Two Months Later (part 3)

My Only One

Kris and Baekhyun pulled up to Chen's house in the middle of the night. "You sure we should be here Baek?"

"It will be fine. We just have to hurry in there and find something that leads to where Chanyeol is...." Baekhyun jumped out of the car and slid under the 'Do Not Cross' tape. Kris sighed and felt his heart pounding as he followed. The door was unlocked and both helped themselves in.

"What if we get caught and sent to jail?!" Kris grabbed Baekhyun's wrist. Baek brushed him off and continued deeper into the abandoned house. "But no really. I have a future ahead of me! I can't afford to go to..." Kris slipped and fell on some liquid.

"Kris! Are you alright?!" Baekhyun helped his friend up. "What did you slip on?" Both men pulled out their phones to use as a flashlight. It was a clear liquid with a tint of red. "What is that?"

"Is that.....that's....blood?!" Kris gagged a little.

"Kris get yourself together! We don't even know if that is blood or not! Let's see if there is a trail." Baekhyun searched for a trail from the liquid as Kris continued to gag while looking at his hands. "Look!" Kris slightly turned his head to see what Baek had found. "Dried blood!! Let's follow it!" Instead of gagging this time puke came out of Kris all over the floor. "So much for making a clean getaway Kris..." Kris wipped his mouth on his sleeve and slowly followed Baekhyun down the stairs into the basement.

"I don't feel good anymore...I should go wait in the car."

"Man up Kris! If all those girls who like you found out you are such a wimp they wouldn't like you anymore!" He slugged Kris on the shoulder then continued down the stairs.

"I have my looks still..." Kris tried to defend himself.

"Do you....smell that?!" Baekhyun asked covering his nose.

"No cause all I smell is puke." Baekhyun stepped down from the last stair and almost slipped himself. "Watch it Baek, you might fall into the blood." Both scaled the wall for a light switch, finally Kris found it. Each let out their own disgusted sound and began to gag. Blood covered the walls, ceiling and floor. Neither said anything as they slowly walked over to a table on the otherside of the room covering thier noses.

"What is all of this?" Baekhyun picked up photos of Chanyeol and Chen in bed, clearly Chen was the one taking the photos. There were even pictures of Chanyeol and Baekhyun on dates, Chanyeol inside his house that were taken from outside. "Chen stalked him?!" There was a loud bang making Baek jump and drop all the photos.

"Sorry that was me. Look at this.." Kris trailed off opening a door slightly more open. Inside was a shrine all about Chanyeol. The two stared at it not knowing what to think. "Stalking or obsession, sorry but your brother was one sick guy." Without another word Baekhyun ran up the stairs and out the door. "Hey! Wait up!" Kris followed.

"I didn't know Kris! I didn't know my brother would be this psychotic! I knew he liked Yeollie but to go this far?!" Baekhyun bursted out in tears. Kris hugged him not knowing what to say.

"Let's go look somewhere else okay? Maybe we can find Chanyeol there." Kris helped Baek into the car then got in himself. Next destination was Chanyeol's house. Nothing here seemed out of place.

"I am going to look in his bedroom. You can look where ever you want." Baekhyun headed upstairs knowing exactly where to do. Kris on the other hand stood in the hallway peaking into rooms not knowing where each lead. Baek walked in the bedroom remembering all the memories him and Chanyeol had in there within the last year. He began to dig through everything looking for anything. Money, reciepts, and random pieces of paper were the only things he was finding. When he opened the closet door there was a huge box right in the middle of the floor. "What is this?" Baekhyun kneeled down to look at the contents. Everything that he had given Chanyeol laid inside. A small box was found at the very bottom of the box. When Baek opened it there was two rings, each one had their names carved into them; 'Chanyeol' and 'Baekhyun'. "He was...going to propose when I woke up?!" A tear fell. "Chanyeol, where are you?!"

"Baekhyun get down here now!" Kris yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Baekhyun rushed to see what Kris had found. "Look." Kris handed him a folded up letter splattered with blood. "It is a suicide note..." Baekhyun dropped it.

"No. He didn't kill himself. He isn't the type to do that!" He ran upstairs not wanting to think of that. The only place left to look in the bedroom was the bed. Of course! Why didn't he check there first? Chanyeol always kept things under his pillow. Another note was found.


'Chen wont go away. I tell him to leave my house but I see him standing there on the porch looking in the windows. He just always watches me. I am scared to leave my house now. When I do go outside he barges in and......and......he hurts me. He knocks me out, when I wake up my body aches so bad. I have cuts/gashes, welts, and huge bruises. I don't understand why he would do this. He loves me right so why hurt me? I think I am going to confront him today but what if he knocks me out again?! Baek....I really need you now.'


The wheels in Baekhyun's head started to turn, he dropped the letter while his stomach began to feel uneasy. "Hey, I haven't found anything...maybe he did just...." Kris entered the room right as Baek puked all over the floor. "Whoa! You okay?!" he rushed over and put a hand around his shoulder and patted his arm until he was done puking.

