How It All Started

The Things I Hate About You

I bowed goodbye to my teacher and walked out of my high school. As I made my way home, I felt drops of rain softly hit my head. I groaned and sped up. The rain quickly got heavier, and I ducked under an awning, probably a little too late since I was pretty much soaked from head to toe. I shook the rain out of my hair and shuffled my wet shoes.

Something red then caught my eye. I looked down and saw blood being washed away by the rain.  My eyes widened and I quickly checked myself, making sure I wasn't the source. Relieved that it wasn't me, I looked around, wondering where all that blood was coming from.

*OMG...What if there's a dead body somewhere here?! And then the killer is standing near him with a gun! T-then when he sees me...MIN HEE...Stop watching those crime dramas.*

I shooed the thought away and followed the trail of blood, which led me to a boy with a cap crouched down against the wall, trying to wrap his leg up with a gauze. I walked closer to him and wondered if I should help him or not. 

*He could be a criminal for all you know...*

"E-excuse me?"

*Darn my nice self...*

The boy looked up with a piercing glare, and I noticed him as one of the kingkas at my school, lucky for me he was the mysterious cold one that didn't all. 

"L right?"

He continued to stare.

I gulped, "Do you need help with that?" I motioned at his leg.

He responded by throwing me the gauze he had in his hands. 

I reluctantly walked closer to him. Now, I don't get scared easily, but this guy has always freaked the hell out of me. He's so...quiet and mysterious. The glare he gives everyone looks like he's planning to put them in a death note too...

I bent down and examined the cut. It was deep, running down the side of his ankle, "What'd you do?" I blurted out.

He didn't answer and instead just stared at me. 

I shifted uncomfortably and took off my black jacket, pressing it onto his wound. He flinched, but didn't muster out a word.

A few minutes passed, and when the bleeding had stopped, I set aside the now blood soaked jacket.

*I just got that jacket...I should've asked for his jacket huh?*

I stared at the wound, "Do you have any antibiotics for cuts?"

He tossed me a topical antibiotic from his pocket. I didn't even bother to wonder why he carried that around with him.

I took out some hand sanitizer and cleaned my hand, yelping when I felt a sting. I then remembered that I had gotten a paper cut earlier that day, and I mentally scolded myself. He stared at me amused, and I quickly put the sanitizer away, focusing back on his leg.

At first I tried to gently apply the antibiotic since it must've stung, but I ended up pretty much smearing the whole thing on really quickly just to get it over with. I know...I ...

After wrapping up the cut with the gauze, I grabbed the blood soaked jacket, and wrapped it around the newly applied gauze, "There, you can walk out in the rain now." 

He nodded.

I was expecting a thank you, but it never came, so I slung my bag over my shoulder, "Do you live near here?"

He shook his head, "No," he muttered.


"Oh...where do you live then?"


I stared at him, "You...don't have a house?"

He shook his head, "No."

Funny, I always figured he was the rich type, being a kingka and all.

"Do you have anywhere to spend the night?"

He shook his head, "No."

I bit my lower lip, *The guy DOES have an injured leg...and it's pretty cold and damp out here...PLUS it's still raining...*

I extended my hand, "You can spend the night at my house if you want too."

He stared at my hand, and I slowly retreated it, "Or not," I smiled and turned around, apparently giving him enough time to stand up and step in front of me, "Lead the way..." He looked at my name tag, "Min Hee."

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JungJiWoo1991 #1
uodate soon unnie!~~^^
I miss this story.. ㅠㅠ
bubblegirl12 #3
its like blackmailing??

or stalking??!1
it's been a pretty long hiatus D: where've you been? ):
Y U NO UPDATE ANYMORE? :( This is my first love Myungsoo fanfic. T____T;
keisha96 #6
Yahh!!! you should really update gurl....>.<<br />
I guess I should also say that to myself haha
still waiting for your update :D
I really love this story and I'll wait, cause my love for those guys is infinite lol xD , anyway hope you will update soon ..~~rennaluvspocky hwaiting <3
I'll wait