shut up bts: two !

shut up bulletproof boys! *starting.




Hyosoo quickly ran down the hall.
She looked around to make sure there was nobody around. She had never ditched class before and the thought of getting caught worried her. If her mother knew what she was doing, she'd be getting punished for sure.
The only reason she was doing this was because Miso had called for a practice. Hyosoo ran across the campus. Inhye said that the dance studio should be empty, so they were going to practice there. Hyosoo slipped past a few teachers walking around and went through the back doors.
She let out a breath of relief. Luckily, she hadn't gotten caught. "Unnie!" She exclaimed, moving through the large boxes that were stored in the back. Hyosoo saw Miso and a brown haired boy standing in front of each other. Miso was cursing as loud as she could but the boy just nodded. "Aw how adorable." He cooed, carelessly patting her on the head. "Why don't you and your little female warriors out of here? Our group got here first."
Hyosoo held her breath. She knew that Miso would blow up in any second. Sure the tiny leader was childish and adorable, but she could be scary and I mean SCARY. Then she realized he said his group. Was that guy in a group like them? Peaking past the boxes, she noticed about five guys a few steps behind him. The backdoors opened but she didn't hear it.
"What's going on?" Someone whispered behind her. Hyosoo jumped and held her beating heart. Jungkook grinned and waved to her. "Nice meeting you, stranger." He came out and joined the five guys in the back with a tackle. Hyosoo frowned at how smiley Jungkook was.
They had went to the same middleschool and he was such a popular kid with natural talents. That bothered her the most. He was always better then her and the fact that he was even nicer to her made her mad. She finally walked towards Floral and stood near Chaeyoung. She had never seen the Floral members look so annoyed at the group of guys. "ing BTS." Raehwa muttered underneath her breath. Chaeyoung and Hyosoo stared at each other. They had no idea who this BTS was. But Chaeyoung did notice Jimin looking apologetic in the back.
Chaeyoung could tell by the old member's faces that they had some experience with BTS. Inhye looked a mixture of sad and anger. Samsoon was a bit harder to tell. Her eyes seemed to soften as she stared at that one tall member in the group who kept looking at the ground. Raehwa was just completely pissed off. Jiwon kept calm but held a steady position just incase Miso needed backup.
Namjoon walked to brown haired boy and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yoongi Hyung... Lets just go. We need to practice not fight with a bunch of girls." Yoongi shrugged and smugly smiled at Miso before walking away, making it seem like he won the fight. As the guys walked away, Miso spewed out a series of cuss words at them.
Chaeyoung finally asked,"Who were they?" Jiwon wrapped an arm around Miso to calm her down. "They're BTS also known as Bangtan Boys and Bangtan Douches."
"So they're a group like us?" Hyosoo commented. Inhye nodded and rubbed her temples. She was forming a headache. "You could say that. Floral has bad experiences with some of the members, so it's best you stay away from them."
Samsoon scratched her head. "I don't think they're that bad." Miso finally broke her silent with an angry grunt. "That's the last straw. We have to make a promise that we're not going to make any interactions with BTS! They're our competition now."
Inhye raised her hand. "I agree." Jiwon shrugged and raised her hand as well. "They're just bothering us and we need to concentrate to win this." Chaeyoung thought of Jimin. The guy was awkward but he was nice. But the expression of their leader's face showed that she was serious. Chaeyoung and Hyosoo raised their hands. Samsoon seemed reluctant but eventually agreed.
Raehwa twirled a piece of her hair. "I don't know if that would work with me. Miss.Choi wants me to get tutored by Namjoon." Jiwon leaned against the wall. "Get tutored just don't get involved with him in any other way."
She snorted. "Do you think I'd get involved with him outside of tutoring? His stage name is Rap Monster for goodness sakes." Raehwa burst into a fit of laughter after reminding herself about his stage name.
Miso finally calmed down and sat on the floor. "Since the audition is in a few weeks, it'll be hard to compose and choreograph a good song." Inhye rubbed her chin in thought. "It'll be safer like Jiwon said if we just cover a song."
Samsoon eagerly raised her hand but they ignored her. "NO HIP HOP!" Inhye stated. She sadly dropped her hand then raised it up again. "What about Taeyang! We could do 'Ringa Linga'."
Miso scratched her head in thought. "Hmm." She mumbled. "It's fast paced, there's singing, rapping, and quick dancing." Inhye crossed her arms.
"It sounds okay." Miso jumped up and grinned from ear to ear as if the incident with BTS never happened. "I guess we got a plan forming. Lets start thinking."
Samsoon stood stiffly and nibbled on the sleeve of her blazer "I actually have a test, I need to go too right now." Raehwa smirked at her but the nervous rapper didn't notice. Samsoon grabbed her backpack and did a little foot work before running away.
"Was that not suspicious?" Chaeyoung asked.
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Anyone that knew Shin Samsoon would've noticed how strange she was acting. The usual loud mouthed rapper would've came barging in the hall but this time, she quietly stood in front of the lockers.
Samsoon waited until the bell rang and everyone was begaining to go to class. Finally when the hall cleared out, Samsoon took out an envelope from the inside of her blazer.
She knew that if any of the Floral members saw her, she'd be disowned. Especially if it was Inhye since the her and Hoseok had a complicated relationship. She slammed herself onto a locker, scaring a first year who ran away. It wasn't fair at all. The day when she finally decided to confess to Hoseok was the day that their leader would ban them for interacting.
Samsoon took out the scented envelope out of her bag. "Should I?" She thought to herself out loud. In front of her was locker 135, Hoseok's locker. She could put the letter in now and get it over with but the thought of getting caught by Floral stopped her.
She anxiously gripped the letter in her hand before pushing it through the slits of the locker. As the bell rang to signal lunch time, that was her cue to sprint the hell out of there. She finally stopped for a break after running all the away across campus to her dorm.
She grew worried. What if Hoseok opened that letter and laughed at her? The memory of when they first met caused her to cringe. It was when Samsoon had just came into Kirin and she fell for Hoseok. She knew that Inhye and him were together and it pained her to see them acting lovey dovey during lunch. Samsoon went to throw away her soda, this bumped into her and his lunch along with her soda spilt all over her.
She looked back and saw Hoseok and Inhye staring at her. The who bumped into her was Hoseok's friend, Kim Taehyung. That day, Taehyung made her Hate List as number 1. Samsoon would never understand why someone as kind as Hoseok would hang out with a weirdo like Taehyung.
"You... You love me?" A voice exclaimed from behind her as two hands wrapped around her waist. Samsoon's hands went to her face as she her nose bridge.
"I knew you couldn't resist me in the end." She turned around and found Raehwa behind her laughing up a storm. Samsoon frowned and pretended to smack the girl in the face. "So you finally grew the balls to give him your letter?"
Samsoon straightened up and grinned. "Yeah! I put it in his locker." Raehwa gave her a thumbs up before checking her phone when it started to vibrate. By her over exaggerated pained expression, Samsoon was curious as to what the bad news was. Raehwa turned her phone off and placed it in her bag. "Urgh. Namjoon wants to tutor me in an two hours. I'm going to go ignore it and take a nap. See you later!" She gave a quick hug before walking away.
She stopped and looked back. "Tell me what Hoseok says! If you guys get married, name a kid after me!" Samsoon stuck her tongue out and shooed her away.
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Chaeyoung watched as the two older members began discussing points of the music video. They paused at multiple parts of the video. "The dance line could change the choreography a little at this part. Since Chaeyoung is our best singer, it'd be good if she sang the chorus." Miso pointed out.
Jiwon nodded and wrote it down in her notebook. Hyosoo couldn't help but admire the older's determination. Inhye wondered where Samsoon and Raehwa had went. The way the rapper had been acting was odd and the fact that Raehwa had just went up and left to follow her showed that they were up to something. Chaeyoung looked up when the bell rang to signal lunch time.
Inhye shuffled through her backpack and took out a lunch box. "I made enough lunch for you guys." Miso jumped up and sat down next to her. She made a face. "No vegetables right?"
The younger laughed. "Yeah there's no vegetables." Jiwon noticed Chaeyoung packing up herself. "Yooo! You're not going to stay and eat?"
She smiled and shook her head. "It's fine. I'll see you guys later." With a mouthfull of dumplings, Miso said a muffled goodbye. She headed her way to the piano room on the left side of the building when someone grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in towards their body.
Chaeyoung immediately smacked the person in the face. "OW!" The stranger yelled. She pouted once she realized who that person was. Jongin or Kai as he begged her to call him, rubbed his cheek in pain.
"I told you to stop doing that." She stated, continuing to walk without a care. Kai frowned and followed her. He bent down and tried his best puppy dog face. "That really hurt. Chaeyoung-ah~ Kiss my boo boo." She snorted and stopped.
She leaned in closer and the face that Kai made was priceless. Of course she just slapped his face again before walking.
author's note: short and useless chapter. idk why but i dont like it but i couldn't find a better way to make it sound. next chapter will be better you guys! this had more of samsoon, chaeyoung, and hyosoo's story in it. expect the other members in the next chapter !