"Chen.....Chen he...."

"He what?"

"The man...the man he killed..."

"...........No Baek. No way that it was Chanyeol." Baekhyun pointed to the letter. Kris picked it up and began to read. "How does this say anything about Chen killing Chanyeol?!"

"IT DOESN'T! But the man was tied up in Chen's basement right? What if Chanyeol confronted Chen but Chen didn't like that so he knocked him out again, shoved him in the car and took him back to his place to kill him!" Tears flowed down Baekhyun's cheeks.


The next morning both men headed to the mortuary.

"Hello. My name is Kris Wu and this is Byun Baekhyun. The body that was found along with Kin Jongdae's...would there be any way to see it? We think we might know the person...." His voice cracked trying to hold back his emotions. Baekhyun grabbed Kris' hand and squeezed it tightly. The man at the front desk nodded and lead them to the back room. Both friends were warned that the body was gruesome. When the man revealed the body both guys turned away to gag. "Okay said....Chanyeol....."

"Cover your mouth if you can't handle it Kris. Just let me look, I know Chanyeol like the back of my hand." Baekhyun examined the body taking a few breaks here and there to gag more. Kris stood back with the man from the back desk not wanting to get in Baekhyun's way but in reality they just didn't want to be near the body. "It is too hard to tell....has a blood test been done yet? I can't find any...." Baek trailed off while looking at the left hip. There was the last piece Baek wanted, the birthmark Chanyeol had on his left hip. It was the only place on the body that wasn't damaged in any way. "This is him..." Kris stood up straight feeling a lump in his throat. "This is Park Chanyeol."



3 weeks later


The funeral was painful for everyone to attend. Baekhyun shed a few tears but sat quietly in the back of the room not wanting to come to reality. Just like at Chen's funeral Baek stayed there after everyone headed out. He sat there for an hour in silence trying to grasp everything that had happened in his life lately. He had nothing to say nor did he want to say anything. For some reason the locked memories of him and Chanyeol became unlocked. He bursted out in tears, crying for hours on end saying he was sorry here and there. That night he cried himself to sleep in the funeral home.

An employee woke him up the next morning asking him to leave. Baekhyun sluggishly walked out and headed home. After bumping into everyone on the streets he finally made it to his front door. Once inside he went into his bedroom and grabbed a picture of himself and Chanyeol. Sitting down he looked at the photo remembering when it was taken on their 6 month anniversary. They went to a movie then bowling afterwards he remembered. He tightened his grip on the picture frame.

"I am so sorry Chanyeol...please don't hate me when we meet again." Baekhyun swung his right hand under his pillow and brought it out again holding a gun. He put it to his head, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. The picture frame fell to the floor covered in blood while Baekhyun laid limp on the bed blood gushing out of his head.



A/N: My story is finally done! It is okay if you all hate me for killing all three of them. I originally was only going to kill off Baekyeol in the same way but Chen needed to die also....I felt like going to prison wasn't the best choice since in his case the person would have killed themselves and the one they loved. Also if you didn't understand why Chanyeol stopped visiting Baek it was because when he confronted Chen, Chen did in fact do exactly what Baekhyun said with knocking him out and taking him back to his house to be tourtured. Oh I would like to apologize for my twisted mind.


Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it~~ 

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Chapter 12: Hahaha this is funny. I started a Chen fic where he is suffering due to Chanbaek relationship. But there is no jealousy... just Chen suffering alone because he love Chan.
In a parrallel universe, Chenyeol are together and it is Baek who is suffering as he love Chen. Yey lol
Chapter 12: How in the world did Baek even get a gun from in the first place!
This is too sad ;-; Can't even cry, that's how sad this is...
Chapter 12: chen!? wae keuraesso!?
beagle line need to be together!!!
# idk why, but I felt like the pic you put in this chapter seems as if it has broken into pieces.. their friendship, ends with just a small crush
kyungbaek #4
Chapter 12: So the man is chanyeol..
And baek killed himself to "meet" chanyeol....
Andreagoon27 #5
Chapter 12: Yah you made me cry.
Such a sad story
Chapter 12: omg! I don't even know what to say. I liked it but the killing totally ruined it. Sorry =)
kyungbaek #7
Chapter 11: Aaarggh..
Chanyeol-ah, where r you??
Chapter 10: New reader here! Poor Chen! /sobs/
And I hope that Baekyeol will be back together. Anyway, I hope the other guy who died with Chen was not Chanyeol. Some people are selfish enough to kill the one they love so that no one else can have him. I hope Chen was not one of them.
kyungbaek #9
Chapter 10: Whaat? Chen killed himself?
kyungbaek #10
Chapter 9: Lesson 1: if you like someone, do not ask your friend or brother or sister to be matchmaker..
This is the result, like chen and baeki. Kkkkkkkk