The Beginning Of Chaos

Please let Her Like Me!


Yoseob POV

We all walked back to our Hotel " Wow! Im soOOo Tired today. 6 hours of non-stop dance routines. " " Yeah Im Going To sleep " Shouted Doo joon.

" Wait Dont go to sleep! Most of us want to go out partying! " said Jun hyung. Its true I really wanted to go Partying, but in Jun hyung's mind partying means... Clubbing. " You people and your all - nighters. If you havent noticed we have to wake up at 7 tommorow for dress rehearsal " Doo joon mentioned. " Uwa~ Hyung! Dont be a party pooper. Its only 7pm right now and it wont be fun if we all dont go. " I said I mean its only fun when all your friends come along right? There was a short pause and

Doo joon finnaly said yes! Party!!


Risa's POV

Im Finnally at the airport. tears rolled down from my eyes as I said my good bye's to my family, and friends. as I headed on to the plane I also gave my last wave to America. Since Im heading to Korea to study aboard. I founded my seat rather easily and just closed my eyes for the night ahead of me. Since I wont be in Korea until 9:30 am tommorow.

" Attention passengers thank you for joining our flight today. Please fasten your seat belt and enjoy your stay. " I heard the pilot say.

I need to make the best of my stay in korea. Those we're the last words I thought before I drifted off into slumber.

- Time skip 8:00 am -

I started to wake up from the small voice and the soft tugging

" Um ma'm its time for breakfast. " My eyes opened a little as I stood up a bit. the nice lady attendant gave me my breakfast. I took the fork out of the the plastic and started to poke my scrambled egg. Opened my mouth and took my first bite. For the rest of the time I Just listened to my Ipod while. I sighed I wonder if going to Korea will give me a life changing experience.

" Passenger's please fasten your seat belt we will be arriving at Seoul Incheon International airport in about five minutes "

I did exactly that. Fastened my seat belt and got ready for landing. I was actually getting really excited I took a look out of my window to see the city it was honestly a beautiful sight. Before I knew it the plane had landed and I was making my way to find a taxi. I was going to have to stay with my cousin cho hee and her older brother kwan.

" Taxi! " I said waving my hand around for one to stop.

" Can you take me to... Um to this place " I said ( In korean from here on )

The guy nodded and drove me to to my cousins house or in other words my new house. Once we got there I stared at the nice looking house. It wasnt all rich house like a mansion. It was like a medium size house with a gate and a nice garden. The second I got out of the taxi the gates opened and out came both of my cousins. There parents were always on bussiness trips so they usually lived alone. Not anymore though!

" Risa! I havent seen you in soOoo LONG! " Cho hee said while running out to give me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. Both of us let go than I turned to give kwan a hug to. They both grabbed my bags and told me not to worrie about it and just relax. I smiled at them and just walked along side them. I took out my phone and saw that it was already 10:30 am already. Cant wait Ti'll Lunch!


Yoseob POV

" Wa~ Im so tired " I yawned reaching out to grab another pillow. " Ow! What the Hell?! " Hyun seung yelled. " who Did That? Who hit me with a pillow? " I went stiff forgetting hyung wasnt a morning person. Why did I throw that pillow at him? oh yeah... pay back for making me dance with your date because you we're trying to be nice and match me up. I already have a someone I like thank you very much! T_T gah that bastar-

" EVeryone Wake Up We're Gonna be late for Dress Rehearsal! "
I heard kikwang yell

Everyone woke up a second later. If we were late one more time. We were doomed to be killed by our manager.

After everyone got done with dressing and showering. we all ran to cube entertainment or more like made the taxi go possibly a 1000x faster.

"WE'RE HERE " All of us said In unision

" Yeah Not late. Wich means you dont need to poke us with a stick! "

" Anything But the stick "
" Guys stop over reacting! " Our manager came over.

"Sheash. Seems like the stress is getting to you. Why dont you just take the week off and rest for a bit we can continue this next monday. " Manager said while walking away. Once he dissapeared into one of the board rooms we all started cheering. This is going to be a great week !


Risa POV

Finnally its time to eat. I dont know why but being jet lagged really gets you Hungery. I asked if cho hee and kwan wanted to come to but they seemed busy so I decided just to order something for them there. Hmm I could really go for something.. like.. dumplings ... but where to buy it..