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shut up bts 131202 : you guys can anticpate a new chapter coming up soon !


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clstar #1
Good Job!~~
Chapter 27: Muahahahhahahahahahahaha~~~ yes!! Valentines day!!! If I could hve jr like in dream high 2-
/moving on~ moving on~
im looking forward to seeing the pairings~~ it's gonna be wiiild!
Lol you go RaehwaXD valid argument made B) and awwww cutie Miso and our little chocoholic Hyosoo ^^
Jiwon seems to suffer a lot around the childish leader XD inhye is always so calm and composed...its scary O.O and chaeyoung will surely learn about love soon :)
Chapter 26: Ahaha I see that Saera has made her first appearance *she's so annoying omg* Chaeyoung you're such a pushover but luckily your prince Jimin is here to rescue you <3 gosh I love them so much...
Awww our rapper Samsoon is wearing makeup! Hush V leave the girl alone at least she's trying kay? Haha yes Samsoon dear Hoseok will be doing the infamous ab dance ;)
I really like how you gave a description of each girl's clothing, it helps me visualize them better. Oh Raehwa you little cutie, standing out in your white dress and pink vans xD
Auditions must be pretty nerve-wracking o.o Go Jiwon and Hyosoo for their dancing!! But poor Chaeyoung, I hope the group can get it together before the next round~
I got really excited when I read that the boys was performing Bulletproof :D I wasn't really a fan of that song at first, but it grew on me. I supposed Suga was right to brag about them, the crowd and JYP absolutely loved everything about them! Omg Inhye you admit that Hoseok is talented >\\\< I WANT THEM BACK TOGETHER SOON.
Aish Suga you're such a meanie, don't make Miso do her famous fly kick on you!! The Turtle Ninja isn't afraid to hurt youu~!
JIWON WHO IS YOUR BOYFRIEND? Jin is honestly killing me, he seems to know quite a lot about the Floral leader. Hope the mystery will be solved soon :D
Seriously, don't worry about the chapter being rushed. I actually thought it was fine, I'm satisfied with whatever you write :) fighting!