leave a warning sign."
They all gasped.
"Hyung! You aren't hurt right?!"
"No. But if she keeps it up she's going to be toast by the time I'm through." 
They all laughed. I had enough.
I walked in and the boys gasped again. I stopped up to Kris and slapped him.
"You have no right to talk about me in such manner! How dare you blame it on me when you walked into the dark room yourself!"
He looked stunned by my action and I felt all of Exo's eyes on me. I looked around and saw all the surprised reactions. 
I suddenly realized why I did and without hesitation I ran out of the room. I could hear any more chattering after that. 
I haven't been seen the Exo boys or Kris since that day. I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't face any of them. I put away my cleaning outfit and got ready to end my shift. I stunk past the practice rooms where the boys where working hard at practice. I got out into the streets of Seoul. It was already getting dark. At this rate it will already be dangerous to walk alone. I decided to take a "shortcut" through an alleyway, which by the time five minutes had passed I was already lost. I took a deep sigh and closed my eyes, trying to remember where the SM building was. It was hopeless. All of a sudden I felt a raindrop on my nose. Rain?! If things couldn't get any worse. I sighed in despair and started to run into a safe building. It seems everything was either closed or was packed. I was already soaked. My nerves began to take over. I felt helpless. Since I was new to Seoul, in fact the whole country, I haven't quite got a grip of the area. All of a sudden I felt no more rain hitting my drenched clothes.
I opened my eyes.
A tall boy with dark brownish red hair stood before me. I couldn't speak. I just nodded in response.
"Why are you without an umbrella?" 
"I'm.." I tried to choke out my situation but it was hopeless.
"Yes? You're?"
I put my head down, embarrassed.
I tried to hide my anxiety but he clearly wasn't buying it.
"C'mon, I will buy you coffee." He put his hand on my shoulder and then turned around.
I followed him, unsure of where he was going.
 It wasn't fair until we reached a small coffee shop called Rousseau & Rousseau. It smelt so good and we weren't even in the building yet. We walked in and instantly I felt nice and warm. We sat down in a booth and He ordered some coffee for us. I found myself a little shy.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"Caramel Macchiato." I stutter.
"Really? Good choice." He said with a lighter tone.
The waiter walked away with our orders and he turned to face me again. 
"Where you from?" He bluntly asked.
"Bucheon but I work for SM Entertainment." 
His face fell, "you're a trainee?"
"Huh? Oh no! Nothing that great." I stammer, brushing it off.
"Oh? Then what are you?"
"A... Janitor." I look away, flushed.
"A janitor?! Wow." He let out a small laugh.
"It was the best offer and pay I found." 
"Really? I was sure there better jobs out there than that." 
He put his hands through his soft, bouncy hair.
"Yeah, but I'm grateful for it. It helps pay my bills." I smile lightly. 
"Yeah.." He looks out the window, watching the rain dance slowly down the window pane. 
"You're order." The waiter came back with our drinks and places them on our table lightly.
"Kamsamnida." We both say at the same time. We look at each other. His gaze was piercing. We looked away from each other and laughed a little.
"Thanks for rescuing me by the way. I was really worried I would get come home." I say shyly.
His eyes averted back to me. 
"It's really nothing, I couldn't leave a poor girl drenched in the rain." 
There was something about those eyes. Beautiful, compelling and mixed with dark brown mystery. 
"What's your name by the way?" His lips in motion made me blush. 
He was so handsome and it was getting to me. I didn't realize he was this handsome until I took the time to calm down from earlier. I told him my name and he smiled.
"That's such a nice name." He looked down slightly, smiling,
"I'm Taehyung." 
Taehyung? He looked familiar come to think of it. He looked like someone on a poster ad I seen in a street of Gangnam. 
"I suppose we should take you back to where you came from." He slowly got up. 
"Yes! Of course!" I reply following him. 
We took a taxi to Bucheon. He was surprisingly really easy to talk to. I felt the more I talked to him the more I felt connected with him. He had a wonderful laugh and a dashing smile. It made my stomach tie in knots. We soon got to my apartment and I got out. 
"Thanks so much for everything-" I was expecting him to stay in the taxi but he got out too. He walked around the taxi and stood before me.
"What's your number?" He says softly.
"Oh? You want my number?!" I say surprised.
"Yes?" He said with a little sarcasm followed with a small chuckle.
We exchanged phone numbers and he have me a pay on the shoulder. 
"Don't get lost again. If you do, don't hesitate to call me." He smiled shyly.
I felt my face turn hot.
"Haha don't count on it and I will." I reassure him. He let go of my shoulder and got back into the taxi. I watched as it sped away. My vision of it slowly disappeared and I walked back into the building.
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Update brooooothaaar this is amaze k and I can't wait!! ;D
hi there ^o^
do you need a poster? well......we just opened this shop, why don't you request one from us? o//