Yoseob POV

" Guys! lets go eat " I screamed out Im starving I havent ate anything for nine hours. Possibly. " Yoseob dont be a baby. What do you want to eat anyway? " Dong Woon said " Hyung! Dont be mean to yoseob He's the baby in our family ya know! " Kikwang said with a small chuckle. I started to pout. Im naterually cute I cant help it its in my look and personality sometimes I become more mature and responsible other times I will be well in Dong woon, Kikwangs and probibly every other fangirls perspective childish and Cute. " Im... in the mood for dumplings... " I said unconsciously. " Any particular reason why? " Doo Joon asked. " I dont know just craving it i guese. " There was a small pause and everyone stopped walking. " Why'd you guys stop walki- "

" YOUR NOT PREGNANT ARE YOU?! " they all said in unision

" What? NO WAY. DONT JUST ASSUME THINGS?!..... AND IM A GUY! " I yelled back

They all started cracking up and I standed there pouting. Gah curse this cuteness

We got there and the guys found us some seats.

I went up to order to the nice lady she told me that it would take about 10 minutes until there done. So i went back and sat down. I pulled my cap down a bit more so no one would reconize me. I love my fans and all but sometimes they can get scarey...



Risa's POV

I fininally found a dumpling store. and the food look rather appetizing. " One order of dumplings please " The lady looked at me and gave me a small smile " Sure thing dear. your order will be done in about 5 minutes since we just started cooking. " I just smiled back and said " Ah~ I see thats fine im able to wait. "

I walked over to the only empty table available and saw about 6 guys next to me. They we're rather handsom but the only thing that made me notice them was there loud talking. I gave a small giggle... Wow my girly side has been taking over me lately. I soon got lost in my thoughts until the nice lady told me my order was done and did the same to the 6 beside me.

As I got my food I suddenly felt something heavy on me. That and the sudden loss of balance soon enough I was on the ground my food everywhere on the floor, and a cute blonde boy on top of me.

" Im Sorry! " The guy said

" Neh. Its fine. " I said Trying to brush off some dirt on me, Than I looked at his face... and his friends that we're trying to help him. wait a minutet.

" Eh?.. Arent you.. Guys.. " Before I could finish 12 hands we're on my mouth and I could hear them telling me to well... " Shhh "

" Please dont scream. " said the blonde boy. which was named Yoseob.

Wait he thought I would scream just because I saw him. Sure I like there music and think there handsome but why would I scream? so I asked " Why would you think I would scream? "

" Its just normal for us to see fan girls who do that " Jun hyung stated

" well there really is no point for that. " I said back

" Well arent you a fan? " Yoseob asked

" Yeah, but im not fangirl crazy. " I said standing up, but not succeeding

" Ow... " I put a hand on my leg. Damn how do I twist my leg from just falling and on my first day in Korea too. I suddenly felt someone pick me up I turned to see it was none other than Yoseob.

I'll take you to the docters to patch things up. Than you can stay at our place for the night. " B-but its okay I already have a place to stay. " Did I just... stutter? " I think Yoseob is right its better for you to stay at our place since its technicly our fault that your hurt. "

" Actually it was more like Yoseobs fault..." jun hyung said

" Oh well.... yeah thats true. So Its decided Yoseob She's going to stay at your place. " Kikwang said with a deviouse grin " Wait b-but my place only has one bed room. " Yoseob said his face turning red.

" Yoseob~ You bumped into her take responsibility! " Doo Joon said with a smile.

By this time Yoseobs face was already beat red. " I-i gues we can make it work. " After hearing that yoseob called a taxi to the hospital. as soon as I got there I got treated and before I new it, it was already 11 pm. I looked over to a sleeping yoseob and thought he looked adorable but a bit cold

" Nurse " I said

" yes. "

" Can I get an extra blanket for my friend here "

She nodded and after a minute or to she came back with a blue blanket. I limped over to him and put the blanket on him. " Gah~ what if I really do become a crazy fan girl " I got closer to him for a better look. His sleeping face was rather calm. Like he had no worry in the world My lips inches from his.. " What am I thinking... Im a idiot... to fall for someone at first sight."

I Stepped back and sat on the bed took one last glance at him and smiled " I really am an idiot. "

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Update soon~
OMO Your Back! Finnalyy! I love the new chapter it was a bit sad but<br />
It was good ^^ Well played! Update SOON!
Arghh!! Yoseob you BABO!!! <br />
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Update soon!! <3333333
Ok I was listening to I Shouldn't Have Said It by MBLAQ, and combined with tthis story, I started to cryyy like seriously!!!! And that lady at the counter was so smart, I like her hahaha ANY_WAY<br />
UPDATE SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-erish
jesscandy421 #5
Omo!!!!! No don't break up!!!!!!! *tears up* WAE?!!!!!!!! *sobs*they will get back together! HWAITING! ㅠ.ㅠ
What the?! They broke up????????? Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Ugh!! Tears rolling down on my cheeks and my costumers might think I'm crazy...arghh!!<br />
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Update soon~~
oh oh oh oh oh oh h oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm crying. THATS TOO SAD!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! I Want you to update again! AnD sooner!!!! I want to know what happenes next!!!!!!! There's no way that they're just gonna break up like that, right??
Update soon!!!!